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Chapter 109: The Boa Constrictor Is the Real Murderer

After the python's stomach was cut open, a human head rolled out. It looked a little blurry, but Mrs. Hong Xi recognized it. She burst into pain and kept muttering her husband's name. She cried in agony and screamed at the heavens and the earth.

When everyone saw it, they were all sad, and then they admired Jin Shan very much. They all gave thumbs up to express their appreciation and praise.

Jin Shan said: "Today's Grand Master teaches us to pay attention to details when handling cases. One detail I noticed is actually hair oil."

Everyone was puzzled and looked at him doubtfully. He spoke eloquently.

"There is precious hair oil on Mrs. Hong Xi's hair, which emits a special fragrance that attracts the big python. The big python enters the room from the outside through the horse's eyes. When it reaches Mrs. Hong Xi's head, it sweetens the hair oil. Last night, because

Hong Xi and his wife changed places, and the big python came to lick her hair, but she didn't know that it was not her, but her husband, Hong Xi. Hong Xi did not apply hair oil, and it was not smooth, but had a lot of stubble on it.

When he stabbed the python's tongue, the python was in pain and immediately got angry, biting Hong Xi's head and neck, and swallowed the head together." Jin Shan said.

"So that's it!"

"Just now, I have been staring at the horse's eyes. When I was in a daze, maybe about to fall asleep, the big python came. I was looking into the horse's eyes and exclaimed. When the big python saw someone being

When we found it, we quickly ran away, so we went forward, but we didn't expect that it had already retracted into its hole. Only by using sulfur could we drive it out of the hole, capture it and disembowel it," Jin Shan said.

Upon hearing this, everyone suddenly realized and completely understood what the No Head Case was about.

After handling this, it was almost dawn. Jin Shan ordered the widows and scribes to be registered, and asked the family members of the deceased to sign one by one, and then returned to the county government office. The case was finally concluded. Mrs. Hong Xi and her family buried Hong Xi and other funeral matters.

Don't mention it.

Besides, Hong Zhao felt relieved when he saw that his cousin's body was finally found intact. After his cousin was buried, he returned to his hometown of Honghe Village, Laohekou.

When I got home, my wife was very angry and said, "You said you would come back in half a month. It has been several and a half months. Why did you come back? I miss my slave family to death!"

Hong Zhao was busy comforting his wife and said: "Good wife, don't be angry. You are not a husband who covets the fragrance of wild flowers outside. It's just that no matter how far you go, you can't escape your grasp."

"To be honest, did you find a sweetheart when you passed through Dengcheng? They were reluctant to let you go and delayed you for several days?" asked Mrs. Hong Zhao.

"What are you talking about? Your husband almost suffered a disaster, and you are still in the mood to find a lover?"

"How unlucky?"

"That is to say, my payment was almost stolen by someone in Dengcheng."

"Is this happening?"

"Of course, guess who stole the money?"

"Who is it?"

"He's a blind man."

"A blind man? Can he see? If he can see, he is not blind. How does a blind man steal money?"

"You don't understand this. Blind people know it very well. He stole my money while I was sleeping, and then tampered with the money. After dawn, I found out that the money was stolen, so I sued the government, and he started

I didn’t admit it and only admitted it later.” Hong Zhaoyan said.

"Why didn't you admit it in the first place?"

"Because there was no evidence, he was very confident. He said the money was his, and when he wore the copper coins, they were face to face and back to back," Hong Zhaoyan said.

"What is face-to-face? What is back-to-back?"

"The side with the writing is facing the side with the writing, and the side without the writing is facing the side without the writing. In this way, what he said is reasonable. Because the money will be awarded to him."

"What should I do?"

"As for me, I met a good county magistrate, Mr. Jin Shan. He is very smart. He found the problem from the details and saw that the blind man was lying."

"How can you tell?"

"My palms and fingers are all black."

"What is that?"

"He touched it by touching the copper coins. He stole my money, counted it in the dark, and then wore it according to the above method. The number of money was also correct, and the characteristics of the money when worn were also clearly stated. This seemed to be foolproof.

It’s still showing off.”

"Why didn't he see that his palms were dirty?"

"He is a blind man!"

"Oh, yes, hehehe, I almost forgot, women are still women, they just lack something compared to men." Mrs. Hong Zhao said.

"I don't blame you for this. You are a woman and as beautiful as Mrs. Hong Xi. It's a pity that her life is not as good as yours!" Hong Zhaoyan said.

"You mean your cousin-in-law?" Mrs. Hong Zhao asked.

"Yes. My cousin is dead."

"How did you die? Did you go to your cousin's house?"

"Yes, I originally didn't want to go. I wanted to buy some roast chicken on the street and bring it back to you to eat, but something happened at the roast chicken restaurant. As I was about to leave, I met an acquaintance who was coming to Honghe Village, Laohekou, to report the funeral, and he happened to meet me.

After saying this, I went to Hong Xi's house. The mourners continued to report the funeral, but you didn't even hear about it?" Hong Zhao asked.

"Yes, I vaguely heard about it, but I'm not sure. I thought it was someone else's business."

"I guess they thought they had already told me, so you already know it. There is no need to tell you. Besides, you are a womanly person, and it won't look good to others. If your husband is not at home, if there are many men in front of a woman's door, it means that she has a bad style."

Okay. Do you think this is true?" Hong Zhao asked.

"Yes, husband, you are right." Mrs. Hong Zhao said, "I heard that I met a bad guy? What happened next? Was the case solved?"

"Not a human being."

"Who is not human?"


"Why aren't you human?"

"Jin Shan is still smart. He really has a way. He caught the murderer in the middle of the night. Guess what he caught?"


"It's impossible for a tiger to bite off the head and pack it away. Besides, the doors and windows are locked properly, how could the tiger get in? Guess again."

"It seems that the doors and windows are all in good condition, so no one can get in, right?"

"Yes, no one can get in. There are no signs of prying open the doors or windows, and there are no clues left."

"Then it's difficult to solve? You said County Magistrate Jin is smart, how did he defeat it?"

"Didn't I just say that? Jin Shan was waiting at the window of Mrs. Hong Xi's room and discovered the murderer at night."

"Ah! What did you find?"

"A giant python."

"Big python?"

"Yes, the big python, enter and exit through the horse's eyes, that's the only way it must pass."

"What horse eyes?",

"It's the hole left after building a house and erecting a frame, then dismantling the frame," Hong Zhaoyan said.

"Oh, oh, women still don't understand technology. I know that hole. I don't know it's called a horse eye, and I don't know what it's for. Now I understand. I was still wondering why I just left a hole there. Is that right?

What do you mean? Now I understand."

"Just understand. What do you think you did after you discovered the python?"


"It's just catching a big python."

"Yes, how to catch it? Have you caught it?"

"Caught it. It is very cunning. When Magistrate Jin shouted, it ran away and ran to the foot of the backyard wall. There was a hole there, which was usually not discovered. But when they found it, everyone found the hole with all their skills.

Fortunately, Magistrate Jin had the foresight to prepare sulfur and other flammable materials and put them into the cave to drive the python out of the cave. As soon as it came out of the cave, everyone stepped forward and killed the python with various tools.

I cut open the boa constrictor's belly and something rolled out. What do you think it was?" Hong Zhaoyan said.

"What is it?"

"A human head."


"Yes, it's my cousin's head. It's scary to death."

"Yes, I can't sleep at night."

"It's okay, I'm here."

"Then you came back after burying your cousin?"

"Yes. My relatives are all here. If I leave, I'm afraid it would be bad and rude." Hong Zhaoyan said.

"That's right. Why did the python eat your cousin's head?" asked Mrs. Hong Zhao.

"It's because of hair oil."

"What hair oil?"

"My cousin brought back hair oil to his wife, who used it. I didn't expect that this hair oil came from the Western Regions. It looks like a foreign product. It is very expensive and has a strange fragrance. I have never seen it here. The big python likes it very much.

This fragrance came and then I found the source of the fragrance, which was hair oil. It got into the house through the horse's eyes, slid down the bedside table, and came to Mrs. Hong Xi's head and started licking the hair oil. That night, Mrs. Hong Xi and

Hong Xi changed his position, and the python came. Instead of licking Mrs. Hong Xi's hair oil, it licked Hong Xi's hair. Hong Xi had a dusty journey, and his hair stubble pricked people.

Bite the head and swallow it into the stomach, and then run away." Hong Zhaoyan said.

"Oh, how terrible! I was still trying to get you to buy some foreign hair oil. According to what you said, I don't dare to buy it anymore, so just don't buy it. It's expensive and will cause trouble." said Mrs. Hong Zhao.


Mrs. Hong Zhao said this. She still felt itchy in her heart and wanted to oil her hair. However, after hearing this, she was still worried that a big python would come and eat human heads if she was angry. She was very scared just thinking about it!

Conflicted, I don’t know what to do.

"Madam is so beautiful! She doesn't need any hair oil, and she is still fragrant." Hong Zhao said with a smile.

"What a business-minded mouth! How could I be so beautiful? Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. You cook every day, but there is no aroma on your body. It's all the smell of food. Can't you smell it?" Mrs. Hong Zhao said.

"You too, go to restaurants when you have money. How can you cook and eat by yourself every day?" Hong Zhao asked.

"Where is the money? I hope you make money and spend it on me. I am a woman, how can I make money? Unless I sell it." Mrs. Hong Zhao said.

"What are you talking about? If a woman goes out to do flesh business, it means that a man is not good. It's not that he has no financial resources, but he has no love. I will never let you go out to make money. Money is a fascination. Money makes people bad. If you do it for money,

I'm afraid our family will be destroyed." Hong Zhaoyan said.

"How can you live without money?"

"I have money." Hong Zhaoyan said.

Hong Zhao regretted saying this, and wanted to appease his wife, so he suddenly changed his words and said: "If you have money, you have money. It's a pity that it's lost."

"What's going on? How did you lose the money? You lied!" Mrs. Hong Zhao asked.

"It's a lie! It's really lost. It's like this. When I was passing through the black pine forest, seven wolves followed me. It seemed that a family of young and old were joining the battle. It was a family of wolves. I saw

, this is not bad, a hero will not suffer the immediate disadvantages, just run away. I will run as fast as I can, hating my parents for not giving me two legs, only four legs. A wolf only has four legs, otherwise, how can I run on two legs?

What about the one with four legs? So I ran back as hard as I could. I thought that when I got to a place where there were people, the wolf would not dare to come, because it was beyond the wolf's sphere of influence. Sure enough, when I arrived at a place where there were villagers, I

I got rid of the wolves seven miles above Honghe Village," Hong Zhaoyan said.

"It's not that you got rid of it, it's that the wolves stopped chasing you. If you didn't stop, you would still be caught up." Mrs. Hong Zhao said.

"That's right, no matter what, I saved my life. Whether this business is profitable or not depends entirely on luck. If I hadn't met the blind man, I wouldn't understand this truth. I just met the blind man, and there was no danger.

It was really interesting to meet a wolf," Hong Zhaoyan said.

"What happened to the blind man?"

"The blind man was beaten forty times. He is basically useless."

"Fortunately, life is more important than money. Making money in this business is secondary. As long as no one is hurt, it is not worth it if you lose your life while saving the money. As long as you are a good person, everything else will be fine. You are considered an old man.

God is merciful. Good people will be rewarded with good things, and bad people will be rewarded with bad things. It's not that you don't repay before the time comes, but you must repay when the time comes." Mrs. Hong Zhao said.

"Well said! My wife is really talented!" Hong Zhaoyan said.

"Where, you taught me this."

"Originally I didn't want to say that I lost money, but seeing how honest you are, I couldn't help but say it. You won't blame me, right? Madam," Hong Zhao asked.

"How can I blame you? Money is something external to the body. If you don't take it with you when you live, you won't take it with you when you die. Why should you care too much? I lost the money I made in business this time. I just treat it as if I didn't make any money. It's not a loss, because the person is still there. It's okay to keep it.

If you have a green mountain, you won't have to worry about having no firewood. Do you think this is true?" Mrs. Hong Zhao said.

"Yes, yes, that's good! As long as you don't blame me."

"No wonder, God has a vision. The person who found the money might also need money. Whoever needs it, just give it to them. God has a vision." Mrs. Hong Zhao said.

"Yes. Okay, as long as you live, that's fine. Yes, I'm hungry now." Hong Zhaoyan said.

"Oh, I forgot, I'm going to get you some wine and cook two vegetables, and then! Haha, hee hee... I'll give you my comfort and comfort!"

Hong Zhao understood it as soon as he heard it, and smiled happily. Looking at this beautiful and charming wife who still had a harmonious character, his heart was as sweet as drinking honey.

Mrs. Hong Zhao soon came back from drinking. The aroma of wine filled the house, and after a while, the aroma of cooking came again.

Hong Zhao was full of wine and food, and sang happily. He thought about the short life and the need to enjoy himself in time. He thought about Hong Xi's life, which can be regarded as a wandering life. He finally found a lovely wife and lived a happy life. Unexpectedly,

An attack by a python broke a family apart. It seems that you shouldn't buy that hair oil, you shouldn't get carried away, and you should also know some common sense to avoid making mistakes.

We still have to live a simple life. A simple life is the happiest. Only by making life as simple as possible with simple needs can we enrich our thoughts. Thinking about it this way, I really shouldn’t buy that luxury product. I didn’t expect that the luxury product could not bring

Glory, on the contrary, brings death. Those who are alive should take this as a warning and not repeat the same mistakes! If you are proud of life, you must have all the joy, and don’t let the golden cup stand empty against the moon. This is the happiest time in life, especially after experiencing a life.

After a life and death experience, the feeling becomes even stronger.

This chapter has been completed!
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