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Chapter 83 Are the flies still there?

The passengers were flattered, but immediately began to calm down, feeling that they felt at ease after paying the money. Some people are willing to provide attentive service, while others are not. Their understanding of service is different, and the results they provide are different.

He thought he had entered a good store and met such a good boss, but when he touched his wallet, he found that one hundred taels of silver was missing. This was the payment for the goods. Without silver, he could not buy the goods. Even if the boss was willing to give credit, he would still have to pay for the goods.

A debt needs to be repaid, where does the money come from?

He asked his boss: "May I ask if my wife has picked up my silver?"

The boss looked at the boss's wife, and the boss's wife looked at the boss, and said in unison: "No."

"You really didn't see it?"

"I really didn't see your one hundred taels of silver." They still said in unison.

The guest didn't expect that the boss and his wife were so cunning. If they hadn't taken it, how could they have revealed one hundred taels of silver in one go?

It seems that they must have committed the crime, because there is only one guest in the inn, and there is the boss and the proprietress. The guests will not steal their own money, so the boss and the proprietress are the most likely, but neither of them can

He admitted that after much deliberation, he still reported it to the authorities. He knew clearly that it was the two of them who committed the theft, but because there was no evidence, he could only investigate and collect evidence through the authorities.

He heard that Jin Shan was very fair in handling cases here and could see every detail. He was very happy and felt that there was a good chance of recovering the one hundred taels of silver. So he excitedly went to beat the drum and file a complaint. Big Li and Xiao Li had just left.

I picked it up and continued to investigate the customer's silver theft case.

"You said there were three people in the store?"

"Yes, I, the boss and his wife."

"I understand, are there any clues?"

"I asked the boss if he had seen my money, and he actually told me exactly one hundred taels of silver. He said he hadn't seen it. I didn't say what money was missing or how much money was missing, but they actually told me right away. It was a coincidence.

Is it? I don’t think so. Is this a clue?” the guest said.

"As a clue, and it is a very important clue, first control the boss, and then bring him to the court. Take a break for now, don't show your face, and wait for my instructions." Jin Shan said.

"Okay, I'm glad to hear that your Excellency handled the case fairly and enforced the law impartially. I am a small businessman who passed by this treasure land and encountered this disaster. I hope you can help me. I am so grateful that I will never forget it," the guest said.

"Just listen to the good news. Someone, come and arrest the boss for questioning." Jin Shan ordered.

The policeman handling the case received the order and went to arrest the boss. When he arrived at the inn, he was greeted by the boss. The policeman put a rope on the boss without saying a word. The boss looked at the landlady and said nothing. The landlady nodded. The boss smiled slightly and said, "I got it."

His wife already understood what he meant, so she felt free to follow the policeman to the court for trial.

The boss thought that as long as there was no evidence, there would be no way to convict him. Jin Shan asked: "Did you really not see the customer's money?"

"It's true that I didn't see it. If I saw it, I would definitely tell him. When he came, he didn't say he brought any money, how much money he brought, or what kind of money he brought. These young people don't know. If he knew, he would definitely say it.

To be honest, protecting the personal and property safety of guests is the responsibility and obligation of the store and cannot be shied away from. If not, once the guests publicize it, no guests will come to stay," the boss said.

"Did you really not see it?" Jin Shan asked, looking into his eyes. The boss did not dare to look and stared at the floor. Jin Shan understood and saw that he must be lying. Without evidence, he was very

He may want to default on the bill. As long as there is no evidence to prove that he stole, then he cannot be said to have stolen. Another point is that he is very likely to commit the crime with his wife. If he wants to break through, it will definitely not work, because the boss is so cunning and cunning.

There is no sufficient evidence to prove that he is the thief.

It seemed that he was stubborn, so he had to find a way to outwit him. He thought about it and remembered that his teacher Bu Huishu said that he should be able to exploit loopholes, such as finding a breakthrough in the conflicts between people and tearing apart their alliances.

, there is an opening that can achieve the goal.

That is to combine the virtual with the real, the virtual is real, the real is virtual, the real is virtual, the virtual is real, then you can find the flaw, and then solve the case in one fell swoop. When he thought of this, he said to the boss: "You said you didn't see the merchants

We can’t tell what money was lost. So, let’s assume that he lost the money, but you didn’t see it. It looked like flies. He said there were flies, but you said there weren’t. Who do I believe? For the sake of fairness.

For the sake of safety, let’s make a game, okay?”

"what game?"

"It's just a word-testing game to see God's will."

"Okay! Please!"

"I will write a word in your palm, then hold it, stand next to the court, face the sun, look up at the sky, wait for me to ask questions, and see if the word on your palm is still there. If it is, it means it is not you.

If it's not there, it means it's you, and this is God's will. What do you think?" Jin Shan said.

Upon hearing this, the boss was very happy and cursed in his heart, "This Jin Shan, people say he will solve the case, but I don't think so. What kind of trick is he doing? How can he disappear out of thin air when he writes something in his hand? It seems that he will be there soon."

It's so stupid to be able to go home. It seems that the legend is not credible. This Jin Shan is just a wine bag and a rice bag, useless.

When Jin Shan saw that he agreed, he asked the scribe to write "fly" on his palm, and then ordered him to hold an empty fist in his hand, stand in the yard next to the court, look at the sky, and wait for the next instruction.

The boss was very confident that as long as his palms did not sweat and the words did not disappear, he was innocent and could go home immediately. Thinking of this, he was very careful, for fear of losing the words on his palms.

At the same time, Jin Shan arranged for the police to go to the inn to interrogate the landlady and ask if he saw the merchant's money. The landlady refused to admit that he saw it. The police tried every method, but the landlady refused to admit it because she was a pig and was not afraid of boiling water.

This brought the investigation of the case to a deadlock.

The policeman was at his wits' end and suddenly remembered what Jinshan County Magistrate had told him. If the boss's wife refused to admit it, he would be taken to court. On the way, he had to tell the boss's wife that he was interrogating the boss and tried every means to make him speak.


When the proprietress heard this, she was shocked and almost dropped the melon seeds she was holding in her hand. She knew that she could not be convicted without evidence. She had already formed an offensive and defensive alliance with the boss, and the confession was consistent, but she refused to admit that she saw the money, and there were no witnesses.

After holding on for a day or two, if nothing could be found, he would be released, and he could go home and continue to live a happy life. She was frightened to hear that the police had tried all kinds of methods on her husband. She had already heard that he had arrived in the lobby.

It was common for her to be served with major punishments and groomed with minor punishments. She was very worried about whether her husband could bear it. Because he was no longer young, he might have some problems that he could not cope with.

She arrived at the court with an uneasy heart. When Jin Shan saw her coming, he smiled and said, "Your husband has suffered, and so have you."

When the landlady heard this, there was something in her words! Why did she feel that the atmosphere was wrong? She looked around and saw her husband standing in the yard next to the court, looking at the sky. She felt very nervous. She couldn't look at the sky anywhere, but she happened to be here.

Could it be that the sky in Gongtang County Office is beautiful? Is this because I was stupid or something happened? Is it because of a beating? If he is really stupid, then it will be troublesome. For the rest of his life, he has to take care of this fool every day. If he is not really stupid, then

It doesn't matter if you look at the sky, after reading it, you can go home and live a good life after the master declares his innocence.

This made the landlady a little panicked. She felt that her husband had been stimulated. Otherwise, how could he stand in the yard and look at the sky? Only an abnormal head would be broken and he would stand there motionless!

Also, there is nothing in my hand, but I still seem to be grabbing something. Isn’t it a mental problem? It usually happens when your head is broken. The boss lady feels terrible when she thinks about it. The more she thinks about it, the more she feels guilty. Is it possible that I will spend the rest of my life like this?

Even if you give an account?

Just as she was thinking like this, she was lost in thought and stunned. Jin Shan didn't ask her any questions and looked at her, which made her feel uncomfortable all over and just felt hairy.

"Are you the boss's wife?"

"Yes, the woman is running an inn."

"How's business those days?"

"Business is not going well. I'm considering changing careers. I'm just worried."

"why not?"

"There are too many stores opening and competition is fierce. Also, it is the off-season and there are few businesses doing business."

"Then what do you think?"

"I'm trying to find a way to borrow money and get some money to open a Fengyue restaurant," said the proprietress.

"How's everything going?" Jin Shan asked.

"I was just thinking of a solution when this happened. I hope the master will uphold justice for us. It's not easy now. It's hard to make money! Coming here is just a waste of time."

"That's understandable. How do you want to handle it?"

"Let us go home, and then we will help the master catch the real thief." the landlady said.

"I heard that you didn't see the merchant's money." Jin Shan asked.

"I didn't see it," the landlady said firmly.

What she's not sure about now is whether her husband told her or not. If he didn't tell her, her lie would still be valid. If he did, it would be over. She has been worried about this. When she answered that she didn't see it, she saw it.

Jin Shan moved, obviously stimulated by the words.

"Okay, boss, is that word "fly" still there?" Jin Shan shouted to the boss who was looking at the sky in the yard.

The boss was eager to answer quickly so that he could go home after answering. He quickly raised his hands, then shook his hands and shouted proudly: "Tell me, sir, the word "fly" is here, the word "fly" is here."

When the boss's wife heard this, she immediately collapsed to the ground and couldn't move. She let out a long sigh and said, "I knew he couldn't stand it anymore, so he would definitely do something. It's true."

"As long as the money is there, boss lady, tell me, where is the money? Hand over the money quickly!" Jin Shan said.

"Oh, I knew that damn guy was unreliable. He was really unreliable. I didn't expect that he would become unreliable so quickly. Why didn't you just stick to it? Hey, it seems that there is no life for getting rich, only for suffering!" She said

After saying that, cursing in his mouth, he took the policeman back home, took out the money, handed it to the policeman, and was about to see off the guests.

"We've been sent to capture a thief and the landlady, please come with us!" the policeman said.

The landlady and the money were escorted to the county government together. Jin Shan handed the money back to the merchant, and the merchant left with great gratitude.

When the wife of the boss went back to the county government office, she was still in shackles. When the boss saw it, he panicked and said, "Master, this has nothing to do with her. It's all my doing. I did it."

The boss repeatedly emphasized that it was him who did it, and he wanted to clear up the relationship and prevent his wife from being punished. Jin Shan knew at a glance that he was completely afraid of his wife. If he refused to go when he was in danger, how could he still be called a man?

This experience made him understand that those who were afraid of their wives would not end well. If they had not listened to their wives at that time, they would not have stolen money from others. After stealing money, they would have to expand their scale, change their profession, and make more money.


As a result, he overturned at this juncture. He didn't expect that a man who listened to a woman would be so fragile, and it would make him lose face like this.

After further interrogation, it was found that on the night of the incident, the proprietress saw that the merchant had slept like a dead dog, so she said to her husband: "Go in through the secret passage, search to see if there is anything valuable, and then come out through the secret passage."

He nodded and was familiar with the road. He quickly touched the merchant's money, weighed the weight, and felt happy. He returned from the same way, handed the money to her and said: "Now we have made a fortune, and we have the capital to do business."

Damn it! Wife, you are so good, where did you get the sweat medicine that is so effective!"

"Shh, keep your voice down, be careful not to be overheard. Walls have ears. We know it was the two of us who did it. We won't get any money, and we have to give it away. Do you think it's worth it?" the landlady said in a low voice.

"Yes, you see, we need to prevent the merchant from waking up tomorrow morning. He has lost his money. What should we say?" the boss asked.

"Just to say that he didn't see it, he didn't know about the secret passage. Also, when he came out, the doors and windows were all in good condition, and no thieves got in, nor did the gentleman from Liang Shang lift the tiles from above to get in. He is basically saying that there is no evidence to prove this matter.

Even if he is reported to the official, the official cannot trust him casually and will not arrest people casually. Otherwise, the majesty of the official government will be lost. I heard that the new Dengcheng County Magistrate Jin Shan has a reputation and a way to solve cases. We must be careful

, Don’t let him see anything, otherwise, we will be done with it.” said the landlady.

"Okay, Madam is very knowledgeable and admirable," the boss said.

"Don't do this. We are all grasshoppers on the same rope. No one can escape. Be careful. There is a possibility that if the merchant cannot find the money, he will definitely report it to the official. As long as we are consistent, the county magistrate will also

There's nothing you can do, don't you think?" the landlady said.

"Yes. Then say it like this."

The two of them had made a decision and waited for the official announcement. Sure enough, the merchant woke up in the morning and found that the silver was missing. He asked the boss, and the boss said one hundred taels of silver. Before he realized it, the boss's wife realized that something was wrong.

The husband can't speak. If this continues, there will definitely be a problem. It would be better if the boss's wife is caught first. After all, the boss's wife is well-informed, adapts to the situation, is very good at things, and can speak flawlessly. Her husband pales in comparison.

If it cannot be said to be complete, Jin Shan will catch it and find a breakthrough. The case will be solved and the truth will soon be revealed. Therefore, it is important to find good teammates.

This chapter has been completed!
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