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Chapter 48

Jiao Er was brought back to the county government. After interrogation, he confessed everything, which was recorded by the scribe and signed by him. Jiao Er was greedy for money and committed murder, which caused a family tragedy. He was beaten eighty times with a cane and was sent to the frontier.


Considering that the Jiao family had no heirs, he spared one life and left an heir for the Jiao family, so he was not sentenced to death. Needless to say, the relationship between the Jiao family and the emperor was natural. Fu Ying handled the case and became an instant success, making them all aware of Fu Ying's reputation.

Fu Ying was well-known in Laohekou. The emperor knew about the case he had handled and was very satisfied with it. He planned to promote him. However, considering that Laohekou would still need his help in governance for a while, he put the plan aside for the time being.

One day, Fu Ying had nothing to do and wanted to visit Gucheng in a neighboring county. I heard that Gucheng is famous for its mountains and rivers. The mountains are colorful and the water has sounds. It is really a good place.

He took two people, one was a clerk and the other was a police officer, one civil and one military, and the three of them took a walk outside the city after dinner. If you walk around after dinner, you can live ninety-nine.

He understands this. If he wants to be an official for a long time and eventually reach the top, he must have a good body. Like Sima Yi, he endures, endures, and endures, and eventually the world changes from Cao to Sima. This is the result of endurance. As long as he can endure it, he will eventually win.

Of course, he doesn't have any big ambitions. As long as he can survive and see all the bad guys dead and the good guys alive, this is victory.

His master Bu Huishu was also like this. He had no intention of arguing, studied the books of sages and sages, and did not listen to the outside world. However, his master was knowledgeable in everything, astronomy and geography, and was well-read. He was not sloppy at all, and did not dare to slack off at all.

Such a teacher is hard to find in the world. Hearing that Bu Hui is the book, he became the teacher of the current emperor and the emperor's teacher. This is a great thing. Even if he is not an official, as long as he is the emperor's teacher, it is better than anything else. Even the emperor

They are all his students, it makes me tremble just thinking about it.

He walked slowly outside the city and wandered around the Lotus Weir on the outskirts of the city, looking at the lotus flowers and blowing the breeze, which was quite pleasant. He was in a good mood.

The boundary of Gucheng is different from that of Laohekou. The style is very different. There are not many mountains in Laohekou, but there are many mountains in Gucheng. Where there are mountains, there are colors, and when there are water, there are sounds. They match each other, which is quite interesting.

On a sunny day in Xiangyang, drunkards and mountain men can live happily if they retire, buy a piece of land in Gucheng, and build a hut. This is also Bu Huishu's dream. But now that I still have the energy to continue serving everyone, I can't do it now.

Just rest.

Suddenly, a group of people came in front, and the walking people avoided it one after another. Some gathered around to see the excitement. Some wanted to see but did not dare to come, so they stretched their necks from a distance to watch. It was very funny.

This group of people were all wearing black clothes and hats. From a distance, they looked like a large black cloud floating in the distance. When Fu Ying got closer, she found that there were two strong men in black clothes carrying a door panel.

It was covered with a flower-strewn quilt. The quilt was nothing unusual. It was a common one, with a white background and blue and white patterns, like a ceramic glazed pattern. It didn't look like the quilts of ordinary people. All the quilts of ordinary people were.

Red and yellow, it looks more festive. This one looks more simple and elegant, not attracting attention, but it is particularly noticeable.

There is a woman on the door panel, her hair is disheveled, she looks like someone who is seriously ill. This woman is wearing rouge and has powder on her face. She does not look like an ordinary woman from a good family, nor is she a daughter of a rich family. This woman does not look seriously ill.

It was as if he suddenly fell ill due to a sudden attack of anger.

This group of people were in a hurry, regardless of the strange looks of the people around them or the comments of others, they were just on their way, as if they were sending a message to a doctor, in urgent need of treatment, or about to die and needed to be rescued. At the moment of life and death, they needed to be rescued.

Bringing her back to life is like putting out a fire. If it's too late or too slow, you won't be able to put out the fire.

The woman's hair is messy, but there is a faint phoenix hairpin inserted diagonally on her head, which looks very obvious.

This phoenix hairpin does not seem to be used by ordinary women. It looks very rare and high-end. It looks like a gold hairpin with precious stones embedded in it. It looks sparkling and is extraordinary at first sight.

I saw the sick woman lying on her side, screaming constantly, as if she was in great pain and fighting with the disease. There were two strong men beside her, and they were accompanied by the strong men who carried the door panel, six in total. The strong men next to them,

From time to time, I use my hands to tuck the quilt, as if I am afraid that the quilt will fall off. It is also like the wind blowing into the quilt, for fear that the patient will catch the cold and aggravate the condition.

Two strong men were carrying the door panel, sweating profusely, with beads of sweat dripping down their heads. As they walked, they stopped working and said, "No, no, hurry, hurry, hurry, give me a hand."

, change someone, change someone!”

As soon as the strong man carrying the door panel called out, the one next to him began to take over and continued to carry the door panel forward, trotting all the way. It seemed that what was being carried on the door panel was not a woman, but a huge stone.

This group of people hurried through the crowd, as if they had a lot of things to do. Their walking posture was very funny, as if they were doing hard work. They leaned forward hard, their steps were not big, but they staggered.

His shoulders were also hanging and he looked very uncomfortable.

These scenes make Fu Ying feel strange. Based on his experience, there is a problem with this. What is the problem? He can't tell now and needs to know more.

As an ordinary person, he would not pay attention to these details, but because Fu Ying is the county magistrate of Laohekou, he has to pay attention to this. Because he is the parent official of Laohekou, he has to worry about it and pay attention to all suspicious things.

It was inconvenient for him to come forward. He was afraid that someone in the crowd might know him, so he asked the clerk to go and inquire.

"Excuse me, strong man, who is being carried on the door panel?"

"Stop talking nonsense, it's okay. Get out of the way. My sister is on the door panel. She has a sudden illness. She needs to see a doctor. She needs to be sent to her husband's house first. What's wrong? What's wrong with you? It's okay. Get out of the way!" one of the strong men in black replied.

, looking very disdainful.

After listening to what the scribe said, Fu Ying felt that there must be something wrong here, but she was not sure and needed to know more, so she said to the police officer: "Go, follow them, follow them from a distance, don't let them find you, and don't follow them."

Leave them behind and tell me what you saw. See where they carried the woman to. Who did they connect with? What did they want to do? It depends on the surrounding environment. Tell me everything you saw. Go ahead, go ahead.

They are almost gone."

The policemen followed immediately, walking as fast as the wind and could not run for fear of arousing suspicion. The strong men in black were very fast and seemed to be worried about being overtaken. The policemen obeyed the orders of County Magistrate Fu Ying and did not dare to pursue them fiercely. They just followed closely.

Hold on tight, not too far or too close, and be careful not to let the strong man notice you, but also not to lose him. Fortunately, the catcher has some skills and skills, and he has enough training at ordinary times, so that he can be used at critical moments.

The policeman saw those people arriving at the door of a house, knocked on the door twice, and the door opened with a creak.

Two men came out from inside, also in black clothes and wearing black headscarves. When they saw it was them, without saying anything, they let them carry the door panel in. The man in black who opened the door stuck his head out and looked around, and the policeman immediately retracted

He turned his head and hid himself, only to hear the door "squeak", then "clang", and slam shut. When the policeman took a look, he saw that it was so thick that it didn't look like a house belonging to a poor family, and the sound of the door closing was different.

Seeing all this, the policeman did not dare to stay. He immediately turned back and returned to Fu Ying. He explained to Fu Ying one by one what he had followed and observed along the way.

After Fu Ying listened, she nodded and said, "Thank you for your hard work!"

Then, he thought to himself, there must be something wrong here and there are many doubts.

Maybe those people are not good people.

Half of Gucheng is covered with mountains. The mountains are good at hiding some evildoers. They usually commit crimes and can retreat into the mountains, making it difficult to capture them. Maybe there are bad guys among those people. Bad guys come from all over the place, including of course some from his jurisdiction.

Even if people in the area commit crimes within the jurisdiction, they will flee to the mountains to avoid arrest. This possibility cannot be ruled out.

Fu Ying has few people. If he wants to arrest these people, he needs the assistance of the local county government. Also, these people are in Gucheng County, so they still need to say hello to the Gucheng County Magistrate, or directly ask the Gucheng County Magistrate to come.

Operate and catch the bad guys.

Thinking of this, Fu Ying took the clerk and the police to the Gucheng County Yamen.

The magistrate of Gucheng County is named Wu Zhian.

Magistrate Wu was overjoyed when he saw his colleagues from Laohekou, a neighboring county, visiting him. He went out to greet him and said, "I have admired his great name for so long, and it is like thunder in my ears."

"What the hell! I just gained a false reputation and achieved nothing in my life. I am still idle and doing nothing. Why don't I come here to give you a toothpaste?" Fu Ying said.

"Don't say it, no wonder, you are the protégé of Mr. Bu in the capital, a close disciple, a proud disciple. It is true that every famous teacher has a famous disciple. You have done extraordinary things, solved major cases, and alarmed the government and the public. It is admirable!" Wu Zhi'an said.

"Thank you, thank you. Master Bu is very famous. As for me, I only learned a little bit. I'm not Taishi Bu's favorite disciple. I'm an embarrassment to him!" Fu Yingyan said.

"You are so humble! You are such a humble person and you have a bright future." Wu Zhian said.

"Let's talk and laugh. I'm not here because of anything else. Gucheng has beautiful mountains and rivers, which attracted me to come and have a look." Fu Ying said with a smile.

"Man, you are so lively! What's the point of this poor place? It's just flowers inside the walls and fragrance outside. As for me, I don't have any hobbies, I just want to stick to it until I retire."

"It is consistent with my idea. We can manage this place well and wait until retirement. It is not realistic to want to be promoted. It is better to settle down and live in peace." Fu Ying said, "If it weren't for this, I would have time.

If you go to the capital to get an official position, who will come to enjoy the sights?"

"What I'm saying is, just know what your destiny is and you can't disobey it," Wu Zhian said.

"Yes, yes, yes, I came to play today and I noticed something strange on the way. I don't know whether I should talk about it or not?" Fu Ying asked.

"Say, you should say it, why shouldn't you say it? If you have something to say, please just say it. You don't have to be polite!" Wu Zhian said.

"The local governance in Gucheng is good. This is your credit. However, I discovered something very strange today. Before asking about this matter, I should first ask if it is true?" Fu Ying asked.

"Brother, just say it straight away. I'm a rough guy and don't like beating around the bush. If you have something to say, just say it. There's no need to estimate my dignity." Wu Zhian said.

"Well, when I was in Laohekou, someone reminded me to be careful of the bandits over in Gucheng. If the bandits came down the mountain to Laohekou, Laohekou might suffer. I only thought it was a joke and didn't take it seriously.

It's something. I came here to play, and I didn't intend to raise an army to accuse him. If there is, say it is, if not, just treat it as a rumor and don't believe it." Fu Ying said.

After hearing this, Wu Zhian's face turned blue, white, and red. This made him very embarrassed. He was thinking in his mind and didn't know how to speak.

Seeing that Wu Zhian had nothing to say, Fu Ying knew that it was something unspeakable and could not ask further questions, so she said: "If someone comes to Laohekou to commit a crime, this county magistrate will definitely arrest them. I hope that when there are thieves to be caught, please cooperate and provide help to catch them."

, take it to Laohekou for interrogation, is that okay?"

"No problem, no problem! Brother needs help, Brother Yu will definitely help. Please give orders at any time. Brother Yu will take action immediately. If you need people to give people, if you need tools, give them tools. It's easy to help." Wu Zhi'an said.

"That puts me at ease. I didn't bring any gifts today. It's just a small thing, but I hope you'll accept it!" Fu Ying said, casually taking out a fan and saying, "I found this in an antique shop.

It is said to be an ancient thing. It is not expensive, but it is also exquisite. I bought it just for fun. I have nothing to give as a gift. This fan matches the magistrate Wu. If you don't dislike it, please accept it."

"What kind of words are these? I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it." Wu Zhian said and quickly accepted it, for fear that Fu Ying would regret it and go back.

When he accepted the fan, there was no taboo, because he already had a son, so he was worried about having no children?

Then, Fu Ying bowed her hands and left.

Returning to Guanyi, Fu Ying thought to herself, Wu Zhian was afraid of ugliness. The more he was afraid of ugliness, the more he would make a fool of himself. There were thieves in this place. They couldn't avoid them, they couldn't hide them, they couldn't hide them. After all, paper couldn't cover up the fire, so we had to deal with it head on.

Just fine.

He arranged for the police officers to dress up as ordinary people and go out of the city for covert and covert inspections. They dressed in ordinary people's clothes, so the locals were not afraid of telling the truth. They felt that they were all ordinary people with the same identity, and they would not go to jail if they said something wrong. Besides, say

Everything is true, not lying, and not attacking Wu Zhian, so there is no need to worry.

The police arrived in a village and found a family next to an old cypress tree. The servants were at the door, squatting on the wall and crying. The police came up and asked, "Why don't you cry in the house instead of crying outside?"

As soon as the servant saw that the person was an ordinary citizen, he turned away, ignored him, and continued to cry.

"You are a big man, why don't you go outside and cry? Aren't you embarrassed?" the policeman said.

As soon as the servant saw that this guy was choking, he stood up and reached out to hit the catcher. The catcher, with sharp eyes and quick hands, dodged his fist and twisted his arm. He screamed in pain.

"Why am I so unlucky? I am bullied by the master at home and bullied by the common people outside. It is really hopeless!" The servant cried and was about to touch his head against the wall. When he was caught, he quickly grabbed him and put him in his arms.

He took three steps back, sat down on the ground, and started crying again.
This chapter has been completed!
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