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0290 Zhaoling Six Horses

The black and white teams know each other too well, and their strengths are evenly matched. After ninety minutes of play, they were still tied three to three.

Neither side scored a goal in stoppage time. Entering overtime, both sides scored one goal each to tie the game at 4-4.

Then came the exciting penalty shootout.

Being infected by the warm atmosphere for such a long time, Li Shimin and others were inevitably drawn in. After learning the rules of the penalty shootout, they couldn't help but become nervous.

This time the winner was finally decided. In the penalty shootout, the white team scored three of the five goals, while the black team only scored two. In the end, the two sides ended the game with a score of 7 to 6.

"Wow..." The audience burst into warm applause.

Even the audience of the Black Team who lost did not blame the players, but shouted in unison: "Black Team, Black Team, Black Team!!!"

The players were also moved and stood in a row to bow to the audience.

Chen Jingke took the opportunity to come to Li Shimin and said, "Your Majesty, are you satisfied with this game?"

Li Shimin praised: "Yes, it's much more interesting than I thought."

At this time, Wei Zheng suddenly said: "Football is divided into forwards, defenders, and goalkeepers. Everyone performs their duties and cooperates with each other. It is quite similar to a military formation."

"A ball game also takes two hours to end. It can also greatly exercise the physical strength of the soldiers. It can be said to be both educational and entertaining... I think this sport is good and can be promoted throughout the army."

Everyone looked at him in surprise. They didn't expect that instead of objecting, he was the first to support it, which was indeed not in line with his nature.

Wei Zheng's face was calm and he said: "Don't think that I am an old-fashioned person who refuses to change the past. If it is really a policy that benefits the country and the people, I will not oppose it."

After speaking, he glanced at Li Shimin intentionally or unintentionally.

Li Shimin knew in his heart that he was speaking to himself. But the enfeoffment plan involved big things, and he would not trust the other party just because of a single statement.

So he pretended not to understand anything and said with a smile: "It's really good. Then we can let all armies participate in the competition."

Unexpectedly, Chen Jingke raised objections, saying: "If the superiors take advantage of the situation, the subordinates will have to pay more attention to it. If football is taken too seriously, I am afraid that the armies will rely on football to achieve superiority and neglect the battle formation."

"So it's better for the army to be more pure. They can be allowed to play football but not take it too seriously, especially the competition."

Li Shimin smiled and said: "Haha... Yes, you are considering things more and more comprehensively. This matter must indeed be prevented, but it cannot be overcorrected."

That being said, he didn't mention the military football match again.

Chen Jingke suggested: "Football games are actually more suitable to be held among the people. It has been twenty-one years since the founding of the Tang Dynasty. Although it cannot be said that the people have enough food and clothing, they have recovered some of their vitality."

"You need some mental enjoyment to have enough food and clothing, and football is a good sport. Especially in school, it is more suitable for sports."

“It not only prevents students from becoming powerless people, but also allows them to vent their excess energy and enhances their sense of community.”

Li Shimin thought for a while and said: "Okay, it's a good idea to promote football games in the school. Fang Qing, please note this down and tell Kong Jijiu later."

Fang Xuanling said: "Here."

Chen Jingke was also very happy to see the hope of promoting football, and secretly prayed in his heart that there would not be so many football memes in the future.

While we were talking here, the players on the court had already packed up again, waiting for the emperor's review.

Li Shimin commended everyone's performance in the past and praised the White team for playing well, but don't be proud and strive to achieve better results.

He also praised the black team for their perseverance, but they were just unlucky and lost a goal, so don't be discouraged and try to win next time.

Everyone was naturally happy to be praised by the emperor, but Li Shimin found that the white team was looking at him expectantly, as if they were waiting for him to announce something important.

This left him a little confused. Did he want any reward for a football game?

Chen Jingke knew what was going on, so he said at the right moment: "Your Majesty, they are the first two football teams in the Tang Dynasty after all. It doesn't sound good to always call them the black team and the white team. How about you give them a name?"

Li Shimin immediately knew what was going on, shook his head and said with a smile: "You... OK, then give them a name."

The white team was very happy, and the black team, who was originally disappointed, immediately became excited when they heard that they were also involved.

Li Shimin thought for a while and said: "According to legend, King Mu of Zhou had eight horses, which are auspicious things in the world. Among them, the white horse is Bai Yi and the black horse is Robber Li."

"Your team uniforms are black and white, let's call them Pian Li and Bai Yi respectively."

Before the players could be happy, Chen Jingke took the lead and said: "No, the Eight Horses are the mounts of King Zhou Mu, and the Hundred Horses are His Majesty's eagle dogs. How can they be named after them?"

"As far as I know, Your Majesty once had six mounts, which followed you in your expeditions to the south and north to defeat the various rebel kings, and finally unified the world."

"I think it is more appropriate to name them after your six horses, and the soldiers will like them more... Do you think so?"

This last sentence is for the players.

Naturally, everyone knew how to answer at this time, and shouted at the top of their lungs: "Yes, we will always be saints and eagle dogs."

Li Shimin was still a little hesitant when his name that he thought was very good was rejected, but when he heard the second half of the words, he became excited.

He had many mounts, but the most impressive ones were the six, each of which accompanied him to annihilate an anti-king.

Not long ago, he made the decision to ask Yan Lide and Yan Liben to make the six horses into reliefs and place them in the Zhaoling Mausoleum that was being built.

It is not only a commemoration of the Six Horses, but also a way to highlight one's own achievements.

It's just that this decision is only known to him, and he hasn't had time to tell others yet. Now that he suddenly heard Chen Jingke mention it, he immediately felt like a confidant.

The key is to compare the Six Horses with the Eight Horses, or compare him with the ancient emperor King Mu of Zhou. This flattery is really satisfying to him.

"Haha... Jing Ke can't say this nonsense. How dare I compare with King Zhou Mu."

Chen Jingke said seriously: "Most of the deeds of King Zhou Mu are just legends, and their authenticity is doubtful."

"Besides, the land of the Zhou Dynasty is no more than Jiuzhou, and the territory of the Tang Dynasty is several times that, and will be ten times and a hundred times that in the future... One day your achievements will surpass all the kings."

"In the future, everyone will only praise the Six Horses of Zhenguan, not the eight unwarranted horses."

Changsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and others also said: "His Majesty is wise and mighty, and he will definitely be the first emperor in eternity in the future."

Li Shimin's face turned red with excitement, and his eyes almost narrowed into a thin line. He waved his hands repeatedly and said: "Haha... It's too praised, it's too praised. How dare I compare with the sages."

At this time, Jing Hengyan and Sheng Liwei took the lead and said, "Your Majesty, please give us the names of the Six Horses."

All the soldiers also asked in unison.

Li Shimin pretended to be helpless and said: "Hey, you are... well, in that case, I will shamelessly name you six horses."

"Among my six mounts, the black one with white hoofs is the black horse, and the green one is the pale one. You can call them these two names."

All the soldiers said excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the name."

After the names were confirmed, in Li Shimin's eyes, the two teams and even Baiqisi became more friendly, and he couldn't help but praise them a few more times.

The soldiers also expressed their loyalty to the king's affairs and acted as the king's pioneer.

For a time, it was really a beautiful scene of the harmony between the king and his ministers.

Wei Zheng was the only one who watched with eyes twitching. What about eight horses and six horses, what is comparable to the Emperor of Zhou, what is the first emperor in history... you are all sycophants.

Normally, he would have come out and started spraying, but the whole court was shrouded in fog, and he did not dare to talk nonsense anymore.

Moreover, he knew Fang Xuanling and others, and knew that these people were not the kind of people who flattered him. So their sudden praise of the emperor was probably related to that meeting.

No, we must find out what happened that day as soon as possible.

After giving the names, Li Shimin walked around the camp again. Seeing that it was getting late, he took his eldest grandson Wugou and others back to the palace. Cheng Huailiang, Qin Huaidao and others also dispersed.

Chen Jingke sent everyone away, then turned around and said to the smiling people, "How do you feel?"

Jing Hengyan suddenly bowed deeply to him and said, "Thank you Master for your teaching."

Others also said in unison: "Thank you Master for your teaching."

Chen Jingke said happily: "My hard work is not in vain. I just hope that you can serve the court in the future and don't lose my face."

The soldiers said: "I will never let you down."

Chen Jingke nodded and said, "Okay, I won't say any more. You go and celebrate. It's time for me to leave."

Jing Hengyan hesitated and said: "Master, why don't you stay and celebrate with everyone?"

Looking at the expectant eyes of everyone, Chen Jingke did not insist and said: "Okay, then I won't leave today. Let's celebrate by killing pigs and sheep."

"Okay, enough food and wine for today, everyone is happy." Sheng Liwei raised his arms and cheered.

"Oh!!!" all the soldiers cheered.

Of course, you can't drink alcohol. If you dare to drink in the military camp, you will make yourself uncomfortable. But there is enough meat, and everyone can't eat it.

Chen Jingke didn't go back at night, so he stayed in the camp.

This was his first time staying in a military camp, but he didn't feel anything special.

He didn't have the habit of recognizing a bed, and could fall asleep anywhere when he was sleepy. The conditions in the military camp were indeed not as good as at home, but with his status, he would naturally enjoy special treatment, and the conditions were not bad.

Anyway, everything is fine.

Lying on the bed, Chen Jingke let out a long sigh of relief. After half a year of training, Bai Qisi finally looked the way he wanted.

Although it is still far from what he had in mind, it has reached the limit of what can be achieved at the moment.

As for the original barriers caused by status differences, they disappeared silently not long after the team was established.

What Baiqisi lacks the most now is actual combat. If it can pass this test, it will be truly formed.

However, the probability of them going to the battlefield in a short period of time is not high, mainly because their number is too small, and it is difficult to change anything on the battlefield.

Unless Li Shimin leads the expedition in person, they go to the battlefield as personal soldiers. Or they can be expanded from a hundred cavalry to a thousand cavalry.

Judging from the fact that a few hundred people in the Tang Dynasty dared to charge against tens of thousands of enemies, Qianqi was enough to stand alone.

In the short term, there is no possibility for Li Shimin to conquer personally, so expansion is the best way. It seems necessary to put the expansion plan on the agenda.

I can just take advantage of the expansion opportunity to bring in a few talents of my choice.

He thought about it like this all the time, and he didn't know when he fell asleep.

In the morning, he was woken up by the sound of soldiers doing exercises. Half asleep and half awake, he subconsciously said: "Yi Nu, Yu Zhu, wake up."

After saying that, he finally woke up completely. This was in a military camp, and there was no maid to serve him. He couldn't help but sigh, and got up and put on his clothes.

Hearing the commotion inside, someone outside the door said: "Master, are you awake? I'll bring you water."

Chen Jingke said casually: "Come in, just drain the water."

When I got dressed and was about to wash my face, I realized that the person delivering water was Yi Liang, so I asked, "So it's you. You played well yesterday."

Yi Liang said: "Hey, just because I performed well yesterday, everyone gave me this opportunity to perform."

Chen Jingke laughed dumbly and said: "You are honest, but it's useless to show off in front of me. I don't have a say whether you can be promoted or not."

Yi Liang smiled and said: "It doesn't matter whether he is useful or not, it is always right to show more performance."

While the two were chatting and laughing, Chen Jingke finished washing up and went to the school field outside together to see everyone running.

Chen Jingke also jogged two laps behind and then started doing Tai Chi.

The soldiers of Baiqisi collectively practiced "Junti Fist". The so-called Junti Fist is the basic boxing technique spread in the army. The moves are relatively simple, mainly open and close.

He stayed here until almost noon before leaving. First, he went to Longshouyuan Royal Hunting Ground and communicated with Sun Simiao through the guards.

The cowpox experiment has been carried out for six batches, and the seventh batch is now being carried out - Sun Simiao himself is the second batch of experimental subjects.

As for why so many experiments are done, it is naturally for stability. After all, this is smallpox, and you can never be too careful.

It is necessary to have enough experimental samples and summarize the different reactions of different people after vaccination to ensure that everything is foolproof.

The results were gratifying. All six batches of experimental subjects returned to normal and had immunity to smallpox.

As for the day to end the experiment, Sun Simiao chose the end of June or the beginning of July, after the seventh batch of experimental subjects had fully recovered.

That means there are still half a month to twenty days, which is not too long.

After reporting that Sun Simiao was safe, Chen Jingke returned to Zixiao Temple with his guards.

As soon as he returned to his yard, he saw Yi Nu and Yuzhu standing on the corridor of the pond, saying happily: "Master, look at what this is."

Chen Jingke walked up to them and looked curiously into the water, and suddenly found a group of red dots floating on the water.

He said in surprise: "The koi carp has produced seeds? When did you discover it?"

Yuzhu said happily: "We found more than two hundred of them yesterday."

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "Yes, yes, you two have made great achievements in raising fish. Tell me what rewards you want."

A blush suddenly appeared on Yi Nu's face, and she said, "The koi came later than us and gave birth to seeds. She also wants to have a child."

This chapter has been completed!
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