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Chapter 33 Semifinals

After briefly accepting interviews with reporters from several countries in the interview area, Su Feng quickly returned to the rest area, took a hot shower and changed into long-sleeved clothes before he breathed a sigh of relief.

After it rained on the day of the opening ceremony, the weather in Helsinki has been relatively cool, which is naturally very friendly to ordinary people, but for athletes, it is still easy to get sick once they sweat after doing strenuous exercise.

Afterwards, Su Feng did not stay at the stadium, but returned directly to the sports village.

Although there is still a women's 10000 competition today, and Xing Huina will also appear, but because it takes too long, He Jun and the members of Su's team unanimously suggested that Su Feng go back directly. Su Feng thought about it and followed suit. After all, even if he was there, he would help

Not too busy.

The sports village for this world championship is located at the Helsinki University of Technology, which is actually a temporary occupation of the school's student dormitory.

However, security is very strict. All the students and staff of the school have left. Now, only members of delegations from various countries with valid IDs can enter freely.

On August 8, Su Feng conducted a simple and systematic warm-up training during the day, and then packed up his things to go to the stadium for pre-match preparation and inspection.

"Alas" Su Feng sighed quietly while He Jun was away.

As expected, it was not much different from Su Feng's memory.

In yesterday's women's 10,000-meter race, Xing Huina was double-teamed by four Ethiopian athletes. The rhythm of the race was severely disrupted, and she consumed too much energy, ultimately leading to her failure to win the gold medal.

As a result, the Chinese team lost one of its most important gold medal points.

In fact, it was not just this time. In the following years of competition, facing many Ethiopian athletes, Xing Huina never achieved results consistent with her strength.

She has the strength, but the 10,000-meter rule does not restrict some tactical obstacles. There are many people on the opponent's side, so there is nothing she can do.

Therefore, domestic attention is now once again focused on the men's 100 meters, which will start today, and the men's 110 hurdles, which will start in a few days.

That is to say, they set their sights on Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang.

Athletes in short-track and straight-track events like them are already under greater pressure than middle- and long-distance runners, so the pressure now is naturally even greater.

There are still two people here, Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang. I really can’t imagine what it would be like when Liu Yuxiang faced all this alone.

"Su Feng, let's go." He Jun came out of the house with a bag. Inside were some emergency supplementary items prepared for Su Feng. They were all brought from China, and their safety and reliability were absolutely guaranteed.

"Okay." Su Feng nodded and followed He Jun out of the room with a natural expression. No one could tell that he was just under a lot of pressure.

Su Feng was sitting on the bus, with headphones plugged into his ears, playing some of his favorite relaxing songs.

When He Jun, Wang Zongfang and others next to him saw Su Feng's appearance, they all tacitly agreed not to disturb him.

Tonight, the semi-finals and finals of the men's 100 meters will be held one after another. Whether or not the World Championships will be empty-handed will be decided tonight. It is normal for athletes to be under pressure at this time.

They also saw domestic news. The Chinese team has not won a single medal so far, and Xing Huina, one of the champion seeds, has lost again.

It can be said that the eyes of all China are now on Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang.

But there is no other way. As the saying goes, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. He and Liu Yuxiang have won the support of the people across the country, and now they must bear this pressure.

He Jun looked at Su Feng with his eyes closed, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

He had never seen Su Feng look so stressed.

When Su Feng competed in domestic competitions before, he actually won and lost, but very few people paid attention to track and field at the time.

In some individual track and field competitions, sometimes there are not even one-tenth of the audience, or even one percent of the audience, and it is almost an empty game.

Although that scene was disappointing, the pressure was also much lessened.

As for the Athens Olympics, after the first shot, the whole team had no requirements for Su Feng's subsequent performance. Even if the first shot failed, no one would blame him.

As for the final step to get to the bronze medal, he is making history step by step, and no one will put pressure on him at any step he stops.

But things are different now. After winning the bronze medal in the Olympics and Liu Yuxiang's record-breaking gold medal, track and field suddenly seemed to be the biological son of all Chinese people, and Chinese people would see it wherever they went.

This change is undoubtedly a good thing for track and field. If you pay attention, you will gain popularity. The Track and Field Management Center and the General Administration have also received a large amount of funds from Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang, so they can increase their efforts to cultivate talents.

But this is different for athletes at the forefront.

Nowadays, Chinese people want to watch two people win gold and silver. In a large-scale competition like the World Championships, if nothing is won, then these waves are likely to drown the athletes.

He Jun was originally worried about Su Feng's condition. Seeing him pretending to be relaxed now, it seemed that this worry had become a reality.

Su Feng doesn't have as many mental activities as He Jun now. He is just relaxing. There is pressure, but he is more confident in his own strength.

The bus arrived at the Olympic Stadium smoothly. Su Feng calmly got off the bus with the crowd, then ran a few laps on the field. After resting for a while, he came to the inspection room for inspection.

After doing this, Su Feng came to the side of the field again and calmly watched the ongoing game.

Half an hour later, at 19:20 in the evening, the 100-meter semi-finals of the Helsinki World Championships officially began, and athletes entered the competition venue one after another.

"Welcome to everyone to watch the men's 100-meter semi-finals of this World Championships. I am the commentator Yang Jian. The athletes have begun to enter the venue now.

It is now 19:20 pm, Finnish time, and 1:20 am, BJ time. There may be many friends at work who did not watch this game.

But according to the real-time statistics of the main station, the number of viewers who stayed up late to watch the game still exceeded 10 million. From this, we can also see that everyone is paying attention to Su Feng.

As a track and field enthusiast, I would also like to thank everyone for their support of Su Feng.

We see that the camera has been shown to the eight runners, and they are already standing in front of the starting line.

In the first lane, American player Walter Dix is ​​a very powerful American athlete. His best time was 9.95 seconds. Su Feng was very successful in the Athens Olympics and the recent IAAF New York Station.

beat him.

In the second lane, Dutch player Kuranti Martina, whose best time is 9.94 seconds, is also a player who can break ten seconds.

In the third lane, Mark Burns, a player from Trinidad and Tobago, just ran a personal best of 9.96 seconds in June 2005.

The fourth track is Sean Crawford, the 200m champion of the Athens Olympics. His best is the 200m, but he only signed up for the 100m for this World Championships. I don’t know if it was affected by public opinion some time ago.

In the fifth lane, Chinese player Su Feng, a bronze medalist at the Athens Olympics, had his best result this year, tying the previous world record of 9.79 seconds.

In the sixth lane, Portugal's Francis Obikwelu, ranked fourth behind Su Feng in the Athens Olympics, with a personal best time of 9.88 seconds, is undoubtedly a strong opponent of Su Feng.

Lane 7, Kim Collins of St. Kitts and Nevis, winner of the 2003 World Championships in Paris, with a personal best time of 9.93 seconds.

Lane 8, American player Leonard Scott, is also a very strong athlete and in good condition. At the IAAF London Grand Prix just past July 22, he ran a time of 9.94 seconds.

It can be said that personal best results come from preparation.

This chapter has been completed!
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