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Chapter 47

When Jiao Er asked, he was immediately startled, not knowing what to say.

Fu Ying looked at it and waved her hand to let him go.

Fu Ying asked the purpose of these words and looked at Jiao Er's reaction. If Jiao Er deliberately attempted to kill his brother, he should have prepared a portrait so that future generations would not be able to remember what his ancestor looked like. If he did not intend to murder, he would not

Will prepare portraits.

Fu Ying thought to herself that there were many doubts about this case. Based on her teacher Bu Huishu's crime-solving skills, she could infer the opposite. Assuming what Jiao Er said was true, his brother was bitten to death by a tiger. Why was the body cremated in a hurry? Why didn't Li Zhenghe be notified?

Land security?

Fu Ying knew that the body had been cremated, so she let Jiao Er go home. In fact, she didn't want to alert the enemy, but wanted to give Jiao Er a good impression and make him relax. She also said that she would arrange for hunters to hunt tigers based on actual needs.

Jiao Er was very happy, and a stone fell from his heart.

Fu Ying just wanted to make Jiao Er relax and be happy. In fact, he had already seen how happy Jiao Er was. Although Jiao Er tried his best to pretend to be sad, it didn't take long for his father and brother to leave one after another. This was rare.

It's a big event. When I see the results in my hands, I don't feel sad, but relaxed and very comfortable.

When Jiao Er returned home, he felt very happy. People looked at him sideways and pointed at him, but he just pretended not to see it and turned a blind eye. In this way, he felt good.

Jiao Er continued to live a happy life in Laohekou, sensual, promiscuous and gambling. His father was angered to death by him, and his brother was injured and killed by him. He was eventually cremated. Such a person is just a piece of rotten meat and will naturally attract many people.

Fewer flies.

He thought he was fine.

The new magistrate of Laohekou County, Fu Ying, is Bu Huishu's apprentice and a student. He has just arrived and has never handled a serious case. This case can be regarded as a test and a kind of tempering.

After Jiao Er left, Fu Ying started to visit.

Because of Jiao Da's death, Fu Ying became very interested. If this case is not solved, the emperor will probably let Fu Ying come down and not let him be the county magistrate. He may even be sent to a distant place, and he will never be able to live in this life.


Fu Ying took the yamen servants, including Fu Zuo, and the scribe, and almost all the capable officers of the yamen to visit with him.

Because this case has a great impact. If Laohekou does not catch the tiger, he will lose the support of the people. If he catches the tiger, he will win the support of the people. Whether there is a tiger or not is another matter.

Fu Ying took her capable men around various villages in Laohekou. Everywhere she went and asked, they all said there were no tigers here.

Fu Ying knew it, and he felt that it was 100% Jiao Er who had lied. In order to cover up the truth about Jiao Da's death, he made up the lie that Jiao Da was bitten to death by a tiger. The purpose was to confuse the situation, fish in troubled waters, and get through.

I want Fu Ying to retreat when faced with difficulties and not to wade into muddy waters.

After learning the truth, Fu Ying continued to visit and learn about the Jiao family. Soon, she found out the background and history of the Jiao family.

The Jiao family saved the life of the Supreme Emperor, so they received the Emperor's gift. However, in order to avoid suspicion, they left the capital and settled in Laohekou. They settled in Laohekou, took root and sprouted, like a small tree that slowly grows and needs to separate its branches.

, continue to grow upward and separate to the side, just like a large family, it needs to separate and establish a household to become a new household. Only in this way can it develop and grow.

Fu Ying reached the hillside and saw an old farmer busy in the fields, so she asked: "Old man, are there any tigers here?"

"Tiger? I heard from my grandfather that he saw it when he was a child. But he hasn't seen it since then. Wolves are also rare," said the old farmer.

"That means the tiger is definitely gone." Fu Ying asked.

"I'm very surprised, why do you ask that? I also want to know what a tiger looks like. We have never had a tiger here," said the old farmer.

"Someone reported that there was a tiger. I was also curious. After hearing about it, I came over to see what was strange." Fu Ying said.

"Who are you? You don't look like a local, right? I've also heard that a man named Jiao Er went to report to the government, and he even wore sackcloth and wore mourning. It's just a cat crying over a mouse, and it's fake compassion," said the old farmer.

"What's going on?" Fu Ying asked deliberately.

"This is so rare for you. We all know the Jiao family, and they are said to be relatives of the emperor. Unfortunately, Mr. Jiao and Da Jiao are both dead," said the old farmer.

"How did you die?"

"How did you die? Hey, people can't be resurrected after death, and they died because of their unsatisfactory son." The old farmer said.

"what happened?"

"Mr. Jiao gave birth to two sons, Jiao Da and Jiao Er. Jiao Da is honest and cowardly by nature, and does not make trouble. He can't beat him with three sticks. His younger brother Jiao Er is completely opposite to him. He is good at talking, eating, drinking, whoring and gambling.

, can do everything, but he doesn’t do his job properly and is lazy. As soon as the old man passed away, he started making noises about dividing the family and property with the eldest brother. The eldest brother was cowardly by nature, but he also had a stubborn temper. It is estimated, just a guess, that the two brothers may have accidentally made a mistake in order to fight for the property.

Kill people. Jiao Er is not good at farm work. He is good at fighting. When walking outside, he always carries a short knife, either a short knife or a short sword. It is said to be used for self-defense, but in fact it is used for stealing. If he encounters resistance, he will be dealt with on the spot.

" said the old farmer.

"It's so scary! Why doesn't anyone care?" Fu Ying asked.

"Guan? If you meddle in other people's business, whoever cares will be in trouble. This is a three-no-no area. The sky is high and the emperor is far away, so you can't control it. Whoever has a strong fist is the boss," said the old farmer.

"How do you know? Are you targeting the Jiao family?" Fu Ying asked.

"I am his neighbor, more than two miles away from his home," the old farmer said.

"What did you discover not long ago?" Fu Ying asked.

“I noticed there was smoke in his yard. I thought it was smoke from burning firewood for cooking. But then I thought about it, I usually don’t have such big smoke when cooking, so I thought maybe I was doing something important and just ignored it.

People say that it is better to mind one's own business than to do one less," said the old farmer.

"Then what is your relationship with Jiao Er?"

"Jiao Er? This guy didn't learn well when he was a child. He used his cleverness in the wrong place. He stole my chickens and ate our dogs. He caused a lot of trouble to my family." said the old farmer.

"Okay, I understand. That's the question. Is there anyone else who lives close to the Jiao family?" Fu Ying asked.

"Yes." asked the old farmer.

"Who?" Fu Ying asked.

"It's Ji's house. It's only one mile away from his home," the old farmer said.

"Okay, I understand. Thank you!" Fu Ying said.

"Look at you, you are so polite! At first glance, you can tell that you are not a local," the old farmer said.

"Yes. I'm not from here, I'm just passing through." Fu Ying said.

Fu Ying didn't want to reveal her identity, but it wasn't time.

They left and went directly to Ji's house.

There is no one in the Ji family.

When I was about to leave, there was a person poking his head in the distance.

Fu Ying asked: "Who is there?"

When the man asked, he didn't say anything and ran away.

"Stop, otherwise the arrow will be fired!" Fu Ying shouted loudly.

The figure still ran away, and Fu Ying ordered people to shoot arrows, but they didn't hit any vital points.

"Whoosh -" an arrow flew out and hit the man's heel.

The man was lame and wanted to run away. Fu Ying shouted, "If you run away again, I'll shoot you in the back."

When the man heard this, he was afraid and stopped immediately.

Everyone came closer and saw that it was none other than Jiao Er.

It turned out that Jiao Er had seen a group of people talking to the old farmer a long time ago. He was sleeping at home during the day and went out to play and engage in some unscrupulous activities at night.

Hearing someone talking in the distance, he couldn't sleep well. When he came out, he saw that those people had finished and said goodbye to each other. Seeing that the situation was not good, he left home and prepared to escape. Unexpectedly, there was only one way. He thought

It was a fluke. Maybe when they took the main road, he took the small path, or hid directly in the mountains, and they couldn't find him. As time went by, wouldn't he just forget about it?

Who knew that God was not as good as man, but just as he was going to see what was going on, he was targeted, and before he could run away, he was hit by an arrow in his heel. The pain was so heartbreaking that it made people feel terrified.

"Jiao Er, do you still recognize me?" Fu Ying asked.

"Yes, yes, why don't you recognize me?" Jiao Er said.

"You didn't expect that?" Fu Ying asked.

"I really didn't expect that the master didn't tell me that the case was closed?" Jiao Er asked.

"How is it possible to close the case? I am also afraid that the tiger will continue to eat people, so I will take people out to look for it. If I find it, I will kill the tiger. If I can't find it, I am even more worried. I feel that if the tiger is not removed, it will come out to harm people sooner or later," Fu Ying


When Jiao Er heard this, he felt that Fu Ying had noticed that he was lying. He had indeed lied and wanted to cover up the true cause of his brother Jiao Da's death.

Jiao Er didn't know whether it was pain or nervousness, but he broke out in sweat, and big drops fell on the ground, making holes one by one.

Jiao Er didn't know who Fu Ying was. Was he like those county magistrates in the past? As long as he was in charge of Laohekou, there would be unsolvable mysteries. This county magistrate was unusual. He didn't know that he was Bu Huishu's apprentice and student.

, the same status as the emperor.

He learned a lot of crime-solving techniques from Divination Huishu. As for Jiao Da's murder, he could tell at a glance that it was not a tiger but a human being. The tiger was just an excuse to scare Fu Ying.

Who knows that Fu Ying is not frightened, but is very calm. She can tell at a glance that Jiao Er is not a kind person. However, the strategy for Jiao Er is to play a long game to catch the big fish, let him go first, and then go back, so that he will not be defensive.

Once your nerves are relaxed, you can take action. A sudden attack will succeed.

This strategy is effective. Sure enough, Jiao Er was fooled and really thought that the case was closed and the government would no longer pursue it. Little did he know that Fu Ying came back with a counterattack, knowing that human life was at stake. Without Li Zheng and land security,

It's not fun to let this person disappear out of thin air. So he ordered Jiao Er to take them to his house to have a look. Of course Jiao Er didn't dare not listen. Otherwise, if he shoots another arrow from the other heel, he will give up.


Jiao Er received an arrow and became a lot more honest. Knowing that he could not escape even if he had wings, he simply accepted his fate and stopped resisting.

"Go, put away the dagger on his body and see if there are any other murder weapons. If there are any, put them away as well." Fu Ying ordered.

The police officers came forward and searched him thoroughly, including a dagger and a dagger. These were the things he carried with him and used to commit crimes.

Then he held Jiao Er up and asked him to lead the way to his home.

There was nothing in his house, the house was intact, and there was a pile of ashes in the middle of the yard.

It's already a scorched earth.

It seems that the case has reached the end of its rope at this point. It has reached a dead end and there is no way to continue.

Fu Ying refused to give up. Even though the fire burned everything, there was still a way. He sent people into the house to search for evidence related to the case. In the woodshed, a machete was found with blood stains on it.

It looks like the blood stains are not old, but relatively fresh.

"Is this the tool you use to kill people?" Fu Ying asked.

"No." Jiao Er replied firmly.

Jiao Er knew that once he confessed, he would be dead. To judge Jiao Er as the murderer just by the fresh blood on the machete, the evidence was obviously insufficient and not conclusive enough. Other evidence was needed.

Fu Ying knew that if Jiao Er would not shed tears without seeing the coffin, he would need to produce more convincing evidence.

Fu Ying ordered people to sweep away the ashes in the yard, and then asked people to find charcoal and burn it. Then, they swept the charcoal away and sprinkled sesame seeds on the place where the charcoal was burned.

When the sesame seeds are heated, they begin to crack and ooze oil. The sesame oil blends with the oil on the ground and gradually takes on the shape of a human being.

When Jiao Er saw it, he was frightened out of his wits. When he saw the human figure, it was clearly his brother. He was so frightened that he collapsed and was held up by the yamen, so he reluctantly continued to watch.

It turned out that when the burnt charcoal was burned, the heated oil flowed onto the ground and penetrated into the ground. Fu Ying made people burn charcoal to melt the oil. When it came into contact with sesame seeds, the sesame seeds exploded when heated, oozing out grease and merging with the burnt oil.

, it became a burnt human figure.

In the enlarged human figure, in some places it looks like the hands, feet and limbs are complete. It is the image of a complete human being.

Among them, dozens of sesame seeds burst under Jiao Da's left rib. Some of the sesame seeds burst in several vital places such as the navel, some were more, some were less. They were all injured places. These places had obviously suffered fatal trauma.

Or it may be stabbing or slashing with a sharp weapon. The murder weapon used may be a short sword or a machete.

These analyzes are all well-founded. Fu Ying knows that in order to get Jiao Er to plead guilty, he must obtain evidence.

Obviously, Jiao Da was cremated in the yard after being killed.

The neighbors who live here can prove the fact that the fire was set. There are three fathers and sons in the Jiao family. After the death of their father, the remaining ones are Jiao Da and Jiao Er. Now it is Jiao Er who is alive. Where did Jiao Da go? Obviously, he was injured by the tiger.

There also needs to be evidence. It has been found that there are no tigers here. In addition, tigers cannot use daggers or machetes. They can only use people.

Fu Ying pointed at several places such as Jiao Da's left ribs and belly button, and asked: "How many times did you chop in these places, and how many stabbed them with a dagger? It couldn't be more obvious here! Do you still need to quibble?"

Jiao Er was already determined as a suspect. He was completely impressed by what Fu Ying showed and had nothing to say.

With a "pop", Jiao Er knelt down and cried bitterly: "Master, I say, I am not a human being. I made my father so angry that I killed my brother. I am really worse than a beast. Master, please sentence me to death."

I'm willing to die."

"Don't be anxious. Even if you die, there must be a procedure, not casually. It must be legal. Please escort the criminal back to the county government office." Fu Ying ordered.

This chapter has been completed!
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