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Chapter 146 Whose Cow Is?

As soon as autumn arrived, Luo Jin was executed.

Jin Shan was worried that he would be spotted by the Minister of Civil Affairs, so he actively rescued Luo Jin sooner rather than later.

After Luo Jin was executed, everyone in Dengcheng felt relieved, even walking at night.

When the Minister of Civil Affairs heard that his brother-in-law had been killed, he broke out in a cold sweat. What he saw was obviously Ma Ge, so why was it Luo Jin who was executed? He took a closer look, and sure enough, as long as he added the word "horse" next to the character "horse", it would be Luo.

Add a jin next to the word, which is Jin. The only blame is that he was careless and didn't think about it. Jin Shan only wanted to kill Luo Jin, and he just had to achieve his goal. If he didn't deal with it this way, it would be impossible even if he reported it thirty times in a row.

Let Luo Jin die!

This Jin Shan should not be underestimated. He is full of twisted intestines and has so many evil ideas. It is really hard to guard against him. You must be especially careful in the future.

Jin Shan admired Tang Lv's judgment very much. The Minister of Civil Affairs did not expect that the master next to Jin Shan would be so powerful. Speaking of Tang Lv, he did not expect to be famous. He was naturally famous all over the world. He was a little flattered. Compared with his master Bu Huishu, he

Still far from it.

To say that Tang Lu has such a talent is related to an incident when he was a child.

One year, there were two families in the village, one Wang Shijin and the other Wang Shiyin. Both families had cattle. They were cattle. Farm cattle are the lifeblood of farmers. Having cattle to cultivate the land is much better than using human power.

The two families originate from the same ancestor. Both are Shizi sects. They are both diligent and frugal. They have maintained the family business and purchased a lot of things. The family business has gradually expanded. This cow is the representative. In a time when many people can't even eat.

When they are full, they get along well and win the respect of others.

Suddenly one day, the two families encountered the same problem, that is, a cattle disappeared. This was really strange. It had not been encountered for hundreds of years. Finally, it happened. This is very distressing and confusing. Is there an enemy? It doesn't seem like it.

Ah! If you are an enemy, you should only harm one family. How can you follow the saying that misfortunes never come singly?

Who did this?

Since the two families had no hatred, they had to look for the lost cow everywhere, so they mobilized everyone to look for the cow. After searching for a long time, they couldn't find it. Wang Shijin and Wang Shiyin planned to give up. After these few days' experience, both families were sad.

They were all happy. What was sad was that their own cow was lost. What was happy was that the brother’s cow was also lost. It was considered balanced and psychologically acceptable.

It would only be hateful if one brother's family didn't lose its cow! Fortunately, it's only fair that they are all unlucky together! So, when it comes to being sad, neither of them is very sad, but rather happy.

The two brothers were happy when they couldn't find the cow. Then they felt a little disappointed. After all, the cow was the bulk of the family's wealth, so they were still unwilling to lose it.

Later, Huangtian paid off. Someone said that a cow was found in the yard of Wang Laoshuan's house in the neighboring village. It was very similar to Wang Shijin's cow. Wang Shiyin also suspected that it was his cow, so the two brothers decided to go and have a look.

They both ran to Wang Laoshuan's yard to have a look. When they saw it, they both thought it was their own cow.

Wang Laoshuan didn't know what to do with it. He said: "I picked up this cow. I don't know whose house it ran away from. I went to pick up dung in the morning to pick up cow dung, but I didn't expect to pick up a cow."


"You picked up a cow, why didn't you report it to the official? It seems that you want to keep it for yourself, right?" Wang Shijin asked.

"Why are you being unreasonable? Why should I report it to the official if I have nothing to do? Besides, who would dare to go in if you don't have money? People say, don't go in if you have reason but no money. I have no money and no reason. I picked up a cow.

I'm kind-hearted and take care of the cows, and don't let them starve to death or be eaten to death by wild beasts. No matter which of you owns the cow, you have to thank me! I didn't expect to complain. It seems that doing good things has risks.

From now on, if I see anything that doesn’t have its owner, I won’t take it away even if you kill me. I didn’t expect that being nosy would end up being nosy.” Wang Laoshuan said.

"I don't blame you for being nosy. I want to thank you for taking in the cows and taking care of them. I will compensate you for the time and energy you spent, as well as the grass feed. You will not suffer any loss. You just need to

Just leave the cow to me." Wang Shijin said.

"Maybe you can't say it like this. Do you mean that this cow must belong to you, Wang Shijin? Don't draw any conclusions yet. You call this cow. If it agrees, the cow will be yours. I won't fight or snatch it. Otherwise,

Don't blame me for being rude. Even though you are the eldest brother and you are tall and strong, I am not afraid of you. If there is a quarrel, I will quarrel with you. If there is a fight, I will fight with you. I will accompany you at any time until the end. I won't support you.

, I will help you." Wang Shiyin said.

"Don't be convinced if you don't want to be convinced. What's mine is mine. If you don't want to be convinced, just file a lawsuit. See what the county magistrate says. There will always be people who understand. It's pointless for us to argue here." Wang Shijin said.

"Okay, if you want to file a lawsuit, file a lawsuit. Let's go, who's afraid of whom? Wang Laoshuan, just wait. The cow will be left here for the time being. You can continue to take care of it, and I will calculate the expenses for you in the future." Wang Shiyin said.

The two of them rushed to the county government office angrily, and many people followed them. They wanted to see how the clever county magistrate solved the case. Who knew that after beating the drum to complain, the county magistrate was dumbfounded. He had never encountered such a case.

In a lawsuit, cows cannot speak. What if there is a trial? If cows could talk, they would tell who is its owner. But that is a myth. Cows can only moo and cannot speak.

The county magistrate couldn't make up his mind, so he sent the case to the state capital. The state officials looked at the case and were helpless. Such strange cases were very rare, and the state officials couldn't make a decision, so they had to shelve the case and wait until later.

The trial means that there may be other evidence that needs further verification.

All said and done, the case was quite difficult.

Someone recommended Tang Lv.

At that time, Tang Lu was still young, but he showed intelligence. Compared with his peers, he was very intelligent and he was considered the leader among his friends. He had many clever ideas. In terms of strength, some people were stronger than him. In terms of comparison,

Talent, his talent is also average. In terms of crime-solving skills, his skills are still excellent, but he has not used them well and has no chance to apply them. This time, someone asked him to see the official, saying that someone asked him to see him.

Tang Lu's vanity immediately emerged.

He went immediately and was as happy as if he were at a banquet.

When the state official heard that he wanted to ask a child for advice, he was a little hesitant. However, everyone recommended him, saying that this little guy was very smart and was particularly good at solving crimes.

The state officials are at a loss what to do, the time is coming, and if they cannot gain a firm foothold, they will be easily eliminated. There are already too many people crowding this channel, knowing that this channel can bring wealth.

"With his hairy hands and feet, his hairless mouth, his inability to do things well, and difficult cases that adults can't solve, a kid can solve them? Isn't this a joke?" the state official said with a smile.

"Adults, you might as well give it a try. Try it first before talking. Sometimes people have great potential and complete the task inadvertently." The recommender said.

"Then give it a try." the state official ordered.

Tang Lu was invited to the state capital.

The state official saw that the boy was about seven years old, and sincerely didn't want to embarrass him, so he said: "You just treat it as a play. Now you have time to regret it. You can leave. I won't stop you. You can think about it yourself." The state official said.

"Don't think about it, what's the case?" Tang Lu asked.

"That is to say, a cow has gone missing, and now two brothers are fighting over it, both claiming it is theirs. How to judge?" asked the state official.

“Where are the cows?”

"It was picked up by Wang Laoshuan and kept at his house. After the verdict, whoever owns the cow will take it away," the state official said.

"Okay, let's go to Wang Laoshuan's house now, and then I will make arrangements." Tang Lu said.

When the state official heard this, he saw that Xiao Tang Lu was serious and not joking, so he ordered everyone to go to Wang Laoshuan's house.

When we arrived at Wang Laoshuan's house, the cow was tied up in the yard and grazing in the stone trough. It seemed that it was living a good life. Wang Laoshuan was very good at taking care of it and made the cow look good-looking, which was a selling point in the market.

Most people would not give up on such a shape. Not only does it look good, but it is also very capable. It can be used for farming and is a good hand.

No wonder this cow is the hot property of the Wang brothers. If Wang Laoshuan is rich and powerful, he probably wants to get involved with this cow and will never let the Wang brothers take it away. But now they are powerful and rich.

, unable to fight, reported to the official again, and had to cooperate to avoid lawsuits. Wang Laoshuan was not at a loss. No matter who took the cow away, everyone would pay compensation to him. This is what they said, and they said it in public,

Now that you have said it, you must do it. People who are rich and powerful must keep their word, so as not to lose face, and their words will have no weight or prestige in front of the villagers, and it will be difficult to hang out in the village in the future.

When they arrived at Wang Laoshuan's house, Xiao Tang Lurang took out the cow. The state official ordered him to go down and do it, and then said, "Please Wang Shijin and Wang Shiyin to drive their own herds over."

The state official was puzzled and couldn't ask more questions, lest he would be embarrassed in front of everyone. He was not as smart as a child, so he held back.

All he had to do was tell them to go down and drive the cattle over.

Wang Shijin and Wang Shiyin looked at each other, but they both wanted to show off their wealth, so they ordered their families to drive out all their cattle. These cattle, some big and some small, male and female, mooed like dark clouds.

, were two big dark clouds, which made everyone stunned. Normally they couldn't see how many there were, but now they finally saw the true face of Lushan Mountain. These two brothers were really rich! The sign of wealth is who has more cattle and sheep.

Xiao Tang Lu saw the herd of cattle coming and asked someone to release the controversial cow.

The cow ran straight to Wang Shiyin's herd, regardless of the food here. Now it has found a home and a familiar cow. It was very happy, mooing, and didn't look back. Mr. Wang

Shuan Zhi shook his head. What a supercilious cow! He had raised this cow for so long, but he didn’t even look back when he left. Not to mention grateful, he even refused to look back. This cow was raised in vain. Alas——

The prefecture official understood at a glance that this was Wang Shiyin's cow. The cow didn't talk, but the cow knew where its home was!

A voice came out from the crowd and said: "The cattle of the Wang family, the cattle of the Wang family!"

It seems that there are many heroes this time, and the results are highly consistent!

When Wang Shijin saw this situation, his nose was twisted with anger, and he was unwilling to accept it. He turned his head away and looked around, as if looking for a savior, but where were the stars in broad daylight?

Xiao Tang Lu observed Wang Shijin's performance and was worried that he was dissatisfied, so he said to the state official: "Wang Shijin is the elder brother, and he is obviously dissatisfied. It can be seen that he may still think about this cow in the future. So, sir, in order to let him

I'll put an end to this thought and ask someone to drive out the controversial cattle. I'll have my own use."

The state official was puzzled and asked: "Since the cow has found its own home and the cow belongs to Wang Shiyin's family, it's okay to just let the cow go back. How can we go through all the trouble?"

The state official looked at Xiao Tang Lu and said nothing. He thought, this kid is smart and may be right. Let him resolve the dispute completely, so he ordered people to drive out the cow.

The cow refused. He had just seen his own cow and wanted to be separated from the cow's family. How could it be possible? So the cow just refused to come out. It was really a stubborn cow and a stubborn cow. Xiao Tang Lu said: "Sir,

This cow is disobedient and needs to be beaten! No matter how you beat it, as long as it doesn’t kill it, you have to fix the cow’s stubbornness.”

The state official didn't know Xiao Tanglu's purpose, but he knew that it made sense, so he ordered the officers to beat the cow hard, but not to death!

So the officer took the order and went away, holding a whip and making a "snap, snap" sound. When the cattle saw the whip, they were so frightened that they had to retreat. There were many cattle in the herd, but they were all afraid of being whipped. None of them came out to protect this stray animal.

After many days, we finally found our cattle. Without the protection of the cattle, the disputed cattle were particularly sad. The guards were ordered to beat them, and they hit the cattle with whip after whip. The cattle moaned in pain.

When Wang Shiyin saw it, he immediately begged: "Don't fight, don't fight. If you hit me again, I'll kill you!"

After saying that, he rushed forward, tried his best to block the officer's whip, and said: "The cow is innocent, and you are right. Don't hit it. If you want to hit it, hit me. If you want to kill the cow, hit me first!"

The sound was so loud that everyone who heard it was moved. It seemed that Wang Shiyin was willing to sacrifice his life for the cow. Such a loving spirit for cows is commendable!

The officer was stunned when he saw Wang Shiyin blocking the whip. Wang Shiyin rushed forward. Seeing that the officer was dumbfounded and at a loss, he grabbed the whip and said bitterly: "I don't even have to think about it. This person has been wronged."

They will cry out that they are wronged. When a cow is wronged, it will not speak. It will only cry and shed tears. Why don’t you think about how you would feel if your cow was whipped like this?"

Wang Shiyin's torture of his soul caused the officer to completely collapse. He looked at the state official, dumbfounded.

Looking at the governor again, the governor looked at Xiao Tang Lu. Xiao Tang Lu looked at Wang Shijin and gave the governor a look. The governor understood and also looked at Wang Shijin. Wang Shijin secretly saw the governor looking at him and immediately shouted:

"Don't beat it, don't beat it. The cow suffers. He hasn't been home for several days and he gets whipped when we meet. It doesn't make sense. Don't hit him. If you hit him again, the cow will die."

Wang Shijin's cry was obviously weak, because the cow that was beaten did not seem to be his. In fact, when everyone saw it, it was an obvious fraud. The cow did not belong to Wang Shijin's family. If it had been, Wang Shijin would not have reacted so coldly, calmly and ruthlessly to the cow.

The one with true feelings is Wang Shiyin, the one with false feelings is Wang Shijin!

This chapter has been completed!
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