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Chapter 164

Jin Shan already knew that Tan Caizhe had collapsed, but the local people had this habit of refusing to admit their mistakes. Even if the evidence was very conclusive, they would not admit their mistakes. They might stick to their opinions until they die, thinking that what they did was right. In this way

People are very stubborn.

"How about it? How many years do you plan to spend in jail?"

"Sir, don't scare the little ones. The little ones are afraid of officials. Don't look at the comings and goings of the wind and the rain. Helming a ship and traveling north and south is a battle with the world. You can catch it with your hands. The little ones are afraid of people because people's hearts are unpredictable and even more unpredictable than the changes in the wind and clouds.

"If you let the little one drive the boat, it's OK, but if you let the little one tease people, it's definitely not possible. The little one doesn't have the courage," Tan Caizhe said.

"You can hide this little trick from others, but you can't hide it from me. Tell me, is the money at the dock?" Jin Shan asked.

When Tan Caizhe heard this, he was frightened. He didn't want to admit it and avoided looking into Jin Shan's eyes. However, he couldn't help but look at it. He wanted to shake his head, but when he saw Jin Shan's look, he knew that the matter had been revealed, so he nodded.


"Yes, sir, you are really powerful. You know where the little one hides his money." Tan Caizhe said.

"Come here, go to Xiaobeimen Pier to salvage some silver. Whoever catches the silver will be rewarded." Jin Shan ordered.

Jin Shan was too lazy to take Tan Caizhe there, so he threw Tan Caizhe into prison and waited for his fate.

Jin Shan and Li Li organized people to salvage silver, and sure enough, they found a small box at Xiaobeimen Pier. When the small box left the water, it kept dripping water until the lid of the box was opened and they saw white silver inside.

Shi Fude became excited when he saw the box and shouted: "Yes, this is it, this is the box."

When he opened it and saw Baiyin, he was completely relieved. The other merchants on the same boat were also very happy. After all, the case was solved and it had nothing to do with him. He could leave with confidence and boldly, live as he should and do business as he should.

How to do business.

These are all good.

Shi Fude was even more happy and insisted on giving Li Li ten taels of silver.

If Li Li didn't accept it, he would give it to Jin Shan, and Jin Shan wouldn't accept it either. He had no choice but to give Shi Fude 10 taels of silver to the person who caught the silver as a bounty. Neither Jin Shan nor Li Li had any objections, so it was equivalent to replacing Jin Shan.

After the reward was released, everyone was happy.

Tan Caizhe was sentenced to ten years in prison by Li Li and was sentenced to three thousand miles of assassination. Because of the case Tan Caizhe did, the victim was Shi Fude and was found here. Tan Caizhe also did it many times at other times. Some remember it and some forget it.

, no matter what, he was a ship operator in name, but in fact he stole a lot of money. After he got it, it sank under the water of the dock. After all the merchants left, he would find an opportunity to take it back.

With this income, he far exceeded the income from running a boat, and was much more than the wages he earned. After he found this way to make money, he made a lot of money. When he finished the last one, which was Shi Fude's

This is a big deal. Once this deal is completed, I will wash my hands and stop doing what I did when I was young and frivolous.

Who knew that man's calculations were not as good as God's calculations, and he calculated over and over again, and in the end he was careless and lost Jingzhou. Most of them were completed, and only a little was left to finish them all. Who knew that in the end, he lost everything.

This is a failure.

His life was rewritten from then on, and he lost his army at the Xiaobei Gate of Xiangyang.

Also, in the past, there were strong winds and waves, and when we walked along the Han River and the Yangtze River, the boat capsized at a small dock with no wind or waves. It was really embarrassing.

All his money is stolen goods and will be confiscated. In addition, he will also be fined. This is called beating and fines.

Li Li confiscated his family's money, as long as it was obtained through this method, as stolen money and put it into the treasury. If the victim could be found, it would be returned to the victim. If the victim could not be found, it would be handed over to the treasury.

This practice has been around for a long time. It means that there is basically no money to be made. Confiscating the stolen money does not count. You have to spend your own capital, that is, the hard-earned money from running boats on the Han River. You also have to spend it.

Pay a fine. Calculated inside and out, it’s a big loss.

Li Li was very happy, this case was completely solved.

Just when he was about to relax, someone beat the drum and complained. Li Li hurriedly went to the hall and asked the drummer: "Who is kneeling?"

"The little people will be blessed."

"Where are you from?"

"People from Xiangyang."

"Suing whom?"

"Sue neighbor Lu Maodai."

"What should I tell Lu Maodai?"

"Sir, accuse him of being a watchdog who steals food from ordinary people."

"What's going on?"

"The poor man lives next to Lu Maodai's house, which is his neighbor. He has nothing valuable, his livelihood is difficult, and he has no skills. He doesn't have much money, and he is afraid of thieves without money. The thieves will not escape, so he raised one like this.

The watchdog is to protect the little food that small families have. If there is no food, they will starve to death. This food is obtained by working for others." Gou Jianfu said.

"Are you sure it was Lu Maodai who ate your dog?" Li Li asked

"I'm sure. It must be him. Xiaomin's dog only guards the house at home and never goes to other homes. Unlike other dogs, Xiaomin's dog is very loyal. He keeps it at home and doesn't go anywhere. Most likely

When he went to his neighbor's house, Lu Maodai became interested in eating dog meat, so he took the opportunity to catch the people's dogs, kill them, skin them and stew them for meat," Gou Jianfu said.

"Then are you sure there are no dogs in Lu Maodai's family?"

"I'm sure. His dog is not well raised."

"Why can't we raise it well?"

"Because his wife is very powerful, and powerful women cannot raise dogs. As a result, his family has raised dogs many times, but they all ended in failure. He likes dogs very much and knows dogs very well. He must be familiar with Xiaomin's dogs, and

Lure the common people's dogs to his house, and then kill and eat them," Gou Jianfu said.

"He doesn't have a dog at home, neither a male dog nor a female dog. What can he do to lure your dog to his home?" Li Li asked.

"Sir, our dog is docile and honest. He will be like this to acquaintances, but he will be fierce to strangers. Everyone knows this. I don't know what method or means he used to introduce Xiaomin's dog into his home.

In the courtyard." Gou Jianfu said.

"Nonsense. Your evidence is not valid and cannot convince me. What other evidence is there? Tell me quickly." Li Li said.

"Sir, also, the common people are so busy everywhere that they can smell the aroma of meat wafting from Lu Maodai's house next door, which makes people salivate." Gou Jianfu said.

"Nonsense, his family is not the only neighbor. Anyone who cooks meat will have the smell of meat. If you just talk about his family's meat, what evidence do you have?" Li Li asked.

"Sir, there is another evidence. I am looking for my dog ​​everywhere, but I can't find it anywhere. I passed by Lu Maodai's house and inadvertently saw that the gate of Lu Maodai's yard was closed. It is not like this usually. It is usually open at this time.

Yes, Xiaomin knows that Lu Maodai usually gets up early and cleans the courtyard. Today was unusual. Xiaomin knocked on the door. Sure enough, he opened the door. When he looked, he saw the skin of Xiaomin's dog on the ground and the pot was still rolling.

Dog soup. As soon as Xiaomin saw it, he knew it was Xiaomin’s dog. He felt very distressed at that time. He felt sorry for my dog. It was Xiaomin’s negligence that made the dog become the broth in someone else’s pot. It was so miserable.

Yes." Gou Jianfu said.

"Did you really see the dog skin?"


"Did you see the dog meat in the pot?"

"I saw it. It smells good!"

"Then what was Lu Maodai's reaction at that time?"

"I'll tell you, he was very panicked at that time. When he saw Xiaomin, he looked guilty. Xiaomin asked if he had seen Xiaomin's dog? He pointed to the dog skin on the ground and the dog meat in the pot. He said, "It's there.

There. When Xiaomin saw it, he became anxious and asked, "Did you kill him?" He nodded and admitted that he did it. Xiaomin got angry, so he grabbed his collar and asked him why he did this? He said he also

There was nothing he could do. Xiaomin asked him why he couldn't do anything. He said his wife wanted him to do this."

"Confused, doesn't he know that this is illegal?" Li Li asked.

"Yes, Xiaomin said the same thing. He said he couldn't control that much. He knew that it was illegal to do so. Killing the neighbor's dog that guards the yard is prohibited by law. If he commits the crime, he will be severely punished.

Because it was against the law, the person protected by the law was killed," Gou Jianfu said.

"Then what happened?"

"He admitted that he stole and killed Xiaomin's dog and asked him to compensate, but he had no money to compensate. Xiaomin had no choice but to beat the drum and file a complaint, asking the great master to uphold justice for Xiaomin."

"What do you want to do to be fair?"

"The adults have rich experience in handling cases, and it's easy to catch them. The common people just want to get a fair verdict."

"Okay, come here, go catch Lu Maodai." Li Li ordered, throwing out a writ.

The police officer received the warrant and rushed to Lu Mao Dai's house. When Lu Mao Dai saw the official, his body began to tremble. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't. There were government approvals and wanted orders everywhere, so he probably couldn't escape with his wings.

Instead of doing this, it would be better to just let him go. He was very smart and knew that someone was coming to arrest him, so he cooperated very well. However, he was still so frightened that he was taken to the county government hall tremblingly.

"Who is kneeling?"

"The younger one's name is Lu Mao Dai."

"Do you know why we arrested you?" Li Li asked.


"Why are you being arrested?"

"Because dogs are killed for meat. But, sir, the little one was caught here before he could eat it."

"You're really worthless. You've already broken the law by killing the dog, and you're still thinking about eating it."

"Thank you for pointing out the mistake I made. In fact, I don't understand why it is wrong to treat illnesses and save people?" Lu Maodai asked.

"what is going on?"

"My wife is sick and has no taste in her mouth. It may be that she is weak and cold and needs to be warmed up, so she has to eat dog meat. Because there is no dog at home, she is also in trouble. There is nothing she can do. She also suffered a vicious meal from her daughter-in-law.


"That's because you are incompetent in running the family. You are so afraid of your daughter-in-law that you still have the nerve to complain here."

"Sir, this is fate! I never thought I would marry a fierce woman! We used to be so affectionate and loving, but now the changes are obvious and it is unbearable to humiliate." Lu Maodai said.

"If your life is not good, you should understand the basic laws of the country. Don't you know that it is illegal to kill other people's dogs? This is a truth that even a three-year-old child knows. You cannot steal other people's things, even if you die poor.

You can't be a thief." Li Li said.

"I understand this truth, but my daughter-in-law has a sharp tongue and I can't stand it. If she is not satisfied, she will fight with me endlessly, making it difficult for me and very painful." Lu Maodai said.

It turned out that Lu Maodai was a very honest man and was known as an honest and arrogant person. He could not beat anyone with three sticks. He spent a lot of money to marry a daughter-in-law, but he was very happy.

His daughter-in-law is handsome, slender, and has a fierce personality. She is a typical extroverted woman.

In this case, he seemed to have picked up a treasure and was very happy. Many people said that even the good cabbage was given to the pigs. It was indeed true. He was an honest pig, quietly picking up the cabbage and enjoying himself.

Who knew that when you marry a daughter-in-law, you lose the position of mother, and her daughter-in-law becomes the queen of the family. Because she is handsome, very proud, quite domineering, and speaks her mind at home, Lu Maodai obeys his words and never dares to be rude.

Say the word "no".

Two days ago, Lu Maodai went out to work. He has good carpentry skills. Carpenters are popular everywhere. He does one job after another and is never finished. While others are busy outside, they are always worried about him.

He was looking at his wife, worried that something would happen. Recently, his eyelids were always twitching, and he felt bad, so he quit several jobs and waited until later. Then he came home and saw his wife lying on the bed sick.

I feel very distressed, asking questions, and don't know how to serve. I feel very panicked, helpless, and don't know what to do.

Lu Maodai also has another skill, which is to cook good food. He is busy at home and abroad, and his wife is very happy. While others are outside, he is thinking about home, which means he is worried that his wife will not have anything to eat, because his wife is very lazy and does not like it.

When she goes to the kitchen, she's afraid that the fumes will ruin her face, and doing housework will make her waist thicker. In short, she has a lot of reasons to be lazy, because she is beautiful and her words seem to make sense.

Lu Maodai obeyed her in everything. If he didn't want to cook, he would go to a restaurant. It was just that he could earn back the money for the restaurant by doing more work. He didn't feel bad, and his wife didn't feel bad either.

Anyway, Lu Maodai is a long-term meal ticket. If you don’t have food, you can find someone to ask for it. There are plenty of meal tickets. As long as Qingshan is there, you don’t have to worry about running out of firewood.

Lu Maodai prepared a table of sumptuous meals and came to serve his wife. His wife pushed the dishes away, put down her chopsticks, and refused to eat. She said she had no appetite and said, "This is a gynecological disease. It belongs to typhoid fever. It needs calories to balance it." The doctor said

Yes, you have to eat dog meat to get better from this disease."

"Honey, we don't have a dog at home, where can I get dog meat for you to eat?" Lu Maodai asked.

"You are dead! We don't have a dog at home, don't you often have dogs come to our house?" his wife said.

"Yes, that's the neighbor Gou Jianfu's dog."

"Originally, his dog looks so good and strong. If he eats it, it will be a great supplement. If he doesn't eat it, he may not get better. You must get it for me to eat." His wife said.

"How can that be done? People's dogs are guarding the courtyard. If they eat them, it is against the law. If they eat them, we will all have to go to jail." Lu Maodai said.

"You don't necessarily have to go to jail, because we are all neighbors. If you run out like a dog, the neighbors will not expect to see you at the neighbor's house. You know, the more dangerous the place, the safer it is. How will you know if you don't try?" said his wife.


"You can't do this. It's very risky. You want me to go to jail! People who kill dogs will go to jail. Especially dogs who guard homes and nursing homes are protected by law. This is something that even a three-year-old child knows!"
This chapter has been completed!
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