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0291 Spraying Wei Zheng's saliva all over his face

Chen Jingke noticed the black line on her forehead, patted her head gently and said, "What are you thinking about? You are still a child yourself, so why give birth to a child."

Yi Nu wanted to say that her age was a disguise, but she didn't have the courage to say it. She was afraid that he would be angry and drive her away.

After hesitating for a while, he lowered his head and said in despair: "Oh, I understand."

Chen Jingke thought that she was acting like this because she was rejected, so he comforted her: "If you want to have children, wait a few years. You won't be able to have children by then, even if you don't want to have them. If you don't have ten or eight children, it won't be over."

Yi Nu forced out a smile and said, "Yes, I understand."

Chen Jingke asked Yuzhu again: "What about you, don't you also want a child?"

Yuzhu shrank her neck in fright and said: "No, no, no, the medical books say it is dangerous to have a baby too young, so I'd better wait a few years to have another baby."

Chen Jingke praised: "This is a smart idea."

After educating the maid, he took the bait, ground it into powder and sprinkled it on the water, and the group of small fry came over to grab the food.

After a while, several big fish came over to fight for it. Chen Jingke was a little worried that the small fry would be eaten up by the big fish.

Fortunately, the small fry are still very safety-conscious and actively avoid the big fish. Moreover, this pond is full of carp and red crucian carp, and there are no ferocious carnivorous fish.

Don’t worry about the big fish eating up all the small fry.

Carp grows very fast, and in the next few months these small fry will almost begin to take shape, and then they will be spectacular.

It's just that red alone is too monotonous. I hope this nest of fry will have different colors.

These small fry are the result of a cross between three red carp and ordinary carp, so there is a high chance that they will have different colors.

In the afternoon, Chen Jingke was studying and practicing calligraphy in his room. A visitor came to report that Wei Zheng, Prime Minister of Wei, was visiting.

Chen Jingke was very surprised and said, "He said he came to visit me?"

But the guest said: "Yes, he specifically wanted to see you."

Chen Jingke frowned slightly, wondering why he came to find him.

So he first asked Zhike to welcome Wei Zheng to the living room to wait, while he quickly went to Wu Shu for help.

Wu Shu raised his eyebrows and said confidently: "This matter is not difficult to guess. His coming here at this time must be related to the movements of the imperial court."

"Either he really couldn't find any clues and went to the doctor in a hurry to find out about the situation; or he found clues and guessed that we were related to this matter."

"Based on Wei Xianggong's character, it's mostly the latter. In fact, you have exposed quite a few flaws. It's not surprising that you were discovered."

"Everyone didn't doubt it before because it was too unbelievable. Everyone always subconsciously excluded the real answer and then looked for the so-called answer. Naturally, they found nothing."

"If someone can jump out of the past and connect everything together, it is not difficult to find that the changes in the Tang Dynasty began with the establishment of Zixiao Temple."

"Even if the suspicion is not on you, there is still suspicion on the master. Chances are that Prime Minister Wei has doubts about the master, so he came to you to inquire about the situation."

"You can easily send him away as long as you pretend that you don't know anything about it."

After listening to her analysis, Chen Jingke felt confident and said with emotion: "Thank you, Sister Wu. The happiest thing in my life is that I married you. Otherwise, for such a smart and beautiful girl, I don't know which one to buy cheaper."

Where's the bastard?"

Wu Shu rolled his eyes at him and said, "You'd better go see Mr. Wei quickly. After all, he is an elder. It would be rude not to greet him at the door in person. It would be unreasonable to keep him waiting any longer."

Chen Jingke thought about it and said quickly: "I almost forgot about business. I'll go first. I'll see you later, Sister Wu."

After saying that, he quickly ran to the living room.

Looking at his hurried back, Wu Shu smiled, this little man was so innocent and cute.

As for whether he would be tricked out of information if he went to see Wei Zheng alone, she was not worried.

He just put all his mind into studying knowledge, which makes him appear to be not scheming enough. He is not really stupid.

Chen Jingke put on his formal Taoist robe, walked into the living room leisurely with a dust whisk, and said to Wei Zheng who was sipping tea:

"Xianggong Wei is here to visit. We are far away on the trail, but we still hope for the sea."

Wei Zheng put down his teacup, stood up and said, "Master Chen, you're too polite. It's me who should apologize for taking the liberty of visiting."

Chen Jingke came to the main seat and said: "Mr. Wei, please take a seat."

Wei Zheng thanked him and sat down again, and Chen Jingke also sat down almost at the same time.

"Prime Minister Wei has so many things to do every day that he can take the time to come to Xiaoguan, which really makes Zixiao Guan Pengpi shine."

"Master Chen is over-praising me." Wei Zheng sighed heavily and said, "To be honest, there has been a lot of fog in the DPRK recently, which has made me walk on thin ice with fear, but I still can't grasp the direction."

"Guanzhu Sun and Master Chen are both gods and immortals. I shamelessly come here to ask for advice, hoping that Master Chen can give some advice."

Chen Jingke was already 90% sure that he had guessed who came to inquire about the news. He thought to himself: She is indeed Sister Wu, she is really smart.

But he said in a very embarrassed tone: "I'm afraid Prime Minister Wei has found the wrong person. Zixiao Temple is a place far away. If you have any knots in your mind, we can try to help you resolve them. I really don't know the truth about the court."

Wei Zheng said: "That's great. I just have a knot in my mind, so I would like to ask the real person to clear it up."

Chen Jingke looked at him in surprise, thinking to himself that you, an old man, are still shameless. Wei Zheng looked back at him calmly, as if to say that you didn't want it first.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Chen Jingke said helplessly: "If you trust Prime Minister Wei, you can tell me your knot, and I will try my best to help you answer it. It's just that my ability is limited. If I can't answer it, I hope Prime Minister Wei won't force it."

Wei Zheng withdrew his gaze with satisfaction and said, "I believe the real person will be able to give me a satisfactory answer."

Chen Jingke said noncommittally: "You say."

Wei Zheng first sighed and said: "As the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost. The luckiest thing for a minister is to meet the Lord of the Ming Dynasty."

"I am unlucky. I have wasted half my life accomplishing nothing. I am also lucky. I will meet a wise man in the second half of my life so that I can show what I have learned."

"I originally thought that I could be in harmony with the saints and ministers until the day I die, but life often goes wrong. Since more than two years ago, the court has become incomprehensible to me."

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to trust me anymore. He excludes me from many things..."

As if his face had changed, he said in a disappointed tone: "I consider myself to have made great contributions to the country and the country, and I am worthy of the trust of the saints and worthy of the people... Why have I ended up in this situation?"

"Master, what exactly happened in the past two and a half years? Why has there been such a big change? What should I do to regain the past?"

Chen Jingke looked calm and asked: "Where do you think the problem lies? Or how do you know that what you think is right?"

"Is it possible that what you think is correct is just what you think it is from the beginning to the end?"

Wei Zheng retorted: "It's impossible. The Tang Dynasty's national power was booming and the people lived and worked in peace and contentment. Although it can't be said that it's all due to me, I still have a share of my hard work in it."

"If my idea is wrong, how could such a good situation be possible?"

Chen Jingke smiled, shook his head and said, "Do you really think it's because of you people that the world has become what it is today?"

Wei Zheng said: "Isn't it?"

Chen Jingke said: "It can't be said that it is not true at all. If the credit is divided into ten parts, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty combined account for three parts, and the remaining seven parts of the credit belong to all living beings."

Wei Zheng scolded: "It's ridiculous. The people are ignorant. What do they know?"

Chen Jingke raised his voice and said: "They don't understand any big principles, but they know that if the country is peaceful, they will have a place to stand, and they know that spring planting and autumn harvest..."

"It is their simplest and simplest pursuit that can quickly restore vitality to the world after peace is restored."

"It is their hard work that gives you the clothes on your body, the food in your mouth, and everything in this world."

"Without the exploitation of you carnivores, without those careerists provoking wars, they would have been able to be self-sufficient in food and clothing."

"Without you, their lives would be even ten times better than they are now."

Wei Zheng suddenly changed his color and rebuked: "It's absurd and deviant. If there is no court, who can resist foreign aggression, and if there are no officials, who can govern the country, the world will not be in chaos."

Chen Jingke said sarcastically: "Yes, the people hope that the country can protect their peace, and they hope that the officials can govern the world and educate all living beings."

"But they didn't let the state exploit them, nor did they let the officials sit on their heads and shit."

"They are even less willing to raise a group of carnivores, eat the food they grow, wear the clothes they weave, and despise them and enslave them."

Wei Zheng said: "The sages have long said that those who work hard govern others, and those who work hard are controlled by others. It is inevitable that officials pay more and gain more."

Chen Jingke said: "The sages also said that old people are like the old people, and young people are like the young people. If you are poor, you can only take good care of yourself, and you can help the world."

"You should be able to recite these words of sages by heart, right? How many of you have followed them?"

"Xiangong Wei was once a censor, so he should be very familiar with the officialdom of the Tang Dynasty. Please tell me, how many of the many officials in the Tang Dynasty are honest?"

"If we really conducted government according to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, how many people could escape being stabbed in the head?"

Wei Zheng looked embarrassed and speechless when asked.

Seeing that he couldn't answer, Chen Jingke continued: "I have never objected to more reward for more work, nor have I objected to noble families."

"Why do our ancestors put in so much effort to become human masters? It's not just to hope that their descendants can enjoy glory and wealth for generations to come."

"But everything has a degree. It's OK for their ancestors to have many descendants and enjoy wealth and wealth. But if they harm others and cut off the channels for advancement, that's a big sin."

"Not only is it a serious crime, but it is also the kind of crime that will make the whole family punished."

Wei Zheng's face turned even redder, but he was also keenly aware of the hidden information in Chen Jingke's words, and quickly took the topic to the nobles:

"Although the nobles are arrogant, as you wrote in your first article, they have made great contributions to the inheritance of China, and some flaws can be forgiven."

"Arrogance? Flaws?" Chen Jingke laughed and said: "You despise the imperial power, form cliques for personal gain, annex land, enslave and harm the people. With just one word of arrogance from your mouth, all the flaws are covered up?"

"As expected, the official word is two-syllable. It's not up to you to tell the truth."

This naked ridicule made Wei Zheng furious. Normally, he would have thrown away his sleeves and left, but today he came with a purpose. He was about to talk about the key point, how could he give up.

He suppressed his anger and said, "Zhenren Chen has a prejudice against the nobles?"

Chen Jingke did not hide anything and said bluntly: "It's not a prejudice, but this kind of cysticercosis should have been eliminated long ago."

Wei Zheng was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that he had such deep hatred for the nobles, and then asked:

"It is said that Chen Zhenren is from the lineage of Chen Yangong, and he is considered a nobleman. Why is he so hostile to the nobles?"

Chen Jingke said: "Goodbye, I don't dare to have a relationship with the noble nobles. The Yanhuang lineage has been passed down for thousands of years, and the bloodlines of mutual intermarriage have long been integrated into one. Who is not a descendant of Yanhuang if we go back further?"

"You are, I am, so are the beggars on the street, and so are all the living beings who are being enslaved and exploited."

"When meat eaters exploit and enslave others, do they ever think that the people they are enslaving are their compatriots and that they should be rescued?"

"This..." Wei Zheng was speechless.

Chen Jingke continued: "And you got one thing wrong from beginning to end."

Wei Zheng asked subconsciously: "What's going on?"

Chen Jingke said: "The inheritance of Chinese civilization to this day depends not on the gentry, nor on any one group, but on everyone in the Chinese ethnic group."

"The gentry is just a product of the Jin Dynasty. Even if the powerful families are included, it was only formed in the Eastern Han Dynasty."

"The Western Han Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, the Pre-Qin Dynasty... going back thousands of years, there was no gentry, and the Chinese civilization was not cut off. Instead, it evolved more brilliantly."

"So the emergence of the gentry is not inevitable. Even if they don't exist, other groups will appear to pass on the Chinese civilization."

"On the contrary, because of their appearance, they have monopolized knowledge, cut off ordinary people's path to study and become officials, and made the entire country a stagnant place."

Just when he was talking most excitedly, Wei Zheng asked abruptly: "So the saint wants to suppress the nobles?"

Chen Jingke said: "Yes, but you still underestimated His Majesty's appetite. He does not want to suppress the gentry, but to completely bury this decadent group."

"Hiss." Wei Zheng couldn't help but take a breath and said: "Bury? Are you saying that the saint wants to exterminate the noble clan?"

Chen Jingke shook his head and said: "No, no, no, we are not trying to exterminate the gentry. This is too cruel. What the saint needs to do is to reopen the promotion channels blocked by the gentry."

"Once ordinary people can study and serve as officials, what do you think will be left for the gentry?"

Wei Zheng's face looked much better, and then asked: "Do you admit that all this has something to do with Zixiao Temple?"

Chen Jingke smiled and said: "What did Prime Minister Wei say? At this point, even passers-by on the street know what the saint's plan is."

"As the consort of Princess Jinyang, I go in and out of the palace every day, and most of the people I associate with are the children of officials and powerful people. Isn't it normal to know that?"

This chapter has been completed!
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