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Chapter 96 Negotiating with the thieves

Bao Fa asked his brother. He was silent.

Jin Shan knew that he was very loyal to the gangsters and would not complain even if he was beaten to death. So he came up with a plan to let the gangsters throw themselves into a trap, catch them all in one catch, and eliminate all evil.

"Okay, you go down first. You performed very well this time! No need to fight," Jin Shan said.

Then, Jin Shan sent someone to announce that he would be sentenced to death and that he would be beheaded at three o'clock in the afternoon three days later. He also announced that in order to facilitate beheading, he would be put in a cage, dragged to the center of the execution ground, and displayed for three days.

, let the people of the whole city come to watch. In order to prevent the masses from killing Bao Fa to vent their anger, four officers were assigned to guard him twenty-four hours a day. When the time was up, four more officers were replaced.

The news spread like wildfire, and many people knew that someone was going to be beheaded in three days. When they inquired about it, it turned out that it was the leader of the Jiangyang Bandit.

There are even rumors that the prison van is already in place and ready to be executed.

Jin Shan's arrangements have been made and he is just waiting to close the net.

Besides, after hearing the news, Bao Fa's brothers gathered at the second master's house to discuss countermeasures.

"This is simple. Generally speaking, the defense is the strictest on the first day, and then slackens a bit on the second day. On the morning of the third day, it will be even tighter than the first day. The best time is the second night," Bandit A said.

"Then let's send people to visit the spot tonight, check the situation, make a plan, and then take action." Bandit B said.

"Only when we get the boss out will we be safe. Besides, we are brothers who have been through life and death. We cannot ignore death. It's amazing. After saving the boss, we can go back to our old business and make a living on Jinghu Lake." Bandit Bing said.

"Okay! Finding the boss first is the key. Then, take a few responsible people to conduct reconnaissance, look at the terrain, check if there are any ambush, figure out the escape route, and after getting the information back, we will plan and make two plans

Come out, be quick, don't be too late. Be quick, you can win if you are quick, but it will be detrimental to us if you are slow." said the second master.

"This operation is dangerous. I suggest that everyone write their wills. If they can escape unscathed, everyone is fine, and there are no casualties, then they can tear up the wills. If the fire stalls, follow the wills and let the surviving brothers make proper arrangements.

." He added.

The second boss has a good relationship with the bandit leader. The bandit leader doesn't treat him badly. He is a beggar and a comrade in the trenches. He crawled out from the dead. His life is tough. If he survives, he must strive for a better life.

They help each other, knowing that this is the point of no return, but it is impossible not to do it. Everything else is suitable, and they can only take this road.

When we joined the gang, we all said that we share the same hardships and share the blessings. Now that the elder brother is in trouble, you can't just ignore him. This is the first important rule in the martial arts world. Otherwise, you will not be a hero in the martial arts world, but a rabble.

.They still talk about the morality of the world. The so-called thieves also have their own moral principles. This is probably the truth.

After discussing here, they started taking action.

Baofa, the leader of the bandit, was still very nervous. He knew that the brothers who had joined the gang at the time had now washed their hands and stopped engaging in the business of killing people and selling goods. Unexpectedly, his retribution still came. He was caught. Unexpectedly, he had to reveal his brother. He only

He wants to die quickly. If he dies, it’s okay if he can protect other brothers. It’s a worthy death. The question is whether he dies and drags down other brothers, then he has committed a serious crime.

Jin Shan arranged for people to put Baofa into a prison car, put him in a cage, and put him in shackles and shackles. He was also put in a cage made of thick wood with a bowl mouth. He only gave him water and no food. Those who were going to die anyway would eat on the last day.

The last meal was good so that he could send him on his way. He had to maintain his life in these two days. He was not allowed to eat well and he would not starve to death. Fortunately, Bao Fa usually eats and drinks well. He pays attention to nutrition and has good health, so he will not die quickly.

Get weak.

The people who went to investigate came back, met and discussed the situation.

Basically, there are twelve people, four in a shift, three shifts in total, one shift every eight hours, four people. After arriving, they will be replaced. There is no one else. There is no place to ambush around. It is a vegetable market.

It’s so empty that even a rabbit can be seen clearly, let alone people. It’s exhibited here because there are so many people here and it’s so bustling, so it’s nice to behead it.

They discussed taking action on the second night, taking the water route as their escape route, and directly preparing the boat. After rescuing the boss, they boarded the boat directly. When they arrived at Mirror Lake, it was like the Dragon King had reached the sea and could no longer be caught.

No matter how brave the officers and soldiers are, they can only stare blankly when they reach the water. They are like strong cows falling into a dry well. No matter how strong they are, they can't help themselves.

The first day was uneventful.

The next day, all the gangsters went into battle. They had already prepared the boats, then went to the vegetable market, used bows and arrows to kill four guards, used axes to chop down the fences and cages, rescued the boss Baofa, cut off the shackles, and were about to leave.

.Suddenly, flames burst out, and countless black figures emerged from the ground, holding torches high and shouting in unison, "Catch the thief!"

The gangsters never expected that there were so many people underground. When they walked over, there was no movement and no one was stepped on. What kind of operation was this?

Before I had time to think about it, the gangsters fought with the officers and soldiers. The bandit leader, the second-in-command and three or two brothers fought their way out. The other brothers were surrounded by the officers and soldiers and were not allowed to escape. They were tied up with ropes and had knives on their necks so they did not dare to move.

, captured one by one without any help.

Besides, Bao Fa and the other five people were fighting and retreating. When they arrived at the river, they saw two boats moored on the shore. Just as they were about to get on the boats, a man got out of the boats. The torch was lit up and it was like daylight.

"Friend, I have been waiting here for a long time!" A man chuckled, bowed his hands, and said to Bao Fa.

Bao Fa took a look and saw that it was none other than Jin Shan.

Just as Bao Fa was about to say something, he felt a chill on his neck. The five of them had large glaring knives on their necks. If they moved, their heads would be moved, and none of them would dare to move.

"Sir, spare your life!" Bao Fa shouted, "Brothers, don't resist, surrender!"

Bao Fa still considered the safety of his brothers, so he quickly announced his surrender. He didn't want his brothers to die. Maybe he had not been in this industry for a long time and was a little unfamiliar. He was captured alive before he got into the water or even got on the boat. It seemed that once he left,

Once you leave Jinghu Lake, you can never go back. This is indeed the case!

"Bring all the prisoners back to the county government and put them on death row." Jin Shan ordered.

It turned out that Jin Shan had used a strategy to use the bandit leader Bao Fa as bait and announced his preparations for execution. Jin Shan was convinced that his brothers would not rob the execution ground and would definitely take away the bandit leader, so he nailed a cage and imprisoned Bao Fa.

Put it in a cage, and then put it in an open place to attract his accomplices to steal. In the open place, there is no house to ambush, so he digs a hole in the ground, covers it with wooden boards, and sprinkles some soil on it. Nothing can be seen from the outside.

If you don't get to the agency and have no one, you will be emboldened. You will dare to do whatever you want. The purpose of this trip is to catch all the criminal thieves.

It seems this method worked.

Jin Shan arranged two places early, one was the execution ground, which was also a vegetable market, and the other was by the river. The former was the place where the bandit leader was rescued from the prison. After rescuing the person, there must be a fight. If he could not escape, he would be captured on the spot. If he escaped,

When you get out, you will definitely go to the lake and get on a boat to escape, because when you get into the water, it is like a turtle escaping. It desperately dives into the water, but it is not that easy to catch it. By then, the speed of the turtle is beyond imagination, and it moves very quickly.


As expected, Bao Fa and his gang fell into the trap. They escaped from the siege but still failed to get on the boat and were captured. From then on, there were no more gangsters in Jing Lake, and Dengcheng County Magistrate made the first-class contribution.

Bao Fa was sentenced to death and executed in Lingchi. The others, the second in charge, were also sentenced to death and beheaded. The third in charge was sentenced to death and hanged. The other assassins were sent to live three thousand miles away and were never allowed to return.

Except for the return of the robbed property, Baofa's property was not put into the treasury. The property of other criminals was also handled in this way. Those who could find the owner of the crime were returned, and those who could not be found were not kept in the treasury to fill the treasury.

Jin Shan asked Mrs. Bao: "Are you willing to remarry?"

When Mrs. Bao heard this, her face immediately turned red and she whispered: "Thank you so much for redressing the injustice of the people's girls. Bao Fa was executed by Ling Chi, which is a consolation for the souls of my father and relatives in heaven. As for the marriage of the people's girls, it is all up to your arrangements."

Jin Shan understood and stopped asking. She couldn't be busy with this matter, she had to find it slowly. If the marriage was done in a hurry, there would be endless troubles. It was better to make a match and let her decide for herself. Now that it was revealed, she was married for the second time, even if it was a second marriage.

People's ideas that are robbed by thieves cannot be overcome immediately. It requires a process.

After Jin Shan finished handling these cases and reported to Dali Temple, Bu Huishu was very happy after hearing about it. He felt that Jin Shan was really his favorite disciple. He could do great things in the future, but he still had to serve the emperor. At present, the emperor also had many worries.

It cannot be solved in a short while, and it is very difficult to find a suitable solution.

Jin Shan solved a major case and became famous far and wide. One day, Jin Shan was on duty at the county government office and was reviewing official documents. He fell asleep and drank some tea. He was confused and confused. There were too many official duties and it was really troublesome.

He was about to read some idle books and didn't want to review any more, when suddenly two envoys from the Royal Guards burst in from outside.

Jin Yiwei is a close associate of the emperor, who is directly responsible to the emperor and supervises officials who have reached a certain level. Low-level officials are not under the supervision of Jin Yiwei.

When Jin Shan saw this, he saw that he had a strong background and did not dare to neglect him. If he was here to supervise himself, it meant that his level was high enough. He was just a small county magistrate. It was estimated that the big head was behind the big head of a rat, so he might need to be promoted.

But it is very strange. Even if you are promoted, there must be an imperial edict. You will have a basis for the promotion and feel at ease. However, before the imperial edict announcing the promotion has arrived, you are being targeted by the Jin Yiwei, which is troublesome.

One of the uniformed guards was tall and the other was short. Their appearance was very different. Jin Shan had to wonder, was this from the imperial court? Could it be that there was no one in the imperial court and they were sending someone with a disability?

Jin Shan remained calm. He had already discovered the problem, so he didn't mention it for now. Let's see how these two live treasures perform.

Jin Shan thought in his mind: "One, two, three, let's see you start performing!"

Sure enough, the two of them whispered: "I'm here to visit by order."

Jin Shan quickly gave up his seat and asked, "What's important? But it doesn't hurt to talk."

"There is something important, something related to the fate and future of Dengcheng officials, big and small. Isn't it important? Hurry up and get the irrelevant people to evacuate. Let's talk in detail in the back hall."

As soon as Jin Shan saw it, he understood that this was a blackmail. He could see through it without telling him. At present, even if he called people to come, he would probably be in a dangerous whirlpool and might lose his life at any time.

The three of them arrived at the back hall.

As soon as they arrived at the back hall, the two "Jin Yiwei" took out their daggers and stabbed them on the table.


There was a dagger standing on the table, shining with cold light, with tassels and tassels on the hilt, and the sword kept shaking as the blade trembled.

When Jin Shan saw it, he knew that he had encountered a robber. If he wanted to survive, he had to do what the robber said. Otherwise, it would be very dangerous. Jin Shan did not want to put himself in a dangerous situation. He wanted to escape and catch him.

Only these two thieves can do it.

"The most important thing is to get money."

"What money do you want?" Jin Shan asked.

"Didn't you confiscate the money for the package? Why are you still pretending?"

"Oh, the money has already been paid."

"Where did it go?"

"It was handed over to the treasury. It was taken away when the judgment was made."

When the two envoys heard this, they were a little discouraged, but they immediately said sternly: "Even if we hand it over, we can't hand it all over. You still have some, so take out the remaining gold."

"No. But I can think of another way." Jin Shan said.

"Hurry up and give us 10,000 taels of gold, and we'll be fine. If we lose one tael, you'll be killed!" the second envoy said.

When Jin Shan heard this, he understood in his heart that these two thieves were so courageous that they dared to throw themselves into a trap. They didn't know they were about to die, they didn't fall, and they didn't know the pain.

Jin Shan is not in a hurry, which is better than taking a leisurely stroll. He is neither humble nor arrogant, neither impatient nor impetuous. The more anxious the two thieves are, the more guilty they are. Jin Shan is not anxious. If he is anxious, he will be flustered. If he is flustered, he will easily fail. Jin Shan knows that this is

The method taught by Divination Hui Shu is that the calmer you are, the more method you will have. If you extend the time as much as possible, you will have enough wisdom to come out.

He came up with a plan and said: "You two, Mr. Jin is not unreasonable or ignorant of current affairs. You two came in a hurry. You know the Qingshui Yamen of the county government and finally solved the Jiangyang robbery. The stolen goods were confiscated and transported to the capital.

We have gone to the imperial court. If you two intercept us on the way, you might gain something. Now that you are here, Jin Moumou is not a money-loving person. You two want to come here to get gold. It can be seen that you two have no choice but to do it before a certain time.

, I will not take this extreme path. I wonder if you two agree?"

"That's right, Jin Shan is still aware of current affairs. I have long heard that County Magistrate Jin understands people's hearts. He really does. We really want to get a fortune of gold and then fly away."

"Jin Moumou understands and will definitely help you two get the gold. However, the ten thousand taels you mentioned, which is one thousand kilograms, is indeed a lot. I'm afraid you two won't be able to transport it. What's more, the key is that we won't be able to transport it for a while."

If it’s not enough, how about reducing it by half?”

"How much is half?" asked the tall and thin man.

"Idiot, half of it is five thousand taels, which is equivalent to five hundred catties." The short fat man said, "He is really tall, and his head lacks oxygen and blood supply. He can't even calculate this."

"Don't talk about me, you damn fat man. You are a dwarf who is close to his heart and is thoughtful. Come on, let's stop bickering and talk about whether we agree with Jin Shan's plan or not?" said the tall and thin man.

"This, this, how many pounds can you carry?" the short fat man asked.

"Me? A hundred pounds at most." said the tall and thin man.

"Well, I'm about the same. Let's do this. It's only five thousand taels of gold. No more. If you lose one tael, you will be killed." The short fat man said viciously.

This chapter has been completed!
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