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Chapter 87 Who is the murderer

When Jin Shan heard this, he immediately understood that this woman was a slut. She held the bowl and looked into the pot, for fear of suffering a loss.

"Then tell the truth, did any other men interact with you later?" Jin Shan asked.

"The life of a civilian woman is really hard. She is born with a need, especially someone to accompany her. If there is no one to accompany her, she will collapse quickly. I had a good relationship with Da Mao, but later he got married and stopped contacting me, so I lived with Nie Chu. Nie Chu

Chu was really unreliable, so he kept in touch with Big Mao. Even if Big Mao and Nie Chu were not around, there were other men, like sneaky cats, who knew where the fish were and were waiting for them," the matchmaker said.

"Then how much do you have?"

"Not many, not many, just four."

"Which four?"

"Big Mao, Nie Chu and Zhang San and Li Si, four in total."

"Did you have it when your husband was still alive?"

"Yes, yes, my husband has gone to war. As you know, I cannot do without the company of others. Otherwise, the women will have trouble sleeping and eating, and will go crazy." The matchmaker said.

"Oh, that's it!"

"However, sir, the women of the people are really helpless. The women of the people have the best relationship with Nie Chu. If you have to choose, you should choose Nie Chu. Although he is a soft-cooked person, he is smart. The women of the people believe that he will definitely have a future. Da Mao is already old.

It's useless. Zhang San and Li Si are just a flirting couple. They are not reliable at all. They are just two wild cats who steal food. They eat when they are greedy and run away without a trace after eating. The most reliable one is Nie.

Chu." The matchmaker said.

"Have you seen Zhang San and Li Si recently?"


"So, who have you seen recently?" Jin Shan asked

"The only one I've ever seen is a big cat." said the matchmaker.

"What is he here for?" Jin Shan asked.

"That's not the case! The relationship between him and his wife is not good. They are getting colder and colder. They have a small quarrel every three days and a big quarrel every five days. Whenever they have a quarrel, they come to the village woman's place. It happens that the slave woman's dead ghost Nie Chu is also there.

, it seems that it has been arranged, anyone who wants to come will come, or if they don’t come, the women will be left alone in the empty room, and they can only pass the time by playing cards." The matchmaker said.

When Jin Shan understood what he heard, he guessed that Big Cat must be at the matchmaker's house, looking for an opportunity to hang out with the matchmaker. Because Big Cat knew that as long as Nie Chu was not around, Big Cat would rule the world. He was just waiting for the opportunity to come, ready at any time.

Substitute Nie Chu and let the matchmaker not guard the vacant room.

It doesn't matter if you are a matchmaker, it's the same thing whether it's one person or multiple people.

"What topics have you and Nie Chu talked about recently?" Jin Shan asked.

"It's about introducing the scholar Sun Shanqian to Malanhua."

"So, what was Nie Chu's reaction?" Jin Shan asked.

"There was no reaction. However, this guy was so bold that he actually went to find Malanhua on his back to have fun. Fortunately, Malanhua was not like a common woman, so Malanhua resisted desperately and kicked hard with her feet. Fortunately, Nie Chu dodged quickly and did not kick.

But I kicked one of the embroidered shoes away." The matchmaker said with a beaming expression.

"Embroidered shoes?"

"Yes, the embroidered shoes are from Malanhua. She kicked them away and made the civilian woman laugh to death! I didn't expect that Malanhua was devoted to the scholar. Scholars are considered lucky. When they meet such a strong and caring daughter-in-law, if the peasant woman is a man, she will definitely

I will marry her! It’s a pity that I’m not that lucky.” said the matchmaker.

"What happened next?"

"Later, luckily Doctor Ma Niu came back, and Nie Chu ran away when he heard the sound of a carriage stopping," the matchmaker said.

"Where's that embroidered shoe?" Jin Shan asked.

"This is also what the women want to know. As soon as Nie Chu comes back, the women will ask him. As long as he does something bad, the women will know it immediately with their sixth sense. After one or two rounds of questioning, he will confess everything. Admit it.

I had some evil thoughts and wanted to take advantage, but I didn’t realize that I didn’t get the advantage, and I even got into trouble.” said the matchmaker.

"What I am concerned about are the embroidered shoes. They are the key evidence in this case. It would be best if they can be found," Jin Shan said.

"A folk woman doesn't know what physical evidence is. She only knows that the thing must be returned to its original owner. Since she took Malanhua's shoe, she must return it to her, lest that shoe be lonely without a companion?" said the matchmaker.

"I know, you go down first! Someone, go and capture the big cat," Jin Shan said.

"Oh, no, come back!" Jin Shan ordered again.

The matchmaker was startled. Jin Shan waved his hand and said, "You go down and have a rest. I want the policeman to come back quickly."

The matchmaker bowed and left.

"Come on, arrest Lao Mao. Zhang San and Li Si will also be arrested for interrogation." Jin Shan ordered.

The detectives responded in unison, and immediately rushed outside the county government office. Soon, the three of them were brought to justice. As soon as they arrived at the county government office, the three of them started shaking like chaff.

Jin Shan asked: "Send your name!"

"The little man's name is Lao Mao."

"The villain's name is Zhang San."

"The villain's name is Li Si."

"Looking at your names, you are not serious. Tell me, are you confessing truthfully or do you have to be tortured before you confess?" Jin Shan asked, and he pointed at the various torture instruments placed on the wall and at the foot of the wall. These things

The method is a monster that eats people without spitting out bones. It is black, eerie and scary. It makes people's hair stand on end at the first sight and they dare not stare at it.

"Old Cat, don't you have a serious name?"

"I'm telling you, sir, there are three older sisters and four older brothers above me. Unfortunately, none of them are alive. They all died in infancy. When the younger one's parents gave birth to him, they were afraid of dying, so they didn't dare to give him a serious name, so they called him Lao.

Cat, because folklore says that cats have nine lives, the younger one is called Old Cat. Doesn’t this mean that the younger one can survive?” Old Cat said.

"Oh, that sounds reasonable! What about you, Zhang San? Tell me about the origin of your name." Jin Shan asked.

"Sir, to be honest, I am the third eldest child in my family. There is a brother and a sister above me, both named Zhang, so I am called Zhang San. This name is easy to remember." Zhang San replied.

"Li Si, what about you?" Jin Shan asked, "Could it be that you are the fourth child at home?"

"Master Qi, the younger one is an only child at home and has no brothers or sisters. His parents named him Li Si in the hope that the Li family will be prosperous. To the outside world, he calls him Li Si, which makes it appear that there are many Li family members. Looking at the younger one's name, it is easy to think that there are people in it.

Brother and sister, there are younger brothers and sisters below. In fact, there are no younger brothers and sisters. It is to comfort myself, sound comfortable, and get a kind of vanity satisfaction." Li Siyan said.

"Oh, you are so interesting. No, your father is really interesting. He knows how to choose names. If you choose a good name, it will bring good luck. Zhang San!" Jin Shan said.

"My dear, I heard that you fell in love with the matchmaker under the big locust tree. Is this true?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master Qi, I'm afraid it's a rumor. I'm not interested in women since I was born. This matchmaker is an old lady, and her charm has long since disappeared. How could I go to associate with her? It's just possible that I

I forgot about it, I don’t know if I confessed to her. But after I got drunk and fell unconscious, I woke up and found that there was someone at the matchmaker’s house. I don’t know how to get to her house.” Zhang Sanyan said.

"Pretend to be confused! Keep pretending! Li Si, what about you? How did you get there? Are you drunk too?" Jin Shan asked.

"Master, I can't compare to Brother Zhang. He is carefree, he eats, drinks, and goes whoring, and the family has plenty of money. If he doesn't do anything for a day, he will starve that day. How can he have free time to worry about the widow?"

Li Siyan said.

"That's true. Then tell me, have you ever seen anyone the matchmaker has close contact with?" Jin Shan asked.

"I don't dare to say it," Li Si said timidly in a low voice, glancing at the old cat.

"Are you afraid of the old cat? Don't be afraid. I will support you, but it doesn't matter." Jin Shan said.

"Okay, I saw that the old cat often interacts with the matchmaker." Li Siyan said.

"That's bullshit! That was in the past. Now we both have families and no longer interact with each other. What's the point of bringing up the past?" shouted the old cat.

"Bold old cat, if you interrupt again, I will sew your mouth with a needle and thread." Jin Shan said, the color on his face made people shudder.

When the old cat saw it, he immediately understood that he had met a cruel person. He just blamed himself for having a bad idea and accidentally met a bad person. He was originally a bad person, but he didn't expect to meet an even worse person.

He lowered his head and remained silent.

Jin Shan wanted to confirm whether it was true, so he asked Zhang San. Before he could speak, Zhang San understood and immediately said: "Sir, I also often see old cats going to the matchmaker's house, not just before marriage, but also after marriage."

You can take it with you later."

"Well, I understand. Old cat, do you want to say it yourself, or let the torture tools do it for you? Have you looked at the torture tools on the wall and at the foot of the wall? Try them all if you are interested. You will not die in the future.

You can also show off to others, what do you think?" Jin Shan said.

"Master, I don't want to taste any of the torture instruments, but I am really unjust. I didn't expect this to happen. It was a complete accident, an accident, an accident." The old cat said. He actually squeezed out

A few tears came.

"I'm not deaf, I'm not deaf. You said something about an accident, and I heard it. I even said it several times, whether it was an accident or not, it's not you who has the final say, it's the government. You just have to state the facts.

." Jin Shan said.

"Master, I am indeed unjust. I did not kill anyone at all. I have never killed anyone before. I am even afraid of killing chickens, let alone killing people?" said the old cat.

"You don't have to make excuses. I have my own way and will make you confess truthfully." Jin Shan said, "Someone will come and bring the suspect to the City God's Temple for trial."

Jin Shan thought that if the environment changed, he might be able to talk. So he arranged it, and so on.

When they arrived at the Chenghuang Temple, all the government officials stood on both sides. The three suspects were brought to the statue and they all knelt down.

Jin Shan said: "There must be a murderer among you. People don't know, God knows, the gods in front of you will find the murderer."

The three of them looked at each other, not expecting that the county magistrate would have to rely on the power of the gods to capture the real murderer.

"I would like to ask you one last time, which of you killed someone?"

"None of them killed anyone." The three said in unison.

"Okay, since they are all innocent, let's let the gods solve the case!" Jin Shan said, "Let's get started!"

After Jin Shan announced the start, all the government officials rushed forward and tied the three people like rice dumplings. The three people were restrained and could not breathe freely. Then they stripped off their clothes and tied their long hair with hemp ropes.

Live. Then drag in the guillotine, whip, big board, etc.

When the three of them saw that it was true, they were so frightened that their bones were weak and they quickly begged for mercy. They all shouted that they were wronged and wronged.

Jin Shan saw that he was tired of shouting, so he ordered: "We are all brothers, why should we be so strict? If you don't want to say it yourself, I will ask the gods to help, so that the gods can judge and see what happens.


"Come here, please seal all the doors and windows of the temple with carpets and quilts so that no light is exposed," Jin Shan ordered.

The officials immediately complied with the instructions and completed it quickly. The candles and torches were lit, making a crackling sound and the flames illuminated the temple.

They were driven into a dark place and ordered to wash themselves in a basin one by one.

Jin Shan said: "If you don't recruit me, I will have my own solution. At night, a deity entrusted me with a dream, and the deity gave me instructions on how to handle the case. Whether you lied or not has no impact on this case. Whether you say it yourself or not,

It’s all up to you to control it. If you say it yourself, you will be treated leniently. If you say it after being instructed by the gods, you will be punished by an additional level. Are you clear?"

"Clear." The three of them said in unison.

"Are you all washed?"


"Everyone stands in front of the wall, facing the wall. This is called facing the wall and thinking about your faults. Then, who is the real murderer, there will be gods writing on his back. Who is the real murderer, you will know after a while." Jin Shan said.


After finishing all this, Jin Shan asked the yamen to put out the torches and candles, unfold the bedding and felt blankets, and let the light shine into the City God's Temple. It was very bright and could be seen everywhere clearly.

Jin Shan asked Wu Zuo to come and examine the bodies of the three of them, taking a closer look at them one by one. Then, Jin Shan pointed at the big cat and said, "There are both ashes and traces of soot on your back. You are the real murderer! Come on, tie them up."

Got it!"

The big cat was puzzled and asked: "How can the master make such a judgment? Why do you think the little one is the real murderer?"

"Bold and cunning, you killed someone and still made excuses! I will let you know clearly. I have already known that you are the murderer, but I just want to confirm and use the gods to judge the case. I will first smear ashes on the wall of the City God's Temple

On the way, he used soot water to wash his hands and body. The real murderer must have a guilty conscience. He was afraid that the gods would write on his body, so he pressed his back against the wall. When he left the palace, he tightly protected his back with his hands, so

, there are both ashes and soot traces on the back." Jin Shan said.

"Yes, sir, I drank some wine that day and had a few arguments with my wife. I was upset because my wife said that I couldn't do that. I was dissatisfied, so I wanted to find a matchmaker and ask if it would work. Who knew it was coming?

Several times, by chance, the matchmaker and Nie Chusi got together, and the youngster had no chance. This time, I was really desperate and didn’t want to be looked down upon by my wife. I thought about how to get confirmation, so I squatted under the window of the matchmaker’s bedroom. Unexpectedly,

I found an embroidered shoe and I didn’t know who it belonged to. I thought it must belong to a lady, so I hid it first. Unexpectedly, I overheard the conversation between Nie Chu and the matchmaker. After finding out the origin of this pair of embroidered shoes, I wanted to commit a crime.

Because my wife said that the younger one couldn't do it, and I wanted to prove it to her. No, after getting the embroidered shoes, the younger one boldly went there, hoping to take advantage of Malanhua in the name of returning the embroidered shoes." Old Mao said.



"Later, the younger one touched Malanhua's room. Unexpectedly, it was dark, so he touched the wrong room. It was so dark that he couldn't see his fingers. When he got to Yiyi's room, he saw someone there, so he went up. He didn't even get close.

, I heard a roar." The old cat said.

This chapter has been completed!
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