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Chapter 165 Don't Eat The Dog Next Door

"I don't care, you have to get dog meat for me to eat, otherwise, I will never let you go!" His wife roared like a lion from the east of the river.

Lu Maodai completely collapsed. What should we do? You know, if you do something that is illegal even if you know it, you will definitely be punished. It can be as simple as a few years in prison, or as serious as being sent to the frontier. Once you reach the frontier, whether you can come back is still a big question.

question mark.

"My dear wife, please let me go! If you steal someone else's dog, I will go to jail." Lu Maodai said.

"I don't care, it's really useless. It's better to go to jail. It's better than to live in poverty all your life. I will let you go to jail. When you go to jail, I will find someone to remarry." Lu said.

After hearing this, Lu Maodai felt very uncomfortable and felt a chill in his heart. He was so coldly stimulated that he remained silent and trembled with anger.

"How can there be a husband like you? All husbands know how to feel sorry for their wives. When a husband like you sees that his wife is so sick, it would be even harder for him to eat some dog meat. He wants me to die.

You are so happy that you want to marry a younger one, right? You heartless thing!" Lu said.

"You have to be reasonable! This is illegal. If you do, I will go in." Lu Maodai said.

"Have you ever seen me talk to you since I entered your Lu family? No matter what, this dog meat must be given to me. If you don't eat it, I will die. If you eat it, I will live. Will you go to jail or not?

It doesn't matter to me, I want to live, I can still live in jail, but if I don't eat dog meat, I will die," Lu said.

"Look what you said, since you married me and came to the Lu family, if you don't enjoy the blessings, you will die. I will definitely not let you die. I would rather go to jail than let you die. If you wait, I will definitely let you eat.

Get fresh dog meat." Lu Maodai said.

"This is more or less the same. You have to know that this is a dish delivered to your door. You are not going to steal someone's dog and kill it and eat it. This is someone else's dog that is delivered to your door. It's nothing. Even if you catch it, you will be killed."

Catching dogs lightly is different from catching dogs in other people's homes or courtyards. You don't have to be timid like a mouse, you can do it bravely, and I will take care of it for you if something happens." Lu said.

She spoke with certainty, as if she really wanted to bear everything, and she would probably run faster than anyone else when the disaster came. Lu Maodai didn't believe her, but seeing how beautiful she was, he chose to forgive her again.

Lu Maodai would do whatever he promised, and he would never do anything he didn't agree to. At night, he used his skillful hands to make a trap to trap the dog, and then used skillful techniques to kill the dog, skin it, and then cook it.

By the time Gou Jianfu next door came looking for the dog in the morning, it had become a fact and irreversible. The dog's life was gone and could not be resurrected.

After Li Li learned about these situations, he understood half of it. After pondering for a while, the air seemed to have frozen. Everyone was very nervous and did not dare to express their anger. They were all holding it in to see what measures Li Li would take next.

Li Li did not imprison Lu Maodai, but Gou Jianfu, who complained, was detained. Then Lu Maodai was allowed to go home.

After Lu Maodai came home, his wife Lu was eating dog meat. It was delicious and could be seen. This woman was really big-hearted. Her husband was in court for a lawsuit. She was eating and drinking by herself. She didn't look like a patient, but like a patient.

A very healthy person, this seems to be a performance, like a trap.

Li Li was not idle. He quietly visited the area where Lu Maodai was, then disguised himself as a fortune teller and walked around.

Because he knows a little bit about prediction, it is no problem for him to say something about the future. He makes sense no matter what he says. He can advance and retreat freely and has a slight influence on people. Even if he achieves his goal and asks about the future, he will believe it without doubt.

As soon as the fortune-telling bell rang, someone would come to ask about the future. Of course, Li Li also asked about the Lu Maodai family and Gou Jianfu.

"Can you calculate my luck next year?"

"Good luck."

"Thank you, how did you know?"

"The secret must not be leaked. If it is leaked, my business will be affected. I don't want to lose a small amount, so I will only tell you the future situation, not how to obtain the information. If it comes true, you will publicize it." Li Li said.

"Of course. There have been a lot of strange things happening here recently."

"What's weird?" Li Li asked.

"Aren't you a fortune teller?"


"Then don't you know it through calculation?"

"It's difficult to calculate without birth dates," Li Li said.

"Just give me a rough idea. Let me see how your level is. Is the calculation accurate?" It seemed that the man was unwilling to give up. He identified Li Li and asked him to calculate.

How could this trouble Li Li? He said: "There are lawsuits going on here recently."

"Everyone knows this. People from all over the country are talking about it. You have been ringing bells to tell fortunes along the way. You should have heard about it a long time ago. This is not calculated by you, but you should have heard it."

"It makes sense, but I can figure out who will be sentenced in the future." Li Li said.

This man made sense as soon as he heard it, and the onlookers nodded. They were doubtful about what Li Li said, but they were all eager to know the answer.

"Then who will be sentenced?"

"It must be Lu Maodai who stole the dog."


"Because he broke the law."

Li Li listened to their discussion, but didn't speak.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, everyone felt anxious and each said his own truth. In short, it was the other person who died. He was an indestructible body and would never decay.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Li Li said: "The purpose of prohibiting dog stealing is to protect the property and personal safety of dog owners. When a dog cannot protect its owner, should it be killed?"

"Of course."

"For example, if a dog is old, his teeth have fallen out, and he can't run anymore, does he deserve to die?"


"That's what this dog is like. It actually went to other people's houses to steal food and left its own house unattended. It went to steal other people's things. Should this dog be killed?" Li Li asked.

"Of course, this dog is not a good dog."

"Sir, how did you know?" someone asked.

"It all depends on calculation. If you don't believe me, you can ask the dog owner."

"Who is the dog owner?"

"Gou Jianfu."

"Yes, Gou Jianfu, where is he?"

"He, let's take a guess."

"At home?"

"Not here."

"Visiting relatives?"

"We are in a lawsuit, so why should we visit any relatives? If we say we need to go to the county government office, we should go immediately."

"At Lu's place."

"Nonsense, Lu Maodai is at home, he still dares to go?"

"Lu Maodai is not at home, and you don't even know this? You have lived such a long life in vain." A bearded man said.

"Isn't Lu Maodai at home?"

"Yes, Gou Jianfu can only go if he is not at home! If he is at home, wouldn't it be a fight if he goes?" said the bearded man.

"That's wrong! That Mr. Lu looks very decent, and he doesn't look like someone who has close contacts with Gou Jianfu. Absolutely no one believes this. Anyone who believes it is short-sighted."

"People should not be judged by their appearance. Those who look good are actually demons. Those who look beautiful are actually vixens or white-bone spirits." Big Beard said.

"Did you see that?"

"Of course, I saw Gou Jianfu coming out of Lu's house several times, adjusting his pants as he walked. Isn't that what he was doing or what?" said the bearded man.

"Don't you think the grapes are sour because you can't eat them? If you have the ability, go and straighten your pants."

"I don't care about it. I'm afraid of getting myself sick. What this goblin eats is medicine, and what he spits out is medicine dregs. What he eats is human beings, and what he spits out is human scum." The bearded man said.


"Yes, I have also seen that whenever Lu Maodai is not at home and goes out to do work, that Gou Jianfu will go to her house and take the dog with him. The dog will also eat at Lu Maodai's house. He really regards Lu Maodai's house as his own home.


"No wonder there is a saying that if the fence is not strong, wild dogs will come. This Gou Jianfu and his dog are both thieves. One steals people and the other steals food. Even if Mrs. Lu agreed that the dog would eat her food, she did not pass by.

Lu Maodai's consent is also considered stealing. I heard that this dog will be executed sooner or later. Then Lu Maodai is also a coward. He knew that his beloved wife was cheating on him and didn't care. It seems that this person is really cowardly."

"Yes, he is too honest. He only knows how to work all day long. He repairs so many broken tools. He doesn't want the ones he uses when they break. He keeps them in his mouth for fear of melting. He is too good to that woman. He is completely doting on her.

Let that woman forget her last name and do something that is unworthy of Lu Maodai. If she were my wife, she would have torn it into pieces and thrown it into the river to feed the fish."

"It's not your wife, what are you afraid of? You can't be too spoiled to your own woman. You should be ruthless and don't be vague. On issues of principle, you must persist and never give in. Lu Maodai did not insist and gave in blindly. As a result

It's really a shame to let wild dogs get through the fence."

"Whose does this thing belong to?"

Li Li smiled and said nothing, and kept listening to their discussion.

When people saw that the fortune teller didn't say anything, they were all talking about Lu's affairs, and it seemed that they all wanted to catch Lu's family.

"According to numerology, this is Lu Maodai's fate. When he reaches the unlucky stage, no one can stop him. This is destiny and nothing can change it. Because he should have this woman in his life. She should be like this.

What happened, the rest of his life was ruined at the hands of this evil woman. If he wants to stand up, he must let the county magistrate know the true situation," Li Li said.

"We are all laymen. When it comes to fortune telling, it is up to the county magistrate. No matter how many calculations we do here, it is not as good as the county magistrate's judgment."

Everyone has no opinion.

Li Li was also silent. He thought for a while and said, "I am just a fortune teller. I have not thought about the judgment. However, I can give a general opinion."

Everyone is eagerly listening.

"This case is related to everyone, and the verdict is beneficial to everyone." After Li Li finished speaking, he stood up and left.

When everyone heard this, they felt as if they had fallen into the clouds and fog. Before they could recover, Li Liying disappeared.

Besides, when Lu Maodai came home, his wife saw that it was intact and said, "I told you it's fine. You're still scared to death. Come and eat something while it's hot."

After this scare, Lu Maodai completely lost his appetite. He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he didn't confirm it. As he walked on the road, it seemed that someone was pointing at him and talking about him in a low voice. When people gather together, they will find out.

There are many problems. Even if my voice is suppressed, I can still feel the buzzing like a bee, like flapping its wings. I don't know it, but others know it very well.

Finally, when he returned home, he saw his lovely wife, eating dog meat, with a rosy complexion. All the unhappiness was really wiped away. He laughed again and said, "My wife is still very clever. It's okay. The county magistrate is very smart.

He is very shrewd and will not arrest people casually, nor will he let them go casually."

Lu was a little surprised when she heard this. She was very unhappy when she heard this. If the county magistrate was a confused official, it would be a good thing, but to say that he was an upright official with a clear and transparent law enforcement system would make people worried.


It's very simple. An honest official knows very well in his heart that he can tell who is good and who is bad at a glance. The rest of the time is for verification to verify his hypothesis and see if it is right.

"Do you think the county magistrate is very smart?"


"Then it's over, maybe he will let you go back to fishing," Lu said.

"How to crack this?"

"Look, you are the defendant and were sued by your neighbor Gou Jianfu. Where is he?"

"He was kept at the county government office until further notice."

"That's it. The county magistrate is very smart. He figured out that you are a dog killer, but he didn't imprison you just to see who else is behind you. He must have already found out my name. It doesn't matter. It's just like that. I'm afraid

The only thing he can do is use the topic to his advantage, which would be very troublesome," Lu said.

"So what do you mean?"

"He must have his own way of doing things. The one who complained was imprisoned. It sounds nice to say that he is awaiting trial. In fact, he has been suspected to have a problem and needs further interrogation. The defendant, that is, you, was given freedom, which shows that there are some

Confused, but it doesn’t look like a confused decision. There must be something wrong with it. When you come back, is there a tail behind you?"

"What tail?"

"It's just that someone is following you and watching you. Where do you want to stay?" Lu asked.

"No one is following or watching, it's very safe." Lu Maodai said.

"Not necessarily. It's not an easy job to catch someone. They have received professional training and have experienced actual combat. They have a lot of experience." Lu said.

"What should I do? I really didn't see anyone following me."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go take a look. Oh, is the door closed?"

"Close it. I am so cautious, and for such a beautiful wife, if the door is not closed properly, what if someone comes in?"

"Don't be so talkative. I'm still worried. Let's go and have a look."

"There's no need to go. I know very well that it's closed and it's fine." Lu Maodai said.

Just as Lu Maodai was about to get up, Master Lu stopped him and told him not to move and sit there to eat dog meat. Lu Maodai was afraid that his wife would be angry, so he had to obey obediently.

"Are you Mr. Lu?"

There were some people standing at the door, all police officers.

"Yes." Mrs. Lu said, and she found that the door was closed, but there were some men in black standing inside the door, wearing official uniforms of police officers.

"Come with us." The detective in black said, unhurriedly, with a deep and powerful voice that did not allow for excuses or resistance.

When Lu saw the situation, he knew that he could not deny it, so he obeyed obediently.

She was very calm when she was taken away.

Lu Maodai was in the house and didn't hear any movement. He only heard the sound of the door opening. When he came out, the door was open and no one was there. He felt very strange!
This chapter has been completed!
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