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Chapter 80 On-the-spot identification of authenticity

Besides, after Jin Shan read the pleadings, he thought to himself, this case is interesting, there are people who study and become crazy! They must have worked too hard!

This is obviously a requirement that if Qin Cuihua is alive, she will live for Jin Qinglian. Even if she dies, she will die for Jin Qinglian. As long as Jin Qinglian is still alive, Qin Cuihua cannot marry.

This requirement is a bit harsh. If Jin Qinglian has always been abnormal, has he never married? Isn't this delaying the girl's future and happiness? How can this be done? You know you can't do it, but you still need to convince the plaintiff to withdraw the lawsuit.

Make some effort.

This job is a bit difficult, because from Jin Qinglian's point of view, he was so miserable that he didn't expect to go crazy. He thought he was normal. To convince everyone, he had to go and see the situation. He had to go to the site to check the details.


Do it as you say, without further ado, and after you finish it, you can leave, lest the Tanghe County magistrate is endless. This guy is just too lazy to use his brain and likes to use his strength. The credit is all his, but it is still cost-effective.

Basically, he drank all his collection of good wine, which was worth it. Otherwise, he would lose nothing, which is really a pity.

This is his idea. There are always benefits. When people get up early, they must do it for three points of profit, not for three points of profit. Everyone wants to sleep a little longer. It is human nature to be greedy for pleasure. Why do you wake up at midnight and sleep in the middle of the night? This is the way of life.

Forced, due to pressure, if you want to live a good life, you must work hard. If you are in the right direction, your efforts will be rewarded. If you do not work hard and the direction is wrong, not only will there be no reward, but you will suffer a lot of losses. Those who make losses will

Buying and selling is not possible.

Go as you say, and you will understand after asking. These things are said badly by the locals. They often mention them after dinner. Some add insult to injury, some really believe that there is a god from the Jin family, who really came down to earth, and some believe that it must be true.

She was entangled by a vixen, or some say that Qin Cuihua changed her mind and wanted to find someone better, so she disliked this lunatic.

There are three folk opinions. One is that Qin Cuihua has changed her mind, which is wrong. The second view is that Jin Qinglian is selfish. Qin Cuihua should be allowed to live, and she should not be allowed to fall into the pit. This is a pit of fire. Chapter 2

The three points of view are that both parties are at fault. They should not have made the marriage, or the marriage was made too early. No one can predict what will happen next. The sky is unpredictable, and people have misfortunes and blessings. This is a test for people.

There are different opinions on how to judge, and it may make sense, or it may not make sense at all.

This is a problem. I don’t know what to do!

When the question came to Jin Shan, Jin Shan said: "This is simple. You can ask both parties to go to the county government to appear in court, and it will be recorded by the scribe. Both parties sign and sign, and both parties will abide by it. Neither party will regret it. It is much simpler and more effective."


After verification, everyone was brought to the county government office. Since it was a case, we would handle it strictly according to the case. Everyone was interested in this case. There were people standing inside and outside the county government office, wanting to see this.

How does a divorced daughter-in-law break off the engagement?

Jin Shan first asked the plaintiff to speak. The plaintiff smiled stupidly. Jin Shan couldn't continue the trial, so he asked Jin Qinglian's father: "Who drafted this petition?"

"Sir, the petition was written by my brother."

"Is he here?"



"Stand down the hall."

"Oh, why don't you kneel down when you see the master?" Jin Shan asked Jin Qinglian's uncle.

"Scholars don't have to kneel down and worship." Jin Qinglian's uncle said.

"It turns out that you are a scholar. Okay, that's easy to handle! Since you are a scholar, you can be reasonable. Your Zhuanzi is well written. It seems that you have good writing style and understand the rules. Unfortunately, it is not used in a really useful place. It is also

That is to say, you need to think more about whether there are any problems with this marriage. If so, you can adjust it in time. If there is no problem, you can continue. Think about it, if a good girl marries a fool, you

Think about it, if it were your girl, would you let your girl marry a fool?" Jin Shan asked.

"Of course not, but Jin Qinglian will be fine. Even now, Jin Qinglian is good and bad, not necessarily all bad. If you don't believe it, you can ask Magistrate Jin to see if what the old scholar said is right.

"Jin Qinglian's uncle said.

"Okay, Jin Qinglian!"

When Jin Shan shouted, Jin Qinglian actually agreed. The corners of his mouth were drooling, his mouth and nose were twisted, he was swaying as if he had a convulsion, his speech was unclear, and he didn't change his clothes for a long time because he wouldn't let him.

"Who is this prince?"

"Whose prince are you?"

"I am the son of the Jade Emperor, the crown prince of heaven, King Li Tianwang of Tota is my brother, and Lord Yama is my younger brother. They all obey my orders," Jin Qinglian said.

"Then why don't you dress up? If you wear these clothes, how can others believe that you are the prince from heaven and come down to earth?" Jin Shan asked.

"Are you blind? This is a purple gold robe. It's made of gold. It's a gift from the Dragon King. Even the Jade Emperor doesn't have it." Jin Qinglian said.

As soon as everyone heard this, there was a commotion inside and outside the hall. People were whispering in low voices. It was obvious that they all wanted to laugh but did not dare to laugh. They suppressed their laughter in their hearts and did not dare to reveal anything in order to avoid being held responsible.

"Okay, since you are the great prince from heaven and come down to earth, you don't need a folk woman to be your wife, right?" Jin Shan asked.

"Hahaha, I don't want a wife among the people. I have a wife in heaven. Chang'e lives in Guanghan Palace. She often asks the gods to send me letters, asking to marry me, but I haven't agreed. She had a husband before, but I disliked her, but she still

Would you want Chang'e who is so shameless and wants to follow me? There is no good woman on earth, and I don't want any in heaven, let alone those on earth?" Jin Qinglian said.

"Then I understand. You are not a human being, but a god. You are better than a god. You come to the human world for a walk and have fun, right? The women on the earth are too vulgar to enter your eyes.

If I can't win your heart, you are determined not to want it, right?" Jin Shan asked.

"Yes, yes! No, no! Whoever loves it wants it, but I don't love it anyway. Hahahaha!" Jin Qinglian said.

"So, do you want Qin Cuihua?" Jin Shan asked.

"Who is Qin Cuihua?" Jin Qinglian asked.

Qin Cuihua was on the side, dumbfounded. The big living person stood in front of Jin Qinglian, but Jin Qinglian didn't even recognize him. Everyone booed, and Jin Shan raised the gavel and slapped it, startling him, "Quiet."



Everyone quieted down. Qin Cuihua looked at this once elegant young talent. At this time, he no longer looked like an ordinary person. He was an ordinary man who thought he was a prince from heaven. You must know that the Jade Emperor was not just someone he called.

Offending the rules of heaven and disrespecting heaven and earth is naturally not a good sign. Everyone is in awe of heaven. They didn't expect to meet this boy who defies heaven and acts crazy. This is hard for everyone to accept and makes his uncle lose face. He originally hoped to be fine and recover.

Normally, the person who married Qin Cuihua did not expect to end up in such a situation!

"Old scholar, look, what are we going to do?" Jin Shan asked.

"It all depends on the adults." Jin Qinglian's uncle said that he also saw the performance of his second son and was greatly disappointed. He originally wanted to save a little face, but ended up losing even more face. What is this? He had made up his mind and didn't think about it.

He intervened in this matter, but family ties came first. Seeing that the son his brother gave birth to turned out to be like this, and his brother was weak, honest and incompetent, he had to take on the responsibility, unwillingly and unwillingly.

"Well, I think Qin Cuihua won't get married for the time being, and we will wait until Jin Qinglian recovers. However, there is only one year. If Jin Qinglian does not get better after more than one year, Qin Cuihua can choose another spouse to become a monk. If he improves and recovers,

Qin Cuihua married Jin Qinglian." Jin Shan said.

"Agree!" Qin Cuihua said.

"No problem. I am the son of the Jade Emperor, so I don't have to worry about finding a wife." Jin Qinglian said.

"What about you? Old scholar!" Jin Shan asked.

"Of course it's no problem. The eldest prince said it's no problem. I'm his uncle, so of course it's no problem."

"As long as you have no problem, then it's no problem. It's a good thing for you to help your brother, and it's a good thing to help your nephew. Just don't move books and stick to the rules. That will affect your reputation, don't you think?" Jin Shan asked


"Yes, lest people say that I am the imperial family." Jin Qinglian's uncle said.

"As long as you know!"

Finally, everyone signed the transcript. The clerk was very tired at this time. There were many people talking and the records were numerous and complicated. Whatever was recorded, as long as someone said it, would be recorded and used as evidence in court.

It is a basis for preparing for the future.

After everyone signed, they dispersed. As they walked, they talked about it. They felt that the verdict was good and it should be like this. Neither party was guilty. Even the old scholar was convinced. The old scholar originally wanted to become famous through this case, but he didn't expect it to happen.

It had a sensational effect, but I didn't expect Jin Shan to handle it this way. It was new and challenging for him.

After handling the case, Jin Shan left Tanghe County. Later, the Tanghe County magistrate sent him a letter saying: "Brother Jin Shan, thank you for your help. Brother Yu, who was transferred outside, was actually promoted and did not dare to make a fortune.

The superiors appreciated the case last time and said that Brother Yu handled it well, but it was actually Brother Xian who helped. Thank you again! Brother Xian, last time the son of the Jade Emperor died within three months. Qin Cuihua followed the verdict.

I found a family and got married on the right day, and now I am living happily. The Jin family is doing well, and the pain has been relieved. The Qin family often interacts with the Jin family and often helps, and the relationship between the two families is better than before. This is all virtuous.

Brother Yu is good at solving cases, so that everyone is satisfied. Brother Yu is not very talented, and I hope Brother Yu will continue to help Brother Yu. If something happens, there is a difficult, major and complicated case that Brother Yu can’t solve because of his stupidity, I still ask Brother Xian to come and help. Brother Xian is here.

I would like to express my gratitude. If you have free time, Brother Xian may wish to come to Brother Yu’s place to play."

After reading the letter, Jin Shan was very moved and shed tears. Finally, there was a good result. For Jin Qinglian, it was also a relief. Studying so hard and thinking about high school every day was actually the most nerve-wracking, damaging the brain and affecting her.

In life, unlike physical injuries, which can be healed, brain injuries are difficult to heal. He wished they could live well.

This idea made him very excited. The pursuit of such a trial result was also the meaning of the law. He felt that law and morality actually had a certain relationship. Thinking of this, his heart suddenly became enlightened and he immediately cheered up.

Jin Shan was transferred to Dengcheng by a transfer order.

Dengcheng was prosperous, with important transportation routes, rich products, and hard-working people. Jin Shan became the county magistrate of Dengcheng.

Because he can judge cases, there are difficult cases in Dengcheng that have not been solved by the previous county magistrate. There is no way to bring up the old cases again and handle the old cases again. Otherwise, we will not be able to win the hearts of the people.

As soon as they sat down, someone handed a piece of complaint to Jin Shan. Jin Shan opened it and saw that there was something like this! The previous county magistrate did not support this lawsuit because his predecessor said that it could not be supported because he respected the wishes of the deceased.

, otherwise, what should we do if the dead come out from the ground and beat people? This is the theory, but it is not normal.

So Jin Shan decided to investigate the case thoroughly.

The plaintiff's name is Wang Yifei. He is a concubine. The first wife's surname is Zhang, which was later changed to Wang Zhang. The first wife gave birth to a daughter, and there was only one daughter. Wang Yifei's father originally expected to have just one child, and the daughter was also passed down to his descendants, and the family name was Wang Zhang.

I also agreed. I felt guilty for not giving birth to a son in the Wang family. I didn't expect that Mr. Kuoda didn't resent her. Instead, many villagers pointed fingers behind her back, saying that she couldn't give birth to a son and that she was really incompetent. She

I am not afraid, because I have the support of my husband and I am not afraid of rumors, so I will naturally treat my husband wholeheartedly and well.

They take care of their daughter's growth, but the old couple are obedient to their daughter and regard her as the apple of their eye. They cherish her very much. Her daughter also feels that she has a high status in the family. Generally, she can achieve her goals and realize her dreams as long as she opens her mouth.

He became proud and disrespectful towards his parents.

When Mr. Wang and his wife saw this situation, they felt bad. Because their daughter was arrogant and domineering, it seemed difficult for a woman to keep the family business, so they wanted to recruit a son-in-law. Maybe with luck, they could get half of the family property.

A son, who is said to be a son-in-law, is actually almost the same as a son. He can even change his surname to Wang, which would be better.

It was a good idea. Sure enough, I found a young man. The young man had many brothers in his family. It would be okay if it was his turn to step in and be the son-in-law. Because there were many brothers in the family, the economic conditions were worse. Of course it would be no problem if he found a rich woman. The Wang family is a local

For famous wealthy families, when the king dies, his sons-in-law and daughters can inherit the family business in the future.

When I thought about it this way, it suddenly dawned on me that as my son-in-law, I could achieve the goal of becoming wealthy with less than a few decades of hard work.

His daughter was even more disrespectful. She originally hoped that things would change and become better after she got married, and that the family would not have to worry about food and drink. The only thing she worried about was how to be respected. This thought has haunted him for many years and made him miserable.

When Mrs. Wang Zhang saw her daughter being irritated, she regretted that she had to take good care of her daughter. Now there are many difficulties. During the sapling stage, she had to prune her daughter to prevent it from getting more difficult. Once the sapling is established, it will be difficult to correct it.

Mrs. Wang Zhang looked at her daughter like this, and her son-in-law didn't look like half a son, but more like a pair of life-seeking men. How can one still live? Sure enough, for a person like Mrs. Wang Zhang, there was nothing she could do, and the consequences were very serious.

He was about to die.

This chapter has been completed!
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