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Chapter 71 Mother-in-law sues daughter-in-law

"The folk girl Shan Xia didn't say she wanted to seek wealth and kill herself. She was just worried that her husband would not be able to come back. A folk girl had no support and needed to find someone to rely on. If her husband came back alive, she would definitely not kill him, and she would not want to elope with him, because

If you take your children and elope, you will definitely not be lenient if you are caught by the tribe. If the husband is gone, the women will be free. Now that the husband is back, they will live their lives honestly and have no intention of elopement." Shan Xia said.


"Really?" Fu Ying asked.

"Really, if there is a lie, go out and be struck to death by lightning." Shan Xia said.

It seemed that she was really justified in swearing like this.

"Mr. Shan Xia, tell me, what's going on?" Fu Ying asked.

"It's like this. Women actually love their husbands very much. The deeper the love, the more they miss and want to meet each other. But there is no chance. In the past, they only wanted to stay with their husbands for the rest of their lives, but they had no choice but to be separated from their husbands for too long. It was really sad and scary.

When he met this guy, he struggled with him every day, but he had no choice but to give in and get temporary comfort. He never thought of murdering his husband's life and seeking money. If this is true, how will he explain his father's whereabouts to his children when they grow up? Dan Xia, a civilian woman,

I really don’t dare to do this. I hope that I will make a clear decision and restore the innocence of the daughter of the people." Shan Xia said.

After listening to Shan Xia's answer, Fu Ying turned to the man and asked, "What else do you have to say?"

"The villain is willing to obey the law."

"Tell me, where are the gold bars?"

"Sir, the gold bar is in the villain's old house. There is a rice vat above it. Move it and dig it out." The man replied.

"Okay, come here, go dig." Fu Ying ordered.

The police officer and the officer went to the man's house and soon found a gold bar. They brought it over and showed it to Fu Ying. Fu Ying handed the gold bar to Shan Shichen and said, "Look, this is a gold bar that you won't lose."



“Are the quantities right?”

"The enemy." Shan Shichen replied.

"Okay. You can go home with your children and gold bars."

"What about my wife?"

"Will you forgive your wife?"

"Can you forgive me? It's my fault for not bringing her a letter in time. It's inappropriate for her to worry and have thoughts. If it were me, I would have thoughts too. It doesn't matter if I make a mistake, I will give her a chance to make amends and I will forgive her.

, I am willing to live a good life with her."

"Yes, Shan Shichen, you did the right thing, but you also have the opportunity to spend the rest of your life with your wife." Fu Ying said.

"Thank you very much, sir, for helping me recover the gold bars. And thank you very much for supporting the villain. The villain admires my master's ability to see clearly and successfully solve the case," Shan Shichen said.

"This is simple. The interrogation of Mr. Tree is a lie. Mr. Tree is alive but has no mouth. The locust tree acts as a matchmaker. That is also a legend. I have never seen it with my own eyes. However, everything a child says without lying is true. What the child says is true.

You can get the truth. That person is familiar with the child, which proves that he often goes to your house and is close to the child, which proves that he is familiar with and liked by the child. This means that the child can recognize an acquaintance at a glance. When he calls out uncle, it has already explained everything.

.When you came home, it proved that he was hiding in the house, because when you came home, the courtyard door and the room door, and several doors were open, which proves that someone went in, but you didn't think much about it. You and you

After your wife told you where the gold bars were buried, he left your house early and went to dig up the gold bars overnight. Then he felt uneasy and wanted to see how the case would be tried. I heard that if the tree was cut off and brought back to the county government, the tree would be treated.

Dunzi conducted the trial and let everyone in the county know as much as possible. Someone who is interested in this case will definitely come to find out. I happened to meet Xiao'er and called out his uncle, thus clarifying the case." Fu Yingyan.


"Master is really wise!" Shan Shichen said.

"Don't say that, just be careful. There is no question of being wise or not. Being careful can find the key points to solve the case. Fortunately for you, the gold bar was recovered and there was no loss." Fu Ying said.

"Then thank you again, sir!"

"You're welcome! The prisoner will sign the record, and then he will be sentenced to forty beatings with a cane and a stabbing three thousand miles away," Fu Ying said.

Fu Ying's judgment was based on the law, which completely cut off this person's thoughts, and Shan Xia no longer had to think about him coming back alive. Because even those who traveled thousands of miles away could not come back.

Stabbing is equivalent to the death penalty, which is equivalent to life imprisonment. It's like being in prison, except that there are no bars in the prison.

The case was over and everyone was happy. People also talked about this strange case one after another.

The tree was placed in the square for people to visit. Soon, the old tree sprouted new shoots, and after a few years, it became a big tree again.

As soon as the case ended, the Gucheng County magistrate invited Governor Fu Ying to try a difficult case. Fu Ying didn't have time to rest, so she took the case and rushed to Gucheng.

What case is it? As the saying goes, it is difficult for an upright official to deal with family matters. This is exactly a family matter, and it is designed to be a very difficult problem because the evidence is difficult to find.

I guess there is no evidence, so I can only bite the bullet and move forward.

What's going on? It's the mother-in-law suing the daughter-in-law. Some mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law have a good relationship, and some have a bad relationship. This situation is considered bad.

What to accuse? The Gucheng County Magistrate said: "The mother-in-law accuses the daughter-in-law of adultery."

"what happened?"

"That is to say, both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are widows. If the mother-in-law dies, her husband is the daughter-in-law's father-in-law. If the daughter-in-law dies, her husband is the mother-in-law's son."

The county magistrate said.

"This is good. If two widows are together, will there be a conflict?" Fu Ying asked.

"Yes. My mother-in-law kept saying that my daughter-in-law was having an affair with another man," the county magistrate said.

"Is there any evidence?" Fu Ying asked.

"Sir Governor, this case was not handled by a lower official. It was handled by another county magistrate, so I took it over. It is said that my mother-in-law was just over 40 and was a widow. She couldn't bear the loneliness and was with some unscrupulous men. Those

People who love women hang out together," the county magistrate said.

"So, those scoundrels came to my mother-in-law. My mother-in-law couldn't bear the loneliness and had an affair with those scoundrels. Then why should I sue my daughter-in-law?"

"Here's the problem. My mother-in-law steals from someone, and my daughter-in-law can't stand it. It seems that the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has escalated. This is not the end of it. In order to prevent the scoundrel from having an affair with her mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law planted thorns in the place where the scoundrel passed by.

The scoundrel pricked her hands and feet to bleed, and she later cried out to her mother-in-law. When she heard this, she became very angry. There were only two widows in the family, and it was too late for her mother-in-law to feel distressed. How could they place tribulus everywhere to sting people? What if it stung someone?

"All kinds of worries come one after another," the county magistrate said.

"It seems that the daughter-in-law was wronged, and the mother-in-law was the one who complained first." Fu Ying said.

"Xiaoguan also thinks so, but there is no evidence. The most terrible thing is that the daughter-in-law actually admitted the fact of the affair, which makes Xiaguan very embarrassed." The county magistrate said.

"Then, apart from the wife's confession, what else can prove the daughter-in-law's affair?" Fu Ying asked.

"Not yet."

"So, was any severe punishment used when the confession was taken?"

"Yes, the former county magistrate initially said he would not admit it, but later he asked the officials who participated in the interrogation and persuaded him to impose a severe punishment." The county magistrate said.

"It's not surprising. The daughter-in-law must have admitted it after she couldn't bear the beating. Because she often saw scoundrels coming to her mother-in-law, she knew the scoundrel's name. When the punishment was imposed, the daughter-in-law naturally revealed the affair.

The name of the person. When he is arrested, he will know what happened once he is interrogated." Fu Yingyan said.

"That's right, the person who had the affair was arrested, but when asked, the person who had the affair started to quibble and refused to admit the fact of the affair. I found several of them, and it was like this. All the men who had the affair refused to admit it. Later,

After catching one of them, he had to be severely punished before he was forced to admit the affair. The strange thing is that the person who had the affair did not admit that he had an affair with his mother-in-law, but admitted that he had an affair with his daughter-in-law. It is very likely that the mother-in-law had paid the interrogators.

It's just for the daughter-in-law, not for the parents. For the government officials, the mother-in-law is the parents, and she can't be offended. The daughter-in-law is more rigid and doesn't understand the ways of the world, so she has to suffer some hardships. Sure enough, if the person who had an affair said he had an affair with his wife, this case would be

She began to go down the wrong path. The former county magistrate beat the daughter-in-law severely and drove her out of the Yamen without any explanation. It seemed that the mother-in-law had achieved her goal. By driving the daughter-in-law out of the house, she removed the thorn in her side and had to make the daughter-in-law disappear from the house.

Only then can she be truly free. She can have an affair with those scoundrels without any hindrance. As the saying goes, there are many disputes in front of a widow. It seems that it is not groundless, it is very reasonable!" said the county magistrate.

"What happened next?" Fu Ying asked.

"Of course my daughter-in-law couldn't stand this humiliation and injustice, so she complained everywhere, but repeatedly hit the wall. She was desperate. She went to the provincial capital, but the provincial capital ignored her. She took the case, but it seemed like nothing happened, and there was no news. She could only wait. After waiting for a long time, there was no news.

There was no reply. She refused to give up and appealed to the capital again, where Master Bu and Yin Jian were. Dali Temple handed the case to the official and asked for another day to solve the case. The official thought about it but couldn't figure it out.

I was really helpless, so I was forced to invite you to teach me," the county magistrate said.

"It's not difficult to solve this strange case. Master Bu often reminds you that you need to use five ears to solve the case."

"What five listenings? I would like to hear the details, sir." the county magistrate said.

"According to "Zhou Li", there are five principles of listening, that is, listening to his words; generally, listening to what he says is the way to judge cases. The second is listening to his expression, to see if there are any changes.

If you are good at pretending and have a calm face and a calm heart, you should use the third method to listen, which is to check his breathing to see if it is even and whether it is steady or rapid. After listening to the breath, you should use the fourth method, which is to listen with your ears.

Just watch how he listens to what people say, and finally listen with your eyes, that is, study his eyes, and never use punishment easily. When it comes to torture, it is usually the last resort. It is not effective for everyone. Some people just don’t accept it and don’t want to do it.

After eating this pot, severe punishment cannot shake his will, and the case will be difficult to solve. The key is to make good use of these five listening methods. This is the method taught to me by Master Bu. You can learn it and it is very effective." Fu Ying


"I really learned a lesson. Thank you for your guidance. I will definitely keep it in mind," the county magistrate said.

"Keep it in mind and apply it to help you solve the case. This method is very good. Remember, execution is taboo and will lead to many unjust and false cases. If it is found that the wrong case is handled, the consequences will be serious, such as being sentenced to hanging. If

Execution is very troublesome. People cannot be resurrected after death. Even if there is hope of resurrection in the future, it will be a huge blow to the family members of the deceased. Therefore, the last resort is to use execution. If you can do it without execution, it is the best and the highest art interrogation method.

." Fu Ying said.

"I understand, I must be careful in the future. It is said that there is a lifelong responsibility system for handling cases. If a wrong case is found, the investigators must be held accountable. Whoever is responsible shall bear the responsibility. Even if you retire and return to your hometown, you must find out whether this is the case."

?" asked the county magistrate.

"That's right, the purpose is to make those who hear the case take responsibility, not to bend the law, not to confuse right and wrong, not to make small mistakes, not to cause unjust, false and wrong cases, which will cause irreversible consequences in the future." Fu Ying


"Yes, this principle is very applicable and suitable for all work." the county magistrate said.

"What happened to my wife later?" Fu Ying asked.

"Later, my daughter-in-law kept complaining, so I asked my subordinate to take over the case."

"The biggest problem now is that there is no evidence, right?" Fu Ying asked.

"Yes, there is no evidence."

"Well, now that you have found me, I will make arrangements to help you and get you out of trouble."

"Thank you, Lord Governor, for your help."

"You're welcome. Please prepare some masonry and tiles, as well as knives and awls. Bricks and stones are bricks and stones. The stones are as big as a human fist. Needless to say, knives and awls are commonly used at home, or for women to do needlework.

A practical awl or a knife that can be used to remove bones or cut watermelons can be used. Needless to say, bricks have similar specifications. It doesn't matter whether there is writing on the bricks, as long as they are bricks." Fu Yingyan said.

"Okay, I'll go prepare now."

"You can just let the government officials do it."

"No, Your Majesty the Governor, I have just arrived, and I am afraid that the government officials may not be very obedient and do not follow the officer's instructions, and may not be satisfied with it. At this time, in order to solve the case smoothly, we must make careful preparations," the county magistrate said.


"Well, if you are so serious, you will definitely solve the case."

The county magistrate ordered him to go down and check it himself and prepare the things he needed.

The county magistrate was prepared, but he just didn't know what to do with these common things.

The court opened the next day, and the yamen and the courtyard were crowded with people watching the melon-eating. They all came to see who would win in the war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The ones who were most interested were the men who were good at handling conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

If you are interested, you will have to wait at the county government office to attend court. They will talk to each other and brag.

Governor Fu Ying sat at attention, and the county magistrate sat beside him to observe the trial.

Fu Ying ordered her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to be invited over. When her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law saw it was Fu Ying, they knew that he was a famous governor, and their arrogance was reduced by half. The mother-in-law's voice also dropped a lot, and she was not as loud as before.

Calling. Because I am worried that if I say the wrong thing, it will bring disaster.

This chapter has been completed!
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