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Chapter 180 The Mute Comes to Complain

When Li Si heard this, he immediately fell to the ground and murmured to himself: "Ignore it, ignore it."

"What did you overlook?" Tang Lu asked.

"Ignored the trousers." Li Si said.

"It's fair to say that you should take the initiative to confess, or do it after being tortured. Scribe, prepare the records, sign and stamp them later, and put them in jail to wait for beheading." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, there is no need for punishment. The younger one is going to die anyway, so let's give it a happy one. The younger one confesses voluntarily. There is no need for torture. The younger one confesses everything and doesn't hide anything." Li Si said.

"Then tell the truth and be careful of injuries to your muscles and bones." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, Xiao is willing to confess. The deceased was the victim of Xiao. He is Boss Song, a homespun cloth seller. He has a batch of goods, which he sells on consignment at Xiao. The last goods will be settled this time. Look at him.

They were from out of town. This time they delivered more goods. After the small one received the goods, he didn't want to settle the last payment for the goods, so he planned to kill him, and then tried to find a way to transport the body to the outside of the city. When he saw the short Matsuoka, the car

Unable to walk anymore, he dragged the body into the grass of Short Matsuoka. In order not to be discovered, he covered his body with a large bluestone. At that time, when he heard someone talking in the distance, he ran away in a panic, ignoring his shoulder.

It is this kind of negligence, neglecting the robe, and shaking off one's own crimes. These words are all words from the bottom of my heart. They are not false statements. They are all genuine statements. Please make a clear decision." Li Si.


"I understand what you said. It is in line with my reasoning. It is quite honest, so I will give you a happy death. Your greed has harmed you. You have made all the money in the world, but it is a pity that you can't

To enjoy it, you still have to leave it to others. Give half of your money to the Song family, because Boss Song is the backbone of the Song family, and you have caused losses to the Song family. No amount of money can exchange for Boss Song's life, and Mrs. Song is gone.

Son, Songzi has lost his father, and Song's wife has become a widow. Your general family property cannot make up for the mental damage suffered by the Song family. If you give half of the family property, you will not lose at all, and the other half, half of the half, will have no income.

Treasury, the other half is left to your family. Don’t worry, it’s not a threat to the imperial power, and it won’t implicate the nine clans. Just go with peace of mind! As for how to deal with your human blood, that is the executioner’s decision. On the execution ground, it is not

It's up to you to decide. The executioner will use your blood to dip the steamed buns and sell them to people with tuberculosis. That's not up to you, so just go away in peace! Don't worry about what's behind you." Tang Lu said.

"Thank you, sir, for reminding me. I regretted it, but it was too late. I lost my life because of my greed. I am really obsessed with money. If I had been calmer at that time, I wouldn't have been like this! Alas-" Li Si sighed.

"You went to the underworld, behave well, and strive to be reincarnated as soon as possible. Try to change your destiny as soon as possible. Don't be greedy in life. Wealth and wealth are always determined by fate. If it is in fate, it will come naturally. If there is nothing in fate, don't force it. God is fair.

, I will give you a life, but if you don’t cherish it, if you finish your work in the earthly world ahead of schedule, you will have to report to the underworld. Don’t blame me, don’t turn into a ghost to entangle this case. You went over there and saw Boss Song,

Explain it well and seek his forgiveness, so as not to have too much resentment and affect the lives of your descendants. If the resentment is too much, you will be no better than him. He died unjustly, and you deserve to die. They are different in nature and have magical power.

There is a difference. You should behave well and get more mana, lest you can't come back. If you ask for a cut at three quarters at noon, you can postpone it or delay it for a while, and you will have a chance. I am also thinking about you. There is no previous grudge.

The old grudge is just a temporary intention to swallow up Boss Song's property. This is understandable. You must give back what you have taken from others. You must spit out what others have eaten. If you take a wrong step, you will be wrong every step of the way.

, If you want to make a complete change, you have to give up everything completely. Otherwise, you will still be tested a lot and you will have a lot of questions to answer," Tang Lu said.

"Sir, I know that I am wrong and deserve death. I just don't want to die like this. Can you let me hang myself? That is strangulation. I don't want to see blood." Li Si said.

"It's not up to you! The ghost-headed sword must have been sharpened by the executioner. It is shining with cold light and is frightening. You will also feel this way. People who are about to die have good words. If you don't experience death, you can't cherish it.

If you don’t experience danger while you are alive, you will not appreciate the value of peace. If you want to know the taste of pears, you need to taste it yourself. Because you have committed the crime of robbery, not only for money, but also for life. If you just want to

If you have money, you can consider a lighter punishment, but if you get money or supplies, but you don't kill people or take other people's lives, you still have hope to live, but you will suffer a loss in terms of money." Tang Lu


"Forget it, no matter how much you say, it's useless. I will obey the adults' decision. No matter how I die, I will die. When a person dies, he knows nothing and can't take anything with him. On the day of death, nothing related to the dead person will be left.

Exist again. The young man has finally figured out that all fame and wealth will be in vain in the end. The young man doesn’t know the feeling of sorrow, but it’s not the time to be sad. If we face the uncertainty of the future and cannot succeed, we can only look up at the sky. Tomorrow

I know that destiny cannot be violated, but some people violate it. This is the huge problem. I understand that I am destined to die early because of Boss Song. I have greed in my heart, so I will do it when I have the opportunity.

He began to swell and was eager to try. The purpose was to get more wealth so that he could cope with the test of tomorrow. In fact, the young man made a complete mistake and failed to distinguish the priorities. He caught the sesame seeds but lost the watermelon. It was really not worth the gain.

"Li Si said.

Tang Lu asked the clerk to come over and show Li Si the confession he just made. Li Si read it and without raising any questions, he signed and stamped it. Then he waited for Tang Lu to pronounce the verdict. There was no doubt that Li Si was sentenced to death and was scheduled to be executed on a day.

Not long after Tang Lu took office, he encountered a strange case in Gucheng County.

There was a man with a thorn stick stuck in his back, kneeling outside the government office, beating a drum, and waiting for the county magistrate to come out.

Tang Lu asked: "Who is kneeling?"

There was no movement.

"Why don't you speak?"

The man didn't answer, he just knelt down with the thorns on his back very conspicuous.

Tang Lu saw that he was silent, so he walked down and leaned over to see that he had his head lowered and his mouth was moving, but there was no sound.

The master said: "Sir, I heard from the previous master that he is a mute. Every time he sees the new county magistrate, he will do it again."

"What are you doing here?"

"It is said that they are here for a fight."

"Looking for a beating? How strange! People don't dare to go to the county government office for fear of a lawsuit. If the lawsuit fails, they will be beaten. They can't hide for fear of getting a lawsuit. It's really strange that he still asks for a lawsuit." Tang

Law says.

"Why do you think he was carrying the thorn sticks on his back? Do you want to bear the thorn sticks to plead guilty?" Tang Lu asked.

"Yes, he just wants to plead guilty. The purpose of carrying a thorn stick is to risk being beaten to file a complaint. This is risking death to file a lawsuit. He does not want to die, and is not afraid of harm, but he must prosecute the lawsuit to the end. The previous counties

Lingdu beat him up, kicked him out of the court, and refused to accept his case. This time, he may have seen that your Excellency is the new county magistrate, so he came to complain and try his luck." Master said.

"Oh, that's it! There are people who complain like this in the world! No wonder, the mute is looked down upon by others, regarded as inferior, equal to a stray dog, and beaten everywhere. So, in other words, he wants to complain, but he doesn't know what to do.

He has no complaint and no one to help him. Where did he come from? What should he sue for? If he is unjustly accused, I don’t know why he is unjustly accused. He has a mouth but cannot speak and a hand cannot write. What should I do?” Tang Lu said


He thought for a while and came up with a way, so he asked someone to bring fresh pig blood and smeared it on the mute's body, face, arms, legs and back, as if he had been beaten with a big board.

Then he was locked up with long shackles, and two government officials, one in front and one behind, escorted him to the street to be paraded in public.

At the same time, he ordered a dozen other government officials to change their clothes and become ordinary people. They followed the escorted mute on the streets on the left and right. As they walked, they listened to the discussions in the crowd and tried to find key information to solve the case.

A gong was played in front to clear the way, and a mute was held in the middle, wearing long shackles. His body and face were covered with blood, and he was walking with difficulty. This caused many people on the street to stop and watch. The crowd also made various comments. Some said, "Have you been beaten to death?"

?Some said that it would be better if he didn't die, because the beating was too serious.

Some said that every time a new official came, he was beaten. This time he was not only beaten, but also paraded in the streets. It really got worse and worse. It seems that this time the situation is more serious than bad!

Some said that this time the magistrate of Tanglu County was much stronger than the previous one, so he would be fine and maybe he could solve the problem!

"He was unjustly accused! How could he be tortured like this! Magistrate Tang is a confused official! So confused! One is worse than the other! One generation is not as good as the other! Alas -"

When everyone saw it, the person who said this was an old man with all white hair and beard!

This old man seems to be very dissatisfied with the reality, complaining all the time, and can't stand everything happening now, of course, including this time dragging the mute around the streets, which made him even more angry, so he couldn't help but say these words.

The police officers heard this and immediately surrounded him and said to him: "May I ask your name? Your speech is different from others. It seems that you must have great ideas. Our master cherishes talents very much, even if the old man has exhausted his hair."

Bai, I can't provide services, but you can provide suggestions and ideas. People's ideas are very important now. Money can't buy good experience and good solutions. What you said makes sense. Magistrate Tang will definitely hear it and do it. Don't worry.


"I believe you ghost!"

The old man didn't believe it.

When the policemen heard this, they immediately grabbed the old man and took him to the county government office.

Tang Lu quickly stepped forward and bowed, apologizing to the old man repeatedly.

Said: "I'm sorry, old man! These are actually police officers pretending to be ordinary people to find out the truth. The old man is invited here because he wants to find out what grievances the mute has. If the old man knows something about the situation, you might as well inform me. I will not do anything wrong.

You punish me! Don’t worry!”

"That's right! I'm scared to death."

"I guess the old man has experienced a lot of ups and downs. This little thing won't scare the old man, right?"

"Where, when people are old, they are not afraid of anything, but they are also afraid of ghosts! Just don't scare me with ghosts. Speaking of this mute, there is some origin. I don't know, this mute always complains. Why does he always complain? Because

The grievances have not been resolved, justice has not been achieved, and people have been treated unfairly.”

"What kind of unfair treatment?"

"He is from the village where I live. He was born unable to speak, which does not mean that he cannot listen. His ears are more sensitive than ordinary people's ears. His family was originally wealthy, and his father and mother took care of him. He lived a good life.

Not bad. Later, my father and mother passed away one after another. My mother left first, and my father left last. No matter who left, they were very worried about this mute son. They repeatedly told the eldest son and promised to take good care of the younger son, that is, the mute son.

The eldest son agreed very simply and promised to take care of the younger son, and the two elders closed their eyes. Seeing this, there was nothing to say. The elder brother promised to take care of the younger brother, but who knew that the elder brother's body was still cold, and the elder brother kicked the younger brother out of the house, ignoring him.

He didn't give his younger brother a penny, and even sent people to guard the door of the house to prevent his younger brother from coming in," the old man said.

"That's right! Old man, it seems that the mute brother is very wronged. He should be able to get the family property, but he didn't get any of it. This logic doesn't make sense!" Tang Lu asked.

"Yes, everyone is complaining, but unfortunately, no one knows how to file a complaint. I heard that Mr. Tang used to help the poor with lawsuits and write complaints for free. Now that he is a county magistrate, he has no time to write complaints. If he is not an official, he can still help

When people write, they become even more tired," the old man said.

"This is all in the past. I can't write it now. You can't let me write a complaint. You should go to the county government where I am located to file a complaint!"

"I know that it's because of this that mute people have no way to complain. He goes to file a complaint every year, but he can't achieve his goal. Today, he didn't know where he heard about the wise judgment of the case, so he went to the county government to beat the drum and complain.

, but unfortunately he had no complaint and could not speak, which was very worrying. I was also worried that something might happen to him, so I rushed over to have a look. It didn't matter, and it turned out that he was being paraded through the streets, still wearing shackles, and his walking was difficult and his steps were slow.


"This is a ploy! The blood on his body is fresh pig blood, which was specially obtained from the butcher. If you don't believe it, look at the mute to see if there are any bruises on his body. This is an illusion. The purpose is to ask you to come out and ask about the situation.

, because there is no one in the county government who knows how to communicate with mutes, and there is really no other way, so I came up with this strategy as a last resort. Please bear with me, the old man. I have little talent and experience, so I can only use this stupid method. If there is a better way,

This way, I won’t resort to bitter tricks.”

"Of course, this is not a cruel trick. The mute was carrying a thorn stick on his back, but he was not beaten, nor was he hit with a big board. Even if he was lucky, the previous county magistrates all beat the mute and expelled him for disturbing the order of the court. This is outrageous.

He didn't dare to say anything. The more this happened, the more the mute had to persist to the end. Many people advised him to forget it. The people cannot fight with the officials. They can't fight. The people are the arms and the officials are the thighs. If the arms can't twist the thighs, then do it as soon as possible.

Give up, as the saying goes, he who knows the current affairs is a hero, this is the truth!" the old man said.
This chapter has been completed!
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