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Chapter 108

Soon, all the chickens were slaughtered.

"Now, open the crops of all the chickens and see what's inside?" Jin Shan ordered.

Everyone obeyed the order and opened the chicken crops one by one, looked carefully, and registered them one by one. Finally, they found a chicken. After opening the chicken crop, they found that it was full of grass seeds and gravel. The chicken crops of other chickens were opened.

Finally, there were millet, peas, rice, etc. At this time, the shop owner was dumbfounded.

Jin Shan said angrily: "You are so bold! You dare to tease and deceive me! Not only did you deceive me, but you also bullied the country people. You have committed a heinous crime. What kind of punishment should you receive?"

"The little one is willing to pay him a chicken. I am willing to pay. I beg you to be merciful. The chicken that has been slaughtered is a loss." The boss said.

"Before slaughtering, I have asked you, you are going to slaughter, how can you mention the loss now? It shows that you are very dishonest. You said that you should compensate the country people for a chicken. It is already too late and not enough. I have the final say.

If you want to reduce your punishment, you must take the initiative to compensate him with twenty chickens. This is called punishing him with twenty chickens. This is reasonable, reasonable and legal." Jin Shan said.

When the shop owner heard this, he was dumbfounded. This was called stealing a chicken but losing a handful of rice. It was not just a handful of rice, but a lot of rice, which was completely cold. He regretted it endlessly. Unfortunately, there is no medicine to treat regret in the world.

When the farmer got ten chickens, he thanked Jin Shan profusely and kept kowtowing, regardless of whether the ground was dirty or not.

When he got up, he was gray-haired and had a bump on his forehead. Everyone couldn't help but laugh. He didn't care and happily went home with the chicken.

Jin Shan thought to himself that farmers are real and don’t even kowtow.

Just as he was about to leave, Hong Zhao said, "Sir, what do you think we should do?"

"What's up?"

"I just received a letter saying that my cousin was killed and asked me to go to the funeral. I asked the official if they had reported it? They said they had reported it and they might notify the adults right away. The younger one hadn't returned home yet. He was met on the way.

Let me tell you this matter, sir." Hong Zhaoyan said.

"Your cousin?"

"Yes, I was originally in Laohekou, and my cousin was my son-in-law, and he moved to Dengcheng. Every time I passed by Dengcheng, I would not go there, because he was my son-in-law, and it seemed a bit embarrassing. I would rather stay in a hotel.

.This time I met my cousin’s family on the way. They were going to Laohekou to report news to me. I happened to meet them on the way. The younger one came back. I didn’t buy the roast chicken. I thought it would take a while to get home. It was hot and I was worried that the roast chicken would spoil.

After watching the adults handle the case, the little one left. Before he had gone far, he met an acquaintance. He told the little one about the murder case," Hong Zhaoyan said.

"What's your cousin's name?" Jin Shan asked.

"Hong Xi." Hong Zhao replied.

"Is the land security guard here?" Jin Shan asked the government official.

"Here it comes. Just arrived."

The yamen servant came over with a local security guard. Jin Shan said: "Let's go, you lead the way. Come and prepare your horses!"

Jin Shan rode a horse, and the others trotted along. Hong Zhao also followed to see what happened.

Arrive at Hong Xi’s house.

The whole family is in panic. There is a dark cloud hanging over everyone's head. Everyone is like the murderer and everyone is like the victim. They don't know what will happen in the next moment. Because the murderer's method of committing the crime is cruel, chilling and heinous.

A group of people arrived at the murder scene. Jin Shan took a closer look and saw that the deceased Hong Xi was in an ugly death state. He was lying on his side with his legs bent. What was serious was that the head was missing from his neck. Only his neck was covered in blood and flesh. It was obvious that his body was covered with blood.

Trembling, taking a few steps back, and almost falling, this is what happened to Hong Zhao.

It was very strange that there were no signs of a struggle, nor any signs of burglary or robbery. He had handled many cases, and this was the first time that Jin Shan encountered such a strange case. He thought of the murder, and

Send a fast horse to fetch him.

After a while, Wu Zuo came. He looked at the body and said, "It was not injured by a sharp weapon. It doesn't look like it was done by a human being."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone felt even more strange and terrifying, making everyone feel in danger. Could it be that they had encountered a ghost? Could it be that some lonely ghosts had lost their heads and were looking for a living person to borrow money? Imagine it, and you will feel

A chill ran down my spine.

Jin Shan took a look and realized that what Wu Zuo said was reasonable. The nearest person may be the most powerful witness. The possibility of the murderer may not be ruled out.

"Is Hong Xi's wife here?" Jin Shan asked.

"Here." A woman's delicate voice said.

This makes people feel numb all over. This kind of sound is so penetrating that most people can't stand it.

"Who are you, the deceased Enxi?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master Qi, he is my little girl's husband."

"How does your husband treat you?" Jin Shan asked.

"My lord, my husband is my son-in-law. He is very good to my daughter. He takes care of her and loves her very much. He does not let her get involved in any work, big or small, and protects her from harm. My husband is truly the best man in the world." Mrs. Hong Xi said.

"Tell me about the situation, what happened last night?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master, my husband and my daughter are very much in love. They are as close as one and cannot be separated. My husband usually goes out on business and is a merchant selling cloth, silk and satin. This time I went to Nanyang County. I can't remember the specific name of the place."

"He was away for a month and a half this time and didn't get home until yesterday. When he got home, it was already dusk. The little girl was getting ready to finish her meal. When her husband came back, he was overjoyed and quickly cooked some more dishes to reward him." Mrs. Hong Xi said.


"What about after dinner?" Jin Shan asked.

When Mrs. Hong Xi heard this, her face immediately turned red and she hesitated to speak. Jin Shan understood. Seeing that her eyes were red, she seemed to have suffered a lot. She liked it, was afraid, was nervous, was worried about taking responsibility, and was worried about being stigmatized.

Outside, there are so many people making irresponsible remarks, so we have to be on guard.

"The little girl usually sleeps, which is different from last night. When the husband was out, the little girl always slept on the side near the cabinet. However, last night, the husband slept on the side near the cabinet. After the meal, the husband washed up and slept with the little girl.

They chatted about old times, expressed the pain of missing each other after parting, and then did things as husband and wife. After teasing for a while, they both fell asleep. The little girl was afraid of disturbing her husband, because he had traveled a long distance, and the journey was dusty and very hard, so she slept on the other side.

Unexpectedly, after getting up early, the little girl took a look in the morning light and found that her husband's head was missing, only his neck and body. The little girl was so frightened that she called someone immediately. Her parents came over and were surprised when they saw it.

, my father suggested reporting it to the official, so he asked the landowner to come over. Unexpectedly, the landowner said that there was something wrong with my daughter." Mrs. Hong Xi said.

"Landlord, tell me, what do you think about this case?" Jin Shan asked, turning to look at the landowner.

"Sir, what do you say about this? Generally speaking, this woman is one of the best in gambling, robbery, and murder. She is one of the best in appearance and figure. She is a beauty in the local area. It is inevitable that some people will have random thoughts and want to take advantage. In addition, Hong Xi often goes out to do business, and women are alone.

Keeping an empty house will inevitably lead to yearning for spring, and dry firewood will inevitably burn when exposed to a strong fire. Therefore, it can be inferred that people with a watery nature will inevitably lead to trouble and bring disaster to the family." Di Bao said.

"This is wrong. There is no evidence, so you cannot make decisions without authorization." Jin Shan said.

It seems that the case has reached a deadlock and no one can solve it.

Everyone was speechless, including Jin Shan, who didn't know where to start.

He suddenly remembered Bu Huishu's words, handling a case is about details, details determine success or failure, and details are the breakthrough point of the case.

So, where are the details of this unsolved case?

It can be said that there is no breakthrough. Because there is no head, I searched everywhere and found nothing. No report was received that the head was found. No one saw strangers entering and leaving Hong Xi's house. There was no sign of entering the house or signs of fighting.

, and had no enemies. After eliminating all kinds of killings, Mrs. Hong Xi was finally targeted.

A gust of wind blew by, bringing the scent of Xixi.

Jin Shan felt that such a fragrance was very strange. He had never smelled it before. Looking around, only Mrs. Hong Xi was the most likely, so he got closer and smelled it carefully. That was it!

The fragrance comes from Mrs. Hong Xi.

Jin Shan asked curiously: "Tell me, what does this fragrance come from on your body? Where does this fragrant thing come from?"

"Master, this is the hair oil that my daughter's husband brought back from other places. It is said that it comes from the Western Regions, from the Western Regions to the Central Plains. I don't know where it comes from. My daughter likes it very much and often uses it to protect her hair. It has this strange fragrance.

, makes the little girl add a lot of brilliance. The little girl likes her husband from the bottom of her heart, and the husband makes the little girl’s face shine." Mrs. Hong Xi said.

"Oh, I understand. I can see that you still love your husband very much." Jin Shan said.

"Of course, my husband is very kind to my daughter, and of course my daughter will repay his kindness. Apart from my husband, I have no thoughts about other men. What the land warden said is completely baseless, and my daughter is not convinced." Mrs. Hong Xi said.

"Okay, I know what you mean. I haven't concluded that you committed the crime. You go down and rest first while I talk to the others," Jin Shan said.

Someone came to help Mrs. Hong Xi to rest aside, and gradually the voices of the people in the room could not be heard.

The biggest suspect is Mrs. Hong Xi, because she was closest to the deceased.

"You go around, visit and see Mrs. Hong Xi's performance, and report according to the facts." Jin Shan said.

"Yes, sir!" The officials said with clasped hands and left Hong Xi's house to visit around.

Not long after, all the government officials returned and reported that Mrs. Hong Xi was a talented, intelligent, and beautiful person. Not only was she beautiful, but her moral character was also first-class. She never talked to strangers, and never left the door without leaving the door.

Be filial to your parents, be devoted to your husband, and do your best for this family.

She has an excellent reputation and is a rare virtuous woman, one in a thousand.

When Jin Shan heard this, there was nothing wrong with his character. If his mind was stable, his body would be stable, and if his body was stable, he would not cheat. There was no such thing as Hongxing cheating. Then he would continue to search for the cause of death.

Jin Shan carefully inspected the crime scene and saw how the head was missing. Could it be that there was a theory of taking something from across the mountain?

This is impossible!

A beam of light came in and shone on the body. The light deviated and fell right on the neck. Jin Shan looked at the hole according to the light. The hole in the wall was the horse's eye. In other words, when building a house, beams were placed as supports.

After the house was built, this hole was left. This hole is the horse's eye.

The eye of the horse happened to be on the same straight line as the neck of the deceased. Jin Shan suddenly thought that he could try it to see if there might be a problem, which meant conducting another crime scene test.

Mrs. Hong Xi must cooperate with this experiment.

With this idea in mind, he sent someone to invite Mrs. Hong Xi.

When Mrs. Hong Xi came, Jin Shan asked: "I have thought of a way to find out the cause of your husband's death, and maybe you can also find your husband's head. I wonder if you are interested?"

"Thank you, sir! I really want to know who the murderer is. My daughter and her husband have no enemies, and they are not particularly rich. Why do we want to attack our husband? Why do we want to take his life?" Mrs. Hong Xi said.

"That's good. If you need me, madam, apply hair oil as usual and continue to sleep in the same place as you did last night, where you slept last night. Don't close the door and open the window. Don't be afraid. I will be there. In addition,

"How about arranging an ambush and setting up a net to wait for the murderer to fall into the trap?" Jin Shan said.

"This, this, this, sir, isn't this good? The little girl is very timid. Her husband happened to die here, and the little girl is very scared." Mrs. Hong Xi said.

"Don't be afraid. As I said just now, I and all the police officers are on site to protect you. If there is any situation, they will be dispatched immediately to help you as soon as possible. What are you afraid of?" Jin Shan said.

After Jin Shan repeatedly persuaded her, she reluctantly agreed.

That night, just after the fifteenth day, the sixteenth full moon hung high in the sky, shining like daylight.

Everywhere is bright.

Jin Shan was holding a sword out of its sheath, sitting outside the window of Mrs. Hong Xi's room, staring closely at the horse's eyes.

Afraid of missing something? He suspected that there must be something wrong with the horse's eye.

After the banger sounded at the third watch, Jin Shan shouted: "Quick, there is something wrong, hurry, catch it!"

When everyone heard this, they woke up and immediately followed Jin Shan straight to the backyard with swords, clubs, bows, arrows, spears, brimstone daggers and other tools.

Then, he ordered everyone to search for a hole. After searching, they found a large hole at the foot of the wall of the warehouse house. The hole was similar to a horse's eye on the wall.

Jin Shan ordered people to light sulfur and other flammable materials and throw them into the cave. Not long after, "whoosh" a big python rushed out of the cave.

Seeing that there were so many people, and the torches were burning like thunder, the boa constrictor did not dare to go into the crowded place, but tried to escape from the base of the wall. However, with the strength of the crowd, they chased and intercepted the boa constrictor.

Then, everyone stepped forward together, using all available tools and weapons, including swords, spears, daggers, etc., to chop and poke the big snake indiscriminately, and the big snake was killed by everyone.

Jin Shan ordered: "Eviscerate the big python!"

As soon as he gave the order, everyone took action and started to take action. A sharp sword disemboweled the big snake. Wherever the sword passed, the contents of the big snake's belly were clearly visible and displayed in front of everyone's eyes.

After going through a lot of debris, I finally found a round thing. When I opened it, I was shocked. It turned out to be a human head?

Whose head does this belong to?

This chapter has been completed!
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