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Chapter 84: Pumpkin Stealing a Pig

The boss lady didn't expect that Jin Shan was so powerful! He could solve the case with just one word. This also proved that she had poor vision. She could only accept her fate if she found a husband who liked playing games and was not serious enough. After all, he played games without his life, but it was painful to live in sin.

, the death penalty is avoidable, which broke her dream, and she had to start all over again.

This is an explanation. The couple was sent to the frontier with both hands. For one hundred taels of silver, they ended up with such a result. It can also be regarded as a contribution to the frontier. The land is vast and the people are sparse. If you want to return to your old business, you will probably have to work hard. You must

You have to meet the conditions.

There is no hope of coming back in this life, so it is better to have children and start a family there to continue the good life. There is no room for particularly smart people here. Jin Shan’s decision will make the people support him and eliminate the bad apples. Maybe it will make this place a better place. This is a wish.

, it may not work. He is trying to change the place, establish local righteousness, and let the evil spirits leave here.

After finishing the case, Jin Shan felt very tired and just wanted to take a rest when someone came to play drums and complain. The complainant was an old man.

He is tall and slender, with a slight hunchback and a weak voice. It seems that he has not eaten and his heart has been stolen. Now he is a lost person with no energy. When he came to complain, he was not prepared.

Okay. But the drumming is quite vigorous. I just want to vent my anger. I especially want to beat the bad guy, but I don’t know where the bad guy is. It’s like trying my best to punch the air. In short, it makes him angry.

No more.

The person the old man complained to was his neighbor, because the neighbor was short and looked like a pumpkin, which is a pumpkin that even pigs would not eat. As a result, he got involved with pigs. The tall and thin old man did not want to report this pumpkin at first.

Because Japanese melons always eat well and are too lazy to cook, and their family is poor and live by sneaking around. If you want to believe that he will change his ways, it is better to believe that a sow can climb a tree.

The old man didn't suspect him at first, because the rabbit didn't eat the grass beside the nest. Why did the Japanese melon have some relationship with him, so he wouldn't steal the relative's pig? It was right not to suspect it, because he was single and expected to raise a pig and kill it during the New Year.

Eating meat, who would have thought that pigs also grow slowly. They only weigh about 60 pounds after growing for more than ten months. This is more important than anything else. If they only eat food but don’t grow meat, this pig should be killed. But I haven’t found the right one yet.

The butcher, or there was no suitable opportunity and time. This matter was delayed. Who knew someone had this idea? The old man never expected that there were pig thieves. I only heard that there were people who stole money, gold, silver jewelry or other treasures.

Yi Shi, he didn’t expect to take advantage of the smelly little pig. You know, the little pig weighing more than 60 kilograms still has a lot to improve. Pigs are his hope and can bring about a good future. Whoever steals

Taking away the pig is tantamount to ruining his bright future. Many plans are based on making money from selling pigs. Without money, it will be difficult to move forward.

Pigs are valuable. Pigs can't talk. If they get into the hands of thieves, they can't run away. In the eyes of thieves, pigs are just meat. Why do they care so much? The old man lost the pig and was heartbroken. He wanted to scold the street, but his words were short.

, can’t curse, and can only curse his mother repeatedly, and it is difficult to use more vocabulary. When others hear his feeble curse, they feel deep sympathy. Some people pity him and say that they have seen a pig thief.

"Can this pig fly? There is no movement at all?" the old man asked.

"No, pigs can't fly. They must be humans. They are Scuds. They are old thieves. Such thieves are very experienced and can steal things and carry things very well. They are not energetic at work. When stealing, they are very strong.

Infinite, full of interest, and almost impossible to look directly at, such people are all around us. You can think about it and you will know who it is." said the kind person.

"So, I am actually just a pig, and I didn't even know that I was stolen. This thief should really be cut into pieces, tortured, and thrown into the eighteenth level of hell!" the old man said bitterly.

"Yes, just scold him like this! Once he comes forward, report him to the police and bring him to justice," the kind person said.

As a result, as soon as the old man shouted, a Japanese melon jumped out and said loudly: "Who are you scolding? I didn't steal your pig! Stop scolding others!"

The old man suddenly remembered what the kind-hearted person said, and hurriedly asked someone to report it to the official. Then he stared closely at the Japanese melon. When the Japanese melon saw the situation, he was frightened and went back to the house quickly, not daring to come out.

The old man knew in his heart that this person must be a thief. He didn't expect that the rabbit would start to grass around the nest, let alone a relative. This was a good time, maybe he wouldn't even be a relative.

Soon, people from the county government came, captured the Japanese melon, and sent it to the county government. The Japanese melon did not intend to run away, just like a badger, if someone brings a fork and wants to fork it, instead of running away, it will run towards the person.

, ran very fast, and escaped when the person didn't react, because according to people's thinking, the badger should run forward instead of coming towards the person. This gives people the feeling that

Abnormal thinking often wins. Normal thinking often fails.

Wa Gua was taken to the county government office, and Jin Shan happened to be there. He asked, "Are you a thief?"

"No, sir! I am a person who follows the rules! I have always been honest and honest, how could I become a thief? Doing those sneaky businesses will affect my good reputation. A gentleman will not do it, but a villain will." Japanese Gua said.


"A good gentleman doesn't do anything for villains. It seems that you are a good person and a gentleman!" Jin Shan said.

"Although I can't be said to be a very upright gentleman, at least I can live my life honestly without stealing or robbing. I didn't expect that the fallen grass would become a bandit and cause harm to the village." Wa Gua said.

"Don't talk nonsense. You don't look like a good person. You are short and thick. Your eyes are unstable, wandering left and right, rolling your eyes up and down, and rolling your eyes constantly. You just want to harm others. Your facial features betray you, and your behavior

Your actions have betrayed you and you still want to make excuses, you are a thief!" Jin Shan said.

"You can't be an official like this! What you say must be well-founded, and you must convince people with your reasoning! Sir, look at the villain. He is a bit poor, but he has ambition. It is not his own. He must not take it, let alone steal it.

, I just want to follow the rules, how can I ruin my reputation for a pig weighing tens of kilograms?" said Wa Gua.

"Wait a minute, you mean pigs weighing tens of kilograms?"

"Oh, yes, oh, no." said Wagua, admitting and then denying.

"What's going on? How heavy is it?" Jin Shan asked.

"According to visual inspection, it is about sixty kilograms. No one has weighed it. Based on experience, it is almost ten." Japanese Gua said.

"Are you kidding? Can you make a visual inspection so accurately? Who gave the guidance?" Jin Shan asked.

"It's not an expert's advice, it's common sense in life. I'm short, but a pig can stand up taller than me. The younger one wants to steal the pig, but he can't do it. If the pig doesn't get it, he might end up smelling like a pig.

If you are greedy and want to eat meat, just buy some to eat. There is no need to steal it. Besides, if a young bachelor steals a pig that weighs several dozen kilograms, he will not be able to eat it. It will definitely be spoiled. Another point is that people who steal pigs have one characteristic.

, I wonder if you, sir, know?" Wa Gua said.

"I don't know, tell me, what are its characteristics?" Jin Shan asked.

"That is to say, people who steal pigs usually run with the pigs on their backs. Why? Because pigs walk slowly, and people who steal pigs don't want the pigs to show off to everyone, so they take decisive action to avoid being discovered by others.

So I used the method of carrying a pig on my back, tied it up, and ran away with it on my back." Japanese Gua said.

"Oh, is that so? You need to be strong." Jin Shan said.

"That's right, a figure like the little one doesn't meet the requirements at all. The pig thieves are all tall and strong. They have a lot of strength and can run away quickly with the pigs on their backs. The little one can't do it. I am weak-minded and steal the pigs. They don't want me at all.

Even if you are a thief, you will not be able to transfer your skills, so you can only do what you can."

"That's it! It seems like you can't carry this pig." Jin Shan said.

"Sir, you have a clear mind. It's really like this. The villain is as skinny and as tall as a Japanese melon. How can he carry it? It's definitely not possible." Japanese melon said. In an effort to prove that what he said was true, he even pretended to cough a few times.

Like a man who is more than ten years older, such poor acting skills cannot be hidden from Jin Shan's eyes.

"Well, what you said makes sense. It makes a lot of sense. I never expected it to happen like this. I also heard that the villagers said that you are good and innocent. They said that you are poor but ambitious. You are not lazy or don't want to get rich.

You don’t have the capital to do business, right? If you are a tiger, you need a pair of wings. With wings, you can fly high and far. Although your family is poor, it is only temporary. When you have money, why worry about marrying?

Can't afford a wife? I will be merciful and give you 100,000 yuan. You can use it to do business. If you make money in the future, you can pay it back. If you don't make money and you lose money, I won't hold you accountable. You can continue to work hard. I

Let me think of other ways for you. What do you think? As for you, don’t let me live up to my hard work for you. When you become prosperous in the future, you can help more people." Jin Shan said.

When all the government officials heard this, they all pouted, but the boss was unwilling. The clerk and the master were surprised, what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of the Deng City Lord? He actually opened a bank. What kind of operation is this? He wants to transfer money.

Throw it into the water? Throw it into the water, and there will be a sound. I'm afraid it will be troublesome for those scumbags who don't seek to make progress. It's like a meat bun beating a dog, and there will be no return.

If you don’t understand, you still have to do as you’re told, so the yamen servant brought one hundred thousand dollars, which weighed sixty or seventy kilograms. The yamen servant took the money, opened his pocket, and revealed the bright yellow money. It was shiny, very conspicuous, and very bright.

It makes people like it at first sight. For people who love money as much as life, this is life. If you have money, you will have life. If you have money, you will have everything.

"That's great! The master is really the reborn parent of the little one. He always considers the little one, and he is very thorough and generous. The little one must burn incense to the county magistrate sooner or later and worship him sooner or later." Wagua said, thinking in his heart.

, this is really a big pie falling from the sky.

I don’t know where the problem is. This is really connected. I didn’t expect that I could make a little fortune. Everyone knows about this official. I feel dizzy. He is a corrupt official. Why can’t he see the good and bad people clearly?

? Not only did he not impose a fine, but he also gave rewards and capital for doing business, which is really surprising! Besides, no money has been given to the people in the past dynasties. What on earth does this faint official want to do? No matter how much it is, take it first

Let’s talk about the money later.

He thought, "Japanese melons, I have been a person who eats well and drinks well all my life. I don't want to work. I like whoring and gambling, which has completely depleted the family property. It is true that the family property is gone and the family is destitute. It is miserable! Who knew that the fate of the times would turn out to meet such a fool?"

Official. It’s okay to be like this. It’s rare to be confused in this world.

Thinking of this, Wa Gua pounced on the money bag, grabbed the bag, closed it with a rope, tightened the mouth of the money bag, tied it up, threw it over his shoulder, and then caught it with his shoulder, making it steady. Wa Gua felt happy

After finishing the flowers, I took a big step to leave the county government office.

"Slow, wait!" Jin Shan shouted.

Before Wagua could even take a step forward, and before he even thought about leaving the courtroom, he was suddenly stopped.

This voice shouted out, which startled Wa Gua. He really didn't expect this. It was like a hungry person who had just gotten the buns and was stopped just as he was about to start. The buns were not yet in his mouth and stopped halfway.

This is so embarrassing!

"Since you said you are thin and weak, that is to say, short in stature and unable to steal pigs, then how can you afford to carry more than sixty kilograms of copper coins? You have no strength at all to carry such a heavy amount of money.

, but it seems very quick and easy, tell me, how did you do it?"

"This, this, this, this..."

"Also, I asked you just now what method you use to steal pigs? I didn't ask for details, but you were able to tell me all the treasures, one by one. You look very familiar. At first glance, you are an expert. I said never

"Stealing things is a lie, I have noticed it a long time ago. I just want to see if you are telling the truth and if you are a liar. Through observation, you are a pig thief? Do you still want to deny it?" Jin Shan said.

Everyone was puzzled and Jin Shan didn't explain. The scribe wrote down what Jin Shan said. Wa Gua put down his money bag and lowered his head, thinking, it's over. Finally, he fell into the hands of the old hunter. He didn't expect it to be a trap.

You should be deceived! You should not be tempted when you see the money. Many people who are wrongly accused are their own problems. You should not be blinded by money. Money can confuse people and make people’s minds completely blocked. They are not transparent, understand, and unclear. This

Diseases can be cured with myrrh.

"Yes, sir, you are so perceptive! Pigs are thieves," said the Japanese melon.

"So, where's the pig?"


"Sold to whom?"

"Sold to Lao Shentou from the next village. He just wanted to buy pork for a wedding, so I sold it to him," said Wa Gua.

"So, are the pigs still there?"

"Look for it now, it should still be there. The wedding will be held three days later, so the pig is probably still in his pen now," said Wa Gua.

"Okay, come here, go to Old Shen's house to get the pig." Jin Shan ordered.

Sure enough, someone went to Lao Shentou's house to retrieve the pig, and then returned the pig to the plaintiff. Lao Shentou's family refunded half of the money they paid for the pig, which was to warn Lao Shentou that if he buys anything in the future, it will depend on who sells it to him.

, you should also inquire whether the things come from the right way. If you find any doubts, simply don’t buy them, so as not to lose both your life and money.

The old man was very happy when he got the pig! He said Magistrate Jinshan well to everyone he met. The whole city of Deng knew about it!

This chapter has been completed!
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