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Chapter 158 Doll Manufacturing Factory (4)

The whole room seemed to be filled with that strong fragrance, and Jian Yao felt like a salted fish, about to be marinated in the smell.

She lowered her head and smelled the smell on her arm, and it was indeed the same smell.

She didn't know if the smell was too strong, maybe because it occupied the position of oxygen, or maybe because the fragrance greatly stimulated the brain, so Jian Yao felt her brain become dizzy.

In the silent night, both the outside and the room were plunged into darkness, and only dark clouds could be seen blowing out from the factory chimneys.

In the room with only the trestle bed, snoring could be heard one after another. It seemed that they were sleeping soundly and had entered a deep sleep.

If it were in the real world, deep sleep would indeed be normal.

But this is a thriller game after all, and there are dangers everywhere in the dungeon. If you are not careful, you may die in an instant.

Therefore, players in thriller games have developed the habit of light sleep in order to be able to deal with sudden dangers in time.

Snoring echoed softly in the room, and the door was quietly pushed open from the outside, and a porcelain white hand stretched out.

The gas in the passage suddenly poured into the room, and the fragrance filling the room became stronger.

The doll wearing a beautiful dress walked into the room with the sound of high heels hitting the ground. Its skirt was colorful black and drew beautiful arcs in the air.

The darkness hid its face, and only the silver thread around its neck could be vaguely seen.

The doll passed by the beds of Jian Yao and the others, and stopped in front of Wu Jiu's bed. The snoring in the room seemed to be aware of the crisis in the room, and disappeared from the room at some point.


Wujiu's vague voice was obviously confused, and his eyes were half-open.

From his perspective, his eyes were now covered in a hazy area, as if covered with a layer of fog. He didn't even realize that there was an extra "person" next to his bed.

Until the doll leaned down and was directly face to face with Wu Jiu.

In front of Wujiu's eyes was a piece of porcelain white skin, with fine hairs still visible on it.

Wait, skin?! Fluff?! Something is obviously wrong!

This scene suddenly woke Wu Jiu up, as if his brain had been poured with a basin of cold water.

His sleepiness was indeed gone, but he also felt like his heart was going to stop working at any moment.

The doll seemed to just take a look at Wu Jiu, and then "considerately" asked him to get up.

I saw it slowly standing up straight, moving carefully as if it was afraid that the parts on its body would break.

The doll walked towards Jian Yao's direction under Wu Jiu's breathless gaze. It stopped beside Jian Yao's bed, and its cold hands seemed to want to reach into Jian Yao's arms.

But before its hand touched Jian Yao's quilt, Jian Yao suddenly opened her eyes while lying on the bed.

Her sharp eyes were directed towards the doll with outstretched hands. If eyes could kill, she would have cut the doll into several pieces.

Under the quilt is Jian Yao holding her precious Thunder Sword. She holds the Thunder Sword in her hand, and part of the sharp blade has been taken out from the hilt.

Even in a dark environment, the light on the sword is still dazzling, directly illuminating the environment around Jian Yao and naturally illuminating the face of the doll.

The doll that suddenly appeared in the room was one of the ones Jian Yao and the others saw in the exhibition hall during the day.

Jian Yao almost cut it with a sword just now. If the factory director finds out that his beloved doll has an ugly scar tomorrow, he may not be able to continue the main mission.

Almost, almost.

No fear or nervousness can be seen on the doll's stylized face, and its pupils are still an inorganic black.

[Name: Doll that lost its real name

Grade:D level

Skills: Humanoid

Description: Maybe you have guessed its raw material, listen to it, listen to the songs it sings, maybe it can give you some hints]

Songs? You stayed up in the middle of the night and came here to sing to them?

The doll's bright red lips were slightly open, and its vocal cords seemed to have been severely damaged due to splitting and suturing, and the sound it produced was strange and altered.

"Do you know my name?

Do you know where my heart has gone?

Do you know where my soul is?

My name is forgotten in the depths of memory.

My heart has become the furnace of a factory.

My soul will never rest in peace."

"That vicious woman,

Made a deal with the devil,

Torment us to this point,

Brave man,

I received instructions from the gods,

You will become the heroes who destroy the witch!"

"O brave man,

Please follow God's instructions to destroy the witch,

The gods have already paved the way for you."

The strangely changed tune echoed in the room, and every word could be heard clearly.

Although the song is difficult to listen to, it does not hinder Jian Yao and the others' understanding.

The witch in the ballad should refer to the director of the doll manufacturing factory, and the devil should refer to the god who likes to play pranks. Then what is the god who issued the so-called prophecy of the brave?

Could he be a concocted trap, or a god opposed to the god of mischief? Or is this so-called god and the devil in the ballad one and the same?

After all, He loves playing pranks, so it is not impossible to deceive them with a song.

Perhaps He is looking forward to seeing the player and the boss he cares about perform the fantasy fairy tale He wants to see.

The more Jian Yao thought about it, the more likely it seemed that it was possible. After all, it was normal for gods to do anything.

But if that god wants to see such a development, then he may be disappointed, because even Jian Yao herself cannot control her own brain circuits!

After the doll finished singing this ballad, it fell directly to the ground.

The dust directly stained its porcelain white face, and there was still no sparkle in its black eyes.

But Jian Yao looked at the doll lying on the ground with a confused look on her face.

No? If you fall here, tomorrow the factory manager will think that I stayed up late at night and went out to steal the dolls.

Dame, don't frame me! I'm innocent!

This chapter has been completed!
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