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Chapter 122

"Where did you take that woman?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master Qi, I brought it to my home."

"What about when we get home?"

"After arriving home, the woman was trembling with fear. I don't know whether it was from the cold or from fear. In short, she kept shaking like chaff. After she regained her composure, she ran away, but her foot slipped and she fell.

The little one laughed so hard that she was even more frightened and wanted to run away. The little one threatened her and said, "If you run away, I will break your legs, peel off your skin, twitch your tendons, and dig out your body."

Eyeballs, I will make you a blind old woman and eat dirt for the rest of your life.' When she heard this, she calmed down," Cai Qing said.

"What happened next?" Jin Shan asked.

"Later, the younger one lit a pile of firewood and asked her to take off her clothes. The wet clothes had to be dried. The younger one told her that when the clothes were baked, he would send her home," Cai Qing said.

"Does she believe it?" Jin Shan asked.

"She believed it. There happened to be a fire. She was also afraid of the cold. After hearing what the younger one said, she relaxed. When the younger one saw that she was a little looser, she quickly showed her courtesy and brought back the firewood to make the fire burn brighter.

, the younger one said to her: "I'm going out right away, so you can change your clothes, bake them, dry them and not catch a cold, I have no other intention, I just want to tell you the truth, that Master Hongyi is not a good person, when he talked to me

, has bad intentions and wants to take advantage of you. You see, the monk has not seen a beautiful woman for a long time. Once he does, he will be particularly greedy and greedy. If you look at his eyes, you will know what his eyes are specifically looking at.

He had bad motives and wanted to possess you, so I killed him to save you. You should thank me! Why did you run away after seeing me? Am I a tiger? There is fire here,

The fire is very good, I've heated it up, you cook it slowly, and when I go out, you can bake it all with confidence. I have other things to do. Just bolt the door, so I can't come in either.

Just feel free to change your clothes.'" Cai Qing said.

"What did she do next?"

"Later, she checked the room and found it safe, so she warmed herself by the fire and changed clothes. The younger one peeked outside, but he was so bold that he entered through the broken window and quickly stepped forward. When she was extremely shocked, he took possession of her.

, she was so frightened that she didn’t call for help at all, and her resistance was of no use at all. In the wilderness of this place, there were no homes anywhere, and even if there were, they wouldn’t mind their own business. They all knew that they were useless and had no ability.

Look down on me, this incident also proves that I am a man." Cai Qing said.

"How is that woman?" Jin Shan asked.

"She was crying! She cried for a long time, no matter how hard I tried to persuade her, she couldn't stop it. Finally, she fainted from crying, and Xiao Xiao pinched Renzhong again to bring her back to life. She clamored to go home and refused to stay.

Here, the younger one said: 'Can you go home if you want to? You don't know that Master Hongyi died to save you. When the time comes, the government will investigate and find out that you are all accomplices, accomplices, and on the same rope.

Two grasshoppers, neither of them can escape. Can you escape the torture of the government? Also, it is said that your husband is petty. If I send you home, wouldn't it be a jealousy if he sees it? Yours

Will a man get around you easily?' She listened and said nothing. Maybe she thought what Xiao Xiao said was reasonable, so she kept silent. Xiao Xiao said, striking while the iron was hot: 'Don't be anxious, if you come with me

, I will marry you, take you far away, to a place where no one knows us, and live a happy life. With my skill in growing vegetables, I will have food to eat wherever I go. Just wait and enjoy the blessings.

.’ After hearing this, she still didn’t say no, didn’t nod or shake her head, I don’t know what she was thinking.” Cai Qingyan said.

"What happened next?" Jin Shan asked.

"Later, she sighed and agreed, but she had conditions." Cai Qing said.

"What are the conditions?"

"She said that one of her embroidered shoes fell off, maybe in the well. Xiao Xiao thought that the well mouth has been sealed, and Master Hongyi is inside. It may not be Xiao Xiao's ability to find the shoe.

It can be done. She said she didn't want that shoe, but wanted to find a pair of similar embroidered shoes so that she could walk in them." Cai Qing said.

"Then you're going back to look for it?" Jin Shan asked.

"Of course, if you don't look for it, you won't come here. It's the trouble that comes after you look for it. I just don't understand, how can adults be so magical? Even if they are dead, they will look for shoes? And it's

Is it really true that one is clairvoyant and has ears for the wind on such a road?" Cai Qing asked.

"You are overthinking. That's not the case! When I salvaged Master Hong Yi, I had already discovered an embroidered shoe. This embroidered shoe belonged to a woman. Since the woman hanged herself to death, she might have faked her death.

After being carried here by Le Jibei, he threw her into the well. Unexpectedly, after the woman got into the well, she was knocked awake and the rope around her body was loosened. She regained her strength and naturally survived.

This is what happens when you are alive. You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you are dead. If there is no corpse, there must be a living person. Master Hongyi died in the well, and the woman must be alive. Since she is alive, she must wear shoes.

She couldn't wear the shoes, let alone walk on them. She would definitely find someone to find some. I decided to find a suitable pair of embroidered shoes. After thinking about it, I asked Le Jibei to go home and get them.

He bought suitable embroidered shoes for his wife to wear. He asked the police officer to put the embroidered shoes on the mountain road. Someone would definitely come looking for him. So he arranged it like this. Sure enough, he was waiting for you. If you hit the muzzle of the gun, that would be fine.

I blame you for having low ideas." Jin Shan said.

"Yes, sir, the little one was very happy to pick up shoes that matched her feet. It seemed that they were specially prepared for her. The little one was overjoyed. He looked around and saw that there was no one around, so he picked up the embroidered shoes and went to see her without saying anything.

, I wanted to take this opportunity to get intimate with her, but suddenly someone barged in. At first glance, they were all police officers, as if they had emerged from the ground, and they immediately surrounded the little girl. It was really like that.

It fell from the sky, leaving little one with nowhere to escape," Cai Qing said.

"You are so careless!" Jin Shan said.

"Yes, I was just happy at that time! Because I couldn't find it after searching for a long time. When I found it, it seemed that it was specially prepared for her. When she saw it, she was really surprised and said: 'These shoes are mine, how did they get there?

Is it in your hand?" When the little one heard this, she was very proud and thought this gift was more important than anything else. Sure enough, she liked it to death. She didn't say much. Just when she was about to say something, your people broke into the door.

I have never expected and have never encountered so many people coming to this hut," Cai Qing said.

"Yes, I guessed that someone must be looking for the shoes, because the reason is very simple, that is, if this woman is not dead, she must still be nearby. After all, after going through this ordeal, and losing one of her shoes, there must be nothing that can be done

When going out, the first thing that comes to mind is the single list. Xiang Le Jibei always looks at his wife, fearing that she will be abducted by another man, so he always keeps a close eye on her. As a result,

It still flows away like quicksand, no matter how hard he exerts his fingers, it will remain the same. If this single man wants to get this woman, he will do whatever it takes to get this woman, and he will even try his own methods. He never expected that the sky net will not leak out, but he will just muddle along. But he has no shoes.

What happened is indeed a headache. As expected, this single man turned out to be you! You did these things to satisfy your selfish desires, which is actually not advisable. It is tantamount to seeking wealth and killing, motivated by sex, cruel methods, and the circumstances are quite serious.

, the person who killed was a monk, and the crime was even worse. Why didn't you think carefully before making a decision?" Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, if I think about it now, it's worth it. I have been growing vegetables all my life and have never thought about being close to a woman. I deal with vegetables every day. If I meet a woman who is like a fairy, I will definitely not let him go. Who knows that this is caused by inner demons?

The devil in my heart made me so bold that I didn't expect to take this path. Killing Master Hongyi may also be related to the fact that I was often commanded by Master Hongyi. Xiaoxiao was fed up with being infuriated and took this opportunity to punish Master Hongyi.

"At that time, my heart was full of hatred, and I lost my judgment. As a result, I committed crimes, which became more and more serious." Cai Qingyan said.

"Master Hongyi kindly took you in, why do you hate him?" Jin Shan asked.

"How could he be kind enough to take in the little one? It's because he is lazy. He is too old to do any work, such as fetching water. He has no strength. He is using the little one to help him fetch water," Cai Qing said.

"Then does he care about your food and money?" Jin Shan asked.

"It's not him who gave it to me, it was Lumen Temple who gave it to me. He is only responsible for the logistics of the vegetable garden. Who has the right to give out money for food? It's all the food and money given by Lumen Temple." Cai Qing said.

"How did you enter the garden?" Jin Shan asked.

"The young man came from a poor family and relied on part-time labor to make a living. One year, his income was not good and he couldn't find any work anywhere. Seeing that the rice at the bottom of the vat was gone, he had no money to buy it. He was so hungry that he had no choice but to go out.

They went far away to find a way out. Unexpectedly, when they walked to the back garden of Lumen Temple, they fainted. When they woke up, they were in the house of Master Hongyi. Master Hongyi was taking care of the little boy. After learning the truth, Master Hongyi asked the abbot of the temple.

Apply, leave the little ones to help grow vegetables, and give them money to eat. In this way, working part-time in the vegetable garden is equivalent to working long-term." Cai Qing said.

"So, if it weren't for Master Hongyi, you would have starved to death?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes. There is a saying. Master Hongyi did this right and deserves the title of Master. He knows how to show mercy to others," Cai Qing said.

"Aren't you grateful to Master Hongyi?" Jin Shan asked.

"Then what is there to be grateful for? Monks and Buddhists should be compassionate and save people's lives, which is what they should do." Cai Qing said.

"Do you regret it when you were caught later?" Jin Shan asked.

"I have no regrets. I can kill or cut into pieces as I please. The little one has lived enough. Living is too tiring, just like a dog. Dogs are stronger than the little ones and still have freedom. The little ones are satisfied, but they have low ideas and do not deal with it decisively. Please hurry up

When you leave, you shouldn't dwell on small things. Afterwards, the thing that made Xiao regret was that she shouldn't have trusted the woman. She asked Xiao to find shoes. In fact, she created opportunities for herself to escape. When looking for shoes, she could

Slowly recover, even if you don't find the shoes in the future, you can still escape. Xiao Xiao didn't think so much. Since she wanted shoes, she tried her best to satisfy them. As long as she followed Xiao Xiao, Xiao Xiao would be satisfied. Who knows, she still wouldn't

If you are willing to leave, you would have taken action long ago." Cai Qing said.

"Okay, I already know what you mean. Finally, I would like to ask you if you know about Li Quan?" Jin Shan asked.

"I know, he deserved to be chopped up!" Cai Qing said.

"Then do you believe that he is still looking for someone to support him?" Jin Shan asked.

"Only ghosts believe it," Cai Qing said.

"Well, it seems that misfortunes never come singly. As for you, go with Li Quan. He has a companion on the road to hell. Likewise, since we are friends and companions, we must die in the same way as him." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, can you change the way you die?" Cai Qing asked.

"You don't care about life or death anymore. Do you still care about how to die? Besides, think about it, you don't have any family, your parents died early, and you haven't married yet. Although you have had sex with men and women, it is still a crime, which proves that you are a man.

, but he is a stupid man. If you do something wrong, you have to admit it. If you don't admit it, if you commit a crime, you have to admit it, but you defend your behavior. You think you are right. When you do this, in fact

You are challenging the bottom line of law and morality. Think about it, if you do this, you are destroying the folk customs in this area. In order to suppress unhealthy tendencies, punish evil and promote good, I must let others learn from the experience and use it as a lesson.

As a warning, of course, it is of no use to you. Good things come in pairs and misfortunes never come alone. Since there is this saying, there must be a certain truth. You could have lived to a God-given age, because you went against the will of God, harmed the laws of heaven, and murdered Buddhist disciples.

Raping a woman from a good family, these crimes are intolerable, any crime can kill you, your crime is too bad, you must be severely punished," Jin Shan said.

After Jin Shan finished speaking, the whole audience applauded and cheered, shouting: "Death by a thousand cuts, cut into pieces by a thousand cuts!"

When Cai Qing heard this, he immediately softened. He sighed and lowered his head. The scribe brought the transcript and asked him to sign it. Then the yamen tied him up and sent him to the prison, where he was ready to be executed. Of course, it was

Lingchi was executed.

Le Jibei took his wife home, and he still loved her lovingly. He didn't dare to say anything to her anymore. She wanted to go back to her parents' house to stay for ten nights. He said that twenty nights would be fine. He knew very well that if she didn't

It's useless to say anything about human life.

We need to maintain our relationship with her now. After all, she is a beauty and she still has a few decades to live. When we get older and lose our beauty, we will feel more at ease. Men don’t need to be too stingy or sour.

Le Jibei's wife experienced this life-and-death disaster and understood a lot of truths, that is, she should not act rashly. Everyone's family is not living well, so why should they seek short-term consequences? Living is worse than death. Death will be ugly, and it is not better yet. Reputation. It is better to die than live. As long as you are alive, you will have the opportunity to defend yourself. After you are dead, others can say whatever you want. You can say whatever you want with your mouth, and no one can control it. It is you who will suffer the consequences.

This chapter has been completed!
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