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Chapter 254 Gold Rolls-Royce!

May 14, 2010, Khalifa Stadium, Doha.

The Khalifa Stadium is located 8 kilometers west of Doha. It originally could only accommodate 20,000 people. After reconstruction, it is now a large stadium that can accommodate 50,000 people.

Usually in other places, if Su Feng and others want to compete in a stadium, they will share a bus with other athletes.

But in Doha, the local sports authorities gave Su Feng and Team Su a different treatment. There was a luxury bus waiting for them, and they could get on the bus at any time whenever they wanted to leave.

"Master, does Mercedes-Benz still produce buses?" Su Feng asked He Jun in a low voice while sitting on the silver-gray luxury bus.

"You're still asking me, aren't you a spokesperson for Mercedes-Benz?"

"The spokesperson doesn't need to remember all the car models." Su Feng immediately argued.

Because the distance was not far, the bus quickly arrived at its destination, and at this time, a large number of people had gathered outside the Khalifa Stadium.

The white robes and hats are very characteristic of the region.

"su, su" The Qataris couldn't pronounce Su Feng's name completely. They just chanted the pronunciation of Su Feng's surname while following the bus all the way until they were stopped by security guards when they were approaching the entrance.

After Su Feng got out of the car, he greeted the local Qataris in a friendly manner. At this time, there was another noise outside. From the voices of the local people, it seemed that Bolt was also here.

The first match of the Diamond League also attracted huge attention around the world.

Not only because this is the first game after the restructuring of the Golden League, but also because of the points system adopted by the Diamond League.

The top three players in each game will receive points, with 4 points for first place, 2 points for second place, and 1 point for third place.

The top three players in the finals will receive double points, with 8 points for the first place, 4 points for the second place, and 2 points for the third place.

In this case, the competition between Su Feng and Bolt will become increasingly fierce. In the end, who will win the final victory in this season will be a long-term process. It is a reflection of an athlete's comprehensive ability, rather than just one game.

Play what you decide.

This final result will undoubtedly be more convincing. We cannot say who is stronger between the two in their sports careers, but at least we can say who is stronger this season.

Because of this, the competition between Su Feng and Bolt will become clearer and appear in the public eye in a more intuitive way.

This is also what the IAAF hopes to see.

Therefore, Su Feng and the others must pay attention to this first battle and the following matches.

Arriving at the starting line amidst overwhelming cheers, Su Feng and Bolt just waved and interacted, and received huge applause, which is enough to show the importance of the two in the hearts of Qatari people.

In addition to Su Feng and Bolt, world-class players including Gatlin, Powell, Obi Kweru, and Tyson Gay also participated in this game.

Except for competitions such as the World Championships and the Olympics, there are few competitions that can attract these people to come together. From this, it seems that the IAAF's restructuring has been very successful.

Su Feng looked at the footage on the sidelines. This game was broadcast live by most media outlets around the world, and CCTV would naturally not be left behind. There should be many people in China waiting to see his performance.

"Can't lose!" Su Feng said to himself secretly.

"on your marks!"



"The game begins!"

Although it can be seen that Powell and others were eyeing the competition before the game. They must have gained confidence in themselves after hard winter training, but after the game started, the irreparable gap in talent was clearly revealed.

Su Feng immediately started to start after hearing the gunshot, stepped heavily on the starting block with both feet, and ejected his body like a spring.

In the first ten meters, Su Feng, Bolt, Powell, Gatlin, and Tyson Gay can hardly see any difference in position. Only Gatlin and other people on the field can feel Su Feng and Bolt.

brought intense pressure.

Twenty meters later, Su Feng and Bolt had completed the transition from standstill to start, and their speed had begun to show.

Thirty meters, keep your chest up and your head up! Speed ​​up, speed up!

At this stage, when the two really started to speed up each other, Gatlin and the others could only find helplessly that they still had no chance of keeping up. They only felt a huge momentum burst out from the two of them, and they still couldn't keep up.

Without feeling carefully, the two of them had already left away from everyone.

Forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters, Su Feng and Bolt's speed reached the peak almost at the same time. At this time, no one behind them could keep up with them!

Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters, this is the area where the two people are currently at absolute speed.


A 100-meter athlete must slow down when running the last ten or twenty meters. It is different from the so-called release of water, but the attenuation of normal speed. This is the case for everyone. The only difference is to see who can hold on as long as possible and let himself go.

The speed loss is less.

Bolt had already realized that his speed was declining when he was eighty meters away. Although no one could match this speed except Su Feng, and it was still at its peak, what frightened him was that Su Feng

The speed is being maintained without any signs of slowing down.

This is due to Su Feng's persistence in sub-altitude training for several years. Although this kind of training is more painful, once persisted, the improvement in the overall quality of the human body is unmatched by other training.

Sub-altitude training is carried out in a special environment of low air pressure, low oxygen, high cold, and high ultraviolet radiation. It can produce a series of stress stimulation effects on the physiological activities of the human body, among which hypoxic stimulation has the most obvious impact on the human body.


Oxygen pressure decreases as altitude increases, which will have an adverse effect on the human body's breathing and circulation. However, after long-term training in this environment, the human body will automatically adapt.

Such training imposes two loads on the human body, namely exercise-induced hypoxia and sub-plateau hypoxic load.

When the altitude exceeds 1,500 meters, the maximum oxygen uptake begins to decrease, resulting in a more profound hypoxic stimulation, but at the same time, it can mobilize greater potential of body functions, and all functions of the human body will change.

As the human body adapts, a series of enhanced changes will occur in the lungs, cardiovascular system, blood, skeletal muscles, etc.

Just like because Chinese athletes participate and have relatively good results, many people in China will watch the women's long-distance running competitions in the Olympic Games.

But when everyone looks at the women's long-distance running in the Olympic Games, they find that black people still dominate.

But most of these black people are Ethiopians, and they are not the same race as the West Africans who dominate sprinting.

The most important reason for this is that Ethiopia is located on the East African Plateau southwest of the Red Sea!

These people who have lived on the plateau have unconsciously carried out plateau training, so that they have better endurance quality than those who have lived on the plains.

If Usain Bolt can run so fast because of his West African ancestry, Su Feng's body has been optimized by the system and has undergone long-term training in Chenggong, and now he has part of the endurance of the Ethiopians on the East African Plateau!

Therefore, at the end, Su Feng's performance was even better than Bolt!

One hundred meters, crossing the line!

"Buzz!" The audience at the scene was stunned for a moment when they looked at the time board, and then they shouted with great excitement. Among them were many rich locals from Qatar, absolute rich people, who were already thinking about whether to buy something for Su Feng as a gift.


In fact, someone actually did it later. It was the royal family of Qatar. One month later, they directly gave Su Feng a gold Rolls-Royce collected by their prince!

When Su Feng saw the car, he was dumbfounded. Finally, at He Jun's suggestion, he asked Qatar for its opinion. Su Feng directly forwarded it to the country, and it was recognized by the country as a symbol of the friendship between China and Tajikistan.


This chapter has been completed!
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