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Chapter 99 Reading the Blame Complaint

Youda is working hard to save his youngest son's life.

He was hoarse and knelt down to kowtow, with snot and tears falling down one by one.

The purpose is to get Jin Shan to take back his life and save his youngest son's life.

Everyone saw that Jin Shan was serious, and they all knelt down to plead for his youngest son.

Jin Shan didn't speak for a long time, and everyone became more and more nervous, especially You Da, who was so nervous that beads of sweat rolled down his back. His youngest son was so scared that he peed, and the ground was all wet.

When Yu Laishi heard this, she was very happy and finally got out of her anger. However, when she thought about it again, she felt it was a bit harsh. However, she did not say this out loud. She still wanted him to be punished.

When You Da cried until his voice became hoarse, Jin Shan said: "Look, You Da cried until his voice became hoarse because of his little son. Such a father is rare in the world. However, You Da keeps talking about the law, and I will also talk about the law. If

I don’t care about the law. If You Da reports me, I will have a hard time defending myself. Today, I have fulfilled You Da’s wish, so I guess I won’t report you. If you do, it’s a good thing. Just say that I act strictly in accordance with the law.

.In court, don’t talk nonsense, it’s all about the law.”

At this time, You Da was crying. He really regretted it. When he met an opponent, he usually won. He had never met an opponent before. Now that history had changed, he was naturally defeated.

"Sir, as long as I can save my youngest son's life, I will do whatever I ask him to do without any complaints. He will complete it seriously and I will definitely satisfy you." You Da said.

"This, this, it's actually very simple, just follow the law." Jin Shan said.

"How to handle it according to law?"

"Didn't your younger son worship his aunt as his mother? He has also changed his mind, right?"


"Who are you usually said to be disobedient and unfilial?" Jin Shan asked.

"Usually said to children."

"That's right, for children of the younger generation, it means being disobedient and unfilial. And it only requires a certain relationship, right?"


"That's it. If you want to avoid this crime, it's actually very simple. Just remove the identity relationship." Jin Shan said.

"How to remove it? Isn't it all recorded? It was also announced in public. How to remove it? Tell me quickly, sir!" You Da almost begged.

"It's very simple. The only way is to cancel the aunt's son and return to your son. That is to say, your youngest son is still your youngest son. He is Yurai's nephew, not his son. In this way,

Without the relationship between mother and child, there is no such thing as disobedience and unfilial piety. Are you right?" Jin Shan said.

"Ah! The little one understands, it turns out that this can still be like this! It's so high! So good! Just do it this way, the younger son will still be the younger son, no longer his aunt's son, but his nephew. I understand, I understand.

"You laughed.

"Okay, do you all agree?" Jin Shan asked, raising his voice.

"Yes!" Everyone replied in unison.

"Okay, let's do it like this. Yuraishi, your nephew is no longer your son. He returns to his uncle and continues to be his youngest son. It's up to you to decide for yourself. It has nothing to do with them. You

Did you hear that clearly?"

"It's clear."

"It's good to be clear. He is not your son, and you can't accuse him of being unfilial. Do you understand?"


"Okay, you all sign the transcript and then leave. Retreat!" Jin Shan ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of "Mighty--" sounded, and it lingered around for three days, and I still heard it.

You Da continued to kowtow until his face was covered with blood. He thanked Jin Shan from the bottom of his heart for bringing his little son back to life. This was equivalent to bringing his little son back from the brink of death. It would not work if it was too late, nor would it work if it was too early.

, just right. His youngest son was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat after experiencing this incident. After going to the ghost gate for a while, he also understood some truths, otherwise he would not be scared to death.

You know, sticks are not fun. A rolling pin can kill someone. What's more, these killing sticks are as long as one person. If you hit them with one stick, you will be dead. What's more, if you hit it with more than one stick, you will be a bloody mess. Thinking of your little one

When his son turned into a piece of rotten flesh, he was heartbroken and wanted to save his life no matter what. He kowtowed desperately until his head was broken and his face was covered with blood, just to save his little son.

Now that his goal was achieved, everyone in the court was moved. He didn't stop kowtowing until Jin Shan went down. When the clerk brought the transcript, he signed it without even reading it. In short, he was overjoyed. There was nothing better than saving his son's life.

All strong!

This confession has been corrected again, and Yulai is very happy to have her own official son. After the signatures are completed, they go home.

Besides, Jin Shan went back and continued to rest. He was too lazy to read the official documents. He had a good rest at night and would come back to review the official documents early tomorrow morning.

After reviewing the official documents, he was closing his eyes and concentrating when someone beat the drum "dong dong dong". He was neatly dressed and went to the court to review the case.

"Who is kneeling?" Jin Shan asked.

No one answered.

Jin Shan took a look and asked: "Who are you? Who are you suing? Is there any complaint?"

Still no one answered.

However, the man shook his head and took out a piece of paper from his arms and handed it to Jin Shan. Jin Shan opened the paper and saw that there was nothing written on it. He was in a hurry when the person who submitted the complaint began to "talk".

What he said was "Wow wow wow" and "beep babbling", which made Jin Shan confused. This complaint was interesting. He came to complain. He was not prepared, and he couldn't speak, and he took a blank piece of paper. This is

What to sue? Who to sue?

Everything is a mystery. In all these years, Jin Shan has never encountered anyone complaining like this.

Jin Shan took a look and wondered how this lawsuit could be fought. There was a plaintiff, but he was mute, and there was a pleading, but it was a blank piece of paper with nothing written on it. There was no defendant, so he didn't know what was going on. He suddenly slapped his head and came up with a plan.

"Pa—" Jin Shan suddenly slapped the gavel on the table. The sound was crisp and clear, echoing in the empty hall, making the mute tremble in fright.

"Here comes someone!" Jin Shan suddenly shouted, "This is an unreasonable mute who deliberately disturbs the order of the court. Seeing that he is mute, we will not punish him for the time being. However, the ban will be waived, but other punishments are unavoidable.

It is simply unreasonable to parade him through the streets and humiliate him to see if there will be a next time! It is a waste of time!"

"Sir, how long will the parade last?"

"Half a day." Jin Shan ordered.

Then, he asked a few more yamen servants to stay while the rest went to carry out the work.

The police officers took the mute and tied him up. There was a sign on his back that read: "Those who make unreasonable complaints."

The mute was illiterate and couldn't understand the words inserted on his back. He thought they looked good and actually became happy.

Jin Shan considered that if the mute was beaten, he would not be able to speak out and could only bear it silently. There were too many people like this and if they had enough, they would resist.

This is closer to the truth.

So, the officer sounded the gong to clear the way, tied the mute with a rope, and began to parade through the streets. After a while, both sides of the street were crowded with onlookers. They were very happy to see a mute being paraded through the streets. They felt proud and talked about it. It was really eye-opening.


After seeing this scene, wait for a while, and after it is over, you can go home and brag in front of your neighbors, friends, and relatives, win vanity, and impress them. It's great!

The mute was so angry that he cried and made blah-blah-blah sounds, which seemed to be accusing or cursing. In short, no one understood.

Someone saw it and whispered.

Some people say: "I know this man. He is the long-term worker Wu San. Wu San has two brothers above him. He is the third brother. They all call him San'er, but his actual name is Wu San."

"Yes, he is Wu San."

"Wu San got sick when he was a child. It was very serious. It looked like he was going to die, but he didn't. He took medicine for treatment, but the medicine was over-dose, and he couldn't speak. He became mute. In fact, he used to know how to speak.


"Oh, no, I've never seen him talk. He just works for Fu Bunen, a rich man. Fu Bunen is rich, but he is too stingy and often beats the mute. He knows that the mute can't complain after being beaten, so he beats him arbitrarily.

Speaking of which, the mute Wu San is really pitiful."

"That Fu Bunen is really nothing. He bullied a mute. Not only did he not give him wages, but he also said Wu San, a mute, owed him money. He bullied Wu San because he was illiterate and a mute. I don't know how this account was calculated and how it was calculated.

On the head of a disabled person?”

"This shows that Fu Bunen is really a bad guy and a representative of unkindness for the sake of wealth. He should be severely punished. I don't know how many people he has harmed."

"It is said that he owed mute Wu San three years of wages. If the mute's mother was in urgent need of money for medical treatment, Wu San would not have gone to the county government to file a complaint."

"It's a joke. Wu San couldn't even write his own name. He must have suffered a loss. He couldn't get three years' salary and was beaten. He got angry and wanted to file a complaint. People said that you need to write a complaint to file a complaint, but he couldn't.


"What should I do? I can't write."

"How can he file a complaint if he can't write?"

"He went to find someone to write it."

"How can he communicate if he can't speak?"

"Later I found someone who knew mute languages ​​to help translate, and then I found someone to write it."

"Other people are reluctant to write because I heard that the person who is suing Fu Bunen is Fu Bunen. Everyone knows that Fu Bunen is a bully who bullies the local people. Who is rich and powerful and dares to write? Who wrote it? When the time comes, he will

Can I be lenient if found out?"

"That's it, should we forget it? Let Fu Bunen go?"

"Of course we can't forget it. Wouldn't Wu San just go to the county government to beat the drum and file a complaint?"

"Yes, but why doesn't Mr. Jin Shan just care about it?"

"Master Jin Shan Jin wants to take control, but he has no way to start. There is no complaint and no defendant. Ask Wu San, and Wu San can't say anything. Isn't this embarrassing?"

"That's right. Wu San didn't even say he was quitting. He didn't pay a penny for three years. Is he still considered a human being? I think Fu Bunen is a devil. He eats people without spitting out their bones."

"Be careful, the walls have ears. If he hears you, it will look good."

"You've done it all, yet you're still afraid of talking about it? I think Fu Bunen is coming to an end soon. People who are crazy will surely collapse, and dogs who are crazy will be dragged away by leopards."

"You're right, let's see what happens next?"

People on the street were talking a lot.

"This Fu Bunen should be struck by lightning. How can a wicked person live so well! How can a poor person be so pitiful! He worked hard for three years without any pay, and went to the county government to report the wicked person but was paraded through the streets. Is there any justice? Is there any justice?

King's law?"

Everyone was very angry, and Wu San was so angry that he screamed and screamed to express his extreme anger.

Half a day passed quickly, people dispersed, and the mute Wu San was taken back to the county government office.

When they arrived at the county government hall, Wu San found a man kneeling on the ground. Wu San took a closer look and saw that it was not someone else. He was shouting loudly and excitedly, and was about to kick and beat the man. He was separated by the government servants and hugged him.

Watch him and don't let him act recklessly.

The person he wanted to beat was none other than Fu Bunen.

How did Fu Buyen get here?

It turned out to be Jin Shan's arrangement.

He asked Wu San to go on a parade, and he ordered the few remaining servants to change into common people's clothes. Then he followed Wu San to collect information from the crowd, and learned the whole story from people's conversations.

Then he went back and reported to Jin Shan. Jin Shan knew the truth and immediately sent agents to capture Fu Bunen.

When Fu Bunen was arrested, he was very unconvinced and kept shouting about injustice.

In addition, Fu Bunen had people backing him up in the court, and he became more courageous. Naturally, he did not take Jin Shan seriously. When he went to arrest him, he scolded Jin Shan. He didn't care about the police, but just carried out the order. When he arrived at the county government office, he scolded Jin Shan.

Fu Bunen continued to curse, so Jin Shan ordered him to slap him.

As a result, when Fu Bunen saw that Jin Shan was serious, he was slapped several times before he calmed down, knelt down in the courtroom, and began to tremble.

He knew he had offended people he shouldn't have offended. Jin Shan was the one who dared to offend the imperial court.

Fu Buyen changed his view of Jin Shan from then on. He had never really thought highly of him before. After a few loud mouths, he completely realized that this Jin Shan was the one who dared to pull the emperor down for the sake of the people.

Fu Bunen had thousands of thoughts of moving in his mind. Unless Jin Shan moved, he would find a way to move away as long as he had a chance, leave this place and fly away to avoid future troubles. Because Jin Shan was determined to fight with these people.

People fight.

Fu Bunen arrived at the court and saw Wu San coming back from the street. He felt proud. When he saw the sign at the back, he didn't understand Jin Shan's arrangement. Is this the rhythm of beating the plaintiff first and then the defendant?

If they were all beaten, who would dare to file a complaint? Which song was Jin Shan singing?

When he was confused, Jin Shan asked: "Are you Fu Bunen?"


"Are you convinced?"

When Fu Buyen heard this, was he trying to test the rhythm of the fight?


He knew very well that a good man would not suffer the immediate consequences. This guy was a lunatic. Let the plaintiff parade and the defendant kneel.

This man's use of power is at its peak.

"Do you know this Wu San?"

"Lord Qi, I know this person as a long-term worker." Fu Bunen said.

"How many years have you worked for?"

"About three years and three months."

"Have you been paid?"

"Not given."

"Why didn't you give it?"

"He lost a calf and two sheep, and the discounted compensation just offset his wages."

"How did the calf get lost?"

"Been eaten by a tiger."

"How did the sheep get lost?"

"Between the wolves and ran away."

After hearing this, Jin Shan said angrily: "These cannot be blamed on Wu San. He is not as powerful as the tiger, and he has no way to take back what the wolf took away. You just deduct his salary and prevent him from living a better life. What are your intentions?"

?Be honest!”

This chapter has been completed!
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