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Chapter 98

Besides, the two thieves were captured and thrown into prison. Jin Shan thought that it was his first crime and failed, so he gave a lighter sentence. However, the two thieves pretended to be Jin Yiwei and affected the court's face, so he gave them eighty-year bans and admonitions.

If they are released, they will not be spared lightly if they commit another crime again.

After the two thieves were beaten, they were unable to move. They informed their families to take them back. That was a matter for later.

The two thieves were beaten as if they were alive, and they were inevitably scolded by their family members. Both thieves were so embarrassed that their faces turned red and they were speechless.

It's really a waste of money! These two stupid thieves really have gained a lot of knowledge!

After Jin Shan handled the case, he read idle books, reviewed official documents, and then handled the case. His life was tense, full and full of fun. At this time, he saw an old case that has not yet been solved and has become an unsolved case. No one can solve it. I don’t know.

How to judge, test people’s IQ,

Jin Shan just wanted to solve this problem left over from history and see if his brain was strong enough.

The facts of the case were that someone complained that he had an unfilial son who was a white-eyed wolf. Jin Shan was surprised. Who caused this? He wanted to know more about the case.

In order to fully understand the facts of the case, he asked both the original and the defendant to come to the court for interrogation.

The plaintiff was an old woman named You Laishi. She claimed: "My husband passed away at an early age and left no heirs, that is, not one and a half daughters. I was miserable and felt that I was sorry for my husband. After my husband passed away, I left behind

I got the family property, but I didn’t remarry, and the family property will be inherited by me.”

"What are you suing for?" Jin Shan asked.

"What I am suing is that I don't want unfilial sons. I will decide who my son is," You Laishi said.

"How did you get your son? Didn't you say you were sterile?" Jin Shan asked.

"I'm telling you, I have no children, but I have a family property. For some unknown reason, my uncle, my husband's brother, named Youda, wants to give me a son," said You Lai.

"Is this happening? Doesn't he want a son? How many sons does he have?" Jin Shan asked.

"I told the master that my uncle has two sons. He said that I was pitiful because my younger brother died early. I never remarried and my spirit was commendable. In order to protect me from old age, I gave him a son. I thought about it and accepted it.

On his advice, I adopted a son, who is my nephew and my uncle’s biological son." Yu Laishi said.

"How could he give his son to you?" Jin Shan asked.

"I don't know the specific reason. In short, I have family property, and I don't know who I will give it to in the future. If my nephew is willing, I can consider giving it to him, but I didn't say it clearly at the time. I am a little reluctant, so what does it mean? I am not willing to do it.

It’s clear, I don’t want to be fooled,” Yu Laishi said.

Jin Shan thought to himself, how can a person be an early riser if he doesn't care about three points of profit? It seems that his uncle is not a kind person. He gave his son to Yu Lai for her family property. When Yu Lai dies, these family properties will be lost

They all were given to his son. Doesn't this mean that he has one less opponent to divide his own inheritance?

"I understand your feelings. Did you accept his son as your son later?" Jin Shan asked.

"I did it," Yuraishi replied.

"You should be happy that you have a son!" Jin Shan said.

"Oh, sir, ever since my nephew was given to me, I haven't felt happy. Instead, I've been miserable to death every day." Yu Laishi said.

"How to feel melancholy?"

"You don't know what you are doing. This little brat is a waste of money. He gets into trouble every day and causes trouble for me. I apologize to my neighbors every day and have to pay them money. He has not learned well since he was a child and only does bad things. The neighbors around him

Everyone hates him, he has never repented, he is sneaky, and he specializes in harming others. When he causes trouble, he asks me to wipe his ass and clean up the aftermath. I discipline him, but he refuses to listen. Instead, he always contradicts me, and I feel very painful. Ever since

He adopted me as his son. My hair instantly turned white, I aged quickly, and I was exhausted mentally and physically. I was really in pain. I had no choice but to think of another way." You Laishi said.

"Later, what solution did you think of?" Jin Shan asked.

"I am getting old, and I hope that someone will take care of me until I die. My nephew can't hope for it. As long as he doesn't cause trouble to me, even if I burn high incense to protect me, and I don't want him to take care of me until I die, I still can't do this.

, he himself is unable to protect himself, he is lazy and lazy, he does whatever he wants, and he does not know the hardships and hardships. Such a nephew is a gold-swallowing beast who cannot create value and only wastes property and food. It is okay not to have such a son.

So, I asked someone to find a child to adopt as my adopted son. In the future, someone will take care of my body and bury it, so that my body will not be exposed in the wilderness and eaten by crows, wild dogs, and wolves. My lord, this wish is not too much, right?" You.

Lai asked.


"Originally, it was true. However, my uncle disagreed and was very angry. He said that in the future, his family property should be inherited by his nephew. The heirs he created do not count and cannot be entered into the family tree." Yu Lai said.

"Is it that serious?" Jin Shan asked.

"He is here. If you don't believe me, you can ask your uncle if he is." Yu Laishi said.

"Did you say the original words? You Da?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, sir, it was Xiao who said it." You Dayan said.

"Why do you say that?" Jin Shan asked.

"Because the family property has fallen into the hands of people with a foreign surname, I am really unwilling to accept it," You Dayan said.

"According to the law, who will inherit Yu Lai's family property?" Jin Shan asked.

"It must be my youngest son or her nephew who will inherit. It can't be someone else." You Dayan said.

"Really?" Yu Laishi got angry and asked loudly.

"Then tell me, does Mr. Yu Lai have the right to have an heir?" Jin Shan asked.

"She has no rights. The rights belong to the men in the family. Her man, my biological brother, should have the right to have an heir. When my brother died, this right was given to the older brother, or younger brother. The men in the family have the right,

Women don’t." You Da said.

"You have two sons. According to the law, should you give one to your brother?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, after leaving for my brother, you can choose from the children of your brothers and sisters, but you can't choose children with other surnames. You can't choose children with different surnames. You can't break the rules. Breaking the rules means breaking the law." You Da said.

When Jin Shan heard this, he realized that this scoundrel always talked about the law. It seems that the law should not be taken carelessly. If he wants to quote the law, then he should quote it. If he does not quote it, he will make a note and say that the county magistrate did not tell it.

The law handles cases based on one's own likes and dislikes, experience, and human sentiments. This is very powerful. You can't mess with someone, you have to treat them in the same way.

Jin Shan suddenly remembered that Divination Huishu said that when you meet a tough person, you must use softness to deal with him, and make him strong. A strong crossbow cannot penetrate brocade, so don't worry. Mountains are strong and cannot move, and water is weak and can travel through thousands of mountains.

"Yes, You Da, what you said makes sense!" Jin Shan said, confirming You Da's remarks.

When Yulaishi heard this, she burst into tears in the hall and said while crying: "Sir, I have been wronged!"

"What are you wronged about?"

"According to the regulations, his youngest son should be the heir. However, according to human nature, I should be allowed to choose the heir. Because I know best who is suitable and who is not. Sir, his youngest son does not know how to be diligent and thrifty.

, will only be squandering and wasteful. If you inherit the family property, it will definitely be ruined."

"You mean, his youngest son is unreliable?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, it's very unreliable. He eats, drinks and has fun by himself and doesn't care about anyone else. When he was old, he never called me mom. Such a person is a white-eyed wolf and is unreliable. I was worried about this, so I chose someone to be my son.

, find a satisfactory person to inherit the family property." Yu Laishi said.

"Be brave. When you go to court, you must speak the law. You can't talk nonsense or talk about human relations. Talking about human relations is the wrong place! You don't have to go to court and just ask the clan leader to judge the case! When you go to court, you must talk about the law.

If you don't talk about it, you will withdraw from the court, and I will not hear the case. In the court, you have to listen to me to preside over it. How can you let a woman talk about human relations? If you talk about human relations, you can't do it even for three days and three nights.

Ended. If you can't argue the law in court, then don't talk about it, it's a waste of time." Jin Shan said.

You Da was so happy when he heard it, it was so enjoyable!

It makes people happier than drinking good old wine. Everyone else also smiled and felt so good. Women are like, complain, what kind of complaint? The family property does not belong to You's eldest son, so can't the fat water flow to other people's fields?

You Da immediately knelt down and kowtowed, thanking him profusely, and his flattering attitude was indescribable.

When Jin Shan saw that the conditions were ripe, he said: "Scribe, please show Yu Da and Yu Lai what is recorded in the court. If you don't know how to read, you can help me read it, and then sign and stamp it."

The scribe took the order and followed Jin Shan's instructions.

After doing all this, Jin Shan took their signed documents, looked at them, nodded, then lowered his head to look at the hall, and asked: "You Da, is your little son here?"

"For your information, my lord, my youngest son is in court." You Da replied.

"Okay! Come here and let me take a look." Jin Shan ordered.

A boy stood up and walked to the desk. Jin Shan saw that he seemed to be walking sideways because the road was narrow. He looked left and right as he spoke, as if he was looking for an escape route and was about to escape at any moment.

"Go, that's your mother. She used to be your aunt, but now she wants to change her story. Your father, Yu Da, is no longer your father from today on. Your father is your uncle, and he is dead.

, now this aunt is your biological mother, are you clear? Go and identify yourself quickly. Today, I have recognized your aunt as your mother. It is just and legitimate. No one will bother or say anything in the future.

That's nonsense. In this way, in the future, you will be your mother's heir, and others will have nothing to criticize." Jin Shan said.

As soon as the boy heard that he had money, he immediately got excited, filed a case and ran to Yu Laishi, "Plop-" he knelt down, and then shouted loudly: "Mother, mother, mother is on top, please accept it."

Goodbye, my child."

Yu Laishi burst into tears and said: "Making this unfilial son my son is tantamount to taking away my old life. Living with this unfilial son is tantamount to torturing my old body. It is tantamount to chronic suicide. I can live a hundred years."

He's only sixty years old. If you want to kill me, why don't you kill me now, why bother killing me with a blunt knife? I really can't bear this."

"Oh, is it that serious?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes!" Yu Laishi replied, "This guy is not a human being. He is disobedient and unfilial. He doesn't call mom when he goes out, and he doesn't call mom when he comes in. He asks for money when he has no money. When he wants it, he doesn't ask for it politely. He just calls me "old man."

Bring me the money, or if you don’t, I will steal it, and you will be responsible for the compensation.”

"How dare such a thing happen? How dare you curse people!" Jin Shan asked.

"Not only did he curse people, but he also beat them. Once when I asked for money, I scolded him, so he hit me with a rolling pin. My head was broken and my face was covered with blood. If my neighbor didn't come to help, he beat me to death. Because I didn't know how to do it.

After giving him money, he started to scold him, and then he beat him. When he beat him, he didn't use his hands, he used a rolling pin. Sir, do you think this behavior is right?" Yu Laishi said.

"Of course not, it's not bad! You were beaten by him, is there any evidence?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, please see, the scar on my forehead was inflicted by my unfilial son." You Laishi said, and then showed Jin Shan the scar on his forehead.

Jin Shan took a look and found that there was indeed a scar on Yu Lai's forehead, the size of a big coin, and the skin and color were different from other places.

Jin Shan nodded and said to Youda's youngest son: "Is what your mother said true?"

"My lord, it was the mother who spoke rudely and insulted the child mercilessly. In addition, the child drank alcohol and gained courage, so he picked up a rolling pin and beat the mother. It was all because he drank too much, or else

Drinking is not such a big burden. Please forgive me for being young and ignorant. I will never do it again. I will definitely take good care of my mother." Youda's youngest son said.

"It turns out that beating someone after drinking is the same as beating someone without drinking. There is nothing wrong with this. It is clearly stipulated by the law. There is nothing to say. Everything must be handled in accordance with the law. Of course, I cannot go beyond the law to handle the case. In accordance with the provisions of the law

, when parents accuse their children of being unfilial, the children have committed a heinous crime and should be put to death. This is stipulated by the law. It is very clear that you should be put to death. Now, I have found out that Youda’s youngest son was given to Youlai

It is well known that he is a son, and everyone recognizes this fact. There is no dispute about this. Now, it is obvious to all that his younger son disobeys his parents, beats and abuses them. Then, those who are unfilial will be punished. "

Everyone nodded frequently, feeling that Jin Shan did the right thing. The analysis was well-organized and well-founded, and everyone who listened admired it.

"My son has committed a crime of disobedience and a heinous crime. He should be beheaded in public. Now, we should punish him in accordance with the law and serve as a warning to future generations." Jin Shan said.

After hearing this, You Da lost control of his legs. He knelt down with a bang, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and kept shouting: "The sword will save people, the sword will save people!"

This chapter has been completed!
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