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Chapter 176 Yun Xin Kills the Village Woman

"Sir, this poor monk is indeed unjust! Wuwuwu..."

When Yun Xin heard Tang Lu's words, she was moved to tears. She could tell all the grievances she had suffered these days. Because Tang Lu was not the Gucheng County Magistrate before, but a young and promising man.

"Since I have wronged you, tell me what happened? Did you offend some people? How did you offend them? I will put you on death row!" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, the poor monk accepted the invitation of the abbot of Cheng'en Temple and went to visit him to discuss Buddhism and sutras. When he passed by Lizhuang, it was getting late. The mountain road was rugged and difficult to navigate. There were many forks. He had forgotten all the roads he had remembered before. If he was not careful, he lost his mind.

Entering a dry well, after reaching the dry well, the poor monk was still conscious. There were soft and sticky things under his body. When he touched it, he discovered that it was a person. The poor monk was so frightened that he screamed. The scream alerted the passers-by.

The man rescued the poor monk and got out of the dry well. The poor monk was very frightened because there were dead bodies in the dry well. The man who rescued the poor monk saw that the poor monk was nervous and incoherent, so he looked left and right at the poor monk.

Thinking that he saw blood on the poor monk's body and checked that the poor monk was not injured, he looked into the well and found the body. The man was also worried about getting sued and was afraid that he could not explain clearly, so he immediately reported Baozheng, who came over.

After seeing the situation, without saying a word, he took the poor monk to the county government and threw him into a prison cell. The former magistrate of Gucheng County was a money-grubbing man. The family of the deceased used money to bribe the county magistrate and asked the magistrate to severely punish the poor monk.

He insisted that the poor monk was seducing the village woman. Because the hookup failed, he killed the village woman and threw her into a dry well. He was about to flee. Unexpectedly, he slipped and fell into the dry well. The county magistrate saw that the poor monk had no money to make money, so he sentenced the poor monk to death. The poor monk was sentenced to death.

The monk refused to plead guilty and kept shouting that he was wronged. The county magistrate not only refused to listen, but also punished him with severe punishment. If he refused to admit it, he would be punished severely. The poor monk couldn't bear it, so he had to beat him and confess his crimes, and do what the county magistrate said.

, forcing the poor monk to sign and sign, and then he was thrown into death row, waiting for the execution by the Queen of Autumn."

"Oh, it turns out it was torture to extract a confession! Another unjust, false and wrongful conviction! You have been wronged! I will definitely get to the bottom of it. It is inappropriate to abuse public power to kill, and it is even more inappropriate to kill a monk." Tang Lu said.

"Thank you for clearing the grievances of the poor monk. Otherwise, the poor monk would be misunderstood even if he died. The poor monk would not be willing to go to the Paradise of Paradise like this." Yun Xin said.

"Don't worry, if what you said is true, you won't die." Tang Lu said.

"That's good. The previous county magistrate didn't let the poor monk defend himself at all. As long as the poor monk defended himself, he would beat the poor monk. The poor monk couldn't bear it, so he had to plead guilty. Otherwise, the poor monk would definitely not plead guilty."

"Okay, your shackles will be removed and replaced with an ordinary cell. After the case is thoroughly investigated, your freedom will be restored." Tang Lu ordered.

Yun Xin clasped her hands together in thanksgiving.

Then, Tang Lu arranged for twenty police officers to go to Lizhuang. Before going, they all put on makeup and did not go as police officers, so as not to alert the snake. Tang Lu estimated that the murderer should be in Lizhuang. Now he has found a scapegoat, that is

Monk Yun Xin, let him take the blame. As long as there is no careful verification, this monk's head will fall to the ground. Once it falls, there will be no evidence of death, and it will be completely safe.

Some people are making wishful thinking and waiting to see what happens. Tang Lu also knows this. If he asks the police to do this, there will be a breakthrough. Because with experience, Tang Lu is quite experienced in handling cases, which is a rich job.

He has experience and has solved many cases.

The detectives acted quickly, and when they arrived at Lizhuang, they split up.

Lizhuang is located in the southeast of Gucheng, with convenient transportation. Xiangyang can be reached in the northwest, facing Xian Mountain in the distance, Chengen Temple is in the southwest, and Gucheng County is in the middle.

The policemen disguised themselves as people with different identities and entered Lizhuang. This was not surprising. Lizhuang was located on a traffic thoroughfare and was very busy with people coming and going. The policemen dressed up as vendors to avoid attracting the attention of others.

The police officer happens to be from a merchant family, so he does not need to deliberately perform. He lives in a small merchant family, is influenced by his parents, and behaves like a businessman.

No one was surprised when he came and went. The policeman's behavior was very natural and did not arouse anyone's suspicion.

I am tired of walking and watching, and there is no progress in the case. I still need to eat and drink, lest the person disappears, or the person is injured or sick before the case is investigated.

They saw a teahouse on the roadside.

The two detectives went to drink tea, and the rest were looking for clues everywhere. They were doing business, inspecting goods, and inspecting the market. In short, there were many tricks. These detectives were all very knowledgeable and good at making excuses because they were rich in experience.

, not something that ordinary people can catch up with.

The teahouse is run by a middle-aged woman who looks relatively strong. Does drinking tea often have any effect? ​​Generally speaking, there are no benches to sit in carpenters' shops, and construction craftsmen do not have houses to live in. This is the reason why.

Middle-aged women are Dr. Tea.

In the past, women did not study, but they knew how to get things done, were very smart, and were good at taking care of housework and business. They were really good at everything.

Dr. Tea smiled and said that the people he saw coming were not people, but money. As long as people came, money would come. When you meet people, you are equal to seeing money. When a blind man sees money, his eyes will open. Without money, it can’t be done. With money, you can be confident.


"You are the God of Wealth! It is our blessing to come to the small teahouse!"

"It's nothing, the tea money we gave is not much. It's a small amount of tea money, but it's nothing." said the policeman.

"It's very respectable and respectful, really! Hey, these salted peanuts are given for free!" Dr. Cha said.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome! Isn't it convenient for me to ask you two gentlemen something?" Dr. Tea asked.

"Convenience, what's the matter?"

"Are you from Laohekou?"

"Yes! How did you know?"

"The accent sounds like someone from there."

"Boss lady, you can be really awesome! Indeed, we are from Laohekou. We often go to Xiangyang."

"I see. No wonder you sometimes speak like Xiangyang dialect."

"Yes, I often go out to do business, and I come into contact with a variety of people, so my speech is mixed. I can understand many dialects, but I am not very good at speaking many dialects," the policeman said.

"Since we came from Laohekou, we must have passed through Gucheng County, right?"

"Yes, it passes through Gucheng County."

"Then I would like to ask, there is a famous case in Gucheng County. I don't know if you know about it."

"What case?"

"It's the monk murder case!"

"I've heard of it, what's the matter?"

"Then, how did the Gucheng County Magistrate punish the murderer monk?"

"Is this the monk you are talking about?"

"Yes, it's not him or anyone else. He killed our people in Lizhuang, and he's not dead yet. It's really annoying. He should have been sentenced to death earlier and executed immediately."

"Don't be anxious. Let me tell you, you just happened to ask the right person. We just came from Gucheng County. Yesterday, just yesterday, the murderer monk was executed and his head was beheaded yesterday. The people watching were really upset.

"Ma'am. We were almost trampled to death."


"Dead, click, the head was cut off, and the blood spurted far away. Someone immediately stepped forward, took a steamed bun and dipped it in the blood. I heard it was curative for tuberculosis. Who knew, it was all rumors. In short, standing here

The people in front got a big deal. There are also people who specialize in this business, selling steamed buns with human blood and making a lot of money." said the policeman.

"So that's it! It's a pity, it's a pity that the monk doesn't recite sutras properly and goes to seduce decent women. If he fails to seduce them, he kills them. No one can catch up with this monk." Dr. Tea said.

"Yes! Everyone does what they do and loves what they do. Monks save all sentient beings and pray for the people, but they also harm women from good families. This is shameful. If they were all like Dr. Tea, this society would be much better." said the policeman.


"You are not bad. When doing business, you should concentrate on doing business, do what you want, and do not do it half-heartedly. Those who concentrate on doing things will bring a lot of benefits over time," Dr. Tea said.

"The doctor is right! Oh, by the way, what does this monk have to do with you? Why do you care so much about him?" the detective asked.

"Oh, no, no." Dr. Tea was a little surprised when he heard this. However, he immediately returned to normal and explained: "It's okay, it has nothing to do with him. It's just that the teahouse owner came to inquire more about something.

Different guests can have something to say, so that the teahouse will not become lifeless. If it is just for business, there may be no business. Many people who come to the teahouse to drink tea are not actually drinking tea. It is more about communication and understanding some information, and then use it as a reference for the future.

Action guide. This is what I thought when I inquired about these things, so that no one would be ignorant."

"That's good! Some things don't need to be known very clearly, just a general understanding is enough. Those of us who travel around see a lot, those who talk less live longer, those who talk more will suffer disaster from their mouths, and they will be beheaded. When we meet innocent people, we will

Be an innocent person, be a confused person when you meet a confused person, and be the same person you meet. In this way, you will be round and round, which is the best. When we do business, we put profit first and make money as the purpose.

He will also consider doing good deeds and helping others make progress, which is also a good thing." said the policeman.

Dr. Cha easily avoided the detective's questioning, and then served them another dish, also for free. The detective became a little suspicious.

Dr. Tea saw an opportunity, left them, and walked up the mountain.

When the policeman saw Dr. Cha leaving, he followed him from a distance, neither too far nor too close. The policeman had mastered this skill in tracking people. He would not let the person being followed find him, and at the same time, he would bite the person being followed tightly.


Dr. Cha saw that there was no one behind him, so he arrived at a courtyard, then pushed open the firewood door and entered the courtyard. The policeman also entered the courtyard from another place, pressed against the wall to the window, squatted down, and listened to what was going on inside.

A voice said: "Are you here? Have you heard any news?"

It was a male voice. Judging from the voice, this man was also middle-aged and looked relatively strong.

"I've heard about it." A female voice came out. Upon hearing it, the policeman understood that this female voice was the voice of Dr. Cha.


"That monk is dead."

"How did you die?"

"Sentenced to death, it has been executed and his head has been chopped off."

"Oh, it's so efficient!" the man said, "Where does the news come from?"

"It was said by a guest from Laohekou."

"When was the execution carried out?"

"Yesterday at three quarters at noon," Dr. Tea said.

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely sure."

"That's great! I finally got rid of a worry. I've been having trouble sleeping and having nightmares because of this thing lately. Now it's better. I don't have to worry about it anymore. I can live a normal life with peace of mind." The man said.


As soon as they finished speaking, they heard a loud "bang-dang--", and the two of them shivered in fright. Some people rushed in from the door and window. Dr. Tea had sharp eyes and recognized them all at a glance. His face turned pale with fright, knowing that something bad had happened.

.However, this relationship cannot be immediately pointed out.

The man wanted to run away, but where could the policeman move quickly? The policeman tied him up very skillfully, like a rice dumpling, leaving a small piece of rope for pulling. Such a large tie made the arrested person unable to

If you have any chance to escape, you will have no choice but to become a fish and be slaughtered by others.

Dr. Cha was also arrested by the county government. This man was suspected of committing a major crime.

Tang Lu tried the case all night, and finally found that Dr. Cha was innocent and had only made some dirty money. Dr. Cha was not the principal culprit in the murder case, but after the incident, she was a tool used to observe the guests coming and going, and listen to

They brought news from their respective places.

"May I have your name?"


"Why are you being arrested?"

"have no idea."

"I really don't know, or are you just pretending?"

"I really don't know."

"How did I catch you?"

"I was sitting at home, talking to Dr. Tea, when suddenly so many people came in and arrested me."

"Did you say anything?"

"I just asked Dr. Cha to inquire about the monk's current situation."

"Why do you want to ask about the monk?"

"Because the monk's case is very strange. He came out of the dry well, but he can't be identified as the murderer. If it weren't for the interrogation by the former county magistrate, the monk refused to admit it, so there is nothing we can do about him. Sooner or later he will be released."

"Why do you care so much about this case?"

"Because we are from the same village, and a big person died, the murderer must be brought to justice."

"You are the murderer! Why does the thief call for a thief?" Tang Lu said.

"How can I see it?"

"Because I have carefully read the case file and found that the monk had no motive for committing the crime and no reason to kill. He was just passing by Lizhuang to go to Chengen Temple and had no intention of returning to secular life in Lizhuang. The theory that he flirted with women is not true. Monk Yunxin

He didn’t have the tools to commit the crime, and he didn’t know how he committed the crime. He confessed because he couldn’t stand the torture and had to admit it. In fact, he was unjust. If you want to say who is the biggest suspect, it should be you, because you are closest to the deceased’s house.

, there are many opportunities to commit crimes. I looked through the previous case files and found many loopholes. Who is most likely to commit a crime? That is you. Shaxi, Shaxi, you have caused pain to others, and you can't prove that Xi Li

His death has nothing to do with you, how do you explain it? Master Yun Xin doesn’t know how to kill, and he can’t even tell the difference between a murder knife and insists that he killed the village woman with a ghost head knife. This is not the case! His confession is also true

It is full of loopholes and cannot be justified." Tang Lu said.
This chapter has been completed!
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