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Chapter 522: Flower of Eternity

May 30th, late spring and early summer.

Even in the Carlos region, which is located in the north and has a higher latitude, the weather is getting hotter and hotter.

Because he wanted to follow the traces of Xerneas, it took Xia Chen two days to get from Salo City to Bizhi City, which was not too far away.

If you were specifically pursuing speed, two days would be enough for Gulerton to take Xia Chen around the world two or three times.

But the two gods have never been seen. If it were so easy to find, the news would have been spread all over the Internet.

Fortunately, Xia Chen had plenty of time left to travel around Carlos, three or four months, and Dianxi was not particularly anxious -

Although Diancie and the little diamonds have been worried about the disappearance of the holy diamond, in fact, the big diamond in the mining country is still enough for at least three to five years.

She has more time.

Xia Chen even felt that it didn't matter if he couldn't find Xerneas. With the growth rate of his family's fairy cloth, he would definitely become a powerful boss in three to five years.

Maybe by then Xerneas will only be nicknamed "Little Fairy Ibrahimovic", and it will be easy to solve the problems plaguing the diamond mining country.

Although this idea is a bit fanciful, Xia Chen only dares to think about it in his heart...

In short, Xia Chen arrived at the beautiful Bizhi City in a leisurely traveling state.

"I would like to be a winged bird in the sky, and a twig on the ground. I never thought that the poems of Donghuang that were circulated thousands of years ago would now be transformed into the place names of two cities in the Carlos region, one in the south and one in the north. It is really romantic."

Walking on the clean and tidy roads in Bizheng City, Xia Chen felt quite emotional.

Two years ago, when he traveled to Carlos, he went to Lianli Town in the south. This time, he added Bizhi City, which was considered complete.

Dianxi followed Xia Chen closely, avoiding the curious or burning eyes of passers-by, and asked in a low voice with telepathy: "What do these two lines of poetry mean?"

Ever since she tried to play in the sea, which was meaningless to her, Dianxi's temperament became more and more lively. As soon as she entered Biz City, she begged Xia Chen to take her shopping.

No one can refuse the Diamond Princess's coquettish request.

Xia Chen naturally agreed, and there was no need to worry about safety issues.

Nowadays, there should be no young person who dares to covet the elf next to him.

Xia Chen turned his head and glanced at Dianxi who had "I'm very curious" written all over his face, and said with a smile: "This is a poem written by the great poet of Donghuang more than a thousand years ago for the poignant love story of the emperor and his concubine at that time.

, which means that their relationship is so good that they are willing to be a pair of Chinese Valentine's Day bluebirds flying together in the sky, and they are willing to be a pair of flowers and leaves with branches connected on the ground, never to be separated."

"So romantic..."

Dianxi is a sentimental girl. After hearing this story, her eyes looked at the sky with longing and longing, as if the pair of birds were flying by.

After thinking for a while, she added: "But Dianxi thinks it would be good to write [willingly become small diamonds in the land]. Don't the eternal diamonds symbolize love in the eyes of you humans?"

Xia Chen replied: "That's just a marketing lie, and it doesn't rhyme at all."

Dian Xi's mouth tightened, and the longing on her face immediately disappeared.


She suddenly quickened her pace and floated forward quickly, half a body ahead of Xia Chen.

Xia Chen: "..."

What's going on with this guy is baffling.


Biyi City is larger than Lianli Town. It has a gym officially set up by the alliance, which is grass-type.

However, Xia Chen had no intention of collecting the badges of the Kalos area gym, so he didn't think of taking a challenge on the way.

He was more interested in another famous attraction in Biyi City - Mount Gaotai.

There is a spectacular Longyue Waterfall in Lianli Town. In contrast, there is a not so towering but unique Gaotai Mountain in Biyi City.

Mount Gaotai stands on the seaside, with an altitude of only three to four hundred meters. It looks very ordinary, but there is a very regular platform-shaped cliff at the top of the mountain, hence the name Gaotai Mountain.

The reason why this place is famous is also due to an ancient tree that is said to have grown for three thousand years on the high platform.

Judging from the photo, the ancient tree did not look like a mortal thing, which reminded Xia Chen of the sacred tree in Aromatherapy City that was actually transformed from the Horn of Xerneas.

Maybe there are secrets related to Xerneas hidden here?

Although it might not be such a coincidence, Xia Chen still chose to take a walk.

The mountain is not high, and the wild elves who live here are very close to them. Xia Chen took Dianxi to the high platform at the top of the mountain without much effort.

As the most famous attraction in Bizhi City, there is an endless stream of tourists here.

Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking into the distance, Xia Chen could have a panoramic view of the vast and magnificent seascape of Xikaros. Xia Chen was not in the mood to look at the scenery. He summoned fairy cloth from the elf ball and walked to the ancient tree with Dianxi and one person.


Feeling the majestic breath of life coming from it, Xia Chen asked: "Xianbu, does this tree have anything to do with Xerneas?"

Xian Bu shook his head hesitantly, "Bu Yi——(Probably not...but I'm not sure, oops, I don't know everything.)"

In the memory of her previous life, she had no impression of this ancient tree in Bizhi City, but this only meant that no strange phenomena had occurred in those ten years.

So Senbu is not sure that it has nothing to do with Xerneas at all.

Dianxi on the side looked up at the tree crown thoughtfully, as if she had discovered something.

"Dianci, did you find anything?"

Dianxi blinked and said, "Dianxi feels that there is a very familiar aura on it..."

Xia Chen wondered, "Above, where is it?"

"It's right on top of the tree."

Dianxi murmured in a hazy voice: "Dianxi wants to go up and have a look..."

Xia Chen looked at the sign in front of him [No Climbing Ancient Trees] and said calmly: "Okay, let's go up from the side and have a look."

The old tree was very big, so they walked around a corner where there was no one around, looked around, and found that no one was paying attention, so they summoned Menas to carry them up.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Under Dianxi’s guidance, Xia Chen climbed to the top of the ancient tree. Years of wild growth have made the place lush and leafy.

The top of the main trunk is even less than half the size of a battlefield.

The strange thing is that the place is extremely clean. Not only have no bird Pokémon nests been found, not even a fallen leaf has been found.

"over there."

As if being inspired by some mysterious force, Diancie drifted in a certain direction like sleepwalking.

Xia Chen and Xian Bu looked at each other and followed closely behind her.


The direction Dianxi was heading was towards the thickest branch of the ancient tree. Its diameter was roughly estimated to be about three meters wide. Even if Boscodora was allowed to walk on it, it would probably be able to withstand it.

It was noon, and the sunlight filtered through the gaps in the leaves, casting a mottled light and shadow on the road formed by the branches, like a dream.

Xia Chen walked up behind Dian Xi, feeling as if he was walking on a pilgrimage.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Dianxi finally stopped. Xia Chen used the power of the waveguide to reach forward, and actually felt an elf's waveguide among the lush leaves at the end of the branch.

The information given by this mysterious elf's waveguide is extremely limited, but this can prove one thing: its strength far exceeds Xia Chen's detection ability.

This feeling only occurs when facing legendary elves.

This unusual situation made him subconsciously take out Gulton's Poké Ball and hold it in his hand, and his sense of security immediately returned.

At the same time, he was also wondering about the identity of this mysterious elf.

Judging from the size, this should be a smaller elf, and there are not many local legendary elves in the Kalos area, so they are relatively small... Hupa?

This somewhat ominous guess made Xia Chen's heart sink.

How does Hupa exist?

That was a legendary spirit that was sealed away because its destructive power was too powerful!

With one move from the magic ring in his hand, a world-destroying beast like Groudon Kyogre can be at his disposal.

But then I thought about it, I had never heard of any connection between Hupa and Biyi City. Besides, Hupa should be sealed in a bottle, so how could he appear here?

So who is this mysterious legendary elf?

The sea breeze blew by, and the leaves rustled, and the existence they concealed was revealed during the tossing, which was a mosaic leaf!

Mosaic stem?

Xia Chen was stunned.

How could Huayedi be a legendary elf?

Wait, could it be the legendary "Eternal Flower"?

He suddenly remembered the legend from the Kalos region three thousand years ago - the king of Kalos, AZ, created the ultimate weapon in order to resurrect his most beloved elf Huayedi who died in the war.

AZ got his wish and used the ultimate weapon to revive Huayedi, and at the same time gave her eternal life.

However, when Huayedi learned that this was at the cost of the lives of countless elves, she was very disappointed with AZ and left him.

Could it be that this is the flower leaf that gained eternal life because of the ultimate weapon?

This possibility is very high.

First of all, although the flower leaves in the game are just ordinary elves, AZ's flower flower with the "eternal flower" is a genuine legendary spirit in the category.

Even the racial value has doubled faster than that of ordinary flower leaves.

It's a bit like the difference between ordinary Pikachu and Zippi. One is a spirit that is said to be "as numerous as wild dogs on the roadside", but the latter is an existence that can power Arceus.

And according to the legend, the flower leaf stalk disappeared after leaving AZ three thousand years ago. Did it end up in Biyi City?

Xia Chen thought as he looked at the flower leaf that seemed to be sleeping soundly in the gap between the leaves.


And just as Xia Chen was thinking about this matter, Dian Xi, who seemed to be familiar with him, floated towards Huaye Di in a daze.

Then, Huayedi opened her eyes.

Are you awake now?

Xia Chen was a little surprised. He thought she would need to tell her something about AZ before she would wake up.

Huayedi woke up faintly, and after being in a daze for a while, she noticed Dianxi beside her and Xia Chen and Xianbu further away.

She raised the Flower of Eternity in her hand and asked vigilantly: "Who are you and why did you wake me up?"

Before Xia Chen could speak, Dianxi was the first to respond, "Who are you? Dianxi thinks you are so close..."


Huayidi seemed to have some impression of this name, and she replied: "I seem to have seen you before... No, I should say I have seen other Dianxi."

Xia Chen was heartbroken. Since leaving AZ, this flower leaf has lived for more than three thousand years. For such a long time, it is not surprising that she has become acquainted with the previous generations of Dian Xi.

He walked forward, stood in front of the somewhat confused Dianxi, and said gently: "Let me talk to her."

Dianxi nodded obediently, "Well..."

After comforting Dianxi, Xia Chen turned around and said: "Hello, dear [Eternal Flower], I am a traveler passing through here, my name is Xia Chen."

Huayidi was surprised, "You know me?"

The Flower of Eternity is a legend that dates back three thousand years. How did this ordinary human recognize him at a glance?

Xia Chen smiled slightly, "It seems that I guessed it right. You are the eternal flower who gained immortality due to the energy of the final weapon three thousand years ago."

"So what?"

Huayidi's voice was obviously unhappy. Perhaps the words "ultimate weapon" brought back some bad memories for her.

In just two sentences, Huayedi's emotions were manipulated by Xia Chen.

Of course, he didn't do this intentionally to anger Huayedi, but had other motives.

Xia Chen said calmly: "I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask, do you know where AZ is now?"

Huayedi's face suddenly froze, "He...is still alive?"

"It seems that you don't know that AZ was also affected by the final weapon and gained immortal life."

Huayidi really didn't know because she left him directly after learning what AZ had done.

The lifespan of ordinary humans is only less than a hundred years, and Huayedi thought that AZ had passed away long ago.

Now that she learned that AZ had gained immortality like her, Huayedi looked complicated, "Is he... okay?"

Xia Chen shrugged, "If a person cannot die after losing his beloved, do you think he will be happy or miserable?"

Huayedi looked sad, "Of course it's painful..."

She could understand this feeling best.

Although she left AZ, it did not mean that she hated him or even forgot about him. On the contrary, it was precisely because of her love for AZ that she did not allow AZ to sacrifice the lives of so many innocent elves for herself.

Subconsciously, she chose to leave not only to punish AZ, but also to atone for his sins.

Just imagine, AZ's lifespan is only a short one hundred years, and pain exists for a fixed period of time.

But for Huayedi, she has to bear this pain for thousands of years, or even longer.

Losing your true love forever and being unable to seek death. In this situation, immortality is not a blessing, but a curse, a curse that you can never get rid of.

It is precisely because of this that Huayidi chose to use long sleep to numb herself. In the past three thousand years, she may not have even had one tenth of her waking moments.

"You are carrying the same pain, why can't you meet and give each other relief?"

Xia Chen's voice is so alluring.

Huayedi looked up and saw the man in front of her smiling at her, "Miss Huayedi, you don't want AZ to live in pain forever, right?"

This chapter has been completed!
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