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0022 Epoch-making medicine

"We know too little about the human body, and the classification of diseases is too general... Take qi diseases as an example. Diseases such as the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, trachea, etc. are collectively called qi diseases..."

"Tracheal inflammation is a Qi disease, tuberculosis is a Qi disease, and your mother's asthma is also a Qi disease... But the trachea and the five internal organs are obviously not the same system. The causes and treatments are completely different. It would be too irresponsible to put them together..."

"The heart is just a blood supply structure...the brain is the organ for human memory and thinking..."

"The body structure of women is very different from that of men. There are many diseases with similar symptoms, and the causes and treatments cannot be generalized..."

"There are many diseases that only men can get but not women, and vice versa. There are many diseases that women can get but not men..."

"A woman's body has not yet grown before the age of fifteen, and the rate of dystocia during childbirth is as high as 70%. After the age of fifteen, the probability of dystocia drops directly to more than 30%..."

"Infants and young children have delicate bodies...the treatment methods for many diseases are different from those of adults. If they take the medicine of adults, it may be harmful to others..."

"We must first have a systematic understanding of the human body before segmenting it."

The unity of man and nature, the yin and yang and the five elements, the five fortunes and the six qi...

Bacteria? Viruses? Trace elements? Cells? Blood system, nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, endocrine system, lymphatic system...

Andrology, gynecology, pediatrics...internal medicine, surgery...

Chen Jingke doesn't understand medical skills. He just read some relevant reports and documents and knows some common sense things.

He didn't know which ones were useful to Sun Simiao and which ones were not, so he just told them all in case there were any omissions.

The more Sun Simiao listened, the more shocked he became. He felt that his understanding of medicine had been completely destroyed.

If he can still understand the unity of man and nature, Yin Yang and the Five Elements, then the bacteria, viruses and so on behind are completely listening to the scriptures.

But this does not mean that the unity of man and nature and the yin and yang and the five elements did not shock him greatly. On the contrary, what really shocked him was this theory rather than the trace elements, viruses and so on that followed.

Because he didn't understand the latter at all, and he found it more fresh and listened to it as a story. He understood the former, and it was because he understood it that he was shocked.

The traditional Chinese medicine theory of yin, yang and five elements in previous lives is well-known to every household. Later, it was adopted by various martial arts and fairy novels, and it became even more popular.

However, few people know that this set of theories was not actually established until after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, due to inconvenient transportation and poor communication, TCM did not have a unified theoretical basis. Doctors in each place had their own set of standards for treating patients.

This creates an embarrassing situation. The same patient goes to different places to see a doctor, and it is easy to get two different diagnostic results, and both of them seem to be reasonable.

But this disease cannot be cured.

The reason is the lack of a unified set of theoretical standards.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the state organized a large number of experts to bring together medical theoretical foundations from all over the country for research and analysis, and finally established unified standards.

Of course, it also draws on a lot of the essence of Western medicine.

From that time on, no matter where a patient went to see a doctor, the diagnosis would be the same—unless there was a misdiagnosis.

It is now the early Tang Dynasty more than a thousand years ago. Chen Jingke has come up with this basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine that combines the strengths of various schools, which is an epoch-making progress.

Sun Simiao was a famous doctor himself and could fully understand what this theory meant. You can imagine how excited he was.

This time he finally asked the question he had been holding back for a long time: "Who are you? Where did you learn these things?"

Chen Jingke smiled bitterly and said: "I don't want to lie to you. I can't explain to you where I come from, because until now I don't know why I am here."

"The things I mentioned are just common sense in my hometown. You can see them if you pay a little attention. Unfortunately, I am not a medical student and I only know these superficial things."

This is not a lie. In his previous life, he was not a medical professional. He just read some related articles on the Internet and knew roughly what happened.

He only knew a few terms about the theoretical basis of the unity of nature and man, and he only learned about many things after studying Taoist knowledge and medical skills from Sun Simiao.

Sun Simiao did not doubt his words, nor did he ask any more questions. He just touched his head and said: "From now on, you will tell others that Master taught you. You are an orphan I adopted among the people. You have been raised by my side since you were a child.


Chen Jingke nodded heavily and said, "Thank you, Master, I will be your disciple."

After reaching a consensus on the matter of identity, the two continued to discuss medical matters.

Chen Jingke imparted to him all the modern medical knowledge he knew without reservation.

"Bacteria, viruses, and trace elements are the three most important things. Most diseases originate from them and are spread because of them."

"And they are all invisible to the naked eye, but I know that an instrument called a microscope can see it... If there are high-purity crystal and gemstone craftsmen, they can try to create it..."

"There are good and bad bacteria... A dirty environment, dirt, etc. will breed a lot of bacteria and make people sick."

"For example, our hair will breed bacteria if it is not cleaned in time. There are also a lot of bacteria and parasites invisible to the naked eye in unboiled water."

"So we must pay attention to hygiene, do not drink raw water or eat raw food, wash hands and bathe frequently, change clothes frequently, prohibit spitting, urinating, etc..."

"...There are hundreds of millions of types of viruses that are everywhere, and there are about 400,000 types that can cause harm to humans..."

"Mosquitoes, fleas, lice, etc. are all vectors for spreading viruses and germs. Some viruses can even spread through the air... Most of our common plagues are caused by viruses."

"Trace elements are nutrients needed for human growth...Plants need 'fertilizer' to grow, and this fertilizer is actually various trace elements..."

"Human growth also requires trace elements...but the amount of trace elements cannot be more or less, and a balance must be reached."

"Insufficient intake of certain trace elements can cause diseases, such as night blindness. Generally, only poor people suffer from night blindness, and rich people are less likely to suffer from it..."

"...These trace elements are generally only found in meat and animal offal. Rich people who can afford to eat meat will not get night blindness, but poor people who can't eat meat will get it."

"Rich people are prone to beriberi, but poor people rarely get it...because whole grain bran also contains trace elements necessary for the human body..."

“Rich people pay attention to eating fine food and don’t get tired of fine food. They don’t eat much bran and coarse grains, which leads to insufficient intake of specific trace elements and causes beriberi...”

"If you don't eat vegetables and other green foods for a long time, you will get sepsis..."

"It's not good to take in too much trace elements. You'll still get sick..."

Sun Simiao was so shocked that he almost lost the ability to speak.

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