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Chapter 34 Semi-finals (2)

Su Feng stood in front of the starting line and glanced solemnly at Sean Crawford beside him.

This is the 200-meter champion in the Athens Olympics. He is also good at 200 meters. He actually participated in the 100-meter competition this time. It must not be ignored.

Francis Obikewelu, who is on his right, would have won a medal if he had not participated in the Athens Olympics.

The World Championships have reached this stage, and every group has famous players participating, which is indeed shocking every step of the way.

In fact, Su Feng ignored one thing, and that was his weight in the eyes of other players.

Whether it is famous players like Sean Crawford, Obikwelu, or other sprinters, in their eyes, Su Feng is the opponent that deserves their most attention.

Let’s not talk about the Olympic bronze medal for now, just talk about the three competitions he participated in this year.

One run tied the world record, and the remaining two runs were also second only to the world record of 9.80 seconds!

With such a result, I am afraid that no one except Powell, who set a new world record, has no confidence that he can definitely beat him.

In this World Championships where Powell did not participate, he was the big devil!

Su Feng really didn't realize this at this time, partly because he participated in fewer international competitions.

On the other hand, it is due to the fact that Chinese or yellow people have always been poor and weak in short track events. Even Su Feng himself has formed a stereotype.

If you are an African-American athlete, even if you only win the US national championship, you would dare to directly say that you want to win the world championship.

"on your marks!"

The sound of everyone taking their places sounded, and Su Feng immediately abandoned all distracting thoughts, put his hands on the ground, and slowly stepped on the starting block.

There are two groups in the semi-finals. The top three in the group advance directly, and the remaining two places are admitted based on the best results.

When it came to the semifinals, Su Feng didn't dare to let go. He pressed his hands on the rough plastic track and concentrated all his will.

One hundred meters requires not only superhuman strength, but also superhuman character.

Before races such as 10,000 meters or marathons, or other sports competitions, few spectators see athletes collectively doing actions such as prayer.

But for 100 meters and sprints, this is very common.

Just like in ancient times and even in modern times, sailors were often the most pious to God. Their profession required them to use piety and other beliefs to make up for their inner tension.

Of course, everyone's methods may be different, but sprinting has really high requirements on mental quality.

A player as strong as Asafa Powell has always failed mentally, which has resulted in him never showing his due strength in competitions.

He broke the world record twice, both in competitions without strong opponents.

After all, Su Feng was born in two lives, so although the system did not provide him with any assistance in this regard, his psychological quality was far beyond that of ordinary people, which was also one of the key factors that enabled him to perform stably and continuously at a high level.

At this time, the only connection in his mind to the outside world was listening to the signal of the game gun.



"The game begins!"

The moment Yang Jian's voice sounded, the domestic audience who had stayed up late in the early hours to watch the game immediately cheered up.

In a 100-meter race, especially this kind of competition, even the slowest runner only has a little more than ten seconds, which can be said to be fleeting, and they can't help but get excited.

As soon as the gun fired, in front of the men's 100-meter starting line, the eight runners suddenly exerted their strength in the static, and rushed out one by one like cheetahs pouncing on prey.

As for the sound coming from the TV, the originally extremely quiet scene was suddenly covered by overwhelming cheers.

This is a men's 100-meter race. With such powerful impact, a few meters may pass by in the blink of an eye.

As long as you are a person who likes sports, even if you don't like track and field, once you get to the competition field, you will be moved by the extreme that human beings naturally aspire to, and then perform crazy.

The moment Su Feng heard the gunshot, he immediately started to accelerate, and naturally everyone else did the same.

After training day after day, this reaction has long become their instinct.

As for the starting reaction, the fastest in this group is Kim Collins. He was born in 1976. He is at the end of his physical peak, but his competition experience is just at the peak. In addition, he is only 175cm tall, which makes him often lose weight in the first half of the race.

You can get quite a bit of advantage.

Even Su Feng was not confident enough to win against this type of player within sixty meters.

As for the one who starts the slowest, it is Portuguese player Francis Obikwelu. With a height of 1.91 meters, he often suffers at the start.

But at this time, he was also accelerating desperately. With his height and long legs, once the speed was added up, it would be quite astonishing.

At this time, Su Feng was immersed in sprinting and didn't care about the situation of the people around him. All he needed to do now was to know that he was the strongest.

In the first thirty meters, Su Feng and Jin Collins were half a body apart from the people behind them. In this kind of competition, in the semi-finals, the difference in strength between the people is not so easy to show.

However, after thirty meters, Su Feng began to straighten up and raise his head, reaching the acceleration stage of running, and together with Jin Collins, who was short and fast, slowly opened the distance between him and the people behind him.

Forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters.

Until sixty meters, Jin Collins was still holding on to Su Feng, followed by Sean Crawford and Francis Obikwelu who were gradually catching up.

However, once the distance of 60 meters passed, Su Feng had reached the highest speed stage of running. In the race without Powell and Gatlin, no one could surpass him at this time, and the shorter Jin Collins began to change.

He was unable to follow up and was pulled away by Su Feng, and was gradually surpassed by Sean Crawford and Obikwelu.

At this time, the audience in front of the TV also heard Yang Jian's passionate voice: "Su Feng, Su Feng, Su Feng has reached the first position, no one is his opponent!"

Seventy meters, eighty meters, ninety meters.

At this time, there was no one around Su Feng, but he still did not slow down, but continued to sprint forward at the fastest speed.

One hundred meters, crossing the line!

"Su Feng, Su Feng wins!" Thousands of miles away, Yang Jian's voice spread the passion of the game to thousands of households across the motherland at the same time.

Su Feng rushed harder this time, running forward for more than ten meters before stopping, and then turned to look at the screen.

9 seconds 82! This is the first place result. Ten seconds later, everyone’s results will be displayed one by one.

First place, Su Feng, China, had a starting reaction of 0.135 and a time of 9.82 seconds.

The second place was Francis Obikweru, Portugal, with a starting reaction of 0.185 and a time of 9.90 seconds.

Third place, Sean Crawford, USA, starting reaction 0.164, time 9.95 seconds.

Fourth place, Walter Dix, United States, starting reaction 0.132, time 9 seconds 98.

Fifth place, Kim Collins, St. Kitts and Nevis, started with a reaction of 0.125 and a time of 10.02 seconds.

Sixth place, Kuranti Martina, Netherlands, starting reaction 0.144, time 10.10 seconds.

Seventh place, Leonard Scott, USA, starting reaction 0.138, time 10.18 seconds.

Eighth place, Mark Burns, Trinidad and Tobago, starting reaction 0.145, time 10 seconds 32.

Su Feng entered the finals with the first place in the semi-final group!

This chapter has been completed!
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