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Chapter 179 Torture the Big Bluestone

After Shi Mao finished speaking, he looked very painful. Tang Lu said: "Bold, you have done many evil things! You deserve to be punished!"

"Sir, I will accept my punishment."

"Because you voluntarily surrendered, I won't slap you with a ban, and you will be punished by sweeping the floor. Clean the roads in the village for two years to keep them clean and tidy. Otherwise, you will be sent to jail and slapped with a ban." Tang Lu said.

"The little one understands and is willing to sweep the floor. Please ask adults to supervise. If you don't perform well, you would rather be punished again and accept a heavier punishment." Shi Mao said.

Tang Lu asked him to sign and deposit the sentence, and according to the judgment, the punishment would start from now on.

The whole county knew about this case, and the announcement was immediately revoked and no longer took effect. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Later, people talked about it. This was Tang Lu's plan. In this way, he would find people who like to report. If you find the whistleblower, you will know.

If you further understand this person's thoughts and character, and see if this person may have done something bad, it will be easy to find the real culprit who cut the cow's tongue.

In fact, it has been shown that Mao Shi is the real culprit. Because he is jealous and hates the wealth of Shanan's family, and is unbalanced in his heart, he wants to frame Shanan. In addition, the previous conflicts have not been resolved. He is grudged and found this opportunity to report.

Nowadays, many people like to report. By reporting, it seems that they are exterminating relatives for justice, but in fact they are not human. If you find someone who likes to report, sooner or later you need to stay away, because if you are not careful, you will be framed for a crime.

Shimao likes to do this, which proves that he is selfish. In this way, he can get benefits, but in the end he is not trustworthy and will not get good results in the end.

Many people like to report, not out of justice but out of humanity. Tang Lu thought to himself that this is caused by people's evil thoughts. By reporting others, you can protect yourself.

Betray your brothers and gain benefits.

Tang Lu didn't like to associate with such people, but there were always such people around him.

He generally hates those who like to report. For those who like to report, especially the so-called people who do not recognize their relatives, he cannot regard them as human beings, worse than animals.

This case made many people understand the dangers of Stonefur, and they dismissed him and sneered at him. They felt that he was not a complete human being, but a mentally defective person. He could not bring benefits to others, but would only bring trouble. This way

Humans are truly inhumane, even worse than animals.

After Tang Lu finished handling the case, he felt that he should relax, so he walked around and traveled around, like Monk Yun Xin did.

He brought an entourage with him, dressed like a scholar, and Tang Lu was dressed like a scholar, like a scholar who had failed many times.

The scenery ahead is beautiful, with blooming flowers, green grass, and rows of dwarf pine trees on the hills. The distribution is clear and layered, as if it was natural or deliberately done by humans.

The fragrance of the flowers is astounding and refreshing, but every few steps I take, there is a fishy smell that blows in with the wind, making me sick.

With his professional sensitivity, Tang Lu realized that something must be happening nearby, so he quickly moved forward and searched everywhere for the source of the odor.

Sure enough, a problem was discovered in the grass next to a slender dwarf pine.

A male corpse was highly decomposed, with a bluestone slab resting on his body.

His face was hard to distinguish and his appearance was hideous. He wore a mandarin jacket on his shoulders. There was a piece of wood on the jacket with the word "Song Ji" stamped on it. From these attires, he probably knew that he was a businessman.

They do business in coarse cloth.

This was his first impression. Based on his experience in handling cases, Tang Lu initially judged that the businessman had encountered a robber.

The robbers took away his belongings for fear of being recognized. Maybe the robbers encountered resistance, and the deceased tore off the black cloth covering his face. The robbers became angry and killed him if he refused to do anything.

No matter what, what is suspected here is robbery, taking money and killing people. It is a major case and the murder must be solved. You need to contact the local police in time.

Soon, Tang Lu arrived at a nearby village and found the land security guard.

When the local security guard saw the scholar coming, he was very surprised and asked what was going on.

Tang Lu said: "A male corpse was found at the west end of the village. Didn't you notice it?"

"May I ask who you are sir?" asked the local security guard.

"Oh, I am Tang Lu, the magistrate of Gucheng County. I was traveling in all directions and happened to pass by this place. I found a male corpse and came to ask."

"Oh, it's the magistrate of Tang County! I've heard of his name for a long time, and admired him for a long time!" said the local security guard.

"It's my official. Ordinary officials don't need to compliment me," Tang Lu said.

"This is not a compliment. Magistrate Tang has a far-reaching reputation and handles cases like a god, which is admirable. People from all over the country know the reputation of Magistrate Tang. This is because Magistrate Tang worked hard to clean up the bad atmosphere in the old officialdom. Now the officialdom in Gucheng is impressive.

It’s refreshing, this is all the result of Magistrate Tang.”

"You're welcome. I'm not that capable. It's all God's will. It's the result of my colleagues and the people of Gucheng supporting me," Tang Lu said.

"The more capable you are, the more humble you are. The local area has always been safe and sound. Such a robbery happened, and it involves human lives. Your Excellency personally came to arrest it, which shows that you attach great importance to the local area. Thank you for your personal guidance."

"Don't use clichés, get to the point in one step, go straight, don't make any detours. I want to ask you, is there a cloth dealer named Song here?" Tang Lu asked.


"Yes, my surname is Song."

"Cloth seller?"

"Yes, that's the person who sells homespun cloth."

"We have many people with the surname Li and Wang here, but no one with the surname Song."


"There really isn't. You can look elsewhere, adults."

"It is estimated that the person fled here to commit the crime. Then, you go to the scene to protect it and don't let irrelevant people destroy the scene. I will send a police officer here to conduct further inspections and see if there are any other clues." Tang Luyan said.

Tang Lu returned to the county government office. Although he did not have all the fun in his travels, he still gained something. The discovery of a murder case made people feel a heavy responsibility. For workaholics, work can bring happiness.

Tang Lu thought for a while and ordered someone to post a notice saying that Da Qingshi would be interrogated in the court three days later because Da Qingshi was suspected of murder.

Notices are posted at all major traffic intersections and in crowded places to let more people know.

Everyone read the notice, talked a lot, and looked at each other. From childhood to adulthood, only living people were interrogated in court trials, but there was no one to judge Da Qingshi. It was really strange!

The big bluestone is a thing and has no life. How could it possibly answer Tang Lu's question?

Another point is that there are blood stains on the big bluestone. Did the big bluestone commit the crime? Where did the blood stain come from? Can the big bluestone move? These are all worthy of attention.

The most important thing is how Da Qingshi, as the defendant, answers the question.

This is a very strange case. If you participate in it and attend the scene, it will be a kind of enjoyment. In the future, when others talk about this case, you can intervene.

When the time came, people were standing outside the court hall, inside the yamen, and in the courtyard. They all came to see how strange it was to know who Magistrate Tang was? He could actually interrogate Da Qingshi. If Da Qingshi could be made to speak, he must be a god.

Generation after generation, our ancestors have never heard of such a strange thing.

The short ones in the back who didn't get a good seat stretched their necks and looked into the courtroom. The people in front didn't realize it, and didn't expect to make room for the people behind, or lower their height, all in the most comfortable way.

, you don’t have to consider other people’s feelings, you can’t see, you deserve it!

Above the courtroom, in front of the trial case, in the middle of the courtroom, there is a large bluestone slab.

This stone slab was speechless and silent.

"You dare to seek money and kill people in broad daylight. You have no regard for the laws of the country. If you don't fight, you don't know how powerful the laws of the country are! Come on, give me a hard beating. I'll hit you thirty times first. If you have an attitude

If it’s good, I’ll exempt you from thirty bans. If it’s not good, I’ll give you thirty more bans.” Tang Lu ordered.

As soon as the officials heard this, they started beating, crackling, crackling, the beating was much crisper than hitting the meat, and the sound spread far away.

After all the yamen officials hit him, they hit him again. The big bluestone didn't move at all and didn't hurt at all. However, the yamen servant's mouth was in pain due to the vibration of the handle of the wooden board.

When everyone saw it, the onlookers laughed, thinking that this was a farce and completely contrary to common sense. How could such a trial have any result? Let's see how Tang Lu completed his performance and how it ended perfectly.

When Tang Lu saw that the opportunity had come, he ordered people to stop making noise and said angrily: "When I am reviewing a case, the hall should be silent in a serious situation to show the power of the law. How can you be so unbecoming when you are laughing and making noise in the court?"

What crime should be committed?”

After saying that, Tang Lu slapped the gavel on the case and said, "Pop——"

When everyone saw Tang Lu getting angry, they immediately knelt down and made a big splash.

Shortly after kneeling down, they all shouted in unison: "Sir, please calm down and acknowledge your sins!"

Tang Lu saw that the fire was almost done and said, "You can choose for yourself what kind of punishment you will accept for the mistake you just made?"

"My lord, please speak clearly."

"Well, in that case, are you willing to receive a slap in the face or accept a fine? Needless to say, a slap in the face. Everyone saw it just now. It's like being beaten like a big blue stone. The fine and punishment are each person's guarantee and signature, and it is limited to

Within three days, three feet of homespun cloth will be handed in. Violators will be severely punished. I wonder if you heard this clearly?"

"Listen clearly." everyone replied.

After answering, I thought to myself, Sir, this is really interesting, what are you doing?

Everyone is willing to fine and punish people, which is the latter method of punishment. After all, if you hit dozens of boards, you will be unable to work for a month or two, which will affect your income. It is simpler to spend some money to buy some cloth and hand it over.

Everyone had the same idea, because playing poker is the stupidest thing. They would rather lose money than have their skin broken. They all believed that Magistrate Tang was at the end of his rope and there was really no way to catch the robbers. They could only vent their anger on everyone and make money.

I ordered homespun cloth and prepared to leave office and return to Beijing.

Everyone thought so, but Tang Lu didn't think so.

He has his own game.

Sure enough, within three days, all the homespun cloths were sold out. In other words, all the coarse cloths in the shops inside and outside the ancient city were sold out, and the homespun cloths became a hot commodity.

Then, Tang Lu began to receive homespun cloths in a steady stream. Tang Lu ordered all the government officials and policemen not to do anything, but to use them exclusively to collect cloths, and to check the marks and seals on the cloth one by one, and what was recorded on the wooden plaque.

information, unexpectedly found that many homespun cloths had the words "Song Ji" printed on them. This was exactly the same as the stamp on the robe carried on the shoulders of the deceased. This made Tang Lu overjoyed. He really couldn't find it after trying hard to find it.

It takes no effort at all.

Tang Lu ordered to focus on investigating where this piece of cloth came from. After careful investigation, he followed the clues and found the source at Li Sanbu Village.

The boss of Li Sanbu Village is Li Si.

"Li Si, are you the boss of Li Sanbu Village?"

"Sir, I am the boss of Li Sanbu Village."

"Do you know your guilt?"

"I don't know, little one."

“Where did your cloth come from?”

"Did you buy this cloth?"

"Who did you buy it from?"

"From Boss Wang."

"Where is Boss Wang? Can you take us to see Boss Wang?"

"Isn't this not good?"

"Why isn't it good? Go see the boss and give him some popularity." Tang Lu said.

"You said the homespun cloth was sold to you by Boss Wang, right?"


"After you received the homespun cloth, did you do anything with it?"

"Yes, you must have your own trademark and size to avoid confusion with other people's products. If something goes wrong, you don't know how to deal with it. In order to clearly distinguish the responsibilities, you must understand your own brand. If there is any difference, you must find a way.

Make a mark." Li Si said.

"Li Si, tell me, what markings do you usually give on the homespun cloth you sell according to industry rules and habits?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, I will put a stamp on the head of the homespun cloth, that is, the word 'Li Ji' will be written on the wooden sign. This can be separated from other homespun cloth to avoid confusion. If not separated, it will be easy to make a mistake. This is

It’s a big taboo in this industry. You have to be very careful.” Li Si said.

"It turns out that I want to make a mark. It should be 'Li Ji' on your homespun cloth, right?"


"Well, look at this homespun cloth from your Li Sanbu Village, but it says 'Song Ji' on it. Please explain! Is your surname Li or Song?" Tang Lu asked.

"Sir, the younger one's surname is Li. The homespun cloth surnamed Song was shipped from Boss Wang." Li Si said.

Tang Lu didn't want him to continue performing, so he slapped the gavel with a "pop--" sound, which made Li Si tremble in fright and quickly knelt down.

"You are so bold and cunning, I have to remind you now, look what is this?" Tang Lu said angrily.

Tang Lu ordered someone to throw the cassock in front of Li Si and said: "Li Si, take a good look at it. What are the words written on this cassock?"

Li Si picked up the cassock. At one end of the cassock, there was a wooden sign with the words "Song Ji" written on it.

"What is this?" Li Si asked.

"You are a bold and unruly person. You are knowingly committing the crime. It seems that even severe punishment will have no effect on you." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, even if I die, I will understand what is going on? Whose robe is it? Why is it here?" Li Si asked.

"Li Si, you can't shed tears until you see the coffin! Now that you've seen the coffin, you're still performing. It seems that your face is thicker than the city wall!" Tang Lu said. He paused and raised his voice.

Said: "This robe belongs to Boss Song. He was killed in Dansonggang and has almost turned into bones."

"Sir, Xiao is willing to confess. The deceased was the victim of Xiao. He is Boss Song, a homespun cloth seller. He has a batch of goods, which he sells on consignment at Xiao. The last goods will be settled this time. Look at him.

They were from out of town. This time they delivered more goods. After the small one received the goods, he didn't want to settle the last payment for the goods, so he planned to kill him, and then tried to find a way to transport the body to the outside of the city. When he saw the short Matsuoka, the car

Unable to walk anymore, he dragged the body into the grass of Short Matsuoka. In order not to be discovered, he covered his body with a large bluestone. At that time, when he heard someone talking in the distance, he ran away in a panic, ignoring his shoulder.

It is this kind of negligence, neglecting the robe, and shaking off one's own crimes. These words are all words from the bottom of my heart. They are not false statements. They are all genuine statements. Please make a clear decision." Li Si.


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