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Chapter 28 Outward Bound Training

With Goba's first statement and the factual results, people who had previously opposed the idea expressed their willingness to cooperate unconditionally with the queue training. After this incident, the queue training was well implemented, that is, within ten days, the entire No.

The appearance of the soldiers of Landenburg's standing army and militia has been completely transformed. These soldiers have a standing posture and a sitting posture. They walk with their heads held high, their eyes are firm, and they look straight ahead. Although they do not have the strength of elite soldiers.

, but already has the temperament of an elite soldier.

Their changes are obvious to all. Whenever they queue in and out of the castle, the women and girls look at them with admiration and admiration. Most of the Norlandenburg standing army and militia are strong and unmarried.

Men, encouraged by the eager looks of women and girls, they worked harder during training, especially when the women came to deliver food. They were even more active. This made Balian very depressed. If he had known better, he would not have held any competition.

Well, just call the young and beautiful girls in the territory to watch them train. As expected, hormones are the primary productive force.

Through queue training, everyone's sense of discipline and basic military qualities have been cultivated. However, as an army, the collective sense of honor and the spirit of unity are also very important. A team without a sense of collective honor and unity will not perform well during training.

Okay, it's just a puddle of sand when you pull it onto the battlefield. Fortunately, there is experience in the past life to draw on, and Balian has prepared a unique "expanding training" for everyone.

On this day, after accepting the results of the training of the Norlandenburg Standing Army and the Militia, and announcing the distribution of weapons to start martial arts training, Balian had three large pots set up on the school grounds, with fragrant pork stewed in one pot.

Beef was stewed in a pot, mutton was stewed in another pot, and there were a pile of things covered with canvas and a silver box next to them. The fragrance filled the school grounds, and everyone couldn't help but swallow their saliva after smelling it. Although the shellfish

The training meals that Lyon arranges every day are also good, but they are just enough to satisfy your hunger. They are not so delicious. I am really greedy.

Balian stood on the stage, took a deep breath of the meat aroma, and asked everyone with a smile: "Does it smell good? Do you want to eat it?"

The soldiers on the school field smiled sheepishly, which meant they definitely wanted to eat it.

Balian walked slowly to the canvas and opened it. Here were five barrels of beer, and then opened the silver box. The silver coins of one hundred dinars showed an attractive metallic luster under the sunlight.

Balian pretended to be in trouble and said to everyone: "We only have three pots of meat and five barrels of wine. The average score is definitely not enough. We can only reward the team with the best performance in the game for a while. Do you want to play, brothers?"


After hearing what Balian said, the soldiers of the Norlandenburg standing army and militia couldn't help but commotion. Not to mention the ordinary soldiers who were born from ordinary people, even the farmers who came out of the town of Frondo with a relatively prosperous life showed greed.

, after all, training every day is too hard. The meat of Fort Nolandenburg mainly consists of fish, shrimps and dried meat accumulated in the river. In this world, it is no different than in the previous life. River food is a middle-class food compared with pigs, cattle and sheep. These soldiers continue to

After eating for so many days, I already felt like vomiting. Now that I have pork, beef, and mutton to eat, wine to drink, and silver coins to get, how can I not be anxious?

Balian looked at the drooling soldiers, cleared his throat, and said, "In addition, I will personally dig into my own pocket and take out a hundred dinars to give to the brothers of the winning group as a reward."

This was a big deal. All the soldiers of Fort Nolandenburg's standing army and militia cheered. Although they didn't know what the competition was about, everyone's face showed an eagerness to try.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost up, Bellian walked to a leather drum, lifted the rope, and at the same time picked up a small ball sewn with cowhide on the side of the drum, and said to everyone: "The first game is very simple, just bounce the ball. One group.

Five people, each person can only pull a rope, lift the rope, and then bounce the ball. When the sand in the hourglass leaks out, the one who bounces the most balls will be the winner. Those who bounce the ball less than ten times at one time will not count."

Whether it is ancient society or modern society, the army is a very hierarchical place. The hierarchical distinction between ordinary soldiers and officers is very obvious. It is impossible for an ordinary soldier to eat or play with an officer. This is why Bellion said

Finally, whether it was Mark and others on the stage or Eomer, Bess and the others below, they all looked at each other. Although the army was full of vulgar people, letting officers and ordinary soldiers play together always seemed a bit disrespectful.

the meaning of.

"Let me tell you how to play the game first. The standing army comes first! Eomer, send someone over quickly!" Balian followed the order, starting with the standing army of Fort Norland. There was a lot of noisy pushing and shoving.

After the commotion, Tour came out first, and then the four ordinary soldiers he led also came out obediently. Under the guidance of Balian, five officers and soldiers of the Norlandenburg Standing Army held the ropes and lifted the drum up.

formed a circle, circle

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In the center is a leather drum.

Both officers and ordinary soldiers felt at this moment that the skin drum was no longer within the control of their own will. Even because of nervousness, a few ordinary soldiers could still keep a distance from the officers around them. At this time, Balian squeezed

Entering the crowd, he raised the ball in his hand above the drum. "How many times do you think you can bounce it?" Balian told everyone playfully that the game he was going to play today was played by Balian in the army in his previous life.

I know how difficult this game is. A soldier on the left side of Balian said: "Lord Balian, thirty or fifty hits should be no problem." The soldier replied confidently.

"It's a little trick. Our team will defeat at least a hundred of them!" Tour, the highest-ranking team leader in the crowd, said confidently, and the soldiers who participated in the game all agreed. "Okay, I'll wait and see with everyone.

Let's start!" Balian didn't waste any time and directly gave the order to release the ball. Seeing the ball fall, the five people pulled the rope and lifted it up, but the result was cruel, the ball only bounced on the drum surface.

, and fell to the ground.

"Come on!" Tour said angrily and was very unconvinced. He rolled up his sleeves and tightened the rope. He made progress the second time. The ball bounced on the drum five times, and then everyone was still in a hurry.

The hit fell to the ground. The third time, the fourth time... When the tenth time was over, the best result of Tour's group was only ten times. Frustration inevitably appeared, and abuse and accusations began to appear, especially

Tour's loud voice occasionally let out angry roars, and he angrily rebuked the soldiers he led, while they held the ropes pitifully and innocently, all of them dejected and at a loss.

"Not to mention everyone's strength is different. No one is shouting slogans in unison. Just play like this. If you can get up and down ten times, it will be good." Among the onlookers, Eomer, Barrett and others frowned, but

It seems that no good solution has been thought of.

Seeing how embarrassed the soldiers in the first group were, the officers and soldiers in other groups who were watching were whispering. Most of them had the same view, that is: it is impossible for a group of people to hold a rope, lift a drum and hit the ball.

"You sum up the reasons for yourselves. Why can't even ten of them be raised? No matter officers or soldiers, let's talk freely." Balian opened the cork of a barrel of wine, and the aroma of the wine suddenly spread out, attracting Tour.

The five of them swallowed hard one by one. Balian filled a glass of wine, sat on a chair, and drank tons of it with great enjoyment.

"Sir, I think the five of us are standing too far apart. We all raise our arms at different heights, and the force exerted by us must be uneven. This will cause the drum surface to be skewed, and naturally we will not be able to hit the ball." One is tall.

The soldier was the first to express his opinion.

"Captain Tour, I think everyone should have the same length of rope so that they can move together." Another soldier also said boldly. "Well, everyone should give unified orders, keep the same distance and spread out, and then use force together.

." Tull thought for a moment and expressed his thoughts. The soldiers of Fort Nolandenburg's standing army and militiamen who were present all nodded their heads after hearing this. Slowly, everyone was talking to each other.

After summarizing many correct methods, everyone regained their confidence to continue trying.

Seeing the scene of their exchange and summary, Mark happily said to Balian: "Master, I bet that Tull and the others can knock at least ten times this time." Before Mark could finish his words, he saw that everyone in the stands was unconvinced.

Looking over at him, even Eomer was unsure, with a look of hopelessness on his face. "Start!" Balian ordered again.

As before, the ball bounced off the drum in a small arc, but Tour and the others moved neatly in the direction of the ball, and then the ball fell on the drum again, and Tour, who was responsible for bumping the ball,

Then he raised the drum and hit the ball just in time. Five times, six times, seven times, eight times, nine times, ten times... When the thump sound of the ball hitting the drum surface came, everyone watching on the stage widened their eyes.

With his eyes closed, all the soldiers present held their breath, fearing that the ups and downs of the ball would fall to the ground.

However, in the end, the ball still fell to the ground after more than thirty times. Although it did not bounce a hundred times, no one in the circle of onlookers had the attitude of watching the fun anymore. On the contrary, everyone was very happy, as if

This group of Tours just did something really great.

As Tour, a former mercenary who had experienced several life-and-death battles, roared excitedly, it was clear that this roar was coming from the heart. After everyone heard his rough roar, many people also

I roared at the top of my lungs to respond to him and interact with him.

After giving each group a period of time to get familiar with each other, the official game began. The first was the Tour group as a demonstration case. They controlled the rise and fall of the ball like an exquisite machine. The other groups were not to be outdone and were equally methodical.


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The number of times the ball was thrown. In the end, it was not the relatively experienced Toul team that won this round. This made Toul very angry, and their team only came in second place.

After the first game, everyone has established a sense of collaboration and collective honor. The relationships within each group have become very harmonious. The relationship between the team leader and ordinary soldiers, or between ordinary soldiers, is no longer rigid.

, became one of his own. On this basis, Balian struck while the iron was hot and asked everyone to start the second competition. This time, all the soldiers came to the south side of the school field. There was a wooden board here, twelve feet high and long

The top of the nine-foot wall is a platform where people can stand. The rules are also very simple. In groups, all soldiers must climb over this wooden wall and then get down from the platform above. Ropes or ladders are not allowed.

, can only rely on internal collaboration within the team.

This is a typical agricultural feudal society. Food and clothing are a problem for ordinary people every day. They are generally not tall. For them, the height of twelve feet is a height that is difficult for ordinary people to climb. Everyone watching from the viewing platform of the school grounds jumped from their chairs.

They stood up and leaned on the railing to watch. In their eyes, this game was even more incredible than the previous game of playing drums and balls.

"Let me use an analogy. Now there is a large group of enemy people coming behind you. Only by crossing this obstacle can you survive. However, someone in the team may have to sacrifice for this. What should you do?" Balian said on the platform on the wooden wall.

After I explained the rules to everyone, I used an analogy. However, everyone’s eyes were full of doubts about this game and they couldn’t believe it.

Tour stepped forward and said: "If a person is dead and a bird is in the sky, he will not die for tens of thousands of years. We are afraid of birds! This time, our group will come first." Then, Tour summoned all the brothers from the previous round of competition.

After discussing in a corner of the school field for a while, we finally decided on the method and started the competition.

I saw two tall soldiers who came to the wooden wall first and squatted down. Behind these two soldiers were the brothers Pao Ze from their own team. A soldier ran forward and stood on the shoulders of the squatting soldiers and squatted on the ground.

The soldiers struggled to lift up the people on their shoulders, and the people above took the opportunity to climb up. After two people climbed up in this way, the person making the ground pile below was replaced by Tour, and the people below held up, and the people on the platform pulled them up. It only took a while

In time, everyone in the Tour group passed the competition.

Afterwards, there were earth-shaking cheers on the school field, and everyone applauded the Tour team together. At the same time, everyone went from self-doubt to confidence, and everyone was eager to participate in the competition. Next, in the preparation stage, everyone

Emotions are running high.

"I'm squatting underground!" "I'm coming too!" A tall and sturdy soldier from the second group stood up, followed by another tall soldier. The two of them walked to the wooden wall.

He squatted down and put his hands on the wall, looking steady. At this time, the team leader of their group came over. Without saying a word, he stepped on the bodies of the two companions who were playing ground stakes and climbed up the wall. The two

The ground stake then pushed up the team leader with his shoulders, and then gritted his teeth and lifted the opponent's feet with his hands. I saw the team leader who was already lying on the wall stretched his arms, and slowly touched the top of the wall with his hands, and then exerted force on his arms.

With all his strength, he got onto the platform, and there was a sudden roar of joy under the wooden wall.

With his team leader demonstrating, the courage of the soldiers behind him was fully inspired. The other two soldiers stepped on the ground stakes and climbed up the wall, while the team leader who had reached the platform on the top of the wall was responsible for leaning over to pull people. Even if someone accidentally came in,

If he fell while climbing over the wall, the two ground stakes below could catch the careless brother. One by one, the soldiers climbing over the wall were getting faster and faster, and each group was competing with all their strength.

With the speed, the soldiers who were responsible for playing the ground stakes also changed one after another. When it became dusk, all the soldiers crossed the wall, and the last group of soldiers who acted as the ground stakes also climbed over the wall.

Balian came up from the viewing platform, walked to the school grounds, and opened up the linen shirt of a ground staker. He saw that the man's shoulders were red and swollen from being stepped on. Balian asked those who had worked as ground stakers to expose their shoulders.

Come, no matter they are officers or ordinary soldiers, without exception, they all have left painful scars. But the expressions of these people are very proud.

"Look, brothers!" Balian shouted excitedly, letting everyone look at these soldiers who carried their brothers on their shoulders. "These are our brothers. Now they can carry us over on their shoulders."

High Wall, I will lay down my life for you on the battlefield. I believe that you will do the same. None of our men at Nolandenburg are soft goods, we are all upright men!"

After Balian finished speaking, the entire school field remembered the applause and cheers. As for the final outcome, no one probably cared about it anymore. Balian asked people to bring the wine and meat that had been prepared in advance, and everyone was allowed to eat and drink on the school field.

"This training and competition is more thrilling than fighting. Master Balian is really good at training. He is indeed a powerful person. I made the right choice to follow him!" Mark secretly glanced at Balian and muttered a few words of happiness to himself.

(End of chapter)

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