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Volume 1 The Forest Knight Chapter 85 Designing to Eliminate Murat (1)

The mood of Earl Gri and Jesses next to the bishop was different, because they had confidence in Balian.

Moreover, he didn't like these two disrespectful people who disrupted the banquet held at his house. Now seeing the religious knight being beaten up by Balian, he felt indescribably happy and relaxed.

Just when Balian was about to turn around and leave, the religious knight who was beaten and dizzy suddenly burst out laughing crazily.

He wiped the blood on his face with his sleeve, and then stared at Balian with his eyes like fire. He gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Bailian, you guy whose mother was raped by a pig, I'm going to kill you today."

I have to kill you!"

It was okay for him to insult himself, but Balian couldn't bear it when he talked about his mother like that. Balian's face suddenly darkened, and his murderous intent arose.

This religious knight grabbed a table knife from the table nearby and stabbed Balian. It seemed that he was really anxious. He would do whatever it took to kill Balian, just like Sir Thorg that day.


Balian, who had murderous intentions, didn't care whether he had a weapon in his hand at this time. After all, in such a close combat, for masters like them, the difference between having a weapon and not actually made a big difference.

Balian dodged the knife stabbed by his right hand, stepped forward, and punched him hard in the abdomen. Then he hit his chest with his shoulder, and the huge force knocked him to the ground.

He took a few steps back to stabilize his body, then coughed violently, vomiting blood while coughing.

It seemed that this was the earliest side kick. The ribs that were broken by the kick had pierced his internal organs in the impact just now. According to the current medical conditions, it is impossible to treat such serious internal injuries.

This guy will definitely die.

Balian looked at him who was coughing and vomiting blood, and he felt a little sympathy in his heart. This guy was really pitiful. He was deceived by that hateful Sister Murat and came to provoke him.

After receiving a heavy blow, he knew that he was not as powerful as his opponent, but he didn't know how to just give up when he was ready, admit defeat and leave. Balian didn't want to kill more people.

But he was good, he was stupid but easy to deceive, he was so mean when he was a dishonest person, he was hurt like a bear, and he dared to provoke Balian, he really deserved to be beaten like this.

Just when Balian thought everything was about to end, the religious knight who could still stand up had no intention of stopping. He actually continued to hold the knife and rushed towards him like Balian.

While rushing forward, he shouted loudly: "You are a dirty beast born from a cross between a pig and a dog, a disgusting species that grew up eating feces and urine. If I don't kill you, I won't die in peace!"

Seeing that he wanted to die, Balian had no choice but to grant his wish. After all, this religious knight himself could not survive, so it was better to kill him with one blow, give him pleasure, and let him suffer less.

Balian stretched out his left hand and blocked the religious knight's right arm holding the dagger with force. At the same time, he made a fist with his right hand and aimed a heavy blow at his choked throat. Sure enough, this blow was very effective.

The religious knight with a broken throat bone immediately fell to the ground clutching his neck, and then began to convulse violently.

While his body was twitching, he was vomiting blood and froth from his mouth. After a while, his whole body stopped moving. He was lying there motionless. He must have been dead and could no longer die.

At this time, in the banquet hall, the dignitaries of Yang Weixuo City were watching. They were all shocked by Balian's martial arts.

Most of them had witnessed Balian's performance during the trial by combat, and now that they had witnessed Balian killing a religious knight who was much taller than him with his bare hands, they couldn't help but admire Balian from the bottom of their hearts.

I don’t know who was the first to start applauding. From the first person’s applause, the second person, the third person... Soon, thunderous applause sounded in the banquet hall, and at the same time, some young men

The cheers of the nobility.

"The brave Ser Balian!"

"Invincible Knight, Balian!"

"The invincible warrior!"

Amid everyone's cheers, Balian greeted everyone calmly, trying his best to show his humility. After all, when people are proud, they should never show off. The most correct thing to do is to keep your tail between your legs and be a talent.

Amidst the cheers of the crowd, Sister Murat's pale face was so gloomy that it was almost dripping with water. It looked very scary.

On her gloomy face, those small eyes were staring viciously at Balian. This young knight had already made her lose face twice in a row and lost her powerful support.

During the trial by combat, Sir Sogg and the religious knight were both killed and injured.

While greeting everyone, Bellion caught a glimpse of Sister Murat's vicious eyes staring at him. He just looked at her calmly and saw the look in Sister Murat's eyes that wanted to tear him into pieces a hundred times.


Balian knew that when you successfully offend someone to death, you should either stay away from that person as soon as possible, because he will definitely try every means to retaliate against you, your family, and friends.

If you can't escape, then you have no choice but to kill this person and let him disappear from the world you live in forever.

Behind Sister Murat is the monarch's wife. Balian can only escape from this woman's threat unless he abandons his faith and joins the Toba pirates. Otherwise, he can only wait for Sister Murat's crazy revenge one after another.

Balian couldn't do anything that betrayed his faith and put his family and friends in trouble. He could only get rid of Sister Murat before she reported it to the monarch's wife. Of course, Balian would not resort to assassination.


If he sent a killer to let this old nun who hated him so much die simply, it would be too easy for her. Balian not only wanted to get rid of her, but also killed her to death.

As for how to murder Sister Murat, Balian already had a plan in his mind and was ready to take action after today's banquet.

At this time, Sister Murat was also thinking about how to kill Balian. She did not want to simply send a killer to kill Balian, and it was estimated that ordinary assassins could not defeat Balian, and she knew this now.

She had the same idea as Balian, she also wanted to kill people and punish him. Not only did she want Balian dead, but she also wanted Balian to be ruined and become a joke in the Principality of Brick.

But just as Sister Murat, who was unlucky enough today, was staring at Balian in the banquet hall and plotting evil plans, Count Grie stood up and spoke after everyone's applause and cheers stopped.

Count Gerry looked at Sister Murat coldly, and said with a bad expression: "Here comes someone, quickly drag the body of this religious knight out, and notify the people in Yang Weixuo's church to come and receive it."

Then, he turned to look at the bishop. Seeing that the bishop lowered his head and said nothing, he smiled softly, turned to Sister Murat and scolded: "There is also this woman who disturbed my feast for the warriors. Get rid of her too."

go out!"

At this time, Sister Murat looked at Count Gerry with a look of resentment. She did not expect that Count Gerry would make her, a high-ranking religious official who had educated his daughter for many years, unable to step down in public.

Count Gerry saw Sister Murat looking at him like this, with a contemptuous smile on his lips. He added another sentence that made Sister Murat even more embarrassed, "In the future, this woman should not come to my banquet hall. Who will let her

If she comes in, whose legs I will break!"

At this time, the surrounding nobles also cast contemptuous looks to add insult to injury. Sister Murat heard Count Grie's words and saw everyone looking at her like this, and her whole body trembled with anger.

At this time, she looked towards the bishop, wanting to ask for help, but she saw this companion in a blue robe, drinking there with his head lowered, not giving Sister Murat a chance at all.

The frustrated Sister Murat sighed, turned around and left in dejection. She also knew that it was all her fault that she was too rude at the beginning. Treating Count Grie's guests like this at Count Grie's banquet was like beating her up.

There was no difference in Count Gerry's face.

However, it was useless for her to regret it at this time. The only fault was her own wrong judgment.

After Sister Murat left and the body of the religious knight was dragged down, the servants quickly came up, cleaning up the blood stains and traces of the fight on the ground, removing all the cold dishes, rearranging them and serving them.

Seeing the efficient and professional behavior of these servants, Balian couldn't help but sigh. The life of the top nobles at any time was always luxurious. Of course, this was based on the exploitation of the ordinary people and has never changed.


Just when Balian was thinking wildly, he heard the voice of Earl Grie on the stage. This upright Earl was saying in a calm tone: "Everyone, although there has been an unpleasant episode, our banquet will still continue.


Our warrior Sir Balian once again showed us his extraordinary martial arts. I swear to the God of Fire, I have never seen such clean and neat unarmed combat.

Now that the nasty guys have been driven away, we all raise our glasses to salute our invincible Sir Balian!"

At this time, the servants had already packed the wine and brought it to everyone on trays. Everyone took the wine glasses, raised them, and drank together to express their respect for Balian's outstanding martial arts.

Balian also raised his glass to pay tribute to Count Grie and thanked him for his love and praise. After all, it was rare for a nobleman like Count Grie to give such respect to a low-level knight like Balian.

Afterwards, everyone sat down again, the banquet started again, food and wine were placed on the table, and the tablecloths embroidered with beautiful patterns were replaced.

He was indeed wealthy. Balian sighed inwardly. He didn't even have a tablecloth in his official residence at Fort Noland. It seemed that he needed to improve this time when he returned.

The purpose of everyone coming to the banquet was not to eat and drink, especially after watching a wonderful hand-to-hand duel, these dignitaries who usually enjoy delicious food and wine did not have much thought to sit there and eat and drink.

Count Gerry also announced the start of the ball at the right time. In the elegant dance music of the band, men and women paired up and danced somewhere, and Balian "coincidentally" paired up with Miss Jesses.

As the two danced together, Miss Jesses excitedly whispered to Balian: "Just now, I wasn't worried about your safety at all. Guess why?"

Balian looked at this beautiful girl with a smile and whispered: "Because you absolutely believe in my strength. It's not easy to defeat him."

"Hehe, yes! You are really my warrior." Miss Jesses said shyly.

Seeing Miss Jesse's shy and cute look, the two of them dancing close together, Balian suddenly wanted to stop the world in this period of time, and the two of them would dance happily together until the end of the world.

However, he quickly recovered. After all, it was too rude to keep looking at others. Although both of them understood each other's feelings, there were so many people here after all.

Balian had already planned how to deal with Sister Murat at this time, and he quietly told Miss Jesses his plan.

When Jesses first heard it, her brows tightened, but as she listened, her frown relaxed and she gave Balian a bright smile. She rotated her body with the support of Balian's arms,

When he stood up from his lowered position, he whispered to Balian: "I really have you, I will cooperate with you, don't worry!"

This chapter has been completed!
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