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Chapter 177

Tang Lu is interrogating Shaxi.

Shaxi has collapsed. She has been sad these days and has been enduring the torment of her conscience. What is coming has come and she cannot escape!

"Sir, please plead guilty."

"How did you kill Xi Li?"

"Sir, Mr. Xi Li is a young neighbor. He and I have been childhood sweethearts since childhood. Later, her father hired a son-in-law for him, a man named Xi, who ruined our good life. After Mr. Xi Li agreed to divorce Xi,

I married the younger one again, but after waiting for eighteen years, there was still no movement. The man named Xi knew about our relationship and was very proud of it. He often showed off in front of the younger one. He said he was capable and could make money, but in fact he was.

What's the big deal about selling dog-skin plasters in the world? He was just angry, and Xiao Xiao couldn't bear it, so he thought, since Xiao Xiao can't get it, Xiao Xiao will also let you lose your most beloved one. Xi Li cheated Xiao Xiao,

Over the years, Xiao Xiao has been waiting for her to divorce, and he has always pushed back and delayed. Xiao Xiao hates them very much, and hates them so much that he tries to get rid of the Xi Li family," Shaxi said.

"Then how did you do it?"

"When Xi was out doing business, he saw that no one was in her house, so he went to her house with a boning knife. She was at home. He asked her, do you want a divorce? She said no. Xiao

She asked why, didn't she say that she wanted to leave eighteen years ago, but she made me wait for eighteen years, and suddenly she didn't leave. I was also delayed. She said that you deserved to be a poor man. After all these years, you are still the same.

Why are you so poor? When I got rich, I could consider divorcing you and marrying you. Who knew you were still poor? Who would want a poor guy? She kept scolding me, trashing me, talking about me, and forcing me. I couldn't bear it.

I planned to save her life and kill Xi first, so that she would have no husband and could be with me at ease. Who knew, he kept scolding me, which was very unpleasant, not like her at all when she was a child! I didn’t expect that she would

She was corrupted by money! She still had innocent feelings when she was a child, but she changed when she grew up, especially after marrying a miser husband. He loved money as much as his life and was obsessed with getting rich. As a result, he was covered in bruises. The younger one asked her, what?

Marrying me later, she said it was impossible, it would never be possible, and she became disheartened when she was young. She raised the knife and dropped it, and she was always evil and courageous.

When it's dark, he throws it into a dry well at the west end of the village. Unexpectedly, the dry well is also a trap. The locals know that there is a dry well beside the road, and they will deliberately avoid it when walking. Even domestic animals such as cattle, donkeys and horses know it.

A wandering monk happened to come and didn't know it, so he fell in. He was found and rescued. Later, because of the blood stains and his panic, he discovered that there was a body in the well, so he was taken to the county government and tortured.

He had no money or power, so the monk became the scapegoat. This case was committed by a small person, so what does it have to do with the monk? The magistrate of Gucheng County is a confused official who only knows how to extract confessions through torture. It is simple and crude, and he has many wrongdoers.

I don’t know how many false cases there are in my situation. The Gucheng County magistrate is jealous of money. As long as it is money, as long as it is given to him, he will make a judgment in favor of the person who gave the money. This is true in the entire Gucheng

Even a three-year-old child knows about the county. We are small ordinary people and can only make ends meet. As for the battles in the officialdom, we don’t know. We can’t care about it, and we can’t influence the situation,” Shaxi said.

"Then you are willing to be punished?" Tang Lu asked.

"Of course I do, but there's one thing I haven't finished yet."

"What's up?"

"We just killed the man named Xi. Considering that their children had no one to take care of them, we gave up." Shaxi said.

"You still have a conscience, but if you kill someone to pay for your life, you still can't escape death. One more thing, who are you, Dr. Cha? Why do you want to inform you?" Tang Lu asked.

"It's simple. Everyone in the village thinks highly of Xiao Xiao and sympathizes with Xiao Xiao. They are just very dissatisfied with Mrs. Xi Li because she doesn't keep her word and has caused Xiao Xiao a lot of misery. He still hasn't gotten married yet. That person is a liar and deserves to die.

By killing Mr. Xi Li, I was actually doing something good for the people."

"There is no reason for this. You do not respect life and treat human life lightly. You still think you are justified. It is simply a joke. You wantonly deprive others of their lives and trample on their rights to survive. You should be severely punished. You said that people love money, don't you also?

Love money? You say that people are delaying you and making fun of you for being poor. Aren't you just waiting for pie to fall from the sky? You don't work hard, don't think of ways to make money, and just complain about the unfairness of fate? Why don't you work hard to do things if you complain every day?

Don’t want to think about how to change your mind? If you have time to complain, you have time to work hard to change the status quo. If you change earlier, you will get married earlier. If you have your own home, you will not be worried about other people’s homes. If you have your own

A wife will not miss other people's wives. No matter how good the relationship was when she was a child, she will go her own way when she grows up. She has her own family and her own family, so she must be responsible for her own family and her own family.

Be responsible for your own conscience. Do you think you have done the right thing these years? In doing so, you are actually irresponsible to yourself, your family, and your village. It seems that you are a good person, but in fact

You are a murderous demon, Shaxi. In fact, you want to harm people and harm them in your own way. Many people have been deceived. I know many murderers. What they kill is simple for you, but you just don’t like it.

If you feel uncomfortable and unbalanced, you have to kill people to satisfy your inner lack and bring your own psychological balance. In fact, it is useless. The best thing is your own inner balance. There are also some influences from the outside world, but mainly

It comes from the heart. You hate those who lie and deceive others. Are you such a person? If you often lie and deceive others, will you forgive yourself? If you can't forgive yourself, how can you let others forgive you?

Don’t you understand this truth?” Tang Lu asked.

After listening to Tang Lu's words, Shaxi did not reply. He felt speechless. Tang Lu also knew that he had realized his mistake, but just recognizing it was not enough, because people cannot be resurrected after death, and there is only one life. He committed suicide.

The person he once loved died, and he must have regretted it because of his selfishness. There is no medicine for regret in the world, there is only one step at a time.

Tang Lu released Monk Yunxin and gave him a sum of money as payment. Monk Yunxin was not in danger. Although he was delayed for a few days, he got a sum of money and experienced this incident, which can be regarded as a better understanding of people's hearts.

, not to mention being nostalgic for the world of mortals, and being insulated from the world of mortals. When Qingyuan, the monk of Chengen Temple, saw Monk Yunxin, he would definitely ask questions and cherish his dharma title even more. He would live up to his name, practice with peace of mind, and work hard day and night in order to save all sentient beings.

Shaxi fulfilled his wish and beheaded the public to warn the lawbreakers. Dr. Cha also had a near miss. It was just because he was blind and misunderstood that he actually helped the murderer to pass on information and leaked information. Tang Lu severely criticized him.

She was stunned, and her face was greatly affected. The lesson she learned was that the key places must play a key role. When looking at people, you still need to look more, not only at the surface, but also at the heart, from the appearance.

It's a bit difficult in my heart, but this is a process of continuous training and improvement. When a person has this ability, it is very rare. It is equivalent to having a pair of wise eyes and being able to see more things.

Shaxi returned to the West with his life, and it is his own fault.

His younger brother Shadong is not a romantic person, but a very hard-working man. After years of hard work, he can live a comfortable life and is relatively wealthy. His family has a house, land, cattle, and a wife who sleeps on the kang. This is considered a moderately prosperous life.


His family has oxen, so he doesn't have to worry about plowing and plowing the land. He is proud of it in front of many farmers who don't have oxen.

Of course, there was another person, his eldest child, whose surname was Shi, who was also a son-in-law. Strangely, Li Zhuang gave birth to a lot of girls. Some families are almost like a country of daughters, and there are many son-in-laws who come to his house, and their surnames are also quite mixed.

Shadong's Fa Xiao also came here since he was a child, and he was raised as a son, but actually he was a son-in-law.

There are similarities between him and Sha Dong, and one of them is that he also has cattle.

One day, when the spring plowing season came, everyone started to get busy. As the saying goes, the plan for a year begins with spring, and the plan for a day begins with morning. Now is the morning of spring, which is even more important.

In this way, everyone is actively farming, some people use cattle, some people use horses, and some people rely on labor. No matter what, you must seize the season. Missing a season is equivalent to missing a year. It is very uneconomical and cannot be done.

Well, at the end of the year, everything is in vain. This time is the most critical period.

People work hard in the fields. When they are tired, they take a break, drink some water, eat something, and untie the cows to let them move around freely.

The cattle in Shadong and the cattle in Shixi seem to be old rivals. They are both bulls, and they seem to have fallen in love with the same cow, and they have been in love since last year.

Although the relationship between the owner and the bull is good, it does not mean that the relationship between the bull and the bull is good. Because they are love rivals, I remember the hatred last year. In the past year, I still remember it. This hatred took root and sprouted. When the spring comes, revenge begins again. No, use it.

After work, during leisure and entertainment time, they competed with each other to see who was worthy of the young cow at the east end of the village.

As a result, this opportunity came. Spring came, the temperature rose, and the surging vitality in the body could not be exerted. Farming the land was not enough to vent the strong energy inside. It was necessary to completely release it in my spare time.

This time I met Qiu Niu, who was my opponent and love rival, so the fight started! The fight started without the referee announcing the start. The bull's eyes were wide open, he was breathing heavily, his eyes were bloodshot, and his horns were against each other. The fight was all about strength.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy retreats, we advance, they are evenly matched, and there is no difference at all. The two cows are so happy that they have no master to control them, and they even have fun wrestling. The scene is tense, exciting, and exciting.

When a bull's temper comes up, no one can stop it.

Sha Dong and Shi Xi didn't care. The cows were so strong that they let them go and didn't bother to care. They continued chatting in the field. They had a good relationship, unlike their cows.

It seems that the situation is not good. Shadong's cows and Shixi's cows are not giving in to each other. Shadong's cow is one year younger and Shixi's cow is one year older. One year older, they suffer in strength and gradually lose their physical strength. The original

It was so strong, but now it's going downhill.

When Shi Xi saw the danger, it was okay. He only had fun and fighting for a while. Now it seemed that he had forgotten his main business and focused on his side business. In the end, Shi Xi's cow was gored to death by Sha Dong's cow. Shi Xi's cow

He fell to the ground suddenly, foaming at the mouth, and died.

When Shi Xi saw it, he became anxious and hurriedly stepped forward, shaking and crying, but the cow was still motionless. Shadong's cow was taken away by Shadong. Unexpectedly, the guy broke free from the cow rope and rushed over again, scaring him.

Shi Xi quickly ducked aside and stopped crying. The bull rushed over and hit Shi Xi's bull again and again, pushing the bull a few meters away. There was another red blood stain on the ground, and the blood flowed out gurglingly.

The ground is stained red and is clearly visible on the green grass.

Shi Xi was very angry and picked up the hoe and was about to hit the bull. Sha Dong ran over and protected his bull with his body, saying: "If you want to hit the bull, hit me first. If your cow dies, it will die."

, can’t be resurrected, it’s really boring to keep making trouble like this. Fortunately, we are young and our relationship is so good, is it really good?”

"If I don't hit you, I can't save my cow even if I hit you. I want you to pay for the cow, otherwise, I will have to go to court. If you want to pay, you must pay! Otherwise, this matter will never end with you!" Shi Xi


"You have to be reasonable. I didn't ask the cows to fight. Weren't you there? If my cow died, would you pay compensation?" Sha Dong said.

"You, like your brother, are both bloodthirsty demons, and yet you have bullied me. It is simply unreasonable! I will go to the county government to sue you!"

"Whoever's business is responsible, whoever bears the responsibility should bear it. My business is my business, and the bull's business is the bull's business. If you say it, I will say it. Why does it involve my brother? No matter how bad he is, he kills people.

I have already been punished by law, so why do you compare me to my brother? Think about it carefully, did you do the right thing?" Sha Dong said.

"It's a slip of the tongue. Your brother is your brother. Now I only ask you for the cow and you have to compensate. If you don't compensate, then I will just ask Magistrate Tang."

"You were also at the scene. You failed to control the cattle. You are responsible. If you want compensation, go ahead and sue. Magistrate Tang may not support you," Sha Dong said.

"Okay, just sue, no matter who you are afraid of!"

Shi Xi went to the county government office and sued Sha Dong.

When Tang Lu heard this, he thought this was great! A small quarrel turned into an enemy. It seems that the boat of friendship can capsize at any time!

Tang Lu thought in his mind that if Sha Dong was allowed to compensate, Sha Dong would suffer a loss, and if Sha Dong was not allowed to compensate, Shi Xi would suffer a loss. If you want to be fair, turn it upside down and look at the situation.

So he asked Shadong and Shixi: "You are growing up, right?"

"Yes!" they both said in unison.

"Since it's just a baby, you didn't deliberately let this cow out to fight, right?"

"Yes, after we finished plowing, when we were resting in the field, the two cows started fighting," Shi Xi said.

Sha Dong nodded, proving that what Shi Xi said was true.

Tang Lu also nodded, expressing his approval of their arguments.
This chapter has been completed!
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