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Chapter 50 Two Businessmen

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Balian rubbed the cup with his fingers, looked at Gamgee and said, "Come here so early, what's the matter?"

When Gamgee saw that Balian stopped talking to him and went straight to the topic, he couldn't keep it secret anymore. He put the box in his arms on the table and opened it to Balian.

There was half a box of silver coins inside, with a ruby ​​necklace and a pair of turquoise earrings on it. Gamji pushed the money box full of property towards Balian and asked tentatively: "Sir, these things

, are you satisfied?”

Balian smiled heartily and said: "Gamji, are these things going to be given to me? If so, I am very satisfied."

Hearing what Balian said, Gamji breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed. He smiled and said: "Sir, there are five hundred dinars of silver coins here. This ruby ​​necklace and this pair of turquoise earrings are worth together.

Over six hundred dinars, these are my thanks for your help yesterday."

"You are too polite, Gamgee. This is also my duty. There is no need for you to be like this. Besides, I invited you to Nolandenburg not because I want your property, but because I want to do business."

." Balian said frankly that for this reason, there is no need for both parties to play tricks anymore. It is best to explain things openly and honestly.

"Your Excellency, you want to do business with me?" Hearing what Balian said, Gamgee was a little confused. "What kind of business do you want to do, Your Excellency? Do you also want to sell autumn crops? Or do you want to do something else? Your Excellency, you know, directly under the

The money-making businesses in the county are basically controlled by the Amundine Chamber of Commerce. If you want to enter, I'm afraid it will be difficult, as there are many adults involved..." At this point, Gamji became alert.

"I'm not trying to interfere and steal your business. You don't have to think too much about this. Right now, the food produced by our Nolandenburg is not enough to eat. I have to buy a large amount of food, and I am not selling autumn food.

Balian saw that Gamgee had misunderstood what he meant and quickly explained.

"Oh, if that's the case, then there's no problem. What kind of business do you want to do? You can sell packages of goods to me. If you want to buy or sell slaves, I can help you introduce them. The price will definitely be lower than the market price."

Hearing that Balian was not here to compete with them for the market, the serious look on his face that had just become alert returned to a smile.

"I want to sell some of Norlandenburg's output through your channels. At the same time, you and your friends are welcome to bring goods to Norlandenburg for trading. Everything in our place is new. Normally,

No merchants are coming," Balian said.

When Gamgee heard that Balian's appeal was so simple, he immediately patted his chest and said, "Sir, this is no problem. Our caravan can come to purchase once a month, and when we come to purchase, we will also bring other goods for trading.

After I went back, I told the people in our chamber of commerce that everyone would be happy to have a new place to do business. I am one of the executive vice-presidents of the Amundine Chamber of Commerce, so I have no problem with this matter.


Seeing the sincere look on Gamgee's face, Balian was also very happy. He quickly raised his glass and gave him a toast with milk instead of wine. Gamgee saw this and quickly raised his glass in return.

After putting down the cup, Ganmuji asked curiously: "Sir, what are the main specialties in your territory? Can you take them out and let me take a look first?" He stood up.

Seeing that he was eager to do business, Balian waved his hand and asked him to sit down, "You finish your breakfast first, and I will take you to take a look later. Actually, there is not much at the moment."

To be honest, Balian has not yet dared to invent many useful tools for time-travelers to make money. For example, glass, porcelain, etc. are not things that Balian does not know how to make, but he does not have the courage to invent them now.

Because the military strength of Fort Nolandenburg is still very weak, doing these things is just like holding money to get through the bustling city. It will only attract the jealousy and unscrupulous attacks of others. When the strength is strong enough to stand out from the crowd, you can take it.

Use these tools to attract money to help you grow further.

After breakfast, Balian took Gamgee to at least Green Hill Village. Now, except for the carpenter's workshop, almost all the workshops are in Green Hill Village. They will not be moved inside until the castle on the top of the storm is completed.


Along the way, Balian took Gamgee to see the castle being built on the top of Fengyunding, on the concrete road.

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After walking up the mountain, Gamgee's impression of Fort Nolandenburg was completely different. They arrived just after it was almost dark yesterday, but they couldn't go out for a walk. They thought Fort Nolandenburg was just a wooden castle.

Plus some wooden houses.

After Gamgee witnessed the nearly completed castle with his own eyes and walked on the wide, flat cement road, he believed that Balian was definitely a promising knight, and that Nolandenburg was no longer a barren, deserted place.

's location.

Due to arrangements made in advance, when Balian and the others arrived, Mark and Hama were waiting at the door. After greeting each other, Hama led Balian and Gamgee to a courtyard.

There is a long table in the courtyard. On the table are placed several types of products from Nolandenburg. They are divided into five parts according to painted pottery, soap, rattan weaving, woodware, and animal skins. Among them, painted pottery and soap are produced by Bellian.

Determined main products.

Pottery and painted pottery have a long history, dating back to the beginning of human civilization. In this world, porcelain has not yet appeared. Pottery is a widely used vessel, and painted pottery is also relatively common.

However, the painted pottery produced in Norlandenburg is obviously different from the painted pottery produced elsewhere. This is due to the fact that in his previous life, Bellian took a semester of ceramics courses at the Art Institute in college, allowing Bellian to bring advanced pottery skills to later generations.

come over.

The first is drawing. At least in the pottery workshops of the Kingdom of Brick, there is no drawing technology. When people make pottery, they knead mud strips with their hands and then use wooden scrapers to smooth them. Such backward production

Not only does this method lead to low production efficiency, the rate of defective products is quite high.

After Bellian made a set of animal-powered drawing equipment out of wooden boards, pottery workers found among the refugees could turn the whole piece of clay into what they wanted, which greatly improved production efficiency and the yield of finished products was also very high.


Next is the shape of pottery products. After Balian came to this time and space, the shapes of pottery he saw were nothing more than fixed shapes of cups, bowls, bottles, and pots. There was not much change at all. It was very monotonous. Balian changed many of them.

Draw what the pottery looks like in your memory.

After letting the workers imitate the gourds and ladles, they made them very popular. They couldn't believe that pottery could be made into so many beautiful shapes.

Finally, there are painted graphics. Subject to the times, people in this time and space have to have a strong sense of aesthetics. Due to religious restrictions on their thoughts, people lack aesthetics in art.

Bellion selected some ingenious young men and women, gave them some flower and bird patterns he had drawn, and explained to them the painting methods. After two weeks of training, these young people could also draw on pottery in a decent way.

Beautiful patterns on it.

Not only that, young people have strong learning abilities. After they master these painting skills, they can draw inferences from one example and create more beautiful patterns. These vivid and rich patterns are much more beautiful than the painted pottery products outside.

Sure enough, when Ganmoji saw these exquisite painted pottery, his eyes immediately lit up. He couldn't put it down and picked up this one to take a closer look, and then picked up the other one to touch it.

While playing with it, Ganmuji sighed: "I never imagined that pottery can be made like this. These patterns are so detailed and beautiful. It's incredible."

As he spoke, he picked up a set of wine sets on a wooden tea tray, which included a wine pot and six wine glasses. The base of the wine glasses was in the shape of a cute rabbit and was painted, which was very beautiful.

Ganmoji picked up a wine glass and said to Balian: "Sir, I estimate that many ladies in the city will like this wine glass. Hahaha, of course not only the ladies, but also the ladies. By the way, my lord, you

What’s the current price for pottery?”

When he asked about the price, Balian smiled and did not answer, but turned to introduce the soap to him.

In this world, although there is no soap, soap has appeared. People have learned to use animal and vegetable oils to make soap that can remove oil stains. However, most of these soaps are not beautiful in appearance, with gray-brown color, rough cuts, and some stains inside.

The black particles were placed there like square bricks, wrapped in thatch and sold, which naturally did not please the nobles.

Bellion led people to combine the steamed floral water with soap, and after fully filtering and clarifying it, poured the soap into beautiful shapes in the prepared wooden molds, and arranged them according to different floral fragrances.

This is not yet the finished product. Balian took full advantage of Norandenburg's abundant rattan resources and the large number of people who knew how to weave rattan, and had people weave many small rattan boxes. Each piece of soap was also wrapped in golanin leaves. This kind of

Leaves are a specialty of Balian's world. After drying them in the shade, brush them with vegetable oil.

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, it will be as soft as paper, but cannot be written on. In this time and space, lords and rich people usually use it as an item to wrap food.

Balian asked someone to bring a basin of water and handed Gamgee a soap box. Gamgee opened the box with some confusion. As soon as he unwrapped the galanin leaves inside, he smelled a refreshing smell.

The fragrance, he praised with admiration: "It's so fragrant, sir, is this the soap you are talking about?"

"Yes, Ganji, you can wash your face with it and feel it." Balian pulled him to the basin and asked him to try the feeling of washing his face with soap.

Ganmoji excitedly held up water and wet his face, then washed his face, which was a little red from the hot summer sun, with soap. Finally, after drying his face with a linen towel, he happily used

The hand touched his face, the posture was somewhat girly, and for a time Balian thought he might be a curvy person.

Just when Balian was guessing his sexual orientation, Gamgee danced on his hands and feet and said: "This soap is really good. After washing, the fragrance can be retained and the skin is much smoother. This is a noble person."

It is a good thing that rich businessmen like. Sir, you must leave this soap to me to sell. With such a good thing, we will definitely make a lot of money."

Seeing that Gan Mji wanted to monopolize the sales rights of these soaps in just a few words, Balian naturally couldn't let him get his way, but continued to drag him to see the remaining three goods. Rattan and wooden items were common things. Gan

Muji was not very interested, but Gamgee was willing to buy the last pelts in the long term. After all, guarding the Stag Forest, the number of pelts hunted by Fort Nolandenburg was still considerable.

After reading the things, it was almost noon, so Mark directly arranged for a few peasant women to cook some barbecue in the yard, and the fish just fished out of the Karl River were made into fried fish steaks and tofu fish soup.

There was also ice-cold beer in the well, and the food for lunch was very delicious. Drinking ice-cold beer at noon in the summer was very refreshing, but Gamji, the object of Balian's banquet, didn't pay much attention to the food. His focus was

It is the selling price and distribution rights of painted pottery and soap.

Balian first reported the price he had discussed with Mark, Hama and others to Gamji. The price of the painted pottery varied according to its size, whether it was in a set, etc. Balian made a list for him.

For example, for the set of painted pottery wine sets that Gamgee saw earlier, the price given by Balian was ten dinars, and the raw material cost plus labor cost, and the firing cost, would not exceed one dinar.

If the profit margin is ten times higher, the profit margin is considered acceptable.

As for Ganmoji being sold in the market, it is estimated that the price will not be less than fifteen dinars, otherwise he will not make a profit. Ordinary people will definitely not be able to afford it at this price. Fortunately, Balian will target the consumer group of painted pottery.

Directly targeted at aristocrats and wealthy businessmen.

The production process of soap requires relatively high raw material costs. A piece of soap has different prices depending on the fragrance of the flowers, because different varieties of flowers have different levels of value.

Take the cheapest cornflower-flavored soap, which only costs two dinars to take away, while the red rose-flavored soap costs five dinars. After all, roses are not grown in Norlandenburg.

, these rose water are all high-priced raw materials purchased from outside.

The price of the painted pottery and soap was not a problem for Gamgee and was acceptable. After all, it was impossible to price these two good things at a higher price, and the price Balian gave him was not outrageous. He added a few percent to the price.

After going up, the transaction price on the consumer side is not very high.

After all, one or twenty dinars is not a big number for nobles, and especially for soap, a daily chemical product that has been used for a long time, these dignitaries will throw away the rough soap after using it once.

From now on, I will use Nolandenburg soap every day. This is a good business that can bring stable customers and continuous stable cash flow.

Both parties had no objections on the price and happily reached an agreement, but on the distribution rights, Gamgee and Balian started to argue. Gamgee was very ambitious and wanted to be the sole agent for Nolandenburg.

painted pottery and soap.

Balian would never agree to this. He would hand over all sales channels to others and only be the producer. How could this be possible?

In a few years, after these unsophisticated technological upgrade methods are leaked out, or appear in other regions, Gamgee will definitely try its best to lower the production prices of Balian and others in order to maintain their own profit margins.

In his previous life, Balian had heard of too many cases like this in the market. Many manufacturers that produced original wine were very painful in the end because they only relied on one big merchant.

(End of chapter)

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