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Chapter 27 Red and Blue Contest

After breakfast, Balian first came to Hama. Recently, he needed to make weapons and weapons, as well as shovels, hoes, shovels, saws, chisels and other tools for land reclamation and city construction. The workload here in Hama was huge.

However, Balian has assigned five more subordinates to him. On the one hand, they will work and on the other hand, they will serve as apprentices. Balian promised Hama that for every qualified blacksmith he trains, Balian will reward him with fifty gold coins.

Nal, so Hama is also very motivated.

There are now twelve people in the blacksmith's workshop. Although there are only three qualified blacksmiths, the production efficiency is still good due to the casting method of cast iron molds. The leatherworker's workshop is next to him, and the armor pieces and iron made by the blacksmith's workshop are

The helmet was delivered directly to him. In the hands of him and ten strong women, the two were responsible for a process, and they were assembled into wearable cloth armor and helmets. The whole process naturally formed an assembly line operation model.

A few days later, both the standing army and the militia were recruited. According to the drill manual formulated by Balian, they all had to undergo queue training at the beginning. Queue training was not bad for the soldiers of the standing army. After all, they had been trained.

I have experienced actual combat for a while, and I know the importance of strict formation training to an army's discipline and appearance. However, the militiamen did not realize that within two days, many people who joined the militia complained. These complaints

It was also passed to Balian through Tur and Bran, and Balian thought of a way to let everyone know the benefits of queue training.

Benefiting from nearly ten years of military career in his previous life, Bellian knew that military training is an important way to train ordinary people into qualified soldiers. Queue training can first allow soldiers to develop a good style, and a good style is an army that can complete combat missions.

fundamental guarantee.

The formation training of the Norlandenburg standing army and militia was in charge of Eomer and Bess. The content of their training was based on the content of the formation training of the invincible army in the previous life. The training code was compiled by Balian, which has extremely strong standards.

This requires that the soldiers of the Norlandenburg Standing Army and the Militia must unconditionally perform standard actions during training, obey the training instructor's instructions, and resolutely follow the orders and prohibitions. By strengthening the compulsory and authoritative nature of the orders,

Cultivate obedience and discipline among the soldiers of the Norlandenburg standing army and militia.

Balian remembered that the great man in his previous life once said: "The victory or defeat of a war is a matter of weapons and logistics, but in the final analysis it is a matter of people, especially people's will." Strict discipline, tenacious will, courage to fight, and

The fear of hardship and sacrifice are the unique will qualities of soldiers. This quality is an obvious sign that distinguishes them from ordinary people. However, these excellent will qualities are not innate, but are honed over a long period of time through a series of strict and formal military training.


As a basic military skill, the training requirements of queue are extremely strict and formal like other military skills. The training of each queue movement is not achieved overnight, but requires long time, high intensity, and thousands of times.

Developed through repeated training.

In the army of the Middle Ages, except for the honorary guards of the monarch and a few nobles, the image of most soldiers was mostly associated with words such as "vulgar", "hooligan", "eating, drinking, whoring and gambling". This was not only due to their low status and lack of life.

It has something to do with security, but more importantly, their consciousness is that they are soldiers and receive pay, and their military commanders do not organize any drills.

In the Forbidden Army of Bric Palace where Balian is located, the Palace Knights, which can be called the elite among the elite, can only do half a month of operations, not to mention those armies whose security and loyalty are far less than those of the Palace Knights.

Leon heard from his father that many of the county soldiers in the county were good at training once every two or three years. They were just here to make a living, and coupled with the lack of training and loose discipline, there was no need to expect their image to be much better.


The correct military posture and neat military appearance are the external manifestations of the inner qualities of every qualified soldier. Queue training is one of the important ways to cultivate a good image of soldiers. Through daily queue training, the behavior of Nolandenburg soldiers is in line with

The regulations require that "the military appearance is neat, the queue is integrated, and the discipline is strict", so that the Nolandenburg soldiers can be reborn and develop a tall and upright image and an aura of calmness and self-power.

In my previous life, there was a tradition of military training starting from middle school. It is not difficult for everyone to accept it. Moreover, the image of soldiers is very tall. Soldiers

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With a very high social status, ordinary people like to imitate the behavior of soldiers, making it easy to implement military training.

But in this world, formal military drills were all about formations and martial arts drills. When he was a boy, Balian followed his father to see thousands of people drill in the north of the city of Wallombre. The scene was a mess, with thousands of people and horses running around.

The entire school ground was filled with dust, and the water cups on the viewing platform were filled with dust. It was unclear what effect these formations would have in actual combat.

Think about a thousand roads at night and sell tofu in the morning. Although Balian's plans and ideas are very good, there are still problems in the actual implementation of military training. After only a few days of training, there are already complaints, and some officers of the standing army

They also don’t fully understand the benefits of queue training. They think that these trainings on standing and walking are not what soldiers should do. Soldiers do not train how to use weapons and improve their martial arts, but do these meaningless things.

They are completely different. Not only do they have resentments, but some soldiers are even ready to give up their jobs. After all, they have to stand motionless for several quarters of an hour under the sun every day, or walk or run in a neat row. I don’t know why. Who can


Balian asked Éomer and Bess to gather everyone, and he climbed up to the high platform and said to everyone: "I think the brothers have been having a hard time these two days. It was so hot the first day in the morning. It would be foolish not to hand out swords and guns so that everyone can practice quickly.

I was standing under the sun because I didn't think carefully. I apologize to my brothers." After saying that, Balian bent down and bowed to everyone.

Seeing Balian like this, the recruits below were also embarrassed and lowered their heads one by one.

Balian looked at everyone on the stage and said: "War does not rely on individual bravery, but on the concerted efforts of a group of people, so discipline and obedience are very important, and queue training is to turn everyone from farmers and fishermen into soldiers who obey orders and prohibitions."

Important means, brothers will continue to suffer this."

After Balian finished speaking, the people in the audience looked at each other, a little puzzled by Balian's words. They thought that the lord apologized like that because he wanted to stop this stupid training method.

Balian continued: "Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Let's try it ourselves and see if the formation training is useful. Eomer, you choose five people from my standing army. Barret, you choose from the militia."

Choose ten people at random."

Eomer and Barret could not guess what Balian wanted to do, but they still followed Balian's order and immediately selected the people. These soldiers who were randomly selected did not know what they were selected to do, and they were all in a state of confusion.

The known situation. After these people arrived at the center of the training ground, they became two distinct parts. To the east were five people from the standing army. Although the number was small, they lined up neatly as they would during normal training.

The team, standing there upright, motionless, waiting for orders. To the west are ten people from the militia team. They are exhausted from the past two days of training. Now they are sitting on the ground in a group with their heads down chatting. It is a mess.

Huddled together. Mark and the military attachés who were following Balian on the stage saw them like this. In fact, they already understood the importance of formation training, but it was not enough for them to understand. They also needed to make all fifty soldiers realize it.

The importance of queue training.

Balian stood on the stage and said: "Now we are divided into red and blue teams according to the east and west directions. Eomer, please lead someone to distribute the unholstered gun barrels to everyone."

Eomer took the order and led the people down to distribute them. Balian continued: "Bran, you take the red flag and choose someone to be the leader of the red team and hand the red flag to him; Tur, you choose anyone from the blue team to do it."

Leader, give him the blue flag."

After distributing the wooden guns and flags, Bellian said to everyone: "I will tell you the rules. Whoever grabs the other side's flag first, the red and blue teams, will win. I will give a hundred dinars as a bonus. The prize is

To the winning team!”

After Balian finished speaking, the people below exclaimed, "One hundred dinars is a lot of wealth for ordinary people in this world. You must know that an ordinary family of five or six people can only earn four dollars a year through hard work."

Fifty dinars, this is still a good year. Balian took out a hundred dinars at once, which is equivalent to the wealth that an ordinary family can accumulate without eating or drinking for two years. This reward is not low. And the red team

There are only five people, and the blue team has ten people. The difference in numbers is too huge.

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Just give the money to the blue team.

Balian turned around and said to everyone on the stage: "Come on, let's all bet on whether the red team or the blue team will win. You bet first. The upper limit of silver is five dinars. No more bets are allowed."

Mark, Hama and others on the stage struggled for a while, and most of them bet on the blue team. However, the military attachés from Fort Nolandenburg who had previously complained about the formation training all bet on the red team to win. After they bet, Balian

, he took out five dinars and bet on the red team to win.

The red team and the blue team had different reactions after hearing the bounty of a handful of dinars. After the red team heard it, although their faces were excited, they remained motionless and quietly waited for the instructions from the team leader. After the blue team heard it,

The people who were sitting on the ground in pairs started to make a fuss, shouting and shouting one by one, urging the person who was appointed as the team leader to quickly order the fight to the opposite side. The leader of the blue team was also very enthusiastic and shouted: "

Brothers, follow me to grab the flag and share the silver coins!", a hundred people on the blue team shouted loudly: "Capture the flag and share the silver coins!"

Balian beat a drum on the stage, announcing the official start of the game. As soon as the game started, the blue team came in aggressively. They were three hundred steps away, and they didn't line up in any formation. They rushed up in a chaotic manner with wooden guns.

, wanting to rely on the numerical advantage to overwhelm the red team on the opposite side. On the other hand, the red team lined up in two rows with the red flag in the middle. The soldiers in the first row held guns in both hands, bent their knees forward, and pointed the gun heads straight ahead, ready to stab at any time.

The soldiers in the back row also held guns in both hands and stood behind the first row of soldiers. They also bent forward with their knees bent, with the gun heads facing forward.

The people on the blue team rushed over quickly following the blue flag at the head of the team. They saw that the two teams were about to collide. The blue team also sent two people from the left and right to outflank the red team. Just between the red and blue teams,

When the soldiers in front of the team were about to collide, the first row of soldiers on the red team's side suddenly took a step back, and then the second row of soldiers quickly rushed forward, and in an instant they knocked over the three people from the blue team who were rushing forward.

The soldiers in the first row who quickly retreated to the back also rushed forward and stabbed two people down. The two teams alternately stabbed, and quickly defeated the soldiers from the blue team who were rushing towards them.

Instead, the soldiers were pushed further away, and the outflanking effect was not achieved.

However, after three rounds of thrusts, the red team defeated eight people from the blue team. The leader of the blue team was also knocked to the ground, and the blue flag was taken away. All this happened so fast that the people from the blue team did not react at all.

, they thought they had lost now and wanted to rush over to grab the flag. The red team formed a circle with two flags in the middle. Two rows of soldiers formed two rows of circles, one behind the other, and came to grab the flag.

The blue team soldiers tried to attack several times, but without exception, many people were stabbed to the ground every time. The blue team gave up and decisively admitted defeat.

Seeing that the red team was one against two, and easily defeated the ten men of the blue team, Mark and the others who had bet on the blue team immediately looked ugly. At this time, they were mentally cursing these officers who were originally on their side.

You idiots, these guys should have known that the blue team would definitely lose when the two teams were pulled out. They cursed in their hearts, but they had to admit that Balian did have a good way of training soldiers, and the soldiers he trained were indeed good soldiers.


Goba, Barrett's sharpshooter and a leader of the militia, bet two dinars on the victory of the blue team. When he saw that the blue team was defeated by the red team with only one-fifth of the number, he decided

He regretted that he had taken the lead in complaining about their team training. He knelt down on one knee and apologized to Balian: "Please punish me, my lord. I was blinded by lard. I didn't know that my lord had good intentions and slandered the captain.

The vice-captains and the others really deserve to be beaten, so I request that I be removed from my position as team leader and ask your Excellency to give them a caning."

Balian quickly helped him up and said: "Brother Goba, get up quickly. It's all my fault that I didn't explain it clearly to everyone. You don't understand the benefits of doing this. It's right to be resentful. If it were me, I would have given up my choice long ago.

I quit. Besides, whether it's me or you, everyone's purpose is the same, which is to train soldiers well and defend our homeland. Now that you know the benefits of queue training, just cooperate with your respective captains and instructors to train hard.

Yes. You want to give up your choice, but I don’t agree with it!"

After getting up, Goba said excitedly: "Sir, please rest assured. I will train well and make my soldiers as elite as the Red Team. Only in this way can I live up to your expectations and protect Fort Noland!"

(End of chapter)

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