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Chapter 81: Making a Will Cleverly

His daughter's performance was disappointing, his son-in-law was unreliable, and Mr. Wang's wife passed away in misery. He had money, but no one. He needed someone to avoid being bullied, including by his daughter.

My daughter has been pampered since she was a child. If she wants the stars in the sky, she has to find a ladder to pick them up. As an old father, he has done everything he can to be benevolent and righteous. However, his daughter is still dissatisfied. She is not good to her father and mother, and her daughter is not good. How can she still count on her son-in-law?

Mr. Wang has thought clearly about this matter. He wants to find a woman and have another one. While he can still move now, he should seize the time to avoid being unable to move in the future. He even needs a caring person in front of the bed to serve tea and water.

No, what a miserable old age it would be!

The master's life is not a good one. If it were good, it would be a blessing to be taken care of by her wife before her. Without a wife, she would have to carry everything alone. After all, a person's strength is limited. There is really no way.

The only way is to rely on children.

Now it seems that my daughter is unreliable, so I can only rely on concubinage to regenerate. I just do what I say, and immediately after letting the word go, a matchmaker comes to propose marriage, and soon there is a good, yellow-flowered girl who is willing to enter a rich family to become a mistress, but in fact the main wife is gone.

It was completely possible to straighten things out, but because his daughter objected, Mr. Wang gave up the idea. Soon, my concubine gave birth to a son for Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang was reborn and saw hope, so he named his son Wang Yifei.

Three years have passed like this, and his son Wang Yifei is also three years old. Mr. Wang's health is getting worse day by day, and he is slowly showing his condition in the second half of his life. He has a lot of family property, and he is worried that after his death, the property will be lost, and he is worried that his son-in-law will take it away from him.

After working hard all my life and still having a huge fortune left by my ancestors, I wanted to make a will.

Since having Wang Yifei, my daughter's attitude has changed drastically. She is very caring about Mr. Wang, caring about everything, asking for welfare, which is very different from before. Mr. Wang knows very well that this is because the rabbit's tail cannot grow. These are all symptoms, because before reaching the goal,

Before reaching the goal, his daughter was still unwilling to give up and strive for more benefits, because the will determines whether there will be money in the future and how much money there will be. This time is the key. If you grasp the key, you will grasp the future.

His daughter's flattering behavior had a certain effect. Mr. Wang was not that stupid, so he thought a little so that he could spend his dying days safely, so he agreed to make a will and thought out the contents.

"Wang Yifei is not my son, and my son-in-law and outsiders will not be able to compete with me when the family wealth is gone."

He thought this way and felt calm in his heart. He hoped to meet a good official or an upright official in the future, so as to ensure the interests of the child. Ensuring the interests of the child was equivalent to saving the life of the concubine.

Seeing that things were getting worse day by day, he asked his daughter, son, concubine and son-in-law to come to his bedside. He said: "I will die soon, don't worry about anything else. I will leave this huge family property to you to manage. I hope it will be worthy of future generations."

After my death, I will execute this will in accordance with it. In order to prevent my concubine from begging on the street, or my son from living on the street, I will write the will and I will read it in a while. You should be kind to my concubine and your little mother in time.

, and be kind to my sons, they will be helpless. You must take good care of the orphans and widows."

"Don't worry, father, I am my biological mother, and Wang Yifei is my biological brother. Don't worry, the two of them will never starve and freeze, and they will not live in the valley without anyone knowing, they will just live their lives.

For people to live a happy life, whatever we eat is guaranteed to be given to them, we eat meat and give it to them if they want it, we chew bones and give them bones to chew, and we will never treat them badly," the daughter said.

"Then I feel relieved. Then, let me read the will. Wang Yi is not my son. All the family property belongs to my son-in-law and no outsiders can compete with it." Mr. Wang read, and then handed the will to his concubine.

Everything has been clearly divided, and his daughter and son-in-law will no longer fight over it. The inheritance belongs to the son-in-law and has nothing to do with Wang Yifei.

When the son-in-law heard this, he was like, what? All the wealth belongs to him, he was so happy! His daughter was also very happy, she finally achieved her goal.

After reading the will, Mr. Wang couldn't catch a breath. He made a gurgling sound in his throat, as if he had swallowed something and his face turned pale. He stretched out his hands to touch Wang Yifei's little face, wanting to take one last look.

As a result, his feet disobeyed and stretched out first. His hands were implicated and stopped in mid-air, and then fell down weakly. This was considered an explanation.

At this time, the daughter began to howl, but she cried loudly without tears. Her biological father died, and she still felt that she should. When her mother passed away, she did not shed a single tear. At that time, Mr. Wang was already chilled, thinking of himself

When he dies in the future, his daughter will definitely not cry a single tear. Daughters are made of water, but for his daughter, it is different and very unsuitable.

After burying the old man, the daughter's true nature came out and she began to abuse Wang Yifei. She didn't feed or clothe Wang Yifei. Anyway, she would neither starve nor freeze to death. She made Mr. Wang's concubine a servant and did not pay her any wages.

She was looked down upon by others and suffered a lot. Soon after, she lived in a thatched hut in the back, which was dark, damp and cold. After she fell ill, she was not given any treatment and could only persevere. She also knew that her end was coming, so she gave Wang Yifei her will and told him

He must sue the officials and get the inheritance back, otherwise, all the family wealth belongs to his daughter and son-in-law and has nothing to do with him. The rules in the countryside still put the son first. The family wealth is the hard work of several generations and cannot be handed over to outsiders.

After she finished explaining her funeral, she handed her will to Wang Yifei. Wang Yifei was filled with tears, but he had to be strong and could not drop them or wipe them off, lest someone saw them and made some jokes and said they were not strong enough. After she finished explaining her funeral,

He died and returned to the west. Wang Yifei howled and became a real orphan now. His old father died first, and then his biological mother. She had been a slave during her lifetime and was beaten, scolded and trampled on. When Wang Yifei grew up, it would be difficult for him, so he gave up.

After going west, Wang Yifei was the only one left in the world. His sister was a stranger, not to mention his brother-in-law, and the warmth and warmth of people were obvious at a glance.

As Wang Yifei grew up, he accidentally discovered this suicide note and felt that he should ask for an explanation. He went to the county government to file a complaint. As a result, the former county magistrate saw the will and understood that it was a definite promise to give the inheritance to his son-in-law, but he

It’s not in line with common sense. Why isn’t it? Because according to tradition, if you have a son, your family wealth should be left to your son. This is the bottom line. You can’t break through, lest you make a bad start that will be difficult to clean up in the future.

As soon as the former county magistrate of Dengcheng saw the complaint, he understood that if he wanted to settle the matter, he had to suppress the plaintiff first. As long as the plaintiff did not sue, it would be fine. He let Wang Yifei lose the lawsuit, but he did not actually accept his lawsuit.

Wang Yifei heard that a new county magistrate had arrived, and took his will to find the new county magistrate, who was Jin Shan.

Jin Shan saw the petition, read it twice, and understood it, and said, "Just wait a moment."

So he was arranged to stay in the library, and the defendant was notified to come to court the next day to await trial.

The arrangements were made, and it seemed that there was no problem. The trial of the case started the next day. My daughter and son-in-law never expected that they would be brought to court for trial after so many years. They received a report from the official business last night and could not sleep all night. They did not know that they had committed a crime.

What's wrong, what's the crime.

In the morning, the two discussed it all night, but they didn't have any good ideas. They always felt that Mr. Wang and his concubine had died in their hands, and they felt very scared. Did they come back to settle the score with them? After thinking about it later, it was not the case.

Don't be afraid if you kill yourself. As a result, I came to the Dengcheng County government hall anxiously. The neighbors had long heard that Wang Yifei's complaint was finally filed. It was an eye-opener. There is always room for reasoning, and it was passed on to others.

Many people knew about this, so they rushed to the county government office early to listen to the case. To satisfy their curiosity, because the Wang family was too rich, they wanted to see whether the family wealth was a married daughter or a concubine son. This is really a strange case.

, as long as you have such an experience, it can be regarded as an eye-opener and an increase in knowledge.

Jin Shan sat in the hall, patted the gavel and said, "Wang Yifei, who are you going to sue? What are you suing him for?"

"I'm suing the master. I'm suing my brother-in-law for embezzling my property and not returning it."

"What evidence do you have?" Jin Shan asked.

"This is the will." Wang Yifei said.

"Send it up." Jin Shan ordered.

Someone cooperated and quickly made a will and presented it to Jin Shan. Jin Shan opened it and read loudly: "Wang Yifei (Tong Fei) is my son. All the family wealth will be with me. Outsiders cannot compete with my son-in-law."

As soon as he finished reciting it, he ordered the clerk to write it down. When his son-in-law heard it, he was dumbfounded and said quickly: "My lord, my lord, that's not right. My father-in-law didn't read it like this at that time."

"How do you pronounce it?"

"It's like this. Wang Yi is not my son. All the family wealth belongs to my son-in-law, and no outsiders can compete with it."

"That's right, how did you learn how to break sentences? Why is Wang Yi a person? Wang Yifei is a person. This needs to be clarified. Your father-in-law is worried that you want to murder someone, so he kills Wang Yifei so that he can inherit all the family property. It's a pity that

, your wishful thinking was wrong and you met a master. This was a trap deliberately set by your father-in-law. It was a trap. He deliberately did not write about Wang Yifei's Fei Weiwei. As a scholar, you can see it at a glance, but you didn't read it at the time.

When it came to the will, I was just happy and forgot to save the will. If you could save it, you couldn't keep it completely. Why? Because this is the art of sentence segmentation, and it also requires a high sensitivity to words. Both are indispensable.

"Jin Shan said.

"Sir, at that time, the family wealth was given to the younger ones. Why did it suddenly change?" the son-in-law asked.

"This is what I have to ask your father-in-law to see if he is willing to explain it to you."

"Sir, my father-in-law has been dead for many years."

"That's no problem. You will figure it out in the future. It's not appropriate to say too much. Just hand over all your property obediently, and the couple will go live in the wilderness." Jin Shan said.

The son-in-law and daughter lowered their heads, dejectedly, and sighed, as if they had been hit by a strong and severe blow.

Then Jin Shan left. Wang Yifei got all of Mr. Wang's property, and his daughter and son-in-law had nothing. Wang Yifei took pity on them. The domineering and domineering spirit at that time had disappeared and became despised by everyone. Wang Yifei arranged a thatched house for them, at least they didn't need to use it.

They were worried about the wind and rain, and they had no skills, so they could only make a living by begging. They could not stand the strange looks of others, and gradually became insensitive. They never expected to end up like this.

Just after this will case was concluded, another one came up. This time it was also a dispute over a will.

Jin Shan took a look and found out that it was the matter of Lao Li's family. Lao Li had worked hard all his life and saved some fertile land, but eventually he became sick due to overwork. His minor illness could not be cured, and finally it became a serious illness. He knew that he was about to die, and he was afraid that after his death, his brothers

The two brothers were competing for the property, so they wrote two wills, one for each person, in order to prevent the two brothers from competing for the property.

After Lao Li arranged his funeral arrangements, he passed away and traveled westward. The brothers opened the will and took a look at it, but they couldn't understand it. There was no objection to anything else, except that they didn't specify a good field, and they didn't know that Lao Li deliberately buried it.

As a foreshadowing, I still had to leave homework for my two sons to complete. In short, Da Li and Xiao Li had a lot of trouble, and finally they got into trouble with Jin Shan.

Jin Shan had just finished handling the inheritance dispute case between Wang Yifei and his brother-in-law. Now he encountered Lao Li leaving homework for Da Li and Xiao Li. In short, it was uncomfortable to be alive. To understand the original meaning, he needed to do the next step.

A lot of effort.

Jin Shan saw the two brothers quarreling with each other and felt uneasy. What was the motive of these two boys fighting over the land even though their father's body was still cold? This unhealthy trend must be stopped, otherwise it will have far-reaching consequences.

So he frowned and thought of a plan, saying: "The land is a small matter, but there are still big things to do."

"What's the big deal? Isn't it a big deal if people do it for money?" someone asked.

"Things that are more important than property are the big things. For example, friendship and family ties. For a piece of land, you have neglected to sacrifice a lot of things, which cannot be made up for. However, one thing is that you cannot let your brothers turn against each other and not talk about brotherly relations.

Litigation over love is really abominable.”

"Master is right! Let me solve the case." Xiao Li said.

"We need the cooperation of both of you."

"No problem, how can you help?" Da Li asked.

"You just have to endure some hardship. After suffering, you will realize that some things are hard to come by and you need to cherish them more." Jin Shan said.

"Do you want us to cooperate in handling the case?"

"Yes, the plan has been finalized, that is, it will be

When I couldn't decide the case, I thought of a way, which is to ask you two to stretch out one foot each and put them on a splint together, which is equivalent to torture. These are all done with real swords and guns. Can you endure it?

If there is no pain, the property will belong to him. Can you do it?"

"It can be done." The two said in unison.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone jumped out and said he could go.

It turned out to be Da Li and Xiao Li. They both couldn't wait. They always thought that this was a once-in-a-lifetime good day. They could endure the pain for a moment and get a lifetime of sweetness. As long as they overcome their own psychological barriers, they can help others make progress. It's true.


The yamen officer stepped forward and carried out the order. Big Li and Xiao Li immediately cried out in pain. Upon seeing this, the county magistrate quickly stopped and said with a smile: "You two have two feet and you can't bear to give up one of them. Your father gave birth to your biological brothers.

Just like brothers and sisters, the relationship between hands and feet is inseparable. Could it be said that your father is willing to eliminate one of his two sons? Think about it carefully. Is this the case? The case is here for now and will be tried again in a few days.


After saying that, they tied the two people together with an iron chain and sealed the lock.

This chapter has been completed!
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