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Volume 1 Forest Knight Chapter 89 Madame Mirabeau (1)

"Ah!" Bran exclaimed in surprise. As the child of a captain of the city's security team, he has lived in relatively sufficient material conditions since he was a child. He is absolutely different from a child like Huck who grew up in a slum and cannot understand it.

Also normal.

Looking at the surprised Bran, Huck said with a smile: "The master and Brother Bran have never lived in the slums, so naturally they don't know the pursuit and desire for life that we children from poor families have.

Since childhood, we have known that poor people have to abandon their dignity in order to survive. Poor and crazy people have no regard for propriety, justice and shame. If they can survive, they are willing to be dogs for the masters.

I also envy the pampered life of the children of noble families in the city, but we children from the slums are not qualified to talk about life. We poor people live just to survive."

Huck's words hit Balian's heart like a heavy hammer. He had worked hard to earn money in the first two years after graduating from college, and he knew what it was like to struggle hard for survival.

The poor have no life, and the poor live just to survive. Balian once understood this sentence, so at that time he worked hard to get ahead. In the end, although he couldn't be considered very good, he had the RV and the income from work.

That makes sense.

With my income in my previous life, I could be considered an elite white-collar worker in that era. It was at that stage that I really started to enjoy life. It wasn't that I didn't want to enjoy it before. If I didn't have money, I wouldn't be qualified to enjoy it. It's fair in all time and space.

Balian was reminded of some memories of his past life by Huck's words, but not long after he recalled it, he heard someone knocking on the door of the private room where they were.

After Bran opened the door, he saw a person in his thirties, dressed as a maid, standing at the door. After the door opened, this woman saluted Balian. It seemed that she knew Balian, but Balian didn't know him.

She had no impression.

This is not surprising. The fight between Balian and the religious knight in Count Grie's banquet hall was watched by so many people. Balian did not even recognize the people at the table where he was sitting. Of course he would not be right.

A maid was impressed.

"Dear Sir Balian, my master, who is also the owner of this tavern, Madam Mirabeau, would like to see you. Are you willing?" the maid asked politely.

Madam Mirabeau? Balian felt that this name was very familiar. He seemed to have heard it mentioned by someone before, but he couldn't remember it for a while. Balian had experienced too many things recently, so naturally he didn't let go of a name that he felt was insignificant.

In the heart.

At this time, Huck quietly lay down and whispered into Balian's ear: "Sir, Madam Mirabeau is the lady in the box next to your box during the tourney. She is Count Grie's favorite mistress.


At the tournament, Huck, who served everyone the betting slips, drinks and food, was very familiar with the dignitaries in each box, and he knew who Madame Mirabeau was.

After Harker's reminder, Balian remembered Madam Mirabeau's identity, and couldn't help but feel a little confused. What was she doing with a noble lady like her in the city of Yang Weixuo who wanted to find him for no reason?

After much deliberation, there was no answer, so Balian had to agree to go see him first.

No matter why Mrs. Mirabeau met her, there was really no reason in Balian's eyes to refuse the invitation of a big shot as a pillow. Otherwise, after offending her, Mrs. Mirabeau would only have to give Griffith to Gerry on the pillow.

The Count's blowing of wind was enough for him to bear.

Since the maid said that Balian could only go up to the third floor by himself, which was the room where Madam Mirabeau was, Bran and Harker had no choice but to wait here.

The third floor of the tavern had a layout of two rooms and a large terrace. Balian followed the maid through the corridor and came to the wide terrace.

The terrace is full of flowers, including rosemary, oncidium, rose, orchid bell, chamomile, etc. In the cool autumn wind, a woman with a slim figure and a white linen dress is facing away.

They were there tending flowers and plants, and she was Madame Mirabeau.

After hearing the footsteps and stopping, Madame Mirabeau did not stop what she was doing. She asked the maid to pour Balian a cup of honey and chamomile tea, and asked Balian to sit down there first. She said

I'll be finished soon.

After Balian patiently drank half a cup of tea, Madame Mirabeau finally finished her work. After washing her hands in the basin nearby, she wiped her hands with the towel handed by the maid, and then slowly turned around.

At this time, Balian saw the face of this famous mistress of a powerful man in the province of Yangweixiao. She was indeed very beautiful.

Madame Mirabeau's shiny black hair hangs down naturally, as smooth and soft as black brocade.

She has a slender figure, and her long hair hangs down her back, tied with a golden hairband. Against the background of flowers, her whole person looks even more radiant.

When she turned around, I saw that she was in her prime, probably less than thirty years old. Her skin was as white as snow, her face was beautiful, and she was extremely beautiful.

The beauty of Miss Jesses is fresh and refined, as elegant and beautiful as a pearl. The beauty of Madame Mirabeau is the charming and heart-warming beauty in a mature state after the ups and downs of the world.

Fortunately, Balion was a man who had experienced great storms in his previous life, otherwise he would have been like an idiot and kept staring at others, which would have been too rude.

Mrs. Mirabeau saw that Balian just glanced at her, and then sat there quietly drinking tea, looking at the flowers and plants on the terrace intently, feeling deeply sorry for this young man who had a high reputation in the city of Yangweixiao in recent days.

The knight felt a lot of good feelings in his heart.

Since she was a girl, she had been coveted by many people because of her beauty. When she married her first husband, she clearly remembered that on the wedding day, her father-in-law, who later died on the battlefield, looked at her.

, like spitting fire, of course it is desire/fire.

Later, after her father-in-law and husband died in the war, she was harassed as a widow, especially some powerful viscounts and barons who tried every means to get her.

Even if she left her hometown and came to the city of Yangweixiao and wanted to open a tavern to live a life, she would not be able to survive. If she had not followed Count Grie, she knew that she would most likely become the mistress of a powerful man.

Mrs. Mirabeau walked thoughtfully to the small round table on the terrace. After she sat down, she looked at Balian with a smile. At this time, Balian also put down his tea cup, turned his eyes over, and spoke to Mrs. Mirabeau in a very gentlemanly manner.

Look at each other.

"Hello, Sir Balian, you must be curious as to why I invited you here." Lady Mirabeau asked.

"Yes, noble lady." Balian nodded in agreement.

Madame Mirabeau rubbed the painted pottery cup in her hand, and it was then that Balian noticed that the set of teapots and cups used by the maid to make tea for him were actually made of painted pottery products produced in Norlandenburg.

Did Gamgee open up the market so quickly? After Balian thought of this, he quickly rejected the idea, because with Mrs. Mirabeau's status, there was no need to buy it, Gamgee would just give it to him.

She sent.

This strategy of leading the consumption of the middle and lower class people through the consumption of high-end people has played an important role in commodity sales from ancient times to the present.

Balian also told him this when they were on their way to the city of Janvik, and gave him part of the quota of soap and painted pottery free of charge for him to use as a guest.

These two good things from Fort Nolanden can only be used by the top dignitaries in a province, like Earl Gerry's family and Madame Mirabeau, and then the people below will follow suit. Naturally, some people use them and some people buy them.

, a virtuous sales cycle where someone sells.

That's why Balian was willing to spend his own money and let Gamgee bring soap and painted pottery to these dignitaries. After conquering them, the next business was very easy.

As expected, this set of painted pottery products was indeed sent by Gamgee, because Mrs. Mirabeau saw Balian staring at the set of painted pottery tea sets and laughed, "Sir Balian, is this set of painted pottery strange? This is yours.

My friend Ganji gave it to me.

In addition, I heard from him that such exquisite painted pottery and soap that can make people smell good after washing are all produced in your territory. Is that true? If it is true, then you are really great.

It’s surprising.”

Balian looked at Madam Mirabeau with a smile on her face and replied calmly: "Dear Madam, these two things are indeed produced in my fief.

I think Gamgee must have told you that before Fort Nolanden was entrusted to me, it was just a desolate forest and grassland with a wooden outpost.

If you don't find a way to find some goods that can make money, Nolandenburg doesn't know how many generations it will take to develop. I am very lucky. From my master, Sir Logan, who is also known as the Dawn Sword,

I know how these two things are made.”

"Yes, he is really a lucky and brave young man." Madam Mirabeau put an arm on the table with a playful smile, supported her face with her hand, and stared at Balian.

Sitting opposite such a beautiful woman, she should be happy, but Balian couldn't be happy at all now. She had no idea why this woman came to him.

Is it just a matter of drinking tea and chatting? Although I have a certain reputation, I haven't reached the point where someone like Madame Mirabeau can take the initiative to invite me. What's more, she is the woman of Count Gerry. Who knows what she can do.

What's the idea?

Madam Mirabeau also knew that staring at a little brother who was almost ten years younger than herself made him shy and nervous, but she seemed to enjoy it.

Fortunately, Balian's suffering didn't last long, and Mrs. Mirabeau finally spoke out about her true purpose.

"Sir Balian, the reason why I invited you here is actually only for one thing. After Miss Jesses inherits the position of Earl Grie, I want you to protect me and my children." Mira.

Mrs. Bo said.

Balian's eyes widened in shock after hearing Madam Mirabeau's words. He wondered if he had heard wrongly.

Mrs. Mirabeau looked at Balian's shocked look, covered her mouth and smiled, and continued: "I can understand, if it were me, someone who had just met would ask me for such an important thing, and I don't know how long it would take before

I will also be shocked by what will happen.

My husband, a knight who died in battle, has a son. He is only nine years old now. Thanks to the help of Earl Gerry, I easily let my young son inherit my husband's title and territory. Now, that territory

Managed by an old servant who is loyal to me.

I am a miserable woman. Although I have some beauty and can win the favor of a powerful man like Earl Gerry, the price I pay is the hatred of his daughter, the future countess, for me.

When Earl Gerry gets older and older, and my appearance becomes more and more aging, and when I lose his favor, Jesses, his favorite daughter and his heir, only needs to move his mouth.

Someone came to get rid of us, mother and son.

I have an informant in Earl Gerry's mansion. I know that because of the relationship between Jesse and you, you are the first man that this girl can fall in love with.

She can like you, and you are also a righteous warrior who is willing to help the weak, so I would like to ask you to agree to my request. I believe that when I pass the age of thirty, I will soon fall out of favor."

This chapter has been completed!
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