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Chapter 72

Fu Ying ordered to go down and ask the Gucheng County Magistrate to provide those materials. After these preparations were made, he summoned them up and started interrogation.

Fu Ying said: "Which one of you is the slut is hard to determine at the moment, but it doesn't matter. It's not the egg's fault, it's the fly's fault. The egg is good, and the flies are flying around. The egg is bad, and the flies are.

I just like it and I will definitely eat it. No matter it is a good egg or a bad egg, as long as it is an egg, it can attract flies."

"Sir, folk girls are good bitches," the mother-in-law said immediately.

Everyone held back their laughter. Fu Ying knew that good guys never said they were good, and bad guys always said they were fine.

This means that everyone has their own choice.

"I know you are a good guy. If you were a real bad guy, you would have been thrown into the sea long ago." Fu Ying said, trying not to laugh out loud.

"I'm really not a bad guy. If I were a bad guy, I would have been abandoned long ago." My mother-in-law said.

"Don't talk about you being abandoned. Just say who is the culprit?" Fu Yingyan said.

"The chief culprit is the daughter-in-law." said the mother-in-law.

"No, you are wrong. If there are no flies, no matter whether it is a good egg or a bad egg, it is still an egg. Even if it is a bad egg, there will be no maggots. Because there are no flies to bite or lay eggs." Fu Ying said.

"No matter who the bad guy is, I'm not the one anyway," said the mother-in-law.

"You're right, the bad guy is indeed not you. I have found the fly. Now in order to prove your innocence, I order you to kill this fly. Even if this fly is killed, it will be fine. This is what you want. Now

, you have to think of a way, the more ruthless you are, the better." Fu Ying said.

Then, the so-called flies, the scoundrels, were brought to court. At the same time, the bricks, stones, awls, and scissors were all prepared.

The mother-in-law thought badly, but the daughter-in-law seemed happy.

A scoundrel is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, trembling.

He didn't expect this.

He originally wanted to have fun, but ended up being a thief, and everyone was shouting and beating him. He never expected that after enjoying a short period of pleasure, he would be hurt so much. These injuries made it impossible for him to escape, and now he has entered a difficult situation, like

It's a quagmire. If you sink deeper and deeper, you may suffocate and the fun will be over soon.

There is no way, there is no way, even if you die, you must die clearly.

"Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, whoever comes first, don't worry about this person. He deserves to die. You can choose your own tools, bricks, stones, scissors or awls. You can use them as you like, how to use them conveniently, how to use them to relieve grudges. Again, fight

You don't have to worry about it if you die. I allow you to do this." Fu Yingyan said.

The mother-in-law was coy and reluctant to take action.

The daughter-in-law said: "I will come first!"

As she said that, she picked a brick, lifted it up, and threw it at the rogue. During this period, she had been wronged so much, and the anger in her heart had been accumulated for a long time, and she had no place to vent it. This time she finally had the opportunity.

The moment she picked up Brick, she had already made up her mind to beat him to death. Anyway, the official said that beating him to death would not cost him his life. In the court, it was no problem. What he said would count. The clerk had recorded it in the record.

The official's remorse.

The moment she fucked Brick, the rogue's face turned green with fear.

Because the woman's arms were still not strong enough, her brick didn't hit his head, but only hit his feet, causing him to scream in pain and keep shouting "Mom". It is estimated that his mother will not be able to come at this time.

, unable to save him.

The daughter-in-law was beaten in the first round because the bricks were too heavy and she was too weak to achieve the goal of killing the scoundrel. Then she let her mother-in-law do it.

The mother-in-law saw that everyone was staring at her, and she felt that she couldn't stand it anymore.

I picked a small piece of stone and gently threw it on the scoundrel's butt. This was great. The scoundrel was hit by the small stone. It didn't hurt or itch. It was like being lightly hit by a small fist. It was harmless.


He was hit in the foot by a brick and it was in terrible pain because ten of his toes were connected to his heart. One of his toes was injured and his whole body was in pain.

It's the wife's turn again.

The daughter-in-law picked up the scissors and pricked the rogue. The rogue was unable to dodge and was injured in many places. Each stab was fatal. Fortunately, he dodged in time.

Otherwise, you will die.

Fu Ying said: "Okay, don't kill people. That's almost enough."

Only then did the daughter-in-law stop.

The daughter-in-law was still filled with hatred and resentment. She wished she could eat him alive so that he could harm others.

It was the mother-in-law's turn. She gently picked up the awl and pierced the scoundrel's thigh. She didn't prick seriously, but just tentatively. Before pricking, she came back. She always tried there, like

It's gossiping.

Seeing this situation, Fu Ying suddenly understood.

This mother-in-law is determined to have wronged her daughter-in-law. The real slut is none other than herself. This is a typical evil person who files the complaint first. It is extremely abominable!

Fu Ying ordered her mother-in-law to be arrested and interrogated severely. Her mother-in-law couldn't stand it anymore, so she had to tell the truth and confessed to her dealings with scoundrels. She was caught by her daughter-in-law. She was so angry that she set up iron caltrops at the doors and windows to make it difficult for the scoundrels to come and go. This way.

Doing it is actually a kind of punishment or a warning to the men who have had an affair, so that they can correct their mistakes and not go further down the wrong road. The mother-in-law hates her daughter-in-law very much and wants him to leave the house immediately.

Influence the next step. That is, influence her to have an affair with others.

When she thought about it, she immediately understood. It turned out to be a strategy designed by Fu Ying. Through such things, the two of them could be identified. It was clear at a glance who was the slut!

The mother-in-law didn't expect Fu Ying to be so clever. He also gradually realized the truth that those who do unjust things will be punished by death. There should be an explanation.

Therefore, according to the law, Fu Ying sentenced her mother-in-law to serve one and a half years in prison, which was a fixed-term imprisonment, and she was punished with a hundred canes.

For a scoundrel, a rod of two hundred and a thorn of three thousand li are equivalent to a sentence of survival. In fact, there will be no chance of having an affair with the mother-in-law in this life. If the mother-in-law cannot bear the loneliness, there will be a problem. The scoundrel will be eliminated and she can find a new love.

After all, there are many such scoundrels. By killing one as a warning to others, we can tell them that scoundrels are not easy to deal with. As long as they encounter the right opportunity, they will be punished accordingly. It only depends on whether the official takes this matter seriously.

After this incident, the Gucheng County Magistrate learned that cases can still be tried in this way.

This shows that the "five listening" method used by Fu Ying to solve crimes has worked.

You know, the case handled by Fu Ying is very strange. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are both widows. According to common sense, young people can't bear to be lonely more often. When it comes to adultery, the daughter-in-law is more likely to have an affair, but after all, imagination does not hold true, or

Let the evidence speak for itself.

Unexpectedly, it was the mother-in-law who had an affair. This is a typical act of disrespecting one's elders.

Through this case, Gucheng County Magistrate mastered the five-hearing method for solving crimes.

If you encounter similar cases in the future, you can execute it smoothly.

The Gucheng County magistrate learned the five-hearing method of deciding cases and was very happy. It was like trying it and seeing if it works. Fu Ying said: "It's very effective. If you don't believe it, just give it a try. There will definitely be a case coming to you, just wait patiently."


After saying that, Fu Ying arrived at Xiangyang Mansion.

The new county magistrate has just arrived. This case was completed with Fu Ying's help, and he has not yet handled any cases alone.

I was gearing up to handle the case, and sure enough, someone beat the drum and complained.

The magistrate of Gucheng County ordered the court to be held.

"Who is kneeling?"

"Xiaomin Anfeng."

"What are you telling me?"

"Headless cases have nothing to do with ordinary people."

"What's an unsolved case?" the county magistrate asked after hearing this and filing the case. He was very nervous and quite excited.

What makes me nervous is that it is difficult to solve an unsolved case and it is a challenge for me. It will definitely not be easy, so I seem nervous. Besides, this is the first case I have handled, so I must be a success.

What's exciting is that this is a case with a great impact. If a case like this is handled well, it will become famous all over the world and be talked about by others. If it is not handled well, it will be infamy and be looked down upon by others.

This illustrates the ability of the county magistrate. When a new official takes office, he must have three things to burn brightly.

"You can tell me in detail what's going on?" the county magistrate ordered.

"Sir, I know a man named Cheng Hu. He and I met by chance, and then they agreed to go to a restaurant for a drink. Because they were all acquaintances, it was common to eat and drink together. He invited me, so I went there, and we met, and we started

They were all polite and courteous. After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Cheng Hu didn't blush. He looked very powerful. He started to speak, his tongue was shortened by half and he couldn't pronounce words clearly. He was obviously drunk!

"An Feng said.

"How about being drunk? Did someone die?" the county magistrate asked.

"No, nothing happened to him. He murdered someone and something happened."

"how do I say this?"

"That is to say, Cheng Hu first said to Xiao Xiao, 'Don't be afraid of poverty, don't be called poor. The more you are afraid of poverty, the more you call yourself poor, the more you will become poor. Why do you want to call yourself poor or be afraid of poverty? These are not things. I

Let me tell you, is it easy to earn ten taels of silver?" The younger one said it was hard to earn. He said: "Don't talk about ten taels of silver, even a hundred taels of silver. It doesn't take much effort. It's too easy to make money. Those who say money is hard to earn.

People may not have found a way to make money, unlike me, who found a way, and making money is too easy. When I heard it, I thought what he said was drunk and unreliable, so I ignored him. Unexpectedly,

After he drank, he started talking, and a steady stream of words buzzed in his ears. It was very annoying. He kept talking to make me believe him. How could I believe him? He is An Feng, not Guan Er.

He is not the rich second generation, but the poor second generation. His family background is very poor. Others don't understand him, but the younger generation understands him. He is afraid of poverty and starts to dream for a hundred days. Also, he is drunk now.

For men, drinking and bragging is normal in life. It is very normal. Men who don’t drink and men who don’t brag are rare in the world. Sure enough, he drank too much and started bragging. He didn’t make drafts anyway. He said it was easy to make money, but in fact

It’s not easy. This is the opposite of what I said. In short, these are abnormal drunken words. You don’t need to take them seriously. The words you say after drinking will be very troublesome when you sober up. I don’t admit it at all.”

"What happened next?" the county magistrate asked.

"Later, he said he would make money, so he started to say it seriously and seriously. He said he was telling the truth. If he lied, he would be struck by thunder. The younger one still didn't believe it, and he continued to brag.

He said that he met a big businessman on the way, so he killed the big businessman and pushed him into a dry well in Beishan. He also said that the businessman was very rich, and when he touched it, he actually had one hundred taels with him.

Silver. As he spoke, he took out the silver and showed it to the younger one. When the younger one saw the white silver, he was shocked. It was indeed real silver with words engraved on it. This silver asked me to say something to him.

I started to believe it. At that time, Xiao Ben actually laughed out loud when he saw An Feng's funny look. However, in order to prove that he was rich and didn't want Xiao Xiao to laugh, he took out real money to calm Xiao Xiao.

, The younger one was indeed shocked, because the younger one had never seen him with one tael of silver on him, and the most was copper coins. The younger one believed what he said."

"Then why did you come to report to the official today?"

"The adults don't know. I heard that a headless male corpse was indeed found in a dry well in Beishan. I was shocked. Could it be that Cheng Hu did it? If it was really Cheng Hu, then...

It's hard to get rid of the relationship. Because Xiao Xiao will be held responsible if he doesn't report the knowledge. Xiao Xiao is worried, so he comes to report to the official, hoping that the master will let Xiao go. This matter has nothing to do with Xiao. It's all what Cheng Hu said

, I don’t know whether it was him or not. If it was him, it has nothing to do with Xiao. If I need to testify, Xiao just proved that he said he killed someone and how he killed it. I don’t know if there is any evidence.

The younger one doesn’t know either, and hopes that the adults will be aware of the situation and not let the real culprit go. According to the younger one, Cheng Hu was just bragging after drinking. As far as the younger one knew, although his family was poor and his family was living in poverty, he definitely had no money, but

, he was very kind, he said he had killed someone, and the younger one didn’t believe anything he said. However, he took out a hundred taels of silver, and the younger one finally believed it. He didn’t dare to kill a chicken. Every time there were guests at home,

It was his wife who killed the chicken. He did not dare to kill. This headless male corpse was definitely not killed by him. However, Xiao Xiao was really not sure. In other words, Cheng Hu had tiger in his name, but he did not dare to kill.

Chicken, let alone seeking money and killing people. Therefore, his statement is not valid. We need to find out the source of the money." An Feng said.

"So, you are just guessing, not true, right?" the county magistrate asked.

"No, I'm just thinking that Cheng Hu is not a bad person at heart, so what a coincidence! There happened to be a headless male corpse in the dry well in Beishan, exactly as he said, it's so mysterious!" An Feng said.

"If this is the case, I will understand. You go back first. I will investigate on my own and I will definitely get to the bottom of it," the county magistrate said.

"Okay, don't worry, little one. As long as we can find out, everything will be fine, right?" An Feng asked.

"Yes, nothing will happen to you after the investigation, so don't worry! I am also very confident that this unsolved case will be solved. There will definitely be a good result," the county magistrate said.

An Feng went home.

Cheng Hu was sleeping soundly, smelling of alcohol, and it looked like he had vomited. This guy was so drunk that he finally ate a delicious meal, but the results came out. People also suffered, and they tried their own methods, which led to disaster.

This chapter has been completed!
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