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Chapter 27 Three Grasshoppers on One Rope

Three people were imprisoned, and the news spread quickly. It's true that good things don't go out, but bad things spread thousands of miles.

The family members of the Fan brothers came to visit the prison.

Not allowed in.

It doesn't work even if you stuff it with money.

The family members of the Fan brothers were worried, so they asked the wife of the county magistrate's wife for help, asking her to be kind enough to go see the Fan brothers.

The madam's maid didn't want to help at first, but the family members of the Fan brothers and the maid's mother were distant relatives. I don't know how they found out about this relationship, but they let the madam know about it anyway.

Madam usually doesn't ask about Yin Jian's official affairs, but this time she felt pity for her, because the maid has been with Madam since she was a child. She is very sensible and diligent. She usually doesn't ask for help and always pays silently. When she opened her mouth this time, she must have met someone.


The lady found Yin Jian and said, "Master, I have something to ask of you."

"What's up?"

"Are the Fan brothers imprisoned in the county government office?"

"What brother?"

"They are the Fan brothers."

"Madam, you mean Fan Jia and Fan Yi?"

"Sir, these two are the Fan brothers."

"Oh, yes, it's closed. Is there anything wrong, madam?"

"Master, I usually never ask about my official business, but this time I have to ask," the lady said.

"You're welcome. What's going on?"

"That is to say, the people that the master is keeping in the county government are distant relatives of the slaves and maids. They want to see the Fan brothers, but they are not allowed to see them. Even if they have money, they can't do it. It seems that the master has good governance and is serious.

Discipline, all official duties, do not dare to accept bribes." Madam said.

"Thank you, madam. If the Fan brothers' family members want to see it, let them see it. Don't worry," Yin Jian said.

"Thank you, sir!"

"You're welcome, go tell them quickly," Yin Jian said.

"Okay, sir!" the lady said, and then left.

The maids were overjoyed to know that the master had agreed to let them go see him.

At this time, the maid's status soared, and she was highly regarded among relatives.

Here Yin Jian arranged for them to closely monitor the activities of people visiting the prison.

The Fan brothers were very happy to see their family members visiting the prison.

"You should find a way to see Monk Chejing, give him money, and let him take full responsibility." Brother Fan told his family members.

The family members asked to see Monk Chejing.

The prison boss refused and said, "You and Che Jing are not related in any way, so we cannot meet."

The Fan family members said: "It is precisely because Che Jing has no one to care about him. He has no family members or friends that we need to comfort him. It would be very good for the county magistrate to let him confess his guilt and conclude the case early."


When the cell leader heard this, he thought it made sense. Besides, Yin Jian also agreed to meet, but he had to pay attention to monitoring. He said: "That makes sense, okay. Let's go, it can't exceed an hour."

With the permission of the cell leader, the Fan family were so happy that they felt like they were floating when they walked. When they arrived at Che Jing's cell, the jailer opened the chain door and they went in. The jailer locked the door again.

"Master Chejing!" the family members said.

"Donor, what are you doing?" Che Jing looked at it and didn't understand. Several female relatives came. I didn't know who they were. They thought they were lucky.

"You're welcome, Master Chejing. We are the family members of the Fan brothers. We came to see you today just because we want you to do a favor. I wonder if you can provide convenience?" asked the family members of the Fan brothers.

"Convenient, convenient, of course convenient. Please tell me how I can help?" Che Jing asked.

"You will bear all the blame and let the Fan brothers be clean and acquitted. If you agree, I will give you one hundred taels of gold." The family members of the Fan brothers said.

"Is this, this, too little? You know, one hundred taels for one person is not much, so how can there be any reason to get two people with one hundred taels?" Che Jing said.

"Master Chejing! You are compassionate! Monks have no worries. We are the family members of the Fan brothers. Seeing that you share the same fate, we came to see you and express our concern for you. You know, one hundred

Two taels of gold is very difficult for a small family like ours, let alone two hundred taels of gold. I brought one hundred taels of gold today. If you agree, I will give you this gold. I will give it now and I will never regret it. If not, I will give it to you.

Promise, bridge to bridge, road to bridge, just treat us as a drop-in, there is nothing to lose, you can continue to feed one person and the whole family will not be hungry, and we will figure out what to do next. I wonder if the Master has any ideas,

If you change your mind, it's still too late, the visiting time is limited, we can't think too much, otherwise, we will be punished or expelled," said the family members of the Fan brothers.

"Okay, I promise to take full responsibility. All the responsibilities are on me. However, I will give you these one hundred taels of gold now. After the matter is completed, you can give me another fifty taels of gold. No more. This fifty taels of gold,

After Fan Jia and Fan Yi go out, they must give it to me immediately. Otherwise, I will retract the confession and they will have to come in again," Che Jing said.

"Great! Master Che Jing! Let's make it a deal. Here are one hundred taels of gold tickets. Please keep them and give the rest after the matter is completed." said the family members of the Fan brothers.

Che Jing received the golden ticket, beaming with joy, and her family left with great gratitude.

All this was clearly seen through the peephole in the cell next door by the cell boss. After sorting out the contents of their conversation, he handed it over to Yin Jian.

"That's right, there's still one last step to go," Yin Jian said.

Three days later, Yin Jian went to court to hear the case.

"Who is kneeling?" Yin Jian asked.

"Monk Che Jing."


"Fan Yi."

"Che Jing, do you plead guilty?"

"Sir, I plead guilty. The thefts were all done by Xiao. The Fan brothers have nothing to do with this case. It was Xiao who was confused for a moment and wanted to use this opportunity to frame them. In fact, they are innocent and have been wrongly accused.

, I regret it very much. I hope the master will release them. They did not commit any crime and did not participate in the theft. It was all my fault." Monk Che Jing said.

"Che Jing, didn't you say that you committed the crime with them, divided the work and cooperated, and then you divided the stolen goods?" Yin Jian said.

"No, sir, they did not participate in the theft. They were wrongly accused. I hope you will see clearly." Che Jing said.

"Okay, Fan Jia, I want to ask you if what Che Jing said is true?"

"Sir, it's absolutely true. It's true. I haven't participated in any criminal activities at all." Fan Jiayan said.

"Fan Yi, what about you?"

"Young man is wronged. Master Chejing is right." Fan Yiyan said.

"Fan Jia, Fan Yi, tell me, are you with Che Jing?" Yin Jian asked.

"No." They both said in unison.

They have known for a long time that Yin Jian is the great master of Qingtian. He is considerate of the people and cares for the people. He does not use torture on criminal suspects casually. There are times when he scares criminal suspects. But it is just a scare, not a real torture. All three of them have heard that

After understanding the characteristics of Yin Jian's interrogation, he was not afraid to use torture instruments.

As long as they insist on not admitting that they are a team, and as long as Fan Jia and Fan Yi don't admit to participating in the theft, they will be fine, because only Che Jing was at the crime scene, and Che Jing was caught. The Fan brothers were not present.

Then, the facts of the case cannot be ascertained, and the case becomes unresolved.

If there is insufficient evidence, it is impossible to convict. Since they are not guilty, the Fan brothers must be released. Yin Jian fell into deep thought, and the courtroom was silent for a moment, and you could even hear an embroidery needle drop.

"Sir, master, it's not good, the imperial censor's special messenger is here. Waiting in the study. Please come, master. It is said to be related to this case." Jin Long came in and spoke loudly.

"Okay, hurry up and arrange tea and snacks. I'll wait for you. I'll be here soon." Yin Jian said, "Master, please go with us. Let's take a short break and go for a walk in the courtyard to have some tea and snacks." Yin Jian said.

Jian ordered.

After Yin Jian finished his instructions, the court hall suddenly became empty. Only three suspects were kneeling on the ground, waiting for Yin Jian to continue the trial. The other people had disappeared.

After Yin Jian left, the three of them finally put the food in their stomachs and immediately relaxed a lot.

The three of them looked at each other and knew that the guards were resting in the yard outside. The three of them couldn't run away, so they winked at each other, made some gestures, and communicated with each other. When they couldn't do the movements and were in a hurry to express themselves, they just said

Come out. Under normal circumstances, it is still expressed through actions.

Monk Che Jing made a move, which was to slap his buttocks hard with his hands. Brother Fan didn't understand and asked in a low voice: "Excuse me, what does this mean?"

"That is to say, I will bear all the blame. I will fight for you two. If these dozens of blows can't kill me, as long as you get through it, as long as you are still alive, this level will be over." Che Jing said.


"That's right, Master Che Jing, they definitely don't know that the special messenger from the Censor who came just now to find the county magistrate may have come for this matter. Because our family members have already taken care of the Censor's place, and the Censor is our fellow villager.

We got to know the Censor through someone else's introduction. For this case, we gave up our money and silver to open up relationships. Now we have to maintain the relationship with the Censor and try to maintain a close relationship, otherwise all our efforts will be wasted." Fan Jiayan said.

"Yes, Master Chejing, it's all up to you. I'll thank you deeply after everything is done." Fan Yiyan said.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's all on me. You insist that you don't know me and that you didn't participate in the theft crime. As for me, I insist that it was me and it has nothing to do with you. If I keep saying this, things may turn around. Anyway, I

It means that one person can eat enough and the whole family will not be hungry. It does not constitute a capital crime, so there is no need to worry. Everything is possible. It is not impossible." Che Jing said.

"Don't worry, the censor is one of ours. Don't be afraid of losing your head. Theft is not a capital crime. As long as you repent, it's still possible. Being great is just making dozens of big mistakes." Fan Jiayan said.

"Yes, yes, yes, we spent a lot of money to bribe the Censor. As long as he comes forward, the three of us can go out." Fan Yiyan said.


Che Jing made a movement, meaning to keep her voice down.

Only then did the Fan brothers notice that the government servants were resting and eating outside. Some were very close to them, and some were further away from them. However, the voices of the voices were still very clear.

At this time, the government officials came back one after another and took their places. After a while, Yin Jian came, walked behind the desk, patted the gavel, and said: "Che Jing, I want to ask you, did you commit the crime of theft alone?

The Fan brothers didn't know about it, didn't participate in it, and didn't share the spoils, right?"

"Yes." Che Jing replied.

"My last question to you, Master Che Jing, is this theft case was committed by you alone, not by the Fan brothers and you together. Is that right?" Yin Jian said.

"Yes, sir, this case is a small one and has nothing to do with the Fan brothers." Che Jing said.

"Okay, great. Shu Li, come out!" Yin Jian said, his voice louder, meaning that many people could hear it.

"Yes, sir!" a voice replied.

I only heard his voice but didn't see him. After a while, the clerk slowly emerged from the table cloth and handed the written confession to Yin Jian. These confessions were what the three people just said.

After the clerk came out of the cloth, he verbally reported to Yin Jian what the three people had just discussed.

When the three of them saw this formation, they immediately withered and were speechless.

Yin Jian came to a conclusion based on the investigation of the past few days, so there is no need to worry about it anymore.

He asked the three suspects to sign and certify their confessions.

The facts of the crime committed by the three people have been found out. Then they will be punished according to the law.

Che Jing was beaten eighty times, and the gifts sent by the Fan brothers and their families were confiscated. She was sent to the frontier to farm without any worries. There were no walls and no human habitation for hundreds of miles. Even if she wanted to escape, she would be better off.

The weather is still difficult.

Fan Jia was beaten forty times, fined fifty taels of gold, and moved thousands of miles away.

Fan Yi was beaten with forty boards, fined one hundred taels of gold, and was not allowed to move. However, he had to take care of the elderly and children at home without any complaints. Otherwise, the sentence would be revoked and a new judgment would be made. This is equivalent to Fan Yi's seriousness.

Family affection.

One moves and the other stays, which is a kind of comfort.

Seeing that her conspiracy was exposed, Che Jing had no choice but to plead guilty and obey the law.

The three of them colluded to confess, and the plan went bankrupt. Everything went to zero, and they had to let Yin Jian do whatever he wanted.

"Che Jing, if you behave well, you may be welcomed back in the future. Some people say that when a leaf falls and returns to its roots, no matter where it goes, it will eventually come back." Yin Jian said.

"Thank you so much, master! You are really the parent officer of the people of Xiangyang! What a good official! It's touching. The poor monk is willing to reform himself and strive to end his sentence as soon as possible, and then return to his hometown. In order to thank the master, the poor monk now provides a clue to the master, please

The master will investigate and eliminate some bad guys." Che Jing said.

"What's the matter? Please tell me." Yin Jian said.

"There is a Qilin Temple in the west of Xiangyang City. Master, you will know if you go and take a look. It is best not to go there wearing official uniform. It is a very lively and interesting place." Che Jing said.

"Why is it interesting? Isn't that temple very efficacious?" Yin Jian asked.

"It can be said that first ask the local people, and then go to the temple to find out. I will find out a shocking secret. Because the poor monk is guilty, it is not convenient to say it clearly. I hope that if I solve the case, it will alarm the government and the public. This will

It's a gift given by the poor monk to the master to express his gratitude to the master!" Che Jing said.

What on earth is going on? Yin Jian fell into deep thought.
This chapter has been completed!
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