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Chapter 107 Killing a chicken to reveal the truth

"Remember. Remember." He Mo said.

"I don't remember." Hong Zhaoyan said.

These two answers make people as confused as Monk Zhang Er.

Jin Shan was in a daze and didn't know how to deal with it.

He suddenly remembered that Bu Huishu said that if you want to detect a case, you need to pay attention to details.

But the details about the copper coins are already known, what other details are there?

Jin Shan said nothing and stared at He Mo.

He slowly heard the sound and felt that he had a chance to win. His face changed with joy. Jin Shan knew that he was very proud. When people are in a proud state, problems are easy to happen. What went wrong? He just got carried away and forgot his last name.

Then there is a loophole to exploit.

He looked at Hong Zhao's expression again and saw a look of helplessness, as if he had been stung by a wasp and felt very painful.

His expression was ferocious. How could he feel sweet when his money was taken away by a blind man? He always wanted to let Jin Shan seek justice for him, but seeing justice getting further and further away from him, he became a little depressed.

"He Mo, you said that your money came back to back, face to face. Well, I found that it was indeed your money. It seems to be your money. So, what are you going to do with the money?" Jin Shan asked.

"The younger one plans to get a wife." He Moyan said.

"How much does it cost to get a wife?"

"About one hundred thousand dollars." He Mo said.

"How many are here?"

"The younger one has counted five thousand pieces." He Moyan said.

"So, when did you count?" Jin Shan asked.

"Just counting."


"Last night."

"Where are you counting?"

"At the inn."

"How do you count your money at the inn? Aren't you afraid of being stolen?"

"The little one counts when people are asleep."

"Did you count the money while Hong Zhao, who lives with you, was asleep?"


"Stretch out your hand and take a look." Jin Shan ordered.

He Mo stretched out his hand, and Jin Shan stepped forward to check. He saw that the two palms were green and black, and the traces of copper coins on his palms were patina, green and black. They were clearly visible.

He Mo took off a copper coin and licked it with his tongue. It had a slight sweet taste. Thinking that Hong Zhao was a jujube seller, people who often deal with candied dates must have sugar on their hands. Touching the copper coin again left a sweet taste.


He returned to the table, raised the gavel, and slapped it on the table.

It made a huge noise and made everyone tremble, especially He Mo, who was even more frightened.

"You are so bold! What a treacherous person! You are so brave that you dare to deceive me! What crime should you be punished for?" Jin Shan shouted.

When He Mo saw Jin Shan getting angry and knew what had happened, he immediately gave in. He had already said something wrong and wanted to make up for it, trying to cover up another lie with a lie. The results got worse and worse.

He didn't know how to solve it, so Jin Shan happened to see through it, so he took this opportunity to step down, lest he would be condemned by his conscience more and more, until he was about to collapse.

"Young man pleads guilty, plead guilty! The money is indeed not Xiao's, it belongs to Hong Zhao. While he was sleeping, the young man took his money, and then counted them one by one, face to face, and put them on again back to back. These are

There are five thousand coins in total. Small eyes cannot see it, and day and night are the same. Count the coins in the dark, and you can count them more clearly in the dead of night," He Moyan said.

"You are obviously lying. You obviously have no money, but you say you have five thousand dollars. You obviously can't get a wife, but you still say you want to get married. The money came from an evil source. If it's not yours, it's not yours. Your palm has betrayed you.

The sweetness on the copper coins also proves that they belong to Hong Zhao, because he sold dates and there was a sweetness on his hands. When he touched the coins, there was also a sweetness on the copper coins. All signs indicate that you are lying and want to steal them.

I didn't expect that the waiter would see through this money and take notice of you. Otherwise, I would have to work hard to find you, and I might not be able to find you right away," Jin Shan said.

"Your Excellency, you are so perceptive and wise! You are so decisive! You are so wise! I admire you very much!" He Mo said.

When Jin Shan heard this, he thought this was flattering and meant no punishment. How could that be possible? For such a blind person! If he is not punished, he might do it again next time. Once the old habits are established, we must work hard to correct them. If they can't be corrected, they will

Very troublesome.

When encountering the right environment, just like the seeds of sin, they will sprout, grow, and bear fruit. This fruit is a bitter fruit.

"Don't do this! Come here, beat He Mo up to forty times and drive him out of the Yamen." Jin Shan ordered.

All the government officials shouted, stepped forward, overturned He Mo, waved the big board, and hit forty big boards, beating He Mo until he was trampled to pieces like an octopus, and threw it on the street.

, was ridiculed by people who came and went. They looked sideways and pointed, and He Mo felt ashamed. Although he couldn't see with his eyes, his ears were good. Hearing those words felt like needles pricking his heart.

Hong Zhao took the money and thanked him profusely. He wanted to leave some money to Jin Shan, but Jin Shan flatly refused and said: "You are not allowed to give money in the land of Yamen. Otherwise, if the news spreads, it will be difficult for me to defend myself. These five things are not allowed."

Thousands of copper coins are originally yours. This is called returning the item to the original owner and returning the jade to Zhao. Here, it is called the money returning to Hongzhao. You can take it. If this case is not handled well, you will bypass Dengcheng and not stay here. Spread the word,

Or Dengcheng is a den of thieves. It will damage the image of Dengcheng, the image of the official, the image of the court, and the image of the emperor. So, you take the money home, the family needs this money.

, or for household use, or to pay debts, or to order goods, you need money. You should leave quickly! Qingshui Yamen has no money, and if it does, it will compensate you a little, after all, it has wasted so much time."

"Thank you, sir. I have received your advice. I will definitely do more publicity for you. I really met an upright and wise official. I will definitely stay again next time I pass by Dengcheng. With Mr. Jin Shan in Dengcheng, there will be no problem. Xiao

The people are very relieved," Hong Zhaoyan said.

"You're welcome! It's getting late. You can go on your way. I'll see you off not far away. I apologize again for delaying you here," Jin Shan said.

Hong Zhao was very moved by Jin Shan's humility as a corporal, and he was even more determined to let others go to Jin Shan if they had an unjust case, and he would definitely get justice for those who were wronged.

Hong Zhao left the county government office and saw He Mo being pointed at on the street. He was bloody and bloody, and flies were flying above him. It seemed that he had received the punishment he deserved and would not arouse the sympathy of others.


Don't look at the thief's favorite food and drink spicy food, but look at the miserable situation of the thief being beaten.

It is better to be honest and honest as a human being. In this way, it seems that it is nothing to suffer a loss.

He thought so, even though he was carrying a heavy five thousand coins, he still felt grateful.

As he was walking forward, there was a commotion and some people arguing in front of him. It turned out that this was a roast chicken restaurant, and the aroma wafted out, making people salivate. He happened to be hungry and wanted to buy a roast chicken. He would eat some for himself and leave more for the children.

Take it back and try it to see what the difference is between the roast chicken in the city and the roast chicken in your hometown.

Behind the roast chicken restaurant is a lake, the scenery is beautiful and refreshing.

Gardens are connected to gardens, mountains are connected to mountains, and water is connected to water. It is like a huge continuous ink landscape painting. It is really a masterpiece of a great painter.

Let’s talk about Dengcheng. There are many lakes, the mountains are not high but beautiful, the streets are bustling with people coming and going, there are many shops, and the houses are lined up row upon row. It’s really lively when you go shopping on the streets!

Here you can find everything you need to eat, drink and have fun. Dengcheng under Jin Shan's governance was quite prosperous, a bit like Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

Hong Zhao noticed that there were so many people at the roast chicken restaurant that there was only a queue. The aroma was fragrant and it was so tempting.

Suddenly, a man dressed as a farmer shouted loudly: "Folks, this boss is unreasonable! He gave me one less chicken! Is it natural for someone who is so rich to bully the poor? Folks, come and see.

Look, you have to fight for me!"

When Hong Zhao heard this, why did this man come here to complain?

The shopkeeper didn't respond, so he sent two waiters with whips in their hands to beat the old farmer without saying a word. The old farmer was in pain and still yelled. The two waiters kept whipping him and whipped him. The old farmer had no choice but to retreat slowly.

Seeing this, Hong Zhao stopped buying chickens and immediately returned to find Jin Shan.

After returning the same way, they saw He Mo, who was still crawling. Hong Zhao went straight into the Yamen and hurriedly asked someone to ask Jin Shan to come out.

These people all knew Hong Zhao. They had forgotten something and came back to get it. When they asked if it was true, they just wanted to see Magistrate Jinshan.

Jin Shan saw that he was an acquaintance and asked, "What's wrong? The money is missing?"


"Too many?"

"No, I just asked you to go to the roast chicken shop. The shop owner is beating an old farmer who came from the country. The farmer said that his chickens were taken by the shop owner. The shop owner sent two guys to beat the old farmer." Hong

According to the words.

"Is there such a thing? Detective, go and have a look. This kind of thing will never be allowed to happen in my territory." Jin Shan said, and then led two detectives to the roast chicken restaurant.

As soon as Jin Shan arrived, he found that the roast chicken shop was booming. Not far from the door, there was an old farmer sitting on the ground crying.

Jin Shan stepped forward and asked, "I am the magistrate of Dengcheng County. I heard that you have grievances. Can you complain to me?"

When the farmer heard this, he looked up and saw that his face was wrinkled with tears still hanging on his face. He said angrily: "Master Qingtian, this shop owner bought my chickens. Because the price has not been negotiated, I will not sell them. Who can

Knowing that he actually hid my chickens, I counted them and found that one was missing."

The farmer who sold the chicken looked at Jin Shan. It would be difficult to ask Jin Shan to return the chicken immediately.

"You said one of your chickens is missing, so what are the characteristics of your chickens?" Jin Shan asked.

Jin Shan asked this question because he was influenced by the previous case. What are the characteristics of copper coins? This is actually a difficult question to answer. Because copper coins are all the same and have no characteristics, and the same goes for chickens.

"Let me tell you, sir, the chickens all look the same, there is no difference. I don't know what kind of chickens the boss took away," the farmer said.

"Okay, catch the boss, get the boss over here." Jin Shan ordered.

Soon, the policeman brought the boss over.

"Are you the boss here?"


"Do you open the roast chicken restaurant?"

"Exactly, sir."

"How do you know who I am?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, the last time your Excellency settled a case, I went to the court to see it." The shop owner said.

"That's good! No introduction is needed. What's going on? Why are you missing a chicken?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, our store has been operating honestly for many years. Please look at these customers and you will know that our store is very old. How could it be short of a chicken? We must be honest to our customers. What can we do if we deduct a chicken? A chicken

It’s really nothing. It doesn’t quench my thirst! I’m a young man who behaves upright and won’t harm others. Otherwise, the store would have been closed long ago!” said the boss.

"Okay, I want to ask you, when did you buy the chickens in your store?" Jin Shan asked.

"Oh, this, yes, I bought it three days ago, yes, I remember, yes, yes, it was three days ago. I remember when I bought the chicken, my wife said don't forget to go and celebrate my father-in-law's birthday.

We need to prepare birthday gifts and a feast of 100 chickens," the boss said.

"Oh, that's right, you remember, it left a deep impression, which means you are a very shrewd businessman." Jin Shan said.

The boss was praised and felt proud.

"Thank you, thank you for the compliment, sir. Unsmart businessmen have all changed careers. You need to be shrewd to make money," the boss said.

"Then I want to ask you, do you kill the chickens you buy right away, or do you feed them and then kill them when they are used?" Jin Shan asked.

"Of course, wait until you need to use it before killing it. That way it will be fresh. If you kill it too early, the meat will not taste good," the boss said.

"What do you usually feed chickens?" Jin Shan asked.

"Generally, we feed millet, bran, and some peas to ensure that the chickens don't get hungry or lose weight," the boss said.

He turned to the farmer and asked, "What about you, your chickens? What do you feed them?"

"Sir, how can country people feed their chickens well? They let the chickens find food on their own. Chickens in cities are basically raised in cages, while chickens in the countryside are found in the wilderness, in the fields, and in the mountains and forests.

Yes, if you don’t look for it, there will be nothing to eat. Chickens in the country have to suffer just like people in the country. Chickens in the country have delicious meat because the chickens have to find food on their own. Chickens in the city have conditions

It’s superior and you don’t have to look for anything to eat, so you become fat and the meat is not very tasty,” said the farmer.

"Okay, I know. Since you can't recognize your own chicken, let me make the judgement. But don't feel bad. Otherwise, the case will not be solved. Someone come and collect all the live chickens in the roast chicken shop.

Slaughter them all." Jin Shan ordered.

"Sir, why is this? What crime is the chicken guilty of?" the shop owner asked.

"Don't talk nonsense. Your wrong idea caused the destruction of the whole chicken. You can't blame others. If you want to blame, blame yourself. It's still too late for you to admit it. If you don't admit it, you can only do it according to my own method. After the case is found out, you still have to do it.

You have to think carefully about punishing you!" Jin Shan said.

When the boss heard this, he thought that he might not be able to find out. Even if he killed the chicken, it would be no big deal. He would buy it later. So he hardened his heart and said, "Think about it, think about it. Please take care of yourself."

I want to do it."

"Okay, execute!" Jin Shan ordered.

Everyone began to catch and kill the chickens, and more and more people gathered to watch. The whole roast chicken restaurant was surrounded by water, all wanting to see how this case would be decided.

This chapter has been completed!
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