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Chapter 197

When Tang Lu heard Jia Mao's cry of injustice, he became very angry and asked, "You always wrong others, but you cry out for injustice yourself. It's really like a thief shouting to catch a thief!"

"Your Excellency, this piece of cloth is indeed small. The small one has grown up in a cloth shop since he was a child. The small one is a beggar. His hometown is Xinyang, Henan Province. Xinyang was hit by a drought. His family fled the famine and begged all the way to the valley.

In the city, his parents died of illness on the road, and all his brothers and sisters also died, leaving only the little one. When he was begging for food in a cloth shop, he was taken in by the boss. As a clerk in the cloth shop, the little boy thanked the boss for taking him in. He was very loyal to the boss, and the boss appreciated him.

Let the younger one go to purchase goods, collect accounts, etc., and let the younger one do all the work related to money. This time when I met Jia Mao, the younger one was frightened by Jia Mao and did not dare to speak. Fortunately, the adults made a clear decision. Thank you, Gucheng.

The people of Gucheng are lucky to have adults as their parents. Thank you, sir!" Zhen Bu said.

"Yes, you are a professional. Anyone who is engaged in an industry must practice makes perfect. When I see you folding cloth, I will understand that you have been in this industry for many years. You are very skilled in the operation of cloth and are familiar with the work you do.

It is very beautiful, but for Jia Mao, if you look at the folded cloth, look, look, you are not going to eat this bowl of rice. The cloth is either to the left, to the right, to the right, to the left or to the left.

If you look to the right, it's wrong. No matter what, the folded cloth speaks for itself. Can't you fold the cloth neatly once? It seems that you don't have that ability. You can't learn it even if you learn it now. Look at Zhen again

Bu, lift up the cloth and move it with your arms, either to the left or right, always in the center. The folded cloth is very appropriate. It looks angular and square. It looks comfortable at first glance. You can tell that you are a professional at first sight. He works every day.

Anyone who deals with cloth is an expert at first glance, a master in this industry. If you want to know whether he is a mule or a horse, you can pull him out and run around. Doesn’t this explain everything? Jia Mao, you still have

What do you have to say? Why are you making excuses?"

"Sir, the common people are wrong. They really want to get the hundred pieces of cloth. They were greedy for a moment. Please forgive me and let the common people go. The common people are grateful and will definitely sing praises to the adults." Jia Mao said.

"No need, don't fall into my hands next time. This time, in order to make your memory long, I will give you some physical pain to let you remember that greedy people will definitely be punished. Big greed will lead to big crimes, and small ones will suffer big crimes."

If you are guilty of a small crime, you should be punished as it is. The sky net is very sparse and will never let go of those who test the law. Come here! Beat Jia Mao with forty big boards, sign and sign, and drive him out of the court." Tang Lu ruled.

Tang Lv made the verdict, and everyone clapped and applauded!

A few days later, Tang Lu was reading the case file when he suddenly heard the sound of drums. Who was complaining? Without further ado, he immediately went to court.

"Who is kneeling?"

"The younger one's surname is Yuan Mingwang."

"What's the purpose of drumming?"

"Sue Liang Ziyong for beating someone to death."

"What's going on? Is there a complaint submitted?"

"Yes, sir, this is the zhuangzi." The visitor said, taking out the folded zhuangzi from his arms.

Tang Lu read the petition and said that Liang Ziyong was a big bully, running rampant in the countryside, doing evil, lawless, and causing trouble. He relied on his wealth and the wealth left by his ancestors to beat people to death, and then bribed the government and got away with it.

Shared anger.

He had nothing to do every day. He led his men to walk with birds and drink tea, fight cocks and dogs and crickets, set off fireworks in the willow alleys, look for flowers and willows, molest women from good families on the street, bully men and dominate women, and do all kinds of evil.

One day, I took my men to the Chengxi Tavern. When I arrived, the waiter didn't dare to neglect and asked him to sit down, leaving him the best seat. He didn't want it, so he went upstairs to find a private seat.

The waiter didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly welcomed the guests. When they got upstairs, several seats were empty, but one of them was occupied. The window of this room was open, and you could see the mountain and water views in the distance.

Liang Ziyong didn't want any of the other seats, but wanted this one. Unexpectedly, the man refused to give in. The man argued hard, and Liang Ziyong stepped forward and started fighting without saying a word.

"Papa" slapped twice in the face, causing stars to pop out of the man's eyes.

When the man tried to fight back, Liang Ziyong's men swarmed him and beat him severely. As a result, he died from exhaustion.

Liang Ziyong refused to eat and ran away with the people.

No whereabouts so far.

After reading the complaint, Tang Lu thought to himself, this is not bad! In broad daylight, he beat a living person to death and took human life. It is simply unreasonable.

This evil person must be found out and severely punished. If he is not severely punished, others will follow his example and public order will be chaotic.

Just when Tang Lü was about to issue a warrant to arrest someone, someone asked to see him and said he had something important to discuss.

Tang Lu went to the back hall.

"Master, I am Liang Ziyong's uncle. He entrusted me to come and see the master to discuss matters."

"Liang Ziyong? Is he the one who beat people to death?"

"I don't know whether I was beaten to death or not. I am entrusted by someone to handle the entrustment. Please understand."

"I understand. Tell me, Liang Ziyong asked you to come to me to discuss anything."

"These are ten gold bars, a total of one hundred taels, please accept them!" said the visitor.

"If you have no merit and no reward, why should you give gold bars?" Tang Lu asked.

"I just want to take care of Liang Ziyong, I have no other intention."

"So, the meaning of this gold bar is that if Liang Ziyong is not arrested, it means that if he is caught and tried, he will not be sentenced to death, right?"

"Yes! That's what Liang Ziyong means."

"Okay, I know, please go down! Please take these gold bars with you and don't keep them, otherwise it will affect fairness." Tang Lu said.

"This, this, sir, this is for you. It was entrusted by others. Where can I take away what was sent to me? Otherwise, the little one will be punished and trained!"

"Nonsense, who is who's uncle? It's ridiculous! Is this how you educate your children? They are no big or small. No wonder they have to try their own way and follow the wrong path!"

"Sir, I blame my sister for her incompetence in educating her children! How dare she raise such a rebellious son! He also has no respect for me, my uncle, and he is simply bullying me! Go back and hand the gold back to him, let him accept it.

The adults’ discipline and punishment serve as a warning to others.”

Tang Lu said: "You go, don't send me away, let Liang Ziyong surrender, I can consider a lighter punishment. If he refuses, he is still at large and has no discipline. Don't blame me for punishing him severely. Just don't regret it when the time comes!"

"Okay, sir, tell him right now! Hey, this kid! What a villain! If it wasn't for my sister's sake, I would have disowned him a long time ago and wouldn't bother to care about such nonsense!"

Tang Lu returned to the court and resumed the trial.

But if the suspect is not caught, the interrogation cannot continue.

Tang Lu issued a signature and ordered the police to arrest the person quickly.

The master said: "Don't rush to arrest people for the time being. Wait and see. It is estimated that Liang Ziyong will not run far. He is just watching what happens here. If there is no danger, he will definitely come out. If there is danger, he will run away. Now

There is no danger yet, it’s just that in the observation stage, adults should be still and wait and see what happens, and don’t take any action without permission, because we are in the light and he is in the dark, so we might become very passive.”

"That makes sense! Let's take a rest for now and wait to see what happens." Tang Lu said, and then ordered to rest and wait until we see the situation.

Liang Ziyong's uncle went back and returned the gold bars to Liang Ziyong. After listening to his uncle's words, Liang Ziyong took a breath and thought: It's bad, he met a bad person!

This bad guy doesn't love gold, so what does he want?

There is no one who does not fall in front of gold. This Tang Lu is indeed indestructible! No matter what, you cannot fall into his hands. If you fall into it, you will definitely die!

This guy is a piece of cake! He is not an ordinary official, he is made of special materials! It’s really annoying!

He was losing his temper, and the butler came in and said, "Honor, this is how we can handle this matter."

"what to do?"

"That's it!" said the steward, and told Liang Ziyong the plan.

"Good! Wonderful! Great! It's really good! It's really wonderful! It's really good! You go and do this thing! Whatever you need, I'll give you whatever it is. The purpose is to get the thing done! After it's done, there will be many rewards.

!" Liang Ziyong said.

Here, Tang Lu continued to examine the case, but he was in a dilemma and could not make any progress. Someone came to surrender and claimed to be the murderer. He was the man who beat the young man to death in the private room.

Tang Lu asked: "How did you beat the elegant man to death?"

"I would like to inform you, Sir, that day, I went to a restaurant for dinner. I went to a private room first, where I could see the scenery outside, with mountains and rivers in the distance. It was clear at a glance. It was windy and sunny during the day, and everything I saw was beautiful. It was quiet and suitable for resting at night.

, not nervous, really comfortable, such a good place, I enjoyed it very much. Later, a person came and insisted that this seat was his. He argued with me, but of course I wouldn't let him go, because there is always someone who comes first, first served.

, there is a sequence, and it is definitely not okay to not follow the rules. During the dispute between the two people, the younger one accidentally killed him." said the person who surrendered.

"What's your name?"

"The younger one's surname is Yang and Wu Guo."

"Did you go to the lounge to drink?"

"This, yes, drink, drink!"

"Did you drink alone?"

"Yes, I have been in a bad mood recently. My wife always says that I am useless. I am very affected. I have no sense of accomplishment in front of my wife. I feel depressed, so I drink to drown my sorrows. I didn't expect to meet an ignorant person.

The young man was fighting for a seat with the younger one. The younger one couldn't hold it back for a moment and felt completely despaired. How could a person be so unlucky that he would be unlucky wherever he went? What was going on? This young man looked down upon the younger one because he was older.

Since there was no helper, I felt that the young man was easy to bully, so I hit him first. As a result, he fought back. The young man did not exercise, did not know martial arts, and did not know how to use fists and kicks. As a result, he was gradually at a disadvantage. He was hit by the young man with a palm.

He was hit in the temple and died. The younger one also drank alcohol, which made him confused and made mistakes. I hope you will spare his life," Yang Wuguo said.

"You were drinking alone, so the deceased also came alone, right?"

"Yes, sir, the younger one drank because he was depressed. The deceased came to the lounge for some reason. The younger one was also very puzzled. It seemed that the young man also had something on his mind, but who doesn't have something on his mind? As long as he can survive, everything will pass.

Yes! He insisted on trying his best to snatch the seat. What’s good about the seat is that it is quiet and can see the scenery. Who knows that he is stubborn and stubborn, and will only go to the dark side." Yang Wuguo said.

Tang Lu heard this. There were no witnesses present. He said it all by himself. Since the deceased was dead, there was no way to cross-examine and verify.

As for Yang Wuguo's statement, he could not judge whether it was true or false, so he could only imprison Yang Wuguo and wait until the situation became clear before making a decision.

At this time, Tang Lu thought of visiting again. There is always a chance to obtain real information and get the truth by conducting overt and covert investigations. Yang Wuguo's surrender and detailed confession are all questionable, and there are problems with his motives.

However, what Yang Wuguo said was absolutely flawless, watertight, very strict, and very comprehensive. It was a rare good confession, as if it had been written down and then recited, it was very clear. However, there was always something wrong.

Doubt is doubt. Without evidence, the problem cannot be explained.

At that time, the guests in the hotel heard that someone was beaten to death, and they ran away without a trace. What made these customers run away? What force is so powerful that it makes those who drink alcohol so timid! They should not stop drinking.

He showed up at the hotel, and it seems that he has already received the hush money and bribed everyone. Apart from this reason, there is no other reason.

After Tang Lu went to investigate and got the truth, he called Yang Wuguo over for questioning.

Yang Wuguo met Tang Lu and repeated what he had said before, but there was nothing new. Tang Lu smiled faintly, stared into Yang Wuguo's eyes and said, "As soon as I see it, you are a scapegoat."

"why would you say so?"

"After my investigation, I found that you are timid, dull, kind-hearted, diligent and thrifty all your life, loving husband and wife, never fall out with each other, never fall in love with your wife, treat each other with respect, have a good relationship with your neighbors, and will not have any disputes with ordinary people, you

How could you easily go to a hotel to get drunk? How could you hurt someone? You must have been taken advantage of! In fact, it was Liang Ziyong’s housekeeper who found you, conveyed Liang Ziyong’s intention, and asked you to take the blame, right? In fact, you have already been

After being tricked by Liang Ziyong, you are still kept in the dark. You don’t know what is happening outside. You are a kind person, but it is a pity that you are used by kindness. You are used by others, you suffer a loss, and others call you stupid, you

Think about it, is it worth it?" Tang Lu said.

When Yang Wuguo heard this, he was dumbfounded and kept silent for a long time. His eyes were full of question marks and his heart was full of doubts.

His eyes were wandering, as if Tang Lu had read through his mind, and he felt ashamed.

"Yang Wuguo, let me tell you the truth! Liang Ziyong promised to give you two hundred taels of silver, saying that he would become your in-laws and let his son come to you as your son-in-law. But he stepped in and the child he gave birth to would also have your surname, which is Yang.

. He also promised to marry his daughter over, without requiring you to pay a bride price, but instead gave her a dowry of two thousand taels of silver, five hundred taels of gold, and other pearls, agates, jade, etc. Is this true?" Tang Lu continued to ask.


When Yang Wuguo heard this, his face turned pale and he opened his mouth in surprise and could not close it for a long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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