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Chapter 95: Interrogation of Thief Bao

Three days later, the trial will continue.

Jin Shan knew that Bao Fa was a thick-skinned man, a gangster, with a good body, thick skin and thick flesh. He could fight forty times and not die or become disabled. The interrogation could still be carried out.

He ordered Bao Fa to be brought to court and the trial began.

Sure enough, he recovered quickly. It seems that the beating was too mild. Jin Shan thought to himself. He asked: "Bao Fa, do you know your guilt?"

Bao Fa took a look and realized that Jin Shan was too ruthless. He might have found out something and needed to test it again. So he replied: "Sir, tell me, what crime is this villain guilty of?"

When Jin Shan heard this, he felt a surge of unknown anger. He picked up the gavel, slapped it on the case, and shouted loudly: "How dare you, you thief! How dare you question me like this!"

It didn't matter as soon as he patted Baofa, his body immediately went limp, like mud, and he fell to the ground. After a while, he regained his composure, stood up tremblingly, and asked: "Sir, I'm sorry!"

"State it truthfully, Secretary, listen carefully and remember carefully," Jin Shan said.

His orders worked, and both those who spoke and those who memorized became very serious. As long as Jin Shan showed his power, no one was afraid of him. This Bao Fa was a powerful bandit leader with rich experience, and he was defeated by Jin Shan.

He had heard about Jin Shan for a long time, but he had never seen him handle the case in person. When he saw the situation today, it was very extraordinary. He could see that his level was very high.

"Sir, I was born in a poor family when I was young. I had no way out, and I was always frustrated. I gave cattle to the landlord, and the cattle became thin. I was whipped by the landlord. I didn't have enough to eat and didn't wear warm clothes. I had no choice but to leave the family and become a monk. I didn't expect that the monk would also become a monk."

It was not easy to be a job, it was too hard, and there was no meat to eat or wine to drink, so I went to find a job in a teahouse and a restaurant. I didn’t work for long. I could only watch others drinking tea and drinks, and I was scolded by the boss. Later, I left the restaurant.

, I have nowhere to go, I can’t afford hardships, I can’t endure grievances, I hope to live a free life, and I don’t want to be controlled by others. After thinking about it, I still choose to be a thief. This industry is risky, but there are risks in everything I do.

At least you can do whatever you want, steal when you don’t have it, play by yourself, save money by yourself, just to have something to eat in the future," Bao said.

"Stop talking nonsense. Your poverty is not the reason for you to become a thief. It seems that you are forced to become a thief. Why do so many poor people not become thieves?

?Isn’t it because you are too lazy to eat?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, if you are young and lazy, you may not be rich if you are diligent. You see, some people have worked hard all their lives and cultivated land all their lives, but they are still poor. Hard work does not necessarily lead to wealth. It depends on whether there are people. There are people in the court who are good at becoming officials.

, when you are an official, you don’t need to cultivate land, and you don’t have to worry about money. As long as you have power, you will have money. Power and money are inherently inseparable. Some people desperately grab power because they see the role of power. With power, they can do a lot of things they want to do. Generally speaking,

In other words, as long as you have the power, you will not fail to achieve your goal." Bao said.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"Be more concise and tell me what you have done. Don't omit anything. Tell it carefully." Jin Shan said.

"The small one is to make a living on the boat and not go anywhere else. On the waterway, the scene can be cleaned up immediately after the work is done, leaving no traces and making it impossible to find and solve the case." Bao said.

Bao Fa recounted the cases he had committed over the years one by one, detailing his family treasures. As the clerk was recording, his hands began to tremble unconsciously.

Jin Shan was also surprised and dumbfounded. This murderous devil actually downplayed the killings. He had no shame in killing someone and seemed to have no regrets at all. What kind of person is he?

The person kneeling in the hall is the murderous devil. This guy regards other people's lives as nothing but grass and ants. Killing a person is like crushing an ant. He doesn't value life at all. No wonder he is rich. More and more money belongs to the devil.

Yes, the devil gave him money and asked him to kill people, which is equivalent to a professional killer hired by the devil. It is unforgivable that this guy will not die. Fortunately, he did not enter the government. If he did, he would use this name and use such a banner.

How many people are going to be killed?

Bao Fa never expected that he would fall into Jin Shan's hands. He originally wanted to get close to him and get an official position in the county government, but who would have thought that he would discover the secret. He never expected that Jin Shan knew so much and knew the origin of calligraphy and painting.

, understand the value of calligraphy and painting.

In order to confirm this idea, Bao Fa asked: "Sir, I just don't understand something. I wonder if you would like to teach me?"


Jin Shan said angrily, feeling sick just looking at this murderous maniac. Unexpectedly, he would be so humble as to ask for advice.

"How do adults discover problems?"

"It's very simple. Your large living room is filled with calligraphy and paintings. It seems that you are arty and want to be a real gentleman. However, your skills are not good and your cultivation is not up to the standard. Your speech, behavior and behavior are not like a gentleman.

In line with that, if you want to be a polite person, you have to speak polite words and do polite things. However, you don't look like a scholar in any way, nor do you have the demeanor of a gentleman. You are like a gangster. You can't hide that kind of gangsterism.

The officer has experienced many cases and has made appointments with many people. At first glance, you have a flaw, but he just saw through it without telling you. I will continue to observe and confirm my judgment." Jin Shan said.

"May I ask what else you discovered?" Bao Fa asked.

"You keep saying that you bought the calligraphy and painting with money, and you also say that you are very familiar with the author of the calligraphy and painting. One of the calligraphy and paintings is from the Tang Dynasty. You said you spent 2,000 taels of silver to buy it. In fact, the calligraphy and painting are from the monk Huaisu.

The market price of the original calligraphy is 10,000 taels of silver. It can be seen from this that you can buy the calligraphy of Monk Huaisu for 20,000 taels of silver. It shows that you can travel through time and go to the Tang Dynasty to buy calligraphy and painting. From this detail,

It can be seen that you are lying, and it can be inferred that the calligraphy and painting you obtained by cheating were not bought with money." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, you are awesome! I admire you. I admire you! It seems that gentlemen are not just in vain. They still need to learn and be gentlemen, and they must continue to improve in order to pretend to be like them. I am not suitable to be an official, but a country squire.

Suitable to be a gangster, this is the most suitable. How do you know so much! I only know that calligraphy and painting are valuable, but I don’t know how valuable they are. You must know that Monk Huaisu’s authentic calligraphy is so valuable, and you don’t show it at all. It’s all due to ignorance. Ignorance is

Incompetence, incompetence means shamelessness, shamelessness means ridicule, and ridicule exposes flaws and is seen through by adults. It is really a small thing that makes a big loss, a small thing that makes a big loss." Bao said.

"Stop trying to flatter me. Isn't forty votes not enough?" Jin Shan asked.

"Don't, don't, don't, my lord, don't hit the wall all the time. It's really not something a human can bear. It's so uncomfortable. It will cost you most of your life! I'm just curious. Apart from these details, what else is there? Sir

What did you find in your little home?" Bao Fa asked.

"There is another woman in your family." Jin Shan said.

"Not just one, the younger one has eighteen wives and concubines." Bao said.

"You are so good! Poor people can't marry even one woman, but you actually married eighteen." Jin Shan said.

"This is fate. A wife is equal to wealth, and wealth is equal to a wife. If there is property, there will be a woman, and if there is a woman, there will be money."

"What theory is this?"

"That's it, women can bring wealth. The reason why rich people are rich is because there are more women. More women bring more and greater wealth. The reason why those poor people are so poor is because there are no women to help them.

I have enough food for myself and the whole family is not hungry. I have no pursuits or ideals. I think about women all the time, but I don’t fight or fight. Find a woman first, and then you will find wealth. Many people don’t understand this truth. I am a gangster.

, I know best, I have seen a lot, there are several women in rich people's families, the more women, the more wealth, this is true." Bao said.

"According to what you say, the reason why those upright officials have no money also has something to do with women?"

"That's right. That's true!"

"When a rich man dies, will those women fight over the inheritance?"

"It's hard to say. As long as it's not handled well, there will be fights," Bao Fa said.

"What's the best way to arrange it?"

"Even if you make a will and divide the property clearly, there will be no fights. If there is a will, you won't win even if you go to court," Bao Fa said.

"This makes sense. You are very smart, but it is a pity that you became a robber. If you were not a robber, you could work as a policeman in the county government," Jin Shan said.

"Ever since I was little, I wanted to be a policeman, work for the government, be majestic, have a good reputation, and have money to spend. You know, at that time, having a full stomach was the biggest wish. Few officials died of hunger.

The people who starve to death are all common people. I don’t want to live an ordinary life. I want to be an official, have enough to eat, and speak well. Why don’t you become an official? Even if you can’t become an official, running errands for officials is worth it. It’s better than ordinary people.

The common people are strong and can show off their power in front of ordinary people. How fun it is! When I see the officials passing by in sedans on the street, I can't help but take a second look. Then I look at the officials who are blowing gongs to clear the way. They are also enviable.

"The clothes are uniforms, not torn, intact, and have a good image. Just look at myself, what's the use of earning a lot of money every month?" Bao said.

"That's what you said. So, tell me, you have eighteen wives and concubines, what are you going to do?" Jin Shan asked.

"The younger one knew that he was bound to die, and he also guessed how he would die. After the younger one's death, the eighteen wives and concubines were dissolved. As for the settlement expenses, it was not something that the younger one could decide. However, what I want to mention is that the younger one

Madam, I have followed Xiao Xiao since she was a child. Her family has been harmed by Xiao. In the past eighteen years, seeing her, I gave up the idea of ​​continuing to do evil because she is too kind and simple. Xiao Xiao is not a human being. Take her away.

Everything, her father and family, her father's property, and also killed her father and family, the little one is so bad! For her, the little one begs for special care, in addition to returning her father's calligraphy and paintings, and also giving

Some settling-in allowance or severance pay. Her eighteen years of youth have been ruined by the little one. If she has a good family in the rest of her life, I beg you to make the final decision and make arrangements for her. The little one is a lonely ghost, so you can rest assured.

Bao said.

"Don't worry, I will arrange it properly. I want to know how you want to die? I respect your choice. If it is reasonable, I will consider it. If it is not reasonable, it is not up to you!" Jin

Shan Yan said.

"People who are about to die are also good at speaking. I heard a scholar say this and remembered it. I have never read a book, but I envy those scholars. They can read and interpret sentences, have rich knowledge, and can solve many problems.

Question. Now, I am begging you to die happily. I am willing to donate all the books to the academy for students to borrow so as not to buy new ones." Bao said.

"This is a great suggestion! I approve it. Do you have any more?"

"If you want to have fun, just hang him! Or arrange for an executioner with sharp eyes and quick hands to kill him with one knife. If you don't delay, I will be very grateful." Bao said.

"I'm afraid it depends on whether the people agree. If they agree, I will follow your instructions. If they don't agree, there is nothing you can do. You will have to suffer more. There is nothing I can do. Besides, the execution situation must be reported

To the imperial court, if it's a minor offense and the blame comes from above, I can't afford it. Is that what you think?" Jin Shan asked.

"I understand what you mean, that is, I will definitely die. I know this. The specific method of execution depends on people's opinions. In other words, I have to die how the masses want me to die, right?" Bao?

Ask questions.

"Yes, that's what I mean. Because you have been a gangster for many years and have suffered countless victims. You should understand the feelings of the victims' families. Otherwise, the county government will be in danger. The angry victims will say that I am shielding you. Once it is spread,

I'm afraid I won't be able to save my head when I get to the emperor. To be on the safe side, I'd better ask for their opinion." Jin Shan said.

"I know I will die, but I just don't know how. If suicide is allowed, I will commit suicide, but I am wearing shackles and cannot commit suicide. Besides, if I am under strict supervision, I will not have the opportunity to commit suicide. I am

Damn it, I just don’t know when to die or how to die," Bao said.

"You don't have to worry about this. I will arrange it properly. Do you have any other life cases in your hands?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, I killed about 108 people. They were all thrown into Jinghu Lake. They either flowed into the Han River and floated into the sea, or they sank to the bottom of the lake and were fed to fish and turtles. That's why there are no corpses."

Bao Fa said.

"How do you remember it so clearly?"

"The younger one was very interested in eighteen. He started killing his first person when he was eighteen. He married eighteen wives and concubines. He married his first wife eighteen years ago. He has one hundred and eighteen houses and nine thousand gold.

One hundred and eighteen kilograms, one hundred and eighteen pairs of agates and jade, eighteen night-glow pearls, I remember that there were one hundred and eighty-eight hundred and eighteen books in the collection, and eighteen large diamonds. I will share the rest.

It's for the brothers. Just bring the number eight." Bao said.

"Oh, that's it! No wonder you always say you are rich, never say where the money comes from, always say you have a good relationship with the owner of the calligraphy and painting, and never talk about the value of the calligraphy and painting. It seems that you still know it or not.

Yes, but you are pretty good to your brothers. So, how are your brothers now?" Jin Shan asked.

This chapter has been completed!
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