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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 84 It's over

Balian jumped up from his chair. He moved his body deftly and turned to the side, allowing the religious knight to miss him.

At this time, when other nobles saw that the two knights were about to fight, they quickly stayed away from them and found a safe place to watch to avoid accidentally hurting themselves.

When Count Grie saw that the religious knight was so unruly and dared to disturb his banquet, he slammed the gold wine glass inlaid with sapphires on the table and immediately called the guards to arrest him.

At this time, Bishop Yang Weixuo, who was sitting next to him, grabbed him. This senior clergyman in blue robes said softly to Earl Gerry: "Why are you in such a hurry? You don't want to see how powerful the religious knights are, or...

Are secular knights powerful?

Besides, that Sister Murat represents the woman from Wallenberg, and by stopping her like this, isn't she just not giving her face? It's better to wait until the two of them finish the fight. Anyway, whoever wins the fight, whose side you side with.


Earl Gerry had to admit that what the Bishop said made sense, so he gave up his plan to call the guards, and instead sat there quietly, watching the two men fight.

In fact, the bishop didn't want to see who was more powerful. He just met Sister Murat two days ago and accepted her property and request.

Miss Jesses was so angry that she gritted her teeth when she saw this hateful blue-robed bishop, just like she did in the tournament. However, she refrained from rushing up to accuse her of this shameless man like she did in the tournament.


And at this time, Miss Jesses also had confidence in Balian. After seeing Balian defeat Sir Sogg, she believed that Balian's martial arts was unrivaled in the world. She believed that Balian was absolutely capable of defeating the seemingly naive man.

Silly religious knight.

At this time, Balian also discovered that Earl Grie did not speak to stop the religious knight's reckless and rude behavior. He glanced and saw the blue-robed bishop grabbing Earl Grie's arm with his hand, and he understood what was going on.


It seems that today's battle is unavoidable. The more I don't want it, the more I want it. Since this stupid big guy dares to come with Sister Murat to trouble me, then I don't have to be polite and just do it.

It's over.

The two of them had no weapons and were facing each other with bare hands. Balian knew that this must be a way Sister Murat came up with to deal with her after listening to the advice of that despicable guy "Bear Killer" Sorg.

Because they were good at swordsmanship, they thought they couldn't defeat this tall guy without a sword.

Yes, it is true that if he were the previous Balian, he really wouldn't be able to defeat him, because he basically had not received much training in close combat, so he would definitely suffer big losses in a fight.

But the current Balian is different. He is a top soldier who has received systematic training in the modern army. He has strong close combat skills, and he knows some killing moves that can defeat the enemy with one move, and can kill the enemy in one go.

A cruel trick to defeat someone.

This religious knight wanted to take advantage of his tall size and strength to deal with him, but it was really crazy. He was destined to be kicked on the iron plate today.

When the tall religious knight saw that Count Gerry did not stop his rude behavior, he knew that this was the opportunity given to him by Sister Murat. He smiled ferociously, twisted his neck, and stared at Balian's expression, like

It's like staring at a prey.

Balian was not very far away from him at this time. Seeing this guy's crazy smile, Balian immediately wanted to tease him with words. It was best to irritate him. When people are angry and out of control, they are the most likely to make mistakes.


Thinking of this, Bellian lowered his voice and said to him: "You listen to that old woman Murat so much, is she your mother? It's just that your father abandoned her after having a romantic night with her, and then she gave birth to you.

In a monastery?

I think it should be like this. It's so sad. If that's the case, let me be your father. I can give you the father's love you have never enjoyed, a good son!"

Hearing Balian's words, the proud religious knight's lungs were about to explode. He grabbed a chair next to him and swung it towards Balian.

The force was so strong that after Balian dodged, the chair hit the table. The dinner plate and candlestick on the table were smashed, and the chair was also smashed to pieces.

"I'm going to kill you! Tear your dirty and vicious mouth to pieces!" Seeing that the attack failed, the tall religious knight threw away the table leg in his hand and rushed towards Balian with a roar.

His weight of more than three hundred pounds rushed towards him like an out-of-control tank, knocking all the tables and chairs in front of him topsy-turvy. The entire banquet hall was in a mess at the same time, with plates and other cutlery

There was a constant sound of clanking to the ground.

Balian continued to laugh and tease him while avoiding him, and from time to time he would throw anything he could catch at him to stop him from chasing him.

Balian dodged while shouting loudly: "In the name of the God of Fire, you shameless guy, if you continue to act like this in Lord Grie's banquet hall, I will definitely beat you up, you stupid fool.


When Earl Grie heard Balian's words, he blushed slightly. As the master, he did not take action to stop the religious knight's rude behavior, which was already disrespectful to Balian, the guest he invited.

Now, Balian actually wanted to protect his face. This time, Count Grie felt a little ashamed.

However, this was also the purpose of Balian's words just now. He defined his fight with the religious knight later in front of everyone as to protect Count Grie's face.

At that time, even if Balian beats this religious knight to death, Count Grie cannot say that this matter has nothing to do with him. Count Grie will have to share this responsibility and hatred for Balian.

At this time, after the religious knight chased Balian angrily for a while, his physical strength was obviously not as strong as at the beginning, and he also realized that he could not continue to chase like this. Not only was it very rude, but he would also make his own

Physical energy is wasted in vain.

Balian stopped when he saw this religious knight chasing him. He knew that he should fight this religious knight who hated him so much. After all, he had been running for so long. If he continued running, everyone would be in trouble.

It's time to laugh at him.

Balian also stopped and took a few steps closer to the religious knight. Balian stared at him coldly without saying a word.

At such a close distance, the religious knight did not have to worry about Balian slipping away again. He grinned and said in a low voice: "In a while, I will smash your skull to pieces, and then take out your heart."

"Hehe!" Bellion chuckled, and also lowered his voice and said: "Okay, my good son, since you don't care about your father so much, then take action quickly!

Let’s see if I beat your ignorant, bad son first, or if you can beat your old father.”

The eyes of this religious knight tightened. He knew that he could not defeat this bad guy in a quarrel with Balian, and would only make himself suffer more losses and become even more angry.

He raised his fist and swung it at Balian. This punch with all his strength was very powerful. Balian felt the wind of the punch as soon as he punched it.

Balian quickly retreated and dodged his body. Then, in conjunction with the twisting of his hips, he raised his knees and kicked the religious knight in the lower ribs. This kick was fast, accurate, hard, and solid.

Kick him in the ribs.

Although this tall religious knight had rough skin and thick flesh, this overbearing side kick hit his lower ribs like a heavy hammer. At the moment he was kicked, he could clearly understand

He could hear his ribs cracking.

The ribs were broken, and severe pain came immediately. His eyes flashed, and he was about to lose his standing and fall down, but he still gritted his teeth and stood firmly.

Balian was still a little surprised to see that this religious knight could still stand there steadily after enduring a side kick from him with all his strength.

After all, a killing move like a side kick is not only fast enough, but also powerful enough.

After an ordinary person receives a side kick, his ribs will be broken, and he will lose the ability to resist on the spot. Balian originally expected to defeat the enemy with one move, but he did not expect this stupid big religious knight to be so resistant. Could it be that he is

Biochemical monster?

Balian threw his thoughts aside. Since he couldn't be defeated with one move, he would use the next move. Anyway, it had severely damaged his body and gained him a relatively large advantage in the next battle.

At this time, Balian stepped forward and pretended to raise his leg to kick him again. When the religious knight saw Balian approaching and wanted to kick him again, he immediately stretched out his right hand to block Balian's kick.

At this time, Balian retracted his legs and quickly raised his left hand to grab his extended right hand. At the same time, Balian raised his right elbow and struck his left chin with a swift and powerful side blow.

The human elbow is very hard. When it is used to hit an opponent with full strength, it is like a sharp knife. Under high-speed impact, all the force is amplified, and the damage caused is naturally self-evident.

This religious knight received such a heavy blow that several of his teeth were knocked out and his whole body was stunned. But this was the beginning of the nightmare.

I saw that Balian's first elbow strike had just ended, and the right elbow that had just hit him came back in the opposite direction, giving him the same heavy blow on his right chin. The force of this blow was no better than the previous one.

If the shot is missed, the trauma will be greater.

Balian's side attack with his elbow can not only produce double damage output, but can also disorient the opponent who has been hit hard on the head in a short period of time.

At this time, Balian stopped and stared at the religious knight, only to see that half of his cheeks were red and swollen, and he was still vomiting blood in his mouth.

In addition to these, the bridge of his nose was broken immediately by Balian's second elbow and hit by the sliding elbow. Now it is bleeding uncontrollably. The nosebleeds flowed down his red and swollen face and landed in the banquet hall.

On the floor paved with pure white marble.

The bright red blood fell on the white marble floor, splashing into red blood flowers. This scene shocked everyone onlookers.

They simply couldn't believe that this nineteen-year-old knight was so skilled in martial arts. He looked even more powerful without a sword in his hand than with one.

This religious knight, who was much taller and burlier than Balian, was not even close to Balian. He was beaten into this miserable state with just two moves. It seemed that there was really no point in continuing the fight.

At this time, the already pale-skinned Sister Murat's face was even more frighteningly pale. She did not expect that the religious knight with natural divine power she had brought with her at the risk of offending Earl Grie and his wife would be defeated by Balian's three moves.

Make it look like this bear.

Now Sister Murat feels like she has swallowed a fly, feeling sick but unable to spit it out. This kind of unspeakable suffering, coupled with the feeling of shooting herself in the foot, makes Sister Murat extremely painful, but

There was nothing she could do.

Although there was no change in the face of the bishop sitting next to Count Gerry, he also scolded Sister Murat a hundred and eighty thousand times in his heart. What a waste! Not only are they two wastes, they are also two irredeemable people.

He was such a fool, not to mention offending Earl Grie and Balian, it was such an embarrassing result.

This chapter has been completed!
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