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Chapter 82 Brothers are like siblings

The two refused to repent or admit their mistakes. They both thought they were right and ignored each other. They were locked together, but one moved east and the other west. Their faces were not facing each other and turned to one side. In this way, the contradiction between them became more and more obvious.

, I still can’t forgive the other party. After a day like this, there is no relief.

The next day, it was still the same. Neither side could see each other. They snorted and turned away, ignoring each other. It was like a world feud, the hatred of killing one's father and taking one's wife, all rolled into one. It was nothing. But the two sides just couldn't.

Forgive each other.

It's very troublesome for two people to be locked together. When one stands up, the other has to stand up, and the same goes when he sits down. As long as one doesn't cooperate, the other will be in great pain. Whether he cooperates or not, it will be very painful.

It is best to sit and stand together, eat, drink and have sex together. Almost all actions should be the same and consistent. Otherwise, you will be involved, making both the involved and the involved people feel inconvenient. Over time, it will become...

We have developed the habit of relying on each other and cooperating with each other.

On the third day, the situation began to improve and the atmosphere began to become harmonious. Because the two found that there was no solution to the awkwardness, should they choose convenience or face? After repeated weighing, it was convenience or convenience. When people arrive in this field, they have already lost face.

Sweeping the floor, why bother? The relationship between the two has eased. In fact, Jin Shan is not in a hurry. He will continue to wait and see what happens on the fourth day.

The situation was just as Jin Shan expected. The two brothers cooperated tacitly and no longer argued. The so-called "your nose and my eyes" were serious internal friction. It would be better to start work early, which would be beneficial to everyone.

The two of them started to talk, from not saying a word to saying everything. When they started talking, they were still worried about losing face. If they spoke first, they might be embarrassed. But in the end, they no longer had this feeling, and they were still the same.

They think face is important. Later, the cruel experience of being locked up made them realize that cooperation is the most important. Once they cooperate, they can achieve their goals. If they don't cooperate, they will fall into pain. It is really miserable, embarrassing, and embarrassing!

Seeing that the conditions were getting mature, Jin Shan summoned the two of them to the court for interrogation. The two arrived in the court in a very embarrassed state. It was uncomfortable to sit and stand. Jin Shan saw this and asked calmly: "Have you ever had any problems?"


The seemingly casual question immediately confused the two of them. What did it mean? How to operate this? Instead of trying the case, they actually started talking about daily life?

"Li Da, you speak first." Seeing that neither of them spoke, Jin Shan took the initiative to nominate him and asked.

"I gave birth to two sons."

"Did you really give birth to two sons?" Jin Shan asked, he didn't believe his ears.

"Seriously, Li Day has two sons." Li Dayan said.

"What about you, Xiao Li?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master, it's true that Xiao Li gave birth to two sons." Xiao Li replied and rushed to answer.

This made Jin Shan couldn't help laughing, but he finally suppressed it, knowing that there must be something wrong with the brothers. After being locked up for a few days, his mind was a little unclear. At this time, he was relatively successful at work.

"Oh, oh, what can we do about this! You have all agreed upon this, right? Even giving birth to children is in pairs. They always give birth to two sons, just like you two and your father. You are making trouble now. You are making trouble.

Are you satisfied with the turmoil in the county? In the end, what did you get? You were locked up and scolded. What you are like now is what your son will be like in the future. Instead of doing this, why don't you make a decision?

I am determined to leave only one son, so that there will be no second son to compete for me, don’t you think so?” Jin Shan said.

The two of them didn't dare to say a word.

Da Li thought to himself, leaving a son? What a dream? It is not easy to give birth to a child, how can it be possible to leave one behind? The two cannot be separated.

Xiao Li was also reluctant.

Jin Shan saw that the two of them were reluctant to part with each other, so he said, "It doesn't matter. You only have one son. There are two of them anyway. Leave one to take care of him in the future, and give the other to the government and send him to an asylum to see who wants it."

People, because there are many people who are married and do not have children, some who have children and die in infancy, and some who want a child to accompany their own children. In short, the children who are taken away have somewhere to go, some are beggars, or some

Elderly people who are alone and widowed all need someone. They look at other people's children and want to have them themselves. It is probably more difficult than reaching heaven. Now the government takes care of them and everyone wants a son who comes to their doorstep."

As soon as he finished speaking, the two brothers began to cry and howl in unison. No one wanted to separate their flesh and blood. This is a sin! The two of them saw that Jin Shan was not joking, and everything he said was serious. They felt chills running down their spines. This

If you really want to do this, won't you be blinded for the rest of your life? No one is willing to give their own son to a beggar. If measures are not taken in time, there may be a very tragic result.

The two of them collapsed completely. Da Li said: "No, don't! Don't separate my son."

Xiao Li also said no, like crazy, he kept saying "no", like a person who has lost the ability to speak and can't figure out how to protect his son.

Da Li said: "You will never dare to do it again?"

When Jin Shan heard this, he immediately asked, "What did you say you didn't dare to do?"

"Master Qi, I don't dare to mess around anymore. I have realized my sin and willingly gave up my property to my brother Xiao Li."

"Oh, oh, no, no, sir, little Li should follow the example of Kong Rong and give away pears. I would rather give that piece of land to my brother because he has a large population and flocks of chickens, ducks and livestock, so he needs more food. He needs more food.

If there is more grain, then more fields are needed. Xiao Li is not willing to take this field. He is willing to give up the land to his brother. Only in this way can his conscience be at peace." Xiao Li said.

This is really surprising. From the beginning of the fight for the land to the automatic surrender of the land, the span is a bit big, and it will not be accepted for a while. After such a confrontation, Jin Shan completely understood that they were both afraid of killing each other.

Jin Shan's intention is now completely clear. This is a death order. Either give in, or you will lose a son if you don't. This is a choice that must be made. There is no way to escape or escape.

"Have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it." The two of them replied in unison, very simply. As soon as Jin Shan asked, he answered immediately.

"Very good, but I think the reason for your dispute is at home. It's not the family who came up with the idea. It's not easy for you and me to cause so many troubles. This needs to be discussed in the long term. Let's go back and have a good talk with your wife.

Talk. If you agree, let me give you three days off. You don’t need to wear shackles or send arresters to escort you. You can do it voluntarily." Jin Shan said.

"Okay! I will definitely go to the court in three days." The two said.

"Never break your promise!" Jin Shan said.

"Don't worry, sir!"

The two went home and met their respective wives. Since they hadn't seen each other for three or four days, it seemed like three or four years had passed. When the two wives saw their husbands coming back, they looked tortured and haggard, and they felt very distressed.

It was inevitable to ask long and short questions, and when they finally asked about their son's idea, the two ladies said they didn't want to say anything. Isn't this life-threatening? The son is the flesh that fell from the body after ten months of pregnancy. Whose flesh is the one who feels sorry for it. This cannot be given away for free.

People, who knows the consequences for others? It’s scary to think about it.

At this time, they all agreed to give up the land to the other party on the condition that their son would not leave home. To be on the safe side, they also invited the patriarch with all his white hair to testify on the spot, and invited several older neighbors to come as witnesses.

, they felt that it was just a testimony and not a fight, so they all readily agreed, but they were a bit reluctant to go to court. The two brothers tried hard to persuade them, but finally succeeded in persuading the old people to go to court, because they had never been to court in their lives and felt that they would die without complaining.

It is an ancient saying that you should never be a thief. It makes sense. When it comes to the court, it will not sound good. Even if you are innocent, you will not be able to explain it. This cannot be washed away. If you want to ensure that nothing happens, it is best not to cause trouble or go there.

It’s better not to get to the place of right and wrong.

The clan leader, his sister-in-law, several elderly people and two brothers, Da Li and Xiao Li, arrived at the court as scheduled three days later. Jin Shan knew that they would definitely come because this involved the relationship between flesh and blood. Nothing could separate flesh and blood.

is the bottom line.

Jin Shan asked: "How is it? Have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it, and the family has agreed. The clan leader and the elderly neighbors have come to testify. The younger one is willing to give up the disputed land and asks the adults to handle it. The prerequisite is not to break up the son." Li said.

"Yes, yes, yes, adults and I think so too," Xiao Li said.

"Okay, you two brothers don't want that field. What should we do with that field?"

"Sir, we have all discussed and decided to donate the fertile land we are arguing about to the temple and ask the temple monks to pray for the little one. It is a completion of a heart-felt task. Usually, few people go to the temple to burn incense and kowtow because there is too much work.

I don’t have time, I feel sorry for the Buddha.” Da Li said.

"You are really unworthy of your descendants. Your father knows secretly and will beat you."

"Why? Is there anything wrong with doing this, sir?"

"Of course it's not right. Your father has worked hard all his life, sweating, sweating, and working hard to earn this piece of fertile land. But when it comes to your brothers, he can't keep it. It's really difficult to start a business, and it's really not easy to succeed. And because of you

The brothers are arguing. They all want to get fertile land, but now there is a situation where neither of them wants it. And they have to donate it to the temple for free. Is there your father in the temple? Why do you do this? Is this stupid or bad? Isn't it a prodigal?" Jin Shan


After Jin Shan mentioned it, the two of them suddenly realized that this was something done by a complete idiot. At the critical moment, the county magistrate was still smart and wise, and it would not be wrong to remind him in time.

"You can think of another way. The biggest obstacle at present is the ownership of fertile land. Since the tribesmen and elders are here, you might as well listen to their opinions." Jin Shan added.

"The way I see it, this piece of fertile land is the righteous land of the two brothers. In other words, this piece of land does not belong to just one person, but belongs to the two brothers. However, this piece of fertile land is rented out, and then the rent is collected and the income is

The rent earned will be used for sacrifices to commemorate your father and other relatives. Because sacrifices also require money, and when money is needed, no one is willing to pay it. I think everyone will have no objection to using the money generated from the charity field to pay it."

"Very good! No problem, you can do it like this. If you do this, future generations will have no problem. It is gratifying to know that the family fortune accumulated from your generation has been preserved.

The key is to leave a good impression on future generations." Big Li and Xiao Li all said this.

"You can take turns collecting the rent. Whoever collects the rent will be responsible for the sacrificial expenses for that year. It can be changed once a year or every two years. You can negotiate by yourself and have the clan members and elderly neighbors testify. Sign an agreement and keep it in the county for future reference.

Execute." Jin Shan said.

"This is the best! Thank you for worrying about the little ones. This case has taught us to forgive and tolerate each other, to take a step back and the world is brighter. We also learned to cherish the property left by our predecessors, to keep the family business well, not to seek fame in vain, and to do things pragmatically.

Leave an example for future generations, so that they can learn from it and implement it." Da Li said.

"Boss, you're right! That's what we should do." Xiao Li said.

"Well, you can take a look at the transcript. If there are no problems, you can sign it and the case will be closed. I hope you will live a good life after you go home. In addition, since the patriarch and other old neighbors and neighbors are here, they will also be there.

Testify on the agreement. To avoid wrangling in the future, everything in the future must be done strictly in accordance with the procedures. If the procedures are not followed, there will be more unjust, false and wrong cases in the future," Jin Shan said.

After completing the formalities, everyone left one after another. Just as Jin Shan was about to withdraw, someone beat the drum again and complained. This caught him off guard. Why is it such a long way to get off work! Before he got home and sat down, he started a new case.

The complainant was a traveler who was staying in an inn.

The business of this inn is deserted. It may be affected by something, or it may be a personal problem, or it may be an environmental problem. There are relatively few people staying here, so it is really deserted.

The traveler came from Gucheng and arrived in Dengcheng. When he checked in, he found that there were no other guests in the hotel. He was a little flustered. After all, he was an outsider and unfamiliar with the place. He had to look for other hotels, but he couldn't find one for a while.

At this time, we can only wait until dawn and then rush to Zaoyang.

He is a porcelain merchant. This time he went to Zaoyang to purchase goods, and he brought the payment for the goods with him. He had about one hundred taels of silver.

At night, because he was tired, he snored loudly, which was very weird. He usually couldn't fall asleep before midnight. Usually he had to carry the payment for goods and had heavy responsibilities, so it was not easy to fall asleep. Once he felt sleepy, he had to hold on for a while. After confirming that it was safe, he could do some light sleep.

After sleeping for a while, he got up in the middle of the night to see if the payment was still there. It was very good for him to be cautious in this way. Developing a cautious habit can avoid a lot of losses.

The landlady was very enthusiastic, as if she were seeing a long-lost relative. She cared for him, asked him after he was well, and then prepared delicious food for him. The room was also kept spotless, as if he were welcoming a distinguished guest, and she took care of him with every possible care. This

The guests are flattered. I have traveled to so many places and stayed in many hotels, but I have never encountered such a boss.

This chapter has been completed!
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