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Volume 1 The Forest Knight Chapter 88 Designing to Eliminate Murat (4)

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Earl Gerry glared at Sir Sandiman and cursed angrily: "You idiot, idiot, didn't you tell that old nun that this was my order?"

Sir Sandiman said aggrievedly: "My lord, I told you, but Sister Murat said that even if the monarch himself came, she would not open the door or let him into her room.

She also called us a bunch of ungrateful people, saying that we acted as guard dogs for a little earl and thought we were superior to others."

Hearing Sir Sandiman's embellished answer, Earl Gray's face turned red with anger. He stood up and angrily walked out of the dining room, leading the inner knights to Sister Murat's room.

When Jesses saw this situation, he quickly took his mother, Lady Mary, with him and followed Count Gerry to see what would happen.

Arriving at the door of Sister Murat's room, Sir Sandyman slammed Sister Murat's door with his fist again.

At this time, Sister Murat, who had just returned to sleep with a belly filled with anger, jumped up and down, and the anger in her chest was suddenly ignited.

She got up angrily and came to the door. As she opened the door, she cursed angrily: "You guys, don't you know I'm sleeping? Who gave you such courage to disturb my rest!"

After Sister Murat opened the door, she saw Earl Gerry with an angry face. She realized that what she had just said was too exciting. She quickly curtsied and then asked: "Dear Earl,

Why did you come to me?"

"Huh!" Earl Gerry snorted contemptuously, and then waved his hand.

Earl Grie waved his hand, and Sir Sandiman and six other knights from the inner palace rushed in and searched Sister Murat's room carefully.

Seeing this group of knights rummaging through her things in her room, Sister Murat was so angry that her body trembled. She looked at Earl Grie fiercely, gritted her teeth and said: "Your Majesty, I have been offended.

You, you don't have to humiliate me like this!"

But Earl Gerry ignored her at all, and quietly waited for the search results of Sir Sandiman and others.

There was only an exclamation, and then an inner knight shouted: "I found a snake, there are several snakes here! They were just fed."

Then, another inner knight also discovered that in the box under the bed, he found a snake-worshiping idol with a human face and a snake body unique to the Snake Worship Cult, and an ugly doll, just like the day Sister Murat framed the maid Puli as a witch.

Exactly the same as before.

After Count Gerry walked in and saw these things, he immediately stared at Sister Murat with a murderous look, "What else do you have to say? After doing this for a long time, you are the evil heretic, come on! Here!

I'll arrest this witch."

After Earl Gerry gave the order, Sir Sandiman and others swarmed up, pushed Sister Murat to the ground, and tied her up with a thick rope.

While being tied up, Sister Murat anxiously asked Lady Mary and Jesse for help, but as soon as Lady Mary was about to open her mouth, Jesse pulled her by the skirt of her clothes and shook his head at her.

Lady Mary also understood her daughter's thoughts, and at the same time she did not dare to speak nonsense, so she did not open her mouth to plead for Sister Murat.

After Sister Murat was tied up, Count Gerry said: "Send her to the city square and prepare the burning rack. We will burn the heretic and her evil items."

Seeing that her husband really wanted to burn Sister Murat to death, Lady Mary quickly said: "My husband, do you want to inform the bishop? After all, Murat is also a religious official."

"Yes, yes, what you said makes sense." Earl Gerry nodded in agreement, "Sandiman, go and inform the Bishop, we will wait for him in the city square."

Sir Sandiman took the order to inform the Lord Bishop, while Earl Gerry led his inner palace knights, escorted Sister Murat, and headed to the city square with the evidence found in her room.

Jesse and his mother, Lady Mary, also went to the city square with their maids to see how the situation would develop next.

After the Lord Bishop heard what Sir Sandiman said, he was completely shocked. He absolutely did not believe that Sister Murat, a high-ranking nun who came from a noble family and was the best friend of the monarch's wife, was a

Snake cult heretics.

He quickly took several priests and followed Sir Sandiman to the city square to rescue Sister Murat before she was tied to the stake.

From a public point of view, Sister Murat and he are both clergy, and he has no reason to ignore death; from a private point of view, Sister Murat has sent him many good things in private, and the monarch's wife has written to him many times.

Let the bishop take good care of Sister Murat.

The bishop hurriedly came to the city square. He saw that Sister Murat had been tied to the stake, and there were piles of firewood piled high below. As long as Count Gerry gave the order, he could burn it.

Dead Sister Murat.

The bishop hurried to the high platform of the square. While wiping the sweat from his face, he said to Count Gerry: "Your Majesty, you cannot burn Sister Murat to death like this. I absolutely believe that she is innocent."

Earl Gerry opened a basket covered with black cloth and sneered at the bishop: "Look, I found these things from the room of this woman Murat. Is this innocent?"

Seeing several squirming black snakes, ugly dolls, and terrifying statues of snakes with human faces, the bishop could not help but shudder.

However, he quickly calmed down and continued to plead with Count Grie with a smile, "Sister Murat is a clergy after all. Whether she is a heretic or not, I think we have to judge it ourselves. It is best to send her back to Valombre."

Church, at the discretion of the Archbishop.”

After hearing what the Bishop said, Count Gerry also understood that Sister Murat had the support of a big shot. It was really offending for him to get rid of her like this. In addition, the Bishop had moved out the Archbishop in Purple, which was clearly a threat.

Earl Grie sighed and said: "If it weren't for the sake of your old friend, this old woman would have become a piece of coke.

Please take her away, I don’t want her to appear in Yangweixiao City again. If I see this woman again, I will not care about the face of my old friend."

"Hahaha!" The Lord Bishop laughed while stroking his hands. He patted Count Grie on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, my old friend, I will send her back to Valombre today.

You are still as kind as ever, and at the same time you also take into account the feelings of old friends. I owe you a favor in this matter, and I will remember it."

Earl Gerry didn't take the Bishop's words to heart. After all, these senior religious officials are even worse than the politicians like them. The promises and guarantees they talk about are all bullshit.

No need to believe it.

After Bishop Yang Weichuo got permission from Count Gerry, he happily took the two priests to rescue Sister Murat from the stake.

When the bishop arrived at the stake, he ordered the two inner knights who were guarding Sister Murat to put Sister Murat down. However, these two inner knights were usually not less angry with Sister Murat, so they pretended to listen.

Not seen, not going up.

The bishop couldn't help but get angry when he saw that the two inner knights could not be ordered to do anything. With the support of the two priests, he angrily climbed down the ladder and came to the torture rack.

When Sister Murat saw that it was the Bishop, she burst into tears on the spot and said thanks while crying: "Dear Bishop, thank you for coming to save me."

"Oh, my good sister, it's my duty to help you. I'll put you down." With that said, Count Gerry went to untie the ropes that bound Sister Murat's limbs.

Just when Earl Gerry was untying the rope, he suddenly heard a "hissing" sound under his feet. He quickly lowered his head and took a look. This was so incredible that the sixty-year-old man jumped up in fright.

Accidentally, the bishop fell from the pyre.

Although the pile of firewood was not high, the bishop was an old man in his sixties after all. After he fell, he immediately started wailing in pain. When the two priests saw that the bishop had fallen, they hurried over to help him.

Just as they were helping the bishop up, they saw a flower snake crawling out of the woodpile. It was spitting out messages and wanted to lie down in the small garden aside. This frightened the bishop just now and frightened him again.


The old man with gray hair and beard was trembling with fear. After he was dragged aside, he pointed at the pyre tremblingly, shouted with a trembling body: "Devil! Devil! Devil!"

At this time, Earl Gerry had also arrived at the Bishop's side. When he saw the injured Bishop and several snakes crawling out of the woodpile, he became furious.

He grabbed the torch from the inner knight next to him and threw it directly onto the pyre. The pile of dry pyres that had been doused with oil in advance immediately ignited a raging fire.

Just now, the Bishop had only untied the rope halfway, and Sister Murat hadn't even untied one of her hands. The Bishop was frightened by the snake and fell down, leaving Sister Murat still tied to the scaffold.

Sister Murat screamed and wailed in the fire. After Jesse and Lady Mary heard it from a distance, Jesse held her mother's hand tightly. This was the first time she left.

Death is so close, it is impossible not to be afraid.

At this time, Jesse also felt pity and unbearable feelings in her heart. Although she hated this nun who disciplined her to death, after all, she did not directly hurt herself and taught herself a lot.

Unlike Jesse's pity, the maid Puli's heart was full of joy. This Sister Murat slandered her as a heretic, made her suffer a lot in prison, and was almost burned to death.

If it hadn't been for Miss Jesses and Sir Balian's rescue, I might have been burned alive like Sister Murat.

Jesse glanced at his maid, Puli, and saw her sneering excitedly. He couldn't help but shake his head. If he were Puli, he would never pity her.

After Sister Murat and the snakes in the pyre were burned to death, Count Gerry asked his inner knights to escort the bishop back to the church, and he left the city square with his wife and daughter. At this time, the onlookers were

The guards at Earl Gri's Mansion also learned the whole story, and they all applauded. After all, burning to death a witch who would bring disaster to Yangweixuo City, why did they have no reason to be unhappy?

The pyre and Sister Murat turned into ashes. The sheriff recruited a few poor people to work as coolies, swept the ashes, loaded them into cars, and took them out of the city. They would throw the ashes into the sea.

On the second floor of the tavern on one side of the square, in a small private room by the window, Balian, who had watched the entire incident, was sitting there eating delicious food and drinking wine with Bran and Harker.

The mastermind of the whole incident, at this time, acted like a normal person, talking and laughing with the two teenagers. He could not see the joy and joy of getting rid of the enemy, and he did not feel guilty for indirectly killing a person.


After Huck drank a glass of wine, he said to Balian carelessly: "Master, you are really powerful. After I heard this plan, I knew that this nun named Murat would definitely die."

"Hey, don't call me so evil, okay? Without your good skills in putting those things away, it wouldn't have been so smooth." Balian said angrily after hearing what Huck said.

Bran also interrupted at this time and asked: "Brother Huck, how did you get so many snakes?"

Huck put down the roasted chicken leg in his hand, turned to Bran and said, "It only costs twenty copper coins. The children in the slums can catch as many as you want."

This chapter has been completed!
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