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Chapter 255 9 seconds 57!

As for what just happened, let's go back in time a few seconds.

When Su Feng and Bolt crossed the line, the audience at the scene had actually stood up with exclaims, because Su Feng was obviously more than two lengths faster than Bolt, which was unprecedented in previous competitions between the two.

Have seen it.

But at this time, the audience has not thought about what is going to happen.

After all, Bolt will have times when his condition is not good, so it may be that Bolt's speed is slower, not necessarily that Su Feng's speed is faster.

But when Su Feng crossed the finish line, the time board on the sidelines immediately showed the result of the first athlete to cross the line.

When people subconsciously looked at the time board, there was a synchronized silence at first, which was really as quiet as a pindrop, and then a deafening sound broke out.

9 seconds 57!

Su Feng once again broke the world record, increasing the maximum speed of mankind by 0.01 seconds!

But that's not the most important thing. For the vast majority of the Qatari audience, Su Feng's achievement was achieved in their stadium.

This means that no matter who mentions the human 100-meter world record in the future, they must not skip the Khalifa Stadium in Qatar, even if the record is broken in the future!

And now, this record has just been set. At least in a short period of time, their stadium completely owns the men's 100-meter world record!

This is undoubtedly a huge honor for Qatar, which has only over two million people, not even a fraction of the global population!

This is the fundamental reason why people are crazy about it.

"Record broken, record broken!" Wang Zongfang and He Jun hugged each other on the sidelines, and other members of Team Su were also excited to express their emotions.

They are all members of Su's team, and Su Feng's achievements are partly due to them. And Su Feng has now won honors for the country, which means they have indirectly contributed to this. How can they not be happy about this?


At this moment, they feel that no job in the world can be more meaningful than their current job.

As for Su Feng, he had just seen his results at this time. Because he crossed the finish line at full speed, it was impossible for the athlete to slow down immediately. When he stopped, he was already more than 20 meters away from the finish line, and already

After a while, there is no need to run back and look at the small time cards.

So at first he just looked at the audience's reaction in a daze, not knowing what was going on.

It wasn't until the big screen at the scene showed the results of the eight athletes that Su Feng clenched his hands unconsciously and didn't feel anything when his nails were inserted directly into his flesh.

"9 seconds 57!" Su Feng secretly thought. He finally broke the big devil's curse.

Although in the eyes of all athletes and spectators around the world, he and Bolt have long been the devil, but only he knows that he has not completely emerged from the shadow of the devil, and he has not yet surpassed the results of the devil in his previous life!

But now, he has done it. He has surpassed Bolt in his previous life. From now on, there is no achievement that he needs to look up to. The only thing that everyone can look up to is his achievements.

"Ah" Su Feng roared, and then started running around the field.

At this time, some reporters had already broken through the security guards and ran towards Su Feng. They were first startled by Su Feng's sudden roar. When Su Feng started running, it would be impossible for them to keep up.

If they could outrun Su Feng, they would not need to be sports reporters but become athletes directly. And even if they were athletes, few could keep up with Su Feng who was running as fast as in a competition.

However, Su Feng was still a little too excited, or he ran too fast and his brain failed to keep up. When he came back from a circle, he was still surrounded by a group of reporters.

"Su Feng, how do you feel about breaking the 100-meter record again?"

"Su Feng, did you ever think you would break the 100-meter record here?"

Because everyone was very excited at this time, the reporter completely forgot the rules of asking questions and just threw out the questions.

Su Feng answered seven or eight questions in a row, but reporters still asked more questions.

Fortunately, in the end, the stadium staff and security rescued Su Feng. It was not because they were kind for Su Feng, but because Su Feng needed to take a photo with the new world record.

In just a few hours, Su Feng once again broke the world record, running 9.57 seconds. It was reported by the media like the wind, and once again set off a frenzy around the world.

"World flying man, Su Feng breaks the world record again."

“9 seconds 57, where is the limit of human beings?

"Chinese flying man, the wind of the world, once again shines in the audience!"

“Doha gets its own world record!”

China's domestic media, starting from CCTV, from news to special reports, have done everything they can to let all the people know what Su Feng has done.

"Su Feng, this time we are taking advantage of you. We now know what the royal family's food tastes like, and the plates and cutlery are either gold or silver. You are really rich." On the plane back to BJ from Doha, Su

The team was traveling on a chartered flight specially rented for him by Qatar, so everyone was in the same cabin, and there were no outsiders. Wang Zongfang had no worries about it.

"Haha, we have taken advantage of Su Feng this time. Zongfang, you didn't take back other people's tableware or anything." He Jun was also in a good mood at this time, and he made a rare joke about Wang Zongfang.

"Haha", in Wang Zongfang's helpless expression, joyous laughter suddenly sounded in the cabin, causing the flight attendants of Qatar Airways to look over strangely.

Su Feng originally wanted to return home the next day after the game. After all, the second stop of this year's Diamond League was in Shanghai, and he had to go back no matter what.

But who knew that the members of Team Su had received an invitation from the Qatari royal family that night. The other party must have known that they were pressed for time, so they invited them to the palace as guests the next night.

He Jun was dumbfounded the first time he learned about it. Although Chinese sports athletes also have commercial operations, they are still managed by the state.

If something happened, it would become a political incident.

Therefore, He Jun reported to the General Administration immediately, and then contacted the Chinese Embassy in Qatar.

However, this is a good thing to increase the friendship between China and Qatar. Of course the embassy agreed. Part of their usual work is to contact and promote the relationship between local Chinese and Qataris. Now the Qatar royal family has invited Su Zhi in a private capacity.

People from the team are going. This is an opportunity that they usually can't even imagine. How could they miss it.

Therefore, after reporting, Su Feng and his party entered a royal palace for the first time, and then enjoyed a delicious meal.

I have to say that as long as you have money, your life will be the same wherever you live. The Qatar royal family dinner can be said to be quite delicious. Although it is different from Chinese eating habits, the taste is definitely the same.

In this way, Su Feng and the others ate there, talked, and accepted thanks for bringing honor to Qatar.

Then today, the cartel royal family chartered a flight directly from Qatar Airways to send them back home, and what followed was the happy scene just now.

After all, eating in the palace of the king of a country is something that everyone here can brag about for the rest of their lives, tell their children and grandchildren about, and make them proud of themselves.

This chapter has been completed!
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