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Chapter Eighty-ninth

There is no room for failure in this battle!

This is the conclusion Su Feng reached after adjusting to the end.

Thinking of this, Su Feng began to get slightly excited. This feeling of excitement under pressure is one of the best states for athletes to perform well.

Su Feng was in the fourth lane, next to Tyson Gay in the fifth lane, and after kissing the necklace on his chest a few times, his expression gradually became firmer.

And Powell, who was in the sixth lane, after drawing several crosses on his chest, his expression calmed down and he looked at the finish line in the distance, his eyes no longer wandering.

As for the remaining five tracks, three are athletes from the US team, one is from Jamaica, and the other is old rival Francis Obikweru of Portugal.

Su Feng took a general look before the game and found that except for Francis Obikwelu, everyone else's results were within ten seconds, and there was no threat.

"On your marks!" After the athletes adjusted for a period of time, the electronic prompt sound of everyone's position appeared.

Su Feng and several others stepped on the starting block one after another and got ready to start.



"Game start!"

As the gunfire rang out, the eight athletes started almost at the same time. It was obviously eight humans running, but it gave people the feeling of galloping wild horses!

Although this competition was not broadcast live in China, several major TV networks such as N specifically bought the broadcast rights. Not only did our famous sports anchor Chris personally host it, but they also invited Morris, who has gradually faded out of the athletics world.

Green serves as the guest commentator.

This is also an unexpected surprise for Morris Green. He originally thought that his income would drop significantly after slowly withdrawing from the track and field, but Su Feng's performance is unmatched in the United States today! This situation has caused public opinion

The rapid increase in the popularity of track and field, especially when it comes to breaking ten, is very resonant with the white people who make up the majority of the United States. Therefore, Green, a former world record holder who is ready to retire, becomes valuable.

Take this live broadcast as an example. Not only did he directly earn 20,000 US dollars, but he also partnered with Chris. This undoubtedly directly raised Green's status in the commentary industry. In the future, the price will be lower when he goes to other TV networks.


Before the game started, Green analyzed the game and found that the only ones who could truly threaten Su Feng were Tyson Gay and Powell.

He also knew what the American audience was thinking, so he focused on how Tyson Gay, as an American 100-meter rookie, was a 200-meter athlete and had strong speed and endurance.

But he didn't say that Tyson Gay could win, because he had run on the same stage as Su Feng!

Except for Su Feng's blockbuster performance at the Athens Olympics, he has never won!

Although it is because he is getting older, there is no doubt about Su Feng's own strength.

At least it’s hard for Tyson Gay to beat Su Feng now!

So although he catered to the audience and current public opinion, he actually just praised Tyson Gay and did not draw any conclusion.

This was a pre-game introduction, conducted by professional Green. At this time, the game had already begun, and the focus of the commentary naturally came to Chris.

"At the beginning of the game, eight athletes started to accelerate at the same time. Tyson Gay's reaction time was the fastest!"

At this time, the reaction time of the athletes was already displayed on the scene. Tyson Gay ranked first with 0.132, and Su Feng ranked third with 0.139.

Immediately afterwards, with the powerful and beautiful starting movements of the eight athletes, the 100-meter trapeze battle in Eugene officially began!

When accelerating at the start, in an instant, the athlete's body went from still to moving, as if a violent explosion had occurred within the body, and the powerful force generated directly "bounced" each athlete out.

In the first five steps, Su Feng and Powell took advantage of the starting method to take a slight lead, but it was difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. After all, the strength of the other athletes was close to ten seconds, and it was impossible to gain a clear advantage directly by starting.

However, as soon as thirty meters pass, the acceleration phase of sprinting towards the peak speed begins. At this time, the athlete's absolute speed ability is reflected.

Su Feng, Powell, Tyson Gay, and Francis Obikwelu began to gradually widen the gap with those behind them!

Behind them, there is almost no discernible gap between the remaining three American athletes and one Jamaican athlete.

Thirty meters later, the speed of the athletes began to add up to a degree visible to the naked eye. This intense acceleration, especially the process of the dominant athlete pulling away the inferior athlete at high speed, is undoubtedly the best way to stimulate the hormones in the audience's body.


At this time, the blond white man also forgot about the popcorn in his hand and stared closely at the eight people on the track. At this moment, he suddenly felt that track and field might be much more exciting and interesting than he thought before.

Thirty meters, forty meters, fifty meters, sixty meters!

At this time, within a distance of thirty meters, Su Feng, Powell, Tyson Gay, and Francis Obikweru used their speed to the fullest.

Like Tyson Gay, his whole face has become distorted, and you can see the extent of his exertion.

But even so, in this stage of absolute speed competition, Su Feng and Powell gradually gained an advantage over the other two people. As for the four people behind, they were already separated by more than one meter by the first group.

Basically bid farewell to the championship competition.

Sixty meters, seventy meters, eighty meters!

Su Feng and Powell entered the stage of running at the highest speed almost at the same time. After a full 60 meters of acceleration in front of them, the two finally showed their peak speed as the world's 100-meter flying people, which is also the peak speed that humans can reach.


At this time, the two of them, even Tyson Gay and Obikewelu, could no longer hold on. While the two of them were running at peak speed, their legs were rotating rapidly, and the muscles in their legs were constantly tightening.

It was bulging and stretched, but the two people in front of me were still constantly pulling away from each other!

This kind of speed game between high-speed movements made countless spectators present stand up in unison!

At this stage, there is still no visible gap between Su Feng and Powell.

Eighty meters, ninety meters.

The two of them were still running neck and neck. As for the other people, they had been forgotten by the audience at the scene and in front of the TV. Everyone's attention was focused on the two people in the front.

However, as soon as he passed about 90 meters, Powell's speed dropped significantly. This was not actually the reason for his sudden decrease in speed, but because Su Feng's ability to maintain speed was even stronger.

This is the effect of altitude training. After experiencing the intense anaerobic exercise of 90 meters, even the top athletes have accumulated a large amount of lactic acid in their bodies. This is the production of sugar in the absence of oxygen.

It is produced only when it is decomposed.

The formation of lactic acid will cause muscle soreness in the human body, thereby reducing a person's speed ability.

However, after undergoing plateau training, Su Feng's ability to adapt to the hypoxic environment has been greatly enhanced, and his body's tolerance and processing ability for lactic acid have also been greatly enhanced. This allows him to still have a strong ability even at 90 meters.

Speed ​​maintenance ability.

It was this ability that made the difference in the speed of the two. Su Feng was obviously faster.

100 meters, crossing the line!

Su Feng crossed the finish line with a clear advantage of one position, and undoubtedly won the men's 100-meter championship in Eugene!

The small display next to the track immediately displayed the score of the first athlete to cross the line, 9 seconds 78!

Su Feng participated in the 100-meter race for the first time after winter training and ran close to the world record. It was also the best result so far in the world men's 100-meter race this year!

"Oh!" The audience at the scene made a roaring sound at the same time, not sure whether they were happy or disappointed.

"Yeah, Su Feng won." There was only one yellow figure, showing obvious joy in the stands full of white people.

This is the girl who watched Su Feng compete at the World Indoor Championships in Moscow. This time she is here again, but this time she is not wearing a hat or mask, so people can see her stunning appearance at a glance, but

Maybe it was because of the difference in aesthetics. People around her just thought the girl was beautiful, but not enough to make them take action.

"Roar" Su Feng once again put on the God of War posture and roared to the sky. All the previous hard training and all the pressure before the competition were released in this roar. He once again outperformed Powell and proved that he is the best in the world.

The first flying man, at this moment, the world's flying man, who else but me!

This chapter has been completed!
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