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Chapter 88 In 2006, the Second Battle of Eugene!

On May 28, 2006, Su Feng came to Hayward Stadium at the University of Oregon again.

Different from last time.

Although Su Feng won the bronze medal in the Olympic Games last time, the long-term stereotype in the sprint competition dominated by black people caused the audience not to pay much attention to Su Feng.

It's different now. The vast majority of the audience has long known about this Chinese athlete who has defeated many American players in succession, Su Feng!

This caused many Americans who were originally not interested in track and field to come to the scene specifically to watch how the American player Tyson Gay defeated Su Feng as promoted by the media. Even if Tyson Gay couldn't do it, wouldn't there be Powell?

, although it is not an American, it still belongs to the Commonwealth after all, and has the same roots as the United States to a certain extent.

In this life, due to the existence of Su Feng, Americans rarely regard black people as members of their own country in their hearts in sprinting, and there is less prejudice. This can be regarded as unanimous to the outside world.

Of course, this is not due to Su Feng alone, but also to the rapid growth of China's national power that is visible to the naked eye.

Speaking of which, in the eyes of Americans, interests are really the most important thing, and they have to override politics.

During World War II, even though Europe had declared war on Germany, Italy, and Japan, American businessmen continued to do business with Germany, Italy, and Japan.

Japan, in particular, borrows money from the United States and then purchases oil and other production materials from the United States.

If Japan hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor later, Roosevelt would not have been able to suppress domestic interest groups and declare war on the three countries.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, when Japan's economy reached its peak and the Plaza Accord was signed, domestic polls in the United States showed that 60% of Americans did not believe that Japan was their country.

allies, but enemies.

It was because at that time, Japanese automobiles, electronic products, etc. had already beaten domestic companies in the United States to retreat. Are you familiar with what happened in China later?

At that time, Japan was still the forward base for the United States to fight the Soviet Union in Asia. Even so, because of economic interests, the Americans also regarded the Japanese as their enemies.

Therefore, as long as China rises, American hostility towards China is inevitable.

Su Feng's current performance, on this basis, has stimulated the nerves of Americans from another angle.

But now white people don’t even have a score above ten, so they naturally place their hopes on black people.

At 2:30 pm, the 100-meter race is about to begin!

At this time, Su Feng had already passed the inspection and saw Powell in the inspection area.

However, in the moment of competition between the two created by the media, neither of them said hello to the other, they just looked at each other and then looked away one after another.

Of course, Tyson Gay, the protagonist introduced by another media, is also there, but Tyson Gay has a solemn look on his face at this time. It seems that he is under considerable pressure facing the two top 100-meter masters in the world.

Before the game, although Tyson Gay's reputation had greatly increased due to media hype, the prices for interviews and other invitations skyrocketed.

But nothing comes without a price, and Tyson Gay’s price at this time is pressure!

If he cannot prove himself against these two opponents, his worth will not be preserved.

No matter what everyone was thinking at this time, after the staff arrived, everyone followed them into the competition field.

Standing in front of the starting line, Su Feng looked around. This time, the voices around him were more chaotic. There was no uniform shouting for Su Feng like in China and Russia.

If we really want to have the influence that makes audiences cheer for and get excited around the world, Su Feng's strength is still not enough.

However, although the audience of 100 meters is far less than that of football and other sports, because of its uniqueness of representing the limit of human speed, once someone shows a strength that breaks through the limit and far exceeds ordinary people, the honor won is not that of various sports including football.


Just like Bolt in later generations, after running a time of 9.6 seconds, the whole world went crazy for him. During a live competition, just putting a finger to his mouth can silence the entire audience.


There are no such athletes in the past, and it is unknown whether there are any in the future.

"Hey, friend, that guy with black hair and yellow skin is the Su Feng mentioned in the newspaper? He doesn't look very good. He's much thinner than LeBron. Can he run under ten seconds?" At this time, in the stands, a man holding a

The blond white man holding a bucket of popcorn, wearing casual clothes, showing his big belly, asked the white man next to him who was also wearing a sportswear.

The man next to me looks like he is a track and field enthusiast, and I like basketball. Isn’t it embarrassing to ask him? The fat-bellied man said it with a bit of pride.

"What! This guy doesn't look very good, anyone in the NBA is stronger than him."

The white man in sportswear glanced at the blond man with disgust, then glanced at Su Feng, and then said: "Although I don't want to say it, he is indeed very strong. This is the 100 meters, not basketball, there is no need.

There is such strong muscle resistance, so a well-proportioned and strong body is the best. Being too strong will affect the performance of speed.

And none of us white people have broken through ten seconds so far, so you can see how strong he is."

"What? I heard that there is an Asian guy in the United States who is pretty crazy. No one can beat him recently. I usually don't pay much attention to 100 meters. Why, none of us white people can break ten? How is this possible?"

He only saw the news in the newspaper that Su Feng defeated many athletes from the United States. The picture he saw at that time also showed Su Feng leading the way, followed by several athletes from the United States and Jamaica.

The following analysis also shows that Su Feng is the only Asian yellow person to break ten seconds. He really doesn't know that white people have never broken ten seconds.

The disgusted expression on the white man in sportswear became even more obvious at this time. He looked like the kind of small boss who would be content with just eating and drinking. He had a high self-esteem and didn't even understand things. He sounded like he was here to watch track and field or something.

It gave the track and field face, I was really unlucky today, how could I sit next to such a person.

However, when the other party asked, he had no choice but not to answer, so he said patiently: "No, don't look at the fact that our American track and field team has great results in every competition, but in the 100 meters, no white person has broken through ten seconds.

There are white people among the strongest stars in the NBA and football, but there really aren't any who can run 100 meters.

Not only are there no white people who can break the 10 mark, but even if black people are included, after Gatlin was suspended, in the United States, only the newly-rising Tyson Gay has the strength to defeat Su Feng, and the rest are for nothing."

"fk" the blond man said in a daze. After inheriting his father's advertising company, he has always had no worries about food and clothing. He has always believed that the United States is strong in everything, especially sports, football, basketball, and baseball.

, which one is not almost invincible in the world?

Unexpectedly, not even a yellow person could run in the 100 meters. What surprised him even more was that the white people turned out to be the weakest among the three major races in the 100 meters. This ignited his strong self-esteem of white supremacy.

When I got up, I was as passionate as basketball, which is rare for sprint competitions. I didn’t ask any questions and just couldn’t help but look down, hoping that the competition could start soon.

Su Feng was standing in front of the finish line and making final mental adjustments.

This was his real first fight in 2006! The American media picked up the pace again, and the domestic media counterattack also raised the atmosphere.

Although there is no live broadcast, according to He Jun, there are now no less than 50 Chinese media coming to the scene!

He Jun also blocked them repeatedly to prevent them from disturbing Su Feng before the game.

Now the people of both countries are always paying attention to the performance of Su Feng, Tyson Gay Powell and others, which indeed puts a lot of pressure on Su Feng.

And as the financial crisis in the United States worsens after 2008, China has stabilized its position and the sun is rising, and the antagonism between the two countries will only get higher and higher!

As for badminton, table tennis, etc. that China is good at, Americans are too weak to compete with them, and Americans are not very interested in these sports.

And the strongest basketball and American football in the United States are completely incomparable in China.

On the contrary, the 100-meter and 110-meter hurdles are short-track racing sports that can reflect the human body's ultimate qualities in speed and be able to withstand such opposing emotions.

The United States is a traditional power in this event, and China has strong players like Su Feng and Liu Yuxiang. The two sides can compete with each other, and the pressure they will bear will definitely be higher.

This chapter has been completed!
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