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Chapter 145 Sentencing Ma Ge to Death

He finished crying and his body stopped shaking. Jin Shan asked: "Which murderer is so arrogant and domineering? Who gave him the courage to disregard human life under the blue sky and in broad daylight?"

"Sir, this man has some background, otherwise he wouldn't kill someone just because he lost a game of chess." said the deceased's son.

"It's really unreasonable! I've never heard of this in the world. It can be seen that he always cares about human life and doesn't take human life seriously. Without the king's law, this person must be arrested. Not only must he be arrested, but he must be sentenced severely." Jin Shan hated

Said hatefully.

Just as he was about to take the order and order the arrest of the important criminal, someone beside him shook his head. When he saw it, it turned out to be Tang Lu.

Tang Lu finished his tour of Dahaojiang and returned to Xiangyang County. Feeling bored, he went to Dengcheng again.

Jin Shan felt that Tang Lu had some evil ideas, so he could just listen to his opinion.

"Master, just tell me, what should I do about this matter?"

"This man's name is Luo Jin. He is the brother-in-law of the Minister of Civil Affairs in the current imperial court. Luo Jin has such a relationship and brings trouble to the village. If you want to bring him down, you must first bring down the Minister of Staff. It is estimated that it will be difficult. If

If you go directly through Dali Temple, Master Yin should be fine. The problem is that you can't get there. According to the procedures, you must declare at various levels. Only those who meet the conditions can be seen by Master Yin. Otherwise, you can't see it. You can't go beyond the level, otherwise it will violate the rules."

Tang Lv said.

"In this case, should we do this case or not? It's really a headache." Jin Shan asked.

"As long as you are still in your position, you must do it, otherwise, you will not be able to keep your official title." Tang Lu said.

"This official title is not important, what is important is to uphold justice and let everyone get fairness," Jin Shan said.

"Don't be naive, sir. This is a goal, but it cannot be achieved in reality. Letting everyone experience fairness and justice is just a dream. We should wake up. If it is reported to Dali Temple, this case will never be approved unless

Find another way." Tang Lu said.

"I want to give it a try. What if it works? Maybe no one will dare to bully others." Jin Shan said, "At least in the name of my governance, people can see hope."

"Ideals are ideals, and reality is reality. Ideals are full, but reality is skinny. If you want to give it a try, you might as well give it a try. If you don't understand human nature, it means you won't suffer. If you have a deep understanding of human nature, you will generally suffer miserably.

Only when you are hit can you understand a little bit." Tang Lu said.

"The current situation is, should this person be arrested or not? Should he be tried after he is arrested? Should he be reported or not?" Jin Shan asked, a series of questions, all of which are important.

"Catch, we must arrest. Not arresting is not enough to make the people angry. Trial, without trial, cannot reflect the fairness of the law. Judgment, without judgment, cannot reflect the authority of the law. Report it. If you don't report it, it proves that you are arrogant. The black hat will soon be arrested.

"If you want to work for a long time, you must learn to adhere to principles and be flexible. If you are determined to be an upright official, I'm afraid they won't let you become an official. If you can't be an official, there is no such thing as an upright official." Tang Lu said.

"Shouldn't a bad guy like Luo Jin be eliminated?"

"Of course we have to get rid of it, but we have to find a way. Direct methods will definitely not work. If you don't believe it, you might as well try it." Tang Lu said.

"Okay, then let's try it first. If it doesn't work, then use your method. Master, is this good?" Jin Shan asked.

"Of course I have no problem. Just do it, sir," Tang Lu said.

Tang Lu knew very well that Jin Shan wanted to challenge the higher-ups, and wanted to touch an egg against a stone to see who was stronger. Needless to say, the stone was harder, and the final outcome was that the stone was intact, but the egg was very tragic. Even if it ended tragically,

, I estimate that Jin Shan will go through this test without any regrets.

Soon, Jin Shan ordered Luo Jin to be captured, thrown into prison, sentenced to be executed by Qiu Hou, and sent to the capital for approval.

The case file was sent to the capital, and the Minister of Civil Affairs approved it: "The facts of this case are unclear, the evidence is insufficient, and the application of the law is inappropriate. Please ask the Jinshan County Magistrate to discuss it separately, and then submit a written report after thorough investigation."

The official document was high-sounding, conclusive, impeccable, and watertight, and then added a private letter, which said: "Luo Jin is my brother-in-law. I hope he will be dealt with lightly and handled with caution. When things are done, he will be recommended for promotion. He will be promoted every year.

Make money every day.”

Jin Shan read the official approval document and a private letter, and cursed in his heart: "How come the imperial court has raised such a group of bastards! If this continues, where is the authority of the law? The majesty of the imperial court is gone, and everyone commits crimes. This will not happen in the future.

Clean it up. The world will be in chaos."

Scolding and scolding, this is a troublesome thing, I just don't want to kill him.

How to let him die? He can't die. Luo Jin is a dark cloud in the hearts of the people in Dengcheng, weighing them down. The only way is to get rid of Luo Jin.

When I was thinking about how to write the second submission, someone came to visit me.

The visitor did not show up, leaving only gifts. They were a large number of gold, silver, jade, antiques, agate, cat's-eye gems, etc., too numerous to count, as well as silks and satins, neatly stacked in piles, less than ten thousand taels of silver.

There are so many goods. It seems that the person giving the gifts is trying his best to achieve his goal. He may be bankrupt, but he still wants Jin Shan to be accommodating.

Jin Shan immediately thought that they were Luo Jin's family members.

Sure enough, there was a sentence written on the gift list: "I beg Mr. Jin to spare Luo Jin's life. A mere gift is not respectful! Please accept it with pleasure!"

Jin Shan took a look and realized that this was a bribe!

This gift must have been sent by someone from the Luo Jin family. Needless to say, it should be sent back intact.

He immediately decided to have the gift sent back, and wrote a letter to denounce the person who gave it. Then he continued to write a petition, demanding that Luo Jin be severely punished. The official document was sent up, and after a delay, he approved it and said it was not allowed.

This time, no private message was sent back together. It seems that the Minister of Civil Affairs has become insensitive to Jin Shan. He feels that he is a rotten tree and cannot be carved. If you talk too much, you will lose it. For this person, he feels that the less contact he has, the safer he is. Jin Shan is completely

They are just lumps in the elm wood, uncivilized, unaccommodating, unable to adapt, dead-brained, and square-headed.

Such pig-like teammates are a potential threat to the Minister of Civil Affairs. As long as you don't get too close to him, you will be fine.

The second time he returned, Jin Shan suddenly thought that this was what Tang Lu predicted, and it was absolutely correct. If you are too upright to survive, you will definitely hit a wall.

This person just deliberately prevented Luo Jin from dying.

Jin Shan was very angry and annoyed. He felt that he had too little power and was defeated by a kid. This made him feel embarrassed. The officialdom was so dark that it was beyond imagination. Fortunately, in the small place of Dengcheng, it was best not to get involved with them.

Choice. The rise and fall of officials in the imperial court is like acting. When one party sings, the other party appears.

What can I do?

If normal procedures were followed, Luo Jin probably wouldn't have died. So, if he killed someone, should that be the end of it?

No, absolutely not!

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that murder must be repaid with life, and debts must be repaid with money. This is a simple and qualified truth. Even people who do not understand the law know it. Why has the murderer who killed someone not been sentenced to death? Is the king's law just for viewing?

How can this be justified?

It is necessary to give an explanation to the family of the deceased and let Dengcheng know that the criminals who committed crimes in Jin Shan's hands will be severely punished. Otherwise, Dengcheng will not be a place for humans, but a place for wild animals.

Thinking of this, he wanted to submit a letter to the superior for the third time. This time, Jin Shan suddenly thought that he had to use abnormal means to achieve normal goals. Generally speaking, everyone thought that people who were sentenced to death must be

If there is a way, just work on the writing. Once the writing is done well, the goal can be achieved.

He looked left and right at the names and discovered the problem. So he wrote another letter, and he was so proud that he even said: "Luo Jin, Luo Jin, you will definitely die this time. Look at the autumn."

The time has come, after all this trouble, the time has come. Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, just wait and see! Can your brother-in-law still save his life? Look at you, you must be in trouble. This is

A perfect example of a mute eating Coptis chinensis. Humph——"

In this way, the matter was only three, Jin Shan wrote the submission and sent the case file to the capital. The Minister of Civil Affairs took a look at it, and with a stroke of his pen, he wrote, "I agree to the autumn beheading, and it will be implemented at that time."

The Minister of Civil Affairs did not examine the case files carefully, because there were many files and he was dizzy. He only had Luo Jin in his mind. As long as there was no case, he would agree to all other cases and reject the Luo Jin case.

The Minister of Civil Affairs did not read the content clearly. Jin Shan wrote in the case file: "The murderer Ma Ge killed people for no reason due to trivial matters. It has been verified to be true. We are now submitting a petition to behead him in public. He will be executed in late autumn. Please

Submit for approval and review.”

After getting the approval document, Jin Shan used a pen to add "ge" next to the word "horse" and "jin" next to the word "ge", which became the word "Luo Jin". Sure enough, the murderer was Luo Jin, and the person who reported it was "horse leather". After the approval,

, another word was added, and it became another name, Luo Jin. The murderer Luo Jin had to choose a day to be executed.

This move was so clever that the Minister of Civil Affairs, who often read the submissions, didn't see any flaws and didn't think about it carefully, so he was fooled and used. With the help of the Minister of Civil Affairs, his brother-in-law's life was ended.

His brother-in-law deserved death, but because of his family ties, he was not allowed to die, so Jin Shan had no choice but to make this decision. It was considered a mission accomplished. This made Jin Shan deeply understand the importance of power. As long as he has the power, he is not willing to give it up.

With power, there is a sense of superiority. Those who deserve to die will not die, and those who do not deserve to die will die. This is the power of life and death. As long as you can save your life, money is easy to come by. If you don't want to, you can only give up. The key is to look at your own choices.


Just look at the arrival of autumn. Jin Shan ordered Luo Jin to be escorted to Caishikou. Thousands of people came, densely packed and crowded. They all craned their necks to watch the excitement. Everyone praised him, saying that this bully also had his day. Normally,

People who had been bullied by Luo Jin threw eggs and other vegetables at him, leaving Luo Jin with nowhere to hide. His face was disgusting, dirty, and disgusting. Everyone was relieved.

Because the weather suddenly turned cold and autumn suddenly arrived, in order to prevent changes and unexpected branches, Jin Shan ordered people to take action in advance and killed Luo Jin with three swords at the entrance of Wancaishi Market.

Because the executioner had also been bullied by Luo Jin, during the execution, he had already decided not to let him die happily, but in pain, so he returned a big knife. This knife was not sharp, but had a sharp edge.

Notched, notched, and serrated, it looks like a knife in appearance, but actually looks like a saw. If you want to cut the neck with such a knife, it will not be successful with one cut, but three cuts, which will increase the pain. This

It is a kind of revenge. Everyone knows it, but they don't tell it. Only the executioner knows this secret. When it is spread, everyone knows that before execution, you must say hello to the executioner, otherwise, the person being executed will be in great pain.

This was done beautifully, and Tang Lu admired Jin Shan's wisdom very much, so he paid a special visit to him.

"Master, thank you for your suggestion. Facts have proved that you are right," Jin Shan said.

"Master, you are still smart, and I admire you very much. If you had not gone astray and followed the normal channels, Luo Jin would still be drinking in prison. Look, the treatment he enjoys in prison is better than

He still enjoys happiness outside, with good wine and food all day long. All he needs is someone to go in and serve him. As time goes by, the jailers will be bribed by him, and he will live a better life inside. He doesn’t want to come out at all. People still

As long as you are alive, it is possible. If you don't take decisive measures, he will probably look for opportunities to retaliate. You know, he has someone in the capital. If you don't put him out, your life will probably be difficult. He only needs to say it in front of the emperor.

If you say anything bad, your future will be over. The stakes are very obvious. Fortunately, my lord, you can adapt to the situation and deal with it flexibly without losing principles. You have protected and upheld the king's law and allowed him to be punished. This is

It is your wisdom that is worth learning." Tang Lu said.

"I have to thank Master for his advice. At first, everything he said made sense, but I didn't want to accept it. Now that the matter has come to this, I have no choice but to bite the bullet. Otherwise, the murderer will not be punished. If I condone the crime, I will do it.

We must let the bad guys get retribution and punishment for their dereliction of duty, let the good people live and work in peace and contentment and feel safe, and let fairness and justice be reflected in every case. Otherwise, if you are an official and do not benefit the people, you will not be able to get justice.

Justice, if you cannot plead for the people and punish criminals severely, then it is better not to be an official. Without an official, you will feel lighter. There are more and more bad guys. If we don’t use heavy blows to attack them, these bad guys will make everyone in Dengcheng panic and worry every day.

How can you have a happy heart when it is shrouded in dark clouds? Therefore, the punishment must be punished and never be lenient. However, now that the officialdom is dark and mutual protection is available, it is also a troublesome thing for those who have been wronged to have nowhere to redress their grievances. No matter what,

We must make the people of Dengcheng feel that the king's law is just." Jin Shan said.

"What your Excellency said is absolutely true! If everyone abides by the law, no one will break the law. If everyone acts in accordance with the law, there will not be so many corrupt officials, and the atmosphere in the officialdom will be much better! Your Excellency, is this true?"

Tang Lu asked.

"Of course it is, so there is a saying that if the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked, and if the lower beam is not straight, it will fall down. It is the same principle and is connected." Jin Shan said.

This chapter has been completed!
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