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Chapter 88 The Two Are Married

Big Mao said he was startled by the roar. When Jin Shan heard this, he asked, "How could that happen?"

"The little one entered the wrong room. He was originally looking for Miss Malan Huama, but instead found her father, Dr. Ma Niu." Big Mao said.

"What happened next? What did Dr. Ma Niu do to you?"

"He kept yelling, and then he picked up something, I don't know what it was, it looked like a knife to kill a bull. I saw a flash of cold light, and he was in front of me. His little legs and feet were so weak, it was really terrible. If I didn't run, I was afraid I would never be able to run.

The little one left the door. The courtyard wall was not high. Unfortunately, the little one was not as agile as the young people. It took a lot of effort to climb the wall. As a result, Dr. Ma Niu chased after him and stabbed him randomly with his knife. God should not destroy the little one. The little one had already climbed up.

The child's calf fell off the wall, but one leg was still under the wall. Dr. Ma Niu performed the surgery very accurately and stabbed the child's calf. As a result, the pain was unbearable and the child fell off the wall. Dr. Ma Niu performed the stab.

, pulled out the knife and wanted to stab him again, but his foot slipped and he fell to the ground. The knife was thrown out. The younger one fell to the side. The knife happened to be at hand, so he grabbed the knife and continued to climb the wall to escape. Unexpectedly,

Doctor Ma Niu immediately got up, picked up a wooden stick and was about to hit the little one. The little one saw that something was wrong. He endured the severe pain, stabbed him with a knife, and then climbed up the wall, rolling and crawling, but did not dare to look back.

I went to my own home and found a friend to stay away from the limelight for a while. Unexpectedly, I still couldn’t escape from the master’s hand. After a while, I felt relieved when I saw that everything was fine. Who knew that he would be killed two days before he was happy?

Capture him quickly and arrive at this place. Hey -" the big cat said.

"Where did you cut off Ma Niu Doctor?"

"Master, it's not a chop, it's a random stabbing. At that time, the little one was in a hurry to run, and his leg was injured. He was so anxious. Whoever got close to the knife would suffer. The little one was stabbed randomly. He didn't cut it.

I don’t know where it was stabbed, but I just begged to run away quickly, because the neighbors were alarmed and wanted to rush over. If I don’t run, I won’t be able to escape,” said the old cat.

"You stabbed Dr. Ma Niu in the head, face, and neck, all of which were vital. Dr. Ma Niu bled to death from his seven orifices. The death was horrible. Were you too cruel?" Jin Shan said.

"I'm sorry, sir, I did not intentionally kill Doctor Ma Niu. Doctor Ma Niu was a good man, but he was too vicious that night. I had to fight back in order to protect myself. Besides, I didn't bring a murder weapon with me.

, this knife is still the cow-killing knife of Ma Niu Doctor. It is not a small knife. I hope you will investigate clearly." Da Mao said.

"Then you won't stab the old man in the leg? It won't kill anyone. The consequences of your actions are serious. If you don't kill him, it won't make the people angry. If you have anything to explain, please explain it quickly. This case has been exposed to the world.

The case is about to be closed. I will arrange for you to meet your relatives for the last time. Next time, I will collect your body for you. You don’t even know. Just ask for anything while you are still alive." Jin Shan said.

"The little one has never hurt anyone, let alone killed anyone. This time is purely an exception. The little one didn't expect anyone to die. He just wanted to run away." Big Cat said.

"Okay, I understand. Wait a moment and you will sign and stamp on the scribe's document to confirm what is said. If it is not what you said, you can correct it. If it is, just confirm it!" Jin Shan said.

The case was solved and everyone was happy.

Zhang San and Li Si were acquitted.

The old cat is sentenced to live three thousand miles away and may not be able to come back for the rest of his life.

It was a life saved. It was not intentional homicide, but an accidental mistake that resulted in death.

The matchmaker was slapped with forty bans and asked to change her career and not continue to be a matchmaker. Through this incident, she became a celebrity. The only task she failed to complete was the marriage between Sun Shanqian and Ma Lanhua. This time, the county government

Jin Shan acted as a matchmaker and facilitated their marriage, using the lobby as the wedding venue. Because Ma Niu died, Jin Shan became the natural witness. The matchmaker's sweetheart, the old cat, was cheated for thousands of miles, and she had no hope of marrying him.

The old cat met in the second half of his life, and now he has something ready to catch, and he became Nie Chu.

When Nie Chu saw that the matchmaker was beaten, he was also very distressed, and then arranged a sedan to take the matchmaker back, and the two continued to live together. Even the matchmaker felt at ease, knowing that she could play any game, but not in love.

She is just afraid of being alone. She feels that she has someone to accompany her, no matter how old or young. It's like stealing a cucumber in the middle of the night, no matter how old or young she is, as long as she can get it in the end.

She was beaten, and Shen Tan was not considered a good person, which proved that Jin Shan still felt that her life was miserable. Her husband died in the battle, and he was considered a national hero. If it hadn't been for the damn war, she could have stayed with her husband for the rest of her life, but it was a pity that she did not leave.

In the end, you can't go from black hair to white hair.

As soon as the case was over, someone came to complain again. This time, he said that one of the chickens he raised at home was missing and might have been stolen. He couldn't find it alive or dead. This place is really evil. As long as the chicken is alive, it may be seen. If

Even if you die, you will be nothing but chicken feathers.

You want to see a chicken alive, and you want to see feathers when you die. The feathers are from chicken feathers. All chickens cherish their feathers. You want to know clearly and leave clues when you die. Because finding a chicken is the same as finding a person, they are looking for a life, Jin

Shan Ye did not refuse. For the common people, a chicken case is also a case. Who should be a parent official? Since he is a parent officer, he must do parental things for the people. This is worthy of his title.

The plaintiff sued his neighbor for stealing chickens. Jin Shan did not know who stole the chicken, and the plaintiff could not identify him because the plaintiff had no evidence and no witnesses.

Jin Shan asked all the plaintiff's neighbors to kneel on the ground. Everyone held their breath, for fear that Jin Shan would find out if he was breathing heavily and call him a chicken thief, which would cause trouble. Everyone was quiet, and the embroidery needle dropped to the ground like a

The iron rod made a deafening sound like falling to the ground.

At this time, Jin Shan thought of a case that Bu Huishu taught him before. It was about a woman who died suddenly one night shortly after her wedding. The reason was unknown. After receiving the land security report, the county government sent a police officer to the scene to investigate.


After questioning all the family members, only the woman's newly married husband was missing. Therefore, the police listed the man as a key suspect. Since there were no valuable clues at the scene, they could only visit first to see if there was anyone with knowledge.

The closest thing to a woman is her husband. To suddenly disappear at this time is to put herself on the list of key suspects.

The policeman wanted to return to the county government office to ask Bu Huishu for instructions on how to handle the next step. Bu Huishu knew the policeman's ability to handle the case and fully trusted him, so he reported the situation to the county magistrate. The county magistrate allowed the policeman to continue the thorough investigation, especially recently.

People entering and leaving the woman's location must be strictly interrogated. There will always be clues.

This detective often listens to Bu Huishu's explanation of the techniques for solving cases and knows where to start.

After receiving the order, he went to the scene of the crime. He had to cross the river. There was no bridge, only ferries. People came and went. People from the other side of the river came and people from this side passed. The ferrymen did this every day, no matter it was windy or rainy, no matter what happened.

The market is even busier.

The police officer got on the boat and wanted to go across the river to look for clues. He found a man who looked familiar and did not dare to confirm. After taking a closer look, he remembered that he was the groom. Not long after they got married, his wife, the bride, was killed.

There was a huge scene during the wedding. The police received a report and asked to maintain order. Because the scene was too big, they were afraid of a stampede. There had been precedents in the past where they had to do nothing because there were too many people and the scene was chaotic. As a result, people were trampled to death.

, this time again, the police officer accepted the task and came to maintain order. Unexpectedly, he saw the groom. There are four happy things in life: the rain comes after a long drought, meeting an old friend in a foreign land, the wedding night, and the gold medal. The first two are

External, the last two are internal, there is a difference between inside and outside.

They are all worthy of joy. He became a celebrity, and the catcher was envious of him. So he had a deep impression. The groom was riding a horse, saw the catcher, and said hello to the catcher. The groom also had feelings for the catcher.

made an impression.

The policeman thought to himself, this guy is still here riding a boat and having fun, how arrogant! Doesn’t he know that something happened to his beloved wife? Or is he still going out for fun knowing that something happened? What kind of newlyweds are they?

The policeman stepped forward and patted the groom's shoulder. The groom's shoulders twitched. It seemed that the policeman's strength did not develop in a day or two.

"Ouch! Who is this? Are you using your shoulder as a sandbag to hit?"

"It was me, the police officer. I saw an acquaintance and got excited and beat him up. Please forgive me!" the police officer said.

"Stop doing this, killing someone and asking for forgiveness?" the groom said.

"Hahaha, it's useless to talk to the dead after killing them. Have you ever had a similar experience?" the police officer asked.

"No, no, I just feel that the dead deserve to live and suffer. Just like someone who is seriously ill, knowing that it cannot be cured, it is better to give up treatment. This makes everyone think about it, so as not to hurt their harmony in the end, and the deceased will eventually

If you leave, life will be difficult," the groom said.

"Go home quickly, what are you talking about here? Something big happened in your family. Come back quickly!" the policeman said. He suddenly wanted to use this method to scare him and see if he would react in a disorderly manner.

A square inch.

"What? Are you kidding me? What could happen to my family?"

The policeman quickly said: "Don't you know yet? Go back quickly! I heard that your wife is seriously ill. I am very anxious. Go back quickly and ask the doctor to take a look at her!"

The man laughed and said, "What did I mean? This is it! My wife is in very good health and is still alive and kicking! How could she be sick? You are kidding, you are making a big joke."

The man was talking and laughing, looking very relaxed and confident.

The policeman observed carefully and immediately concluded that the groom was the murderer of the bride. Because the groom's expression, demeanor, movements, and the content of his words all proved this. According to the instructions of Divination Huishu, the policeman immediately concluded that the murderer was him. He

They immediately took action and arrested the groom and took him to the county government office. After interrogation, the groom confessed everything and told the whole story of the crime without using any severe punishment.

The groom and the bride do not get married out of true love for each other. The groom has his own heart, but the bride is completely devoted. The groom and the bride get married because of the groom’s parents’ will, not the groom’s. The groom planned the wedding, and then killed the bride after the wedding.

Then he traveled around, taking the woman he loved with him. This was an elopement. However, he didn't care about the bad reputation because he wanted to achieve his own selfish goals.

That night, he took action. After killing his wife, he faked the scene to make it look like there was an invasion of robbers, killing people and stealing goods, so that he would not have to bear the responsibility. Who knew that before he had gone far, he happened to meet the police on the boat.

After discovering the abnormality, he was arrested and brought to justice. It was such a coincidence that if it hadn't been for the ferry, if he hadn't encountered the arrests, and if he was Divination Huishu's favorite disciple, then things might have been reversed, and there would be no pressure.


The groom never expected that he would fall into the hands of a policeman. The sky was so wide that it could catch him even if he ran to the ends of the earth.

The groom killed his newlywed wife and seemed to be okay, but he was still tortured by his conscience. When he was arrested, he suddenly asked him, and he answered without thinking. He regretted it afterwards. However, the bride came looking for her secretly, and he ran away.

Still, the groom is still worried every day, not at ease, worried that the matter will be exposed sooner or later. He still feels lucky in his heart, maybe he escaped?

He was like a mirror in his heart, knowing that the bride was completely cold. When someone said that his wife was sick, his instinctive reaction was that she would not be sick. Unexpectedly, his casual answer betrayed the policeman who asked the question. The policeman had a purpose.

Asked, he answered unconsciously without any purpose, and ended up getting the truth.

The groom was arrested because the police took advantage of this human weakness and successfully solved the case.

In this current case, who is the person who stole the chicken? You can also try it, maybe it will work.

Jin Shan came up with a plan, and deliberately shouted: "It's noisy, it's a mess, one person is talking, one person is talking, and now it makes me dizzy!"

After he finished speaking, he yawned several times, looking exhausted, and said to the people kneeling on the ground: "You all said you didn't steal the chicken. Did this chicken fly into the sky? This chicken turned into a phoenix? This chicken

It's alive, so it can't be found! They said they didn't steal it. Could it be that I stole the chicken? Or was the plaintiff just looking for trouble? It seems to me that I can't figure it out for a while.

I don’t know, so we might as well go back first. We are all locked up in prison and have no legal basis. To avoid being accused of abuse of power, you go back and think about it quietly, and then come back when you have figured it out. That’s it for now, go back!”

Upon hearing this, everyone stood up one after another. Their knees were sore after kneeling for a long time. Everyone was relieved and looked more relaxed, with joy on their faces.


There was a loud noise.

Everyone was startled, and then a bell-like voice rang out: "You brave chicken thief, how dare you stand up!"

The chicken thief was so flustered that his knees softened and he knelt down again with a "Plop-" sound.

It turned out that the plaintiff was really his neighbor. There was only a wall between the two families. There was a conflict between the two families. He went to saw off the other party's branches. The other party had objections. When the plaintiff's chicken ran to the wall, he caught it.

After slaughtering the chicken, I made chicken soup. The chicken feathers were burnt and it looked flawless. Unexpectedly, the stolen chicken was still difficult to digest. When I met Jin Shan, I was unlucky and fell down quickly.

The chicken thief was beaten forty times and the plaintiff was compensated with ten taels of silver. It was really not cost-effective. To vent his personal anger, he stole the chicken and ate it, only to be beaten and pay the money.

This chapter has been completed!
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