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Chapter 123 The Wronged Cousin

Besides, Le Jibei and his wife returned to normal. When Cai Qing was being executed, Le Jibei ran to watch, holding a dog that had been starved for three days. He waited for the executioner to cut off a piece of meat and threw it under the stage.

Someone had a dog to rob, and the situation got out of hand.

Le Jibei held the dog. When people chased the wild dogs away and wanted to grab the meat, Le Jibei released the dog. The four-legged one was much faster than the two-legged one. How could the two-legged one win?

What about the four-legged ones? Le Jibei’s dog ate a lot of Cai Qing’s meat.

Cai Qing's list was erased from people's minds, and their impressions gradually became blurred, and finally they were completely forgotten.

Li Li saw Jin Shan's case-handling ability and was impressed. He said to Jin Shan: "My brother's case-handling ability is enviable. Some case-handling skills are worth learning. I am willing to stay and learn, but the vacation is about to end and I have to go back."

I’m working now. I’m really sad to miss such a good opportunity.”

"What did you say, brother Xian? Brother Xian is very powerful. I don't dare to learn from brother Fool. You can never be a teacher. You should be a student. Only by being humble can you make progress." Li Liyan said.

"When will you come back this time?" Jin Shan asked.

"I don't know, I hope it will be sooner, but I may not have the chance. My dear friend, I know that there are many things to do and I will never finish them. If the world is harmonious and everyone abides by the law, then there will be nothing wrong with us." Li Liyan said.

While the two were talking, someone beat a drum to complain. The drummer said that someone had raped their daughter. Jin Shan said to Li Li: "Brother Xian, you see something is going on here again. Brother Yu is looking forward to your coming to relieve Brother Yu's worries."


"He who can do the hard work! I trust you very much and know that all these are easy. It's a piece of cake." Li Liyan said.

"Okay, I can't send you off. The wise brother will do what he wants, and the foolish brother will come as he goes." Jin Shan said.

"Okay, my friend, go ahead! Don't worry about me. I'll take my leave. I hope we can meet again in the future and ask my friend for advice. I hope you will give me your advice." Li Liyan said.

"Don't dare to take it seriously, don't take it seriously, there are strengths and weaknesses. Just learn from each other's strengths and make up for each other's weaknesses." Jin Shan said, looking at the book boy next to him who came to spread the message.

"My dear friend, I'll take my leave now! See you later," Li Liyan said.

"Okay, go, go! I won't send you far," Jin Shan said.

"Sir, please!" the book boy said.

Jin Shan and Li Li bowed their hands and then went to the hall.

When I arrived at the court, I found an old couple kneeling downstairs.

"Who is kneeling?" Jin Shan asked.

"The old man's surname is Lin, Shuangmulin. This is the old man's humble wife, Lin Bai." The old man said.

"You have gray hair on your temples. You seem to be quite young, right? Why do you have gray hair to complain?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, I am over fifty years old and have only one daughter. The couple regards my daughter as the apple of their eye. However, the family is unfortunate and suffered a disaster. What kind of disaster? It is that the old man's precious daughter was ruined by a beast. Oh, what a misfortune! This

This person is none other than the old nephew, the nephew of the humble Lin Bai. Alas—" Old Man Lin said, crying, his tears falling to the ground.

Lin Bai also cried until she almost died, out of breath, and very miserable.

"This is unreasonable! There is such a thing that is worse than a beast! Come on, go and capture Lin Bai's nephew." Jin Shan ordered, throwing out a stick, and it fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

After a while, the police arrested the suspect.

"Who is kneeling?"

"Xiaomin Baiqing."

"Can you plead guilty?"

"The common people don't know."

"Look at the two old men in the hall. Do you recognize them?"

"We know them, they are Xiaomin's uncle and aunt." Bai Qing said.

"Do you know why they came here?" Jin Shan asked.

"I don't know. Why are you here?"

"I'm here to sue you!"

"Sue me? Xiaomin doesn't understand."

"Do you really don't understand or are you just pretending to be confused?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, Xiaomin really doesn't understand!"

"Then are you afraid of the torture instruments on the wall?" Jin Shan asked.

"Don't be afraid. I have done nothing wrong and have not committed a crime. What should I be afraid of? If a small citizen commits a crime and refuses to admit it, the adults can punish him. The small people will be more than worthy of their death. The key is that if the small people are wronged, they will be sentenced to death immediately.

Even the common people will die with their eyes open." Bai Qing said.

"Do you mean what you said?"

"If there is a lie, there will be a thunderbolt from heaven. If you go out, you will be hit by a carriage, or you will be bitten to death by a mad dog. In short, you will not die well!" Bai Qing said.

"Okay, I will not torture you for the time being. However, before the case is investigated, I will still imprison you pending trial." Jin Shan said.

"That's natural," Bai Qing said.

"Mr. Lin, please lead the way. I will take you to do the autopsy," Jin Shan said.

The two old men only nodded and took them to Lin's house according to Magistrate Jin's arrangements.

As expected, Miss Lin died in her boudoir. Her clothes were disheveled, her home was in a mess, and there were deep finger pinch marks on her neck. After careful inspection, the prosecutor concluded that she was raped first and then killed. Judging from Miss Lin’s struggle, she was raped and then killed.

He pressed his throat and died. It seems that the person who committed the crime must be a strong man with strong hands.

When Jin Shan heard this, he understood the general appearance of the murderer. Thinking about it, Bai Qing didn't look like a strong person. People with short breath don't have much strength. Only with great strength can they achieve their goals and suffocate people to death.

Jin Shan asked the two old men to bury their daughters and said: "I believe that I will avenge you! The real murderer has been caught. Bai Qing has been imprisoned. Don't worry! If he committed the crime, he will be sentenced to death. If not, he will be sentenced to death."

Let him go and let the real murderer be brought to justice."

"Thank you, Mr. Jin Qingtian, for upholding justice for democracy!" Lin Laoyan said, looking moved to tears and runny nose.

Jin Shan comforted them again, and then left. Halfway there, Jin Shan left only the book boy and asked everyone else to go back and wait for notification.

Jin Shan took off his official uniform and changed into ordinary folk clothes. He looked like a small businessman and owner of a silk and satin shop.

He and Shutong were going to take a look and visit to get to know Bai Qing's personality. They also wanted to take this opportunity to find out who Miss Lin had contact with, whether Mr. and Mrs. Lin had any enemies, who committed the crime, and what was the motive for the crime.

?All worth thinking about.

I haven't figured out these issues yet. I was thinking about these issues while I was on my way. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, my eyes lit up, and then there was a sound of thunder, the mountains shook, maybe the waves were hitting the rocks, and thousands of white clouds were rolled up.

It was about to rain, and it was a heavy rainstorm. They had to find a place to hide from the rain quickly. The rain came faster than people imagined. When they saw a large family nearby, there was a door opening, there was no one at the door, and the eaves were big and wide enough, so they

Taking shelter in the doorway, it was windy and rainy, and the heavy rain was like someone pouring water from the sky, pouring down basin after basin. Those fragile thatched houses may not be able to withstand such an impact.

After a while, the heavy rain and dark clouds like black dragons slowly weakened and became lighter and turned into a gentle breeze and drizzle.

At this time, the door creaked, the door opened, and a person came out.

He looks like he has a big head and a thick neck. Who is he but a cook? He smells bad, and it seems that he has been in the kitchen for a long time. Such a person is actually the chef of this wealthy family. Such a chef will

Outside, he is also showing off his power. However, this chef looks very cautious, not very arrogant, cautious in everything, and always vigilant. He is afraid of saying the wrong thing or doing the wrong thing.

As soon as Jin Shan saw this man, he knew he was unusual and asked, "May I ask his name?"

The man looked at Jin Shan up and down and felt that he was upright. The man next to him might be a clerk. He nodded and said, "Shen Yuan."

"It's great. It's a great blessing in life to get to know Shen Yuan!"

"What's up?"

"We were passing by here, doing business in silk and satin business, and were about to check into the hotel when a heavy rain suddenly came, so we had to take shelter here," Jin Shan said.

"Well, this place is good. I really know how to choose a place." Shen Yuanyan said.

"On the way, I heard that a young and beautiful lady was killed here. It is said that it was her cousin who did it. She is really worse than a beast! What a pity, what a pity!" Jin Shan said.

"That cousin, that young man was quite unjust." Shen Yuan said.

Shen Yuan's words seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, or hummed from his nose. He couldn't hear clearly and was not sure what he was talking about. With Jin Shan's many years of experience in handling cases, he already knew that among them

There must be something hidden. Maybe this chef is a breakthrough. With a chef, there will be the outcome of the case. It’s just that the chef faces pots, pans, seasonings, oil and salt every day. He knows very little about the world and is very good at cooking.

, the chef was hesitant to speak. He must have a secret that is not convenient to tell in this place, or he is afraid of taking risks, and treats strangers with the attitude of doing more things than doing less. Maybe considering that they are outsiders and just passing through,

It wouldn't be too much to reveal it first.

Jin Shan guessed that he had just gotten off work and hadn't eaten yet, because when he was a chef in a wealthy family, he always let the owner eat first. The fumes from cooking made people lose their appetite at the time. After eating, he started to feel faintly hungry, so he

I wanted to go out to eat something, but I didn’t want to eat what I cooked because I cooked it every day and smelled the soot every day, so I was too lazy to eat the food I cooked. So I wanted to try something new and eat what others cooked, which is equivalent to enjoying it.

Other chefs or snack bar chefs can also feel some respect for their craftsmanship.

It seems that Chef Shen Yuan has some scruples. It is inevitable that there will be ears at the door of the host's house. In order to avoid trouble, he left.

Jin Shan invited him to a tavern to drink some wine to drive away his fatigue, and he wholeheartedly agreed. In this way, the three of them arrived at the tavern three miles away and went in to drink. The waiter was very enthusiastic, and the book boy was taking care of him.

Get familiar slowly.

Jin Shan was very generous. He ordered several specialty dishes and special dishes. It was very interesting for the chef to taste the techniques of other chefs. He felt that he was being served. He was very proud to be a teacher. In addition, Jin Shan enthusiastically persuaded Shen Yuan to drink.

You're welcome, after three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, the conversation started to come up after the wine was drunk. Chef Shen Yuan's chat box opened up, and it was very rich.

Shen Yuan's face was red. People say that drinkers blush and show filial piety to their parents. This statement is debatable. However, the chef was indeed very kind to his mother. Especially after his father passed away, he was even more attentive to his mother and devoted himself to everything.

take care of.

"You said that young man was unjust, why? Aren't there many cousins ​​who did bad things?" Jin Shan asked.

"This is because you only know business and don't understand people's hearts. To tell you the truth, the real murderer was once my friend. The two of us got along very well when we were young. We often played together when we were young, helped each other, and often protected each other.

Me, help me get rid of those who bully me. He is my protector. Because we have a good friendship, we often interact with each other. We often eat and drink together. One time he invited me to drink again, so I went. Who knew that I couldn’t control it?

He got drunk, and then started bragging, saying that he had killed someone, that girl, surnamed Lin, yes, Miss Lin, she was killed by him," Shen Yuanyan said.

"Really? Is he bragging when he's drunk?" Jin Shan asked.

"No, I don't think he was drunk or talking drunkenly. Based on my understanding of him, he can do this, because he never learns to be good and does bad things. As long as he has a chance, he will do bad things.

. He said that he killed Miss Lin, and was a little scared. He drank to get drunk in order to numb himself and prevent himself from thinking about these things. He already remembered the details of the crime, and his description was very specific and detailed, which made people believe it. I listened.

After that, I was a little scared and wanted to stay away from him, but I couldn't stay away," Shen Yuan said.


"Because he was hiding in the house where you were hiding from the rain just now." Shen Yuan said.

"What's going on? Is there such a coincidence?"

"It's like this. His mother happened to be in that house. Because he killed someone, he wanted to hide. Knowing that he would be discovered if he ran far away, he laid an ambush nearby. Often the most dangerous place is the safest. He

So he went to seek refuge with his mother, who helped hide him. He didn't clearly mention the case or what he had committed. His mother didn't understand the situation. She couldn't figure out what it was. The strange thing was that he didn't dare to go anywhere.

Come out and hide it well. This makes me feel fucking weird." Shen Yuanyan said.

"Then are you helping him keep his secret and keep it secret?" Jin Shan asked.

"No, he is unkind and unjust. I hate him very much." Shen Yuan said.

"It's like this. He has some money. He has a lot of ill-gotten gains from killing people and selling goods over the years. As for me, I happened to encounter some difficulties, so I wanted to turn over to him, but who knew that he didn't even get a dime and wouldn't borrow it!

Not only did he refuse to borrow it, but he also said some unpleasant words, which made me very angry. He was really a bad guy, unkind and unjust. He did bad things and didn't know how to restrain himself. He was also so cruel to his children and friends. No one can stand this attitude.

Not only did he not lend me the money, and I didn't pay it back, he also beat me so hard that he knocked out one of my front teeth. Look, here it is." Shen Yuan said angrily, then grinned and let

Jin Shan took a look. Jin Shan took a look and saw that there was indeed a gap. The air was leaking, and he felt the slightest bit of cold air blowing over his face.

This is good, since the question also brings out hatred, there will be drama in it. Jin Shan thought to himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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