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Chapter 198

Yang Wuguo never expected that Tang Lu would understand all the situations clearly.

"Then, then, then, sir, Liang Ziyong won't lie and deceive, right?" Yang Wuguo asked stammering, he didn't want to miss such a good thing, so he checked again and again to see if he had been deceived.

"To tell you the truth, you are here as a scapegoat, but he has made some small moves. His son no longer comes to visit, and his daughter has married someone else. Of course, the promised dowry has disappeared, and the bride price has also disappeared.

, for the money he promised to give you, he wrote a fake contract, imitating your handwriting, signing and stamping, saying that your daughter was a maid, and it was he who spent the money to buy your daughter as a maid. In fact, you

You won't get any money. You are still stubborn here and want to take the blame for him and be punished for him. You will become his scapegoat and you will not get any benefits. In the end, you may be sentenced to death and your life will be lost.

You didn't get any money, but you got a bad reputation. Think about it, is it worth it? Is it worth it?" Tang Lu said.

After hearing this, Yang Wuguo had nothing to say. After a while, he lowered his head and began to sob. Then he burst into tears and couldn't stop.

Tang Lu did not dissuade him, knowing that men would not cry easily, but he did not reach the sad point. When the softest part of his heart was touched and the bottom line was touched, it began to open like a floodgate, and it was out of control. At this time, let

He went to vent his grief and anger, and then understood the situation after he had finished crying.

Sure enough, Yang Wuguo finished crying, wiped his nose and tears with his sleeve, and said, "Sir, to be honest, my family is completely destitute, there is no money in the family, and the money in my pocket is cleaner than my face. That day,

Liang Ziyong's housekeeper came to me, threatened me, lured me, and promised me all kinds of sweetness and benefits, so that I could take the blame. He said that after he succeeded in taking the blame, he would open up relationships, smooth things over, give the government some benefits, and spend money to redeem me.

When she came back, she allowed me to marry into my family, and the man entered the door. The woman gave me a dowry, and the man did not need a bride price. The things the woman gave me as a dowry were very attractive, and the benefits given to me were also surprising. To me, they had never been

I have seen many things that I may not earn in a lifetime, but all the good things happened to me in one day, which is really unbelievable. I was moved and agreed to help, so I signed a contract with Liang Ziyong. As for the content of the contract, I

I didn’t look at it carefully because I didn’t know how to read either. They were all read by Liang Ziyong’s housekeeper. I just signed and stamped my signature. I never expected that Liang Ziyong had sinister intentions and dug several deep pits for me to jump into. Damn it! Thousand Knives

It wouldn’t be a pity to be cut into pieces.”

After Yang Wuguo finished speaking, he wiped his tears and blew his nose.

He sighed deeply and said: "I never thought that dogs can't change from eating shit. This guy is so bad that it's impossible to change for the better! He needs to be severely punished. He is a murderous demon. It's so outrageous. He should be punished."

Bring him to justice.”

"Don't worry, Yang Wuguo, I have made arrangements. You can go and go back to live and work well. After a while, you can go to see Liang Ziyong's execution. In addition, I will give you a settlement allowance.

Of course, this money is from Liang Ziyong. You can collect it at the county government office in two days. From now on, don’t just believe what bad people say. It’s not easy for bad people to change for the better. If they completely change for the better, long-term observation is needed. Don’t have any illusions.

You should continue to maintain your original temperament and character, be kind to others, don't be a helper, don't help others, stay away from bad people and do bad things, and don't take chances. You are good in the first place, but if you are not sure, you are likely to be taken advantage of.

Taking advantage of it, it is very difficult to turn back. You have been deceived. So be careful. If you encounter danger, report it to the official in time. Don't delay. Once you delay, you will leave regrets and it will be very dangerous. Are you clear?" Tang

Law says.

"It's clear. Thank you, sir. If you didn't tell me, I almost died and almost became a person who will be reviled forever. Thank you for taking care of me! You must pay attention to me, and I will tell your children and grandchildren in the future. Don't do it."

Take advantage, don't bear false witness, and don't succumb to the forces of darkness." Yang Wuguo said.

"Okay, go ahead! I still have a lot of things to deal with," Tang Lu ordered.

Yang Wuguo left the county government and his family reunited. A few days later, Liang Ziyong was captured and sentenced to death, and he was executed by beheading. Thousands of people came to the scene to watch, all coming to see the fate of the bully. In addition, Liang Ziyong was confiscated.

His personal property was confiscated and Yang Wuguo was compensated for the loss of two hundred taels of silver.

Yang Wuguo got the money, bought a field, and lived happily.

Yang Wuguo worked hard, and after a few years, his daughter got married and his son got married.

My daughter married a scholar.

The son married a virtuous wife.

Who knew that after a few years of good things, disaster would happen again.

When farming was busy, Yang Wuguo and his son worked in the fields together. If they were too busy, they would ask day laborers to help.

During the slack time in farming, the father and son were not idle, and Yang Wuguo would do some business.

Fortunately, he married a virtuous daughter-in-law, and there is a daughter-in-law at home who takes care of her mother-in-law. They go out to do business and travel long distances, so they can rest assured. The father and son take care of each other, and only the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are left at home, and they live in peace. Life is ordinary.

But still happy and satisfied.

One day, the mother-in-law died suddenly, and the daughter-in-law told the landowner, who suspected that the daughter-in-law forced the mother-in-law to death because the mother-in-law hanged herself.

The local security guard sent his daughter-in-law to the police. Tang Lu received the case and felt very embarrassed. He intuitively discovered that his daughter-in-law was not a suspect, but the daughter-in-law admitted that she had forced her mother-in-law to death. Before Tang Lu could find out the facts of the case, he imprisoned his daughter-in-law and

Send a police officer to the crime scene to conduct an investigation.

Tang Lu saw that the daughter-in-law behaved elegantly, spoke well, and was very polite. Whether this was just a superficial phenomenon needed to be further understood. She was well-informed, well-informed, and reasonable, so how could she force her mother-in-law to death? However, having said that, if a person can pretend,

Maybe she's pretending to look like her? That's not even possible.

He was full of doubts and asked his wife: "You don't look like the person who forced my mother-in-law to death. The land security guard said that you forced my mother-in-law to death. Do you admit such accusation?"

"You can't blame Di Bao, sir. My mother-in-law was indeed forced to death by my daughter. She is a disgusting mother-in-law. Since ancient times, the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been difficult to reconcile. She is the most cunning mother-in-law in the world. She wants to eat sweets.

The little girl made something sweet for her, but she knocked over the bowl and said it was hot. After a while, she said it was too bland. The little girl added some salt, but she said it was too salty. One moment she said it was cold, and the other moment she said it was rice.

It was so hard that I wanted to torture the old lady to death. One moment she said she wanted to sleep, and the next she said she wanted to go out for a walk. She was almost suffocated at home. In short, she is the mother-in-law, and the daughter-in-law can only accept it, but it always goes on like this, the daughter-in-law said.

Maybe she left before her mother-in-law, so the little girl complained, and she got angry. She started saying that she was unfilial and a bad wife. When she came back, she wanted to file a complaint and asked her husband to write a divorce letter and divorce her before marrying her. The little girl had no choice.

She could only argue with reason, but she still refused to let her go, saying that her reputation would be ruined and she would never be able to get married in her life," said the daughter-in-law.

Tang Lu nodded and said, "You have been wronged. But I always feel that something is wrong. You don't look like that kind of evil woman. Instead, you are a virtuous and filial daughter-in-law. Based on my intuition, I think so."

"Your Majesty, you are wrong. My little girl is a bitch and a bitch. Now she has forced her mother-in-law to death. She has committed a serious crime of unfilial piety and deserves death. How can she have the dignity to live in this world? She just wants to die quickly. Punish the little girl severely according to the law.

Let my mother-in-law’s spirit rest in peace in heaven.”

"Don't rush this matter. Let me investigate thoroughly to avoid being killed by mistake. If you are killed by mistake, my hat will be lost and my head will not be saved. If you have been wronged, I will definitely redress your injustice now."

Show your innocence and let the world know your innocence, so that you will not be burdened with infamy and leave this world with grievances and resentments. This is an opportunity to correct your mistakes. This opportunity must not be missed and will not come again. If you miss it, it will be a lifetime, a living life.

", you must not be careless. I always do things openly and aboveboard. I will never let a bad person go, nor will I wrongly accuse a good person." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, just be stupid for once! Your reputation will not be ruined this time. My daughter is indeed a heinous person. She is disrespectful to her mother-in-law and unfilial. She deserves to die! Please sentence her to death as soon as possible."

"This is strange. No one wants to die, but you do the opposite. Could it be that you are pessimistic and world-weary and don't want to live?"

"Yes, no matter what, please let me sentence my little girl to death as soon as possible!" said the daughter-in-law.

Tang Lu fell into deep thought and ordered his wife to be escorted to a cell to be detained until the case became clear before making arrangements.

While he was pondering what to do, a government official asked to see him.

Tang Lu agreed and the yamen servant came in. Tang Lu saw the yamen servant covering his face with his hands. Tang Lu felt strange and wanted to check. The yamen servant dodged. Tang Lu asked, "What's going on? How have you ever seen an official covering his face with his hands?"

Say, what's going on? Did you do something shameful? Are you too embarrassed to see anyone?"

When the yamen officer asked me, he immediately started crying.

Seeing the yamen servant crying, Tang Lu immediately became furious and said, "How can a gentleman cry and moan about a worthless thing?"

"Sir, I am incompetent."

"How come you are incompetent? How can you work in the county government if you are incompetent? It is better to go home and hold a baby to coax your wife."

"Sir, don't mention it, don't talk about going home, go home, the little one will die quickly!" said the Yamen servant.

"This is strange. You are a public servant, a member of the court, and a member of the Yamen. When you return home, don't your family members respect you? How could you die so quickly? Who would let you die so quickly?"

"Sir, you don't know that everyone is welcome when they go home, but the little one will be tortured when he goes home. You see, the wounds on his face were scratched by his wife. She specially scratched his face to make him lose his face.

See you! Woohoo," the yamen servant said, and then he couldn't help crying.

"That's unreasonable! I often hear that men beat women more often, but I've never heard of women beating men. That's not a big deal! The beatings are on official business! What's going on? Don't you have any status in the family?"

"Sir, stop talking. It's because I listened to my mother and my wife was angry. She thought that I only cared about my mother and didn't care about her. Since I didn't care, why didn't I divorce her? What I said was not wrong. However, my wife refused to let her go.

It turned out that what she was telling lies was the opposite. She thought that the little boy really wanted to divorce her, so she became anxious and started to hit the little boy. The little boy should remember that the adults said that the hands of tolerance are for punishing bad people, not for punishing bad people.

Those who come to beat women are not used to deal with family members, because the wife is weaker and cannot compare with men. The younger one held it back. Unexpectedly, the wife became more and more reluctant, thinking that the younger one did not dare to beat her because

The younger one did something wrong, so she started to beat him suspiciously, but the younger one didn't fight back, and it ended up like this. The wife always thought that the younger one was working outside and could get in touch with many women, so she felt that the younger one was out there.

If you have a sweetheart, in order to prevent the younger one from succeeding, you will scratch the younger one's face. If you want to ruin the beauty, no girl will like the younger one. In fact, if there are really girls who like the younger one, they won't

Do you care whether your face is disgraced or not? Besides, Xiao Xiao has no such problem at all, so he is not afraid and does not go in that direction. My wife’s idea is completely wrong, but she never admits it. She always feels that Xiao Xiao is not good, so

He scolded and beat the little ones," the yamen servant said.

"So, does she beat you often?"

"Master Qi, yes, she often beats her, either scolding or hitting her. She used to hit the little ones without slapping her in the face, but now it has been upgraded. If she doesn't slap her in the face, neither the adults nor the team members can tell. The little ones just hold back.

Now I'm starting to get slapped in the face. I guess I can't hide it anymore, so I'm going to tell the adults and ask for your help to solve this problem." said the Yamen servant.

"That's it! You still hid it for so long. You can't see the internal injuries and hide the external injuries. What if you are sent to arrest bad guys in the future and you can't run away? Why didn't you tell me earlier?

Is there a fierce woman at home? If you die at home, I won’t be able to solve the case. Why are you keeping it secret like this?" Tang Lu asked.

"I'm sorry, sir, I don't want to cause trouble to you."

"It's not a matter of causing trouble. What if you were injured internally by your wife and I sent you to catch the bad guy? If the bad guy saw that you were injured and resisted arrest, and beat you to death, wouldn't it be a disgrace to my face? You

This is not your personal problem, it is a problem related to my face. Why don't you understand this?" Tang Lu said.

"I'm really sorry, sir. I didn't expect it to be so comprehensive. I didn't know the problem was so serious. I just wanted to hide it so as not to cause trouble to you. I didn't expect it would affect the arrest of criminals when performing official duties. If internal injuries affect the work, then

The loss will be huge and will affect the image of the entire Yamen and even the imperial court. This really shouldn't happen!" said the Yamen servant.

"However, it's not too late now. You were beaten, and I will support you. As long as you don't feel bad, I will have my own solution." Tang Lu said.

"Sir, what can I do?"

"It's just to educate your wife. Just don't hurt her."

"Punch board?"

"Is that okay? How is your wife's health?"

"My lord, the younger one's wife is in good health. She is sturdy and strong, much stronger than the younger one." said the Yamen servant.

"No wonder I was beaten by your wife. It turns out you couldn't beat her!"

"Sir, I have never beaten my wife before, so I don't know who is more powerful," said the Yamen servant.
This chapter has been completed!
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