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Chapter 72 Welcome to the Elf Life Simulator

It has almost become a tradition in the Xia Chen family to go to Silver Department Store every time a new partner joins.

The arrival of La Lulas was a little different. Xia Chen came to the newborn elf area for the first time.

The newborn La Lulasi was very small, only about 20 centimeters tall, and could stand on Xia Chen's hand almost effortlessly.

However, she followed Ibrahimovic's example and chose to sit on Xia Chen's right shoulder. The left side was still Ibrahimovic's private space.

Fortunately, the average physical fitness of people in this world is close to that of the Super True New Town people, otherwise Xia Chen would feel that sooner or later, he would have low shoulders.

Looking at the dazzling array of things in the newborn elf merchandise area, Xia Chen was dazzled for a moment.

In the past life, there was a saying that "women and children make the best money." Xia Chen felt that elves should be added to this world.

And when these three are combined... it is simply a terrifying gold-eating beast.

Nutritional products, elf skin care products, early education machines...

Xia Chen came with some of these things that I don’t know if they are useful or not.

Although he is poor, he is definitely not a stingy person when it comes to elf supplies.

It basically cost over 100,000 yuan to conquer Eevee and Chou Chou Fish. Lalu Lasi couldn't afford to miss out, right?


"Sir, your heterochromatic La Luras is so cute."

Next to the shelves, a shopping guide struck up a conversation with Xia Chen who was shopping.

Xia Chen immediately raised his vigilance. Why, aren't my Eevee and Ugly Fish cute?

Am I not cute?

Hehe, another bad woman came to defraud me of my money.

Although Xia Chen understood as well as in a mirror, he still politely replied: "Thank you for the compliment."


The simple La Lulas did not understand the sinister thoughts of human beings, so she politely replied with a thank you for the compliment.

"Our company has recently developed a prop that is very suitable for newborn super-power elves. As we all know, super-power elves have great brain potential. This prop can gently stimulate their..."

Is the map of Yan State so short?

The salesman was still chattering, and Xia Chen wordlessly took the "Super Energy Excitation Device" from her.

This is a thing similar to a hanging Bluetooth headset, but it is not worn on the ears, but is attached to the elf's head in the form of electrode pads.

The products developed by Silver Company are trustworthy. After Xia Chen learned that the price was within his budget, he readily added it to the shopping cart.

No matter how useful it is, just buy it a small toy for your daughter.

After buying Lalu Lasi's things, Xia Chen added some daily necessities for other elves.

Because the purchase amount exceeded 100,000, Silver Department Store thoughtfully sent all the things Xia Chen bought today back to his home.

Shopping is fun for a while, and the payment is made at the crematorium.

Looking at the decreasing numbers in Kali, Xia Chen sighed quietly.

I originally thought that the money in the card would be enough for Eevee and Ugly Fish to use until the college entrance examination, but now there is another La Luras...

All I can say is that since you have chosen the path of being a trainer, you will always be on the road to making money.

I hope Ugly Fish or Eevee can gain some momentum and evolve as soon as possible.


The newborn Lalu Lasi is like a piece of pure white paper, with no concept of anything around her.

But unlike Ibrahimovic, she is a very curious elf, so in the twenty-four hours since her birth, La Lulas has barely left Xia Chen's side one meter away.

Even if Xia Chen resumes his daily cooking, making energy cubes, and editing videos, the same will be true.

Being clung to by a cute Larulus is of course a very happy thing, but sometimes too much happiness can be a source of trouble.

Xia Chen felt the surge in his body and felt that he had to release himself.

He coughed twice and pointed to Ibrahimovic who was watching TV on the sofa, "Lalulas, go to your sister Ibrahimovic's place to play for a while?"


Lalulas turned her head and glanced at Ibrahimovic, but did not go over.

She always felt that Ibrahimovic's feelings for her were very strange, but she simply couldn't tell what that kind of emotion was called. She only knew that it was definitely not the same love as Xia Chen.

Compared to Ibrahimovic, Lalulas prefers Ugly Fish, but Ugly Fish always stays in the aquarium and she can't play with him.

But no matter what, she didn't want to be alone with Ibrahimovic.

Seeing that Lalu Lasi refused to go over, Xia Chen was a little helpless. He couldn't just leave Lalu Lasi outside.

How about finding something to attract Lalu Lasi's attention?

Xia Chen thought for a moment and naturally thought of the "superpower stimulating device" he just bought.

Not bad, I just bought it and it’s already put to use.



La Lulas looked at the thing in Xia Chen's hand and tilted her head in confusion.

Although she was right next to Xia Chen when he bought this item, she couldn't understand the salesman's lengthy explanation, so La Lulas didn't know its specific use.

Xia Chen is in a hurry right now...physically. He doesn't have time to explain too much, so he can only explain briefly.

"This is something I specially prepared for you. Wear it and it will feel like I am growing up with you. How about La Lulas? Do you want to try it?"


The innocent La Lulas believed Xia Chen's coaxing. Although her short blue hair obscured her eyes, the smile hanging on the corner of her mouth showed her good mood.

Growing up with Xia Chen, La Lulas likes it the most~

"Then, let's start our journey!"

The stimulation of superpowers... Every practice can be regarded as a journey, right?

Xia Chen felt a little guilty and put two electrode pads on Lalu Lasi's head, pressed the switch, and quickly slipped to the toilet.

If you don't leave, the big one is coming.

What Xia Chen didn't know was that Lalu Lasi, with the electrode pads attached behind her, was really embarking on a wonderful spiritual journey...


[Life simulator is successfully bound... Anomaly detected... Anomaly detected, the system is automatically adjusting and restarting...]

What is this place?

There was nothingness in front of Lalulas's eyes, and the mechanical sound in her mind made her a little confused.

However, out of her trust in Xia Chen, Lalu Lasi endured her temper for the time being.

What Xia Chen put on me will definitely not harm me.

[Restart successful, welcome to the Elf Life Simulator, the first simulation starts, please choose the world to come to.]

[Currently available worlds: Mystery Labyrinth]

[Worlds that have not yet been unlocked: future world, ancient world, ultimate space, green green area, crown of snowfield...]

Elf life simulator...what is this?

Lalulas became more and more confused, so she recalled what Xia Chen had just said.

"Wear it, and it's like I'm growing up with you..."

So, this is something that can travel through various worlds and allow Xia Chen to grow up with me?

Larulus suddenly realized, if this is the case... then which world should I choose?

La Lulas glanced at the options, and it seemed like... she had no choice.

"Then I'll choose this, the Mysterious Maze!"

[Loading the simulation world...Loading...Loading completed, dear host, I wish you a pleasant journey!]

(The world view is borrowed from Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Time Explorer)

(Also, two updates were originally required for promotion recommendations, but today I learned that there is a word count requirement for small speaker recommendations on the homepage, which must be less than 200,000 words. Although it is difficult, I still want to strive for PK, so these two updates will be left until

Return it after it is released.

In addition to the one update I owe to the returning bird boss yesterday, I currently owe three updates in total!)

(Finally, the role of the male protagonist is stuck, dajia)

This chapter has been completed!
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